Keeper Of The Flame

Chapter 69: It's Time

I must have fallen asleep on the couch because I woke up to hear my phone ringing. I looked at the clock and saw it was noon. I picked up my phone and accept the call.

"Jessie, we are here."

" I will be there in 15 minutes."

I stood up and walked to my room where I dressed before calling Ace.

"It is time. Be outside in 5 minutes."

I was sitting on my bike when Ace and Rage walked out getting on their bikes. They followed me out of the club and onto the road.

"We arrived at the meeting place and got off our bikes."

I walked over and talked to Legs.

"We have them over here."

I said "have your men bring them out and kneel in front of me."

I looked down at Richard and Linda.

"Miss me I asked?"

" You bitch when my dad finds out you took us he will kill you."

I punched her in the jaw.

"I not only plan on killing you but videotaping it and then going to show it to your dad before I kill him for ordering his men to do the things they did to me and my daughter."

I punched Richard and said to him. "You let them rape our baby."

" That is why you will suffer the most along with her. But first, you are going to watch the pain she goes through."

"Strip this bitch."

" Can we touch her?"

" Do whatever you want but do not kill her?"

I sat back and lit a joint and watched as they had threesomes with her over and over while Richard was forced to watch.

"Stop he yelled she is pregnant."

" I don't give a fuck."

When they finished. I had them tie her to the stakes and then I cut her and poured honey all over her body, and took a tube and stuck it in her vagina and poured honey down it, and did the same thing to her ass.

"Stop it Richard screamed."

"The ants will crawl inside her and sting her."

" That's the point shit head" I said in a calm voice.

"But that will be painful."

" How do you think our daughter felt?"

In the meantime, Legs was videotaping the whole thing. Richard was forced to watch it all. He had tears flowing down his face.

"I'm sorry Jessie please just stop."

" No."

It took an hour before her screams stopped.

"Your turn" I said as he was staked to the ground.

"I wet the leather strips and put them around his forehead, neck, dick, and balls."

We watched as the sun came up and the lather started shrinking. We listened to him scream and beg to make it stop. Then his balls and dick feel to the ground and the blood runs down his legs. He took his last breath.

I looked at Leg's she handed me the video and said "go."

" We will make sure they are never found."

" I hugged her and thanked her."

" You don't need to thank me."

" You saved my little girl and I owed you."

" You did not owe me."

" But I did."

" If it had not been for you we would never have found her in time."

I turned and walked to my bike and put the tape in the saddlebag. I got on started it and rode back to Ace's club. I walked in grabbed a beer and held the tape up showing my sister's it was finished.

"Now the last one. I will be going to his house tomorrow night."

The Valkyrie has started baking today.

"Good because this time tomorrow it will be over."

"Having this BBQ is a good idea."

" If the cops try to blame the death on you it didn't happen because we are celebrating a new life."

" They can't say you did it when there are over 100 people who can swear you were here at the club the whole time."

" This is really convenient. Since I am here to celebrate the birth of my niece."

Right now I think I am going to set out back at the fire I said standing up and grabbing four beers before starting for the door.

"Wait we are coming with you. I will put the baby in her bed and grab the monitor."

We all walked out the door once Roxie walked back down the stairs.

We were sitting talking when Ace, Rage, his VP Beast and enforcer, Mark walked out the door. I found that Rage and taken the chair next to mine. We watched as Ace walked to the radio and turned on oldies. Just then we heard someone yell Ace "where the fuck are you."

I looked up to see a woman walk over to my brother.

"What the hell are you doing here" he asked her?

"What I can't come to the club now that we are no longer seeing each other."

" You are banned from this club."

Then she hit him. I jumped up and roundhouse kicked her. I put my foot on her throat.

"Who the hell do you think you are" I asked her.

"That son of a bitch refused to claim me."

" I wonder why" I said.

"You look like a fucking club whore."

" Oh, wait" I said looking at Ace.

"She is or was a club whore, wasn't she?"

" Yes, she was a club whore here once. Until she ratted us out."

I looked at her and asked. "I am sure that you know that members will never claim a club whore as a Valkyrie."

" Answer me."

" Yes, I knew she yelled."

"So what makes you think that he will claim you now?"

" He won't will he."

" No, he won't. He never will."

" Do you know who I am" I asked her?


" I am his sister Jessie."

I saw her face go white and her eyes get big.

"So, I will warn you once and once only."

" If you ever come back here again I will hunt you down and make you disappear."

" If you ever cause trouble for his club I will torture you and then make you disappear."

"So what is it going to be?"

" I am leaving and I am leaving the state."

" Good choice" I said.

"Now, when I removed my foot you will get up and walk away never looking back."

" If you do. I will beat the shit out of you."

I removed my foot and we all watched as she stood up and ran out of the yard and through the front door.

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