Keeping Their Dark Rose by Jessica & Jane

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

He’s being so gentle with me that I want to cry. I don’t know him and I know that we are in danger. But as he carefully begins to clean the wound, I can’t help but wonder how we ended up in this situation and what the Alpha has in store for us.

He finishes cleaning my wounds before wrapping them in gauze. He closes the case and hands it back to the other man who takes it out of the room. Standing up, he looks down at me before he moves to stand over by the door.

I don’t know what to say or do, so I stay quiet. Watching him and waiting as I try to ignore Drake beside me as he continues to struggle before he gives up and he goes quiet. I glance over at Drake and he’s glaring at me. The venom in his gaze is too much so I look away. Later, he is going to make me pay for this; I just know it.

The sound of a door opening draws my attention, and I can hear the conversation between the Alpha and one of the security officers just outside of the room.

Sucking in a breath, I close my eyes and shoot a quick prayer up to anyone who will listen. I know that they won’t. I just wish there was some way that I could change what I know is coming.

“Are these the thieves?” the Alpha asks, his voice smooth, familiar, and commanding. Even with my beast suppressed and the alpha in the other room, I can feel my beast’s urge to submit. Closing my eyes, I bit down on the flesh of my cheek. Hoping I can wake myself up from this nightmare. It doesn’t work and I feel clammy like I might throw up.

I should have run and not listened to Drake.

“Just these two,” the officer replies. “But the guy has Ga mma blood. He’s a rogue, so he’s not a strong one.”

“The girl?”

“Omega, I think, her scent is almost non-existent, yet the smell of suppressants are strong on her.”

Great, just what I need, him not only telling an alpha I’m an omega but also adding that I stand no chance fighting back. That I’m weak, unable to shift.



Chapter 6

#288 Nouchers A cold shiver runs down my spine, and my heart races as the voices grow quiet and the footsteps draw closer. I suck in a deep breath, trying to calm myself. It doesn’t help, and a cold sweat breaks out along my skin. The steel roller doors echo as they close, sealing us inside the warehouse. The man steps in front of us, dressed impeccably in a black, well-tailored suit that looks like it costs more than our entire trailer. I don’t look at his eyes, I can’t. He’s exuding a darkly seductive air that, despite my fear, calls to me in a way that I can’t explain.

“Look at me,” He commands and I feel like the wind has been knocked out of me as I slowly draw my gaze up the hard lines of his body.

Our eyes meet, and I can’t help but gasp in recognition. I’m so totally f ucked and I know it.

It’s him-someone I prayed I would never cross paths with again, my stepbrother, the one who went away to prison for years for trying to save me, only to learn I betrayed him in the worst way possible. I had escaped from them the moment I got the chance. I didn’t know that the authorities were already looking for us. I didn’t know that my statement would put him in prison for a long time or that I would end up behind bars, too.

“Rose.” He growls my name.

I realize that I’m so f ucked, and not in a good way.

Our eyes lock, and the unspoken question hangs between us: What now?

I stare at a man I haven’t seen in eight years, one I’ve dreaded ever facing again, and for good reason.

He glares at me, his blue eyes filled with unspoken questions and accusations, but he doesn’t acknowledge our connection. Instead, he focuses on my injuries, his eyes roaming over me fleetingly. But I can’t help but focus on him.

His black hair is slicked back from his handsome face. His jawline is more defined

than it was the last time I saw him. He’s more filled out. He’s older but he still looks the same. Although now he is no longer a young adult, he has become a man, and his well-tailored suit does little to hide the impressive bulk of him. He’s pure muscle, and everything about him screams barely controlled anger. It’s not normal


This is the kind of rage that beats against your skin, wanting to destroy everything in its path. Forcing a whimper from me, if I were standing I would have fallen to the



Chapter 6

288 ¡Vouchers

floor, and for the moment, I’m thankful that I’m handcuffed and seated. His eyes dart to Drake beside me, his lips pulling back in disgust before his attention moves back to me.

“What are you doing here?” His lips pull back in a grimace, and his fists tighten at his sides as he looks at me. His blue eyes scan my face, looking for something in my eyes before they flick down to my bleeding lip. His head tilts to the side before his eyes move to his security. “Her lip?” he accuses, but the guards put up their hands, and they both shake their heads.

“She came with that,” one of them answers, and his eyes flick to Drake. There is something dangerous-predatory in the way he looks at him, like the way a cat would with a cornered mouse. His own lips pull back, and he lets out a snarl. And I feel the power of his aura rush over my skin.

In a choked whisper, I barely manage to say his name. My voice filled with shock and disbelief.



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