Keeper Of The Flame

Chapter 48: Gunner Returns To His Room

I watched the girls practicing and when they were finished I walked back into the club and to our room. As I walked into the bathroom I noticed something wrong. The counter was bare.

"Where are Shawn's things?"

I then walked to the closet and saw her clothes gone.

The only thing hanging there was her cut. Next, I checked the dresser. All her clothes were gone as well. I sat down on my bed and put my hands in my head. She moved out of our room. I walked out of the room and to the bar grabbing a beer. Shadow walked up to me saying.

"Shawn moved out of your room, didn't she?"

" I even bet she left her cut behind."

" She did."

"Look Shadow I don't want Karan back. I was trying to set her up to find out what she was really up to."

" In the process, you lost your woman."

" She is still my woman. She will always be my woman."

" Not if you cheat on her."

I watched the girls walk in and a prospect walked up to Shawn and handed her a key.

"Thanks, I heard her say."

The girls walked away and entered the bar about 30 minutes later. They had all taken showers and put on clean clothes. They then walked to the table and sat down. Just then Karan walked into the bar followed by her guards. She walked over to us and screamed at Shadow and me.

"Shadow if you think that I am going to let you take my child from me you are crazy."

We girls watched from the table. He grinned and said something to the bartender and he turned around with a paper in his hands.

"I am and I did. Here is a copy of your divorce papers and custody papers."

"We are officially divorced and I have custody of that child or children if twins or triplets that you are about to deliver. It's all legal."

Then she turned and looked at Gunner.

"You are a lier. You said I would be your mistress."

" I did lie. I don't want you. I wanted you to show your true colors."

"I would never leave my woman or take a mistress. I am glad that you are banned from the club after you give birth. You are nothing but power-hungry. But you kissed me."

" Let's get this right. I didn't kiss you. You kissed me."

We watched as she started to walk away when she grabbed her stomach and screamed then her water broke.

"Take her to the doc's room. Shadow followed behind them."

" We heard her screaming for hours to get this fucking kid out of me."

Finally, after 8 hours we heard a babies cry. Shadow walked out of the room holding the baby.

"Meet Mike, my son."

I did not move from my seat. Doc walked out and said. "Normal birth."

"She can leave the club in the morning."

He then walked back to his office. I looked up at Rage and said.

"I called her brother and explained everything. He said he was surprised I didn't kick her out sooner."

" He is sending some people to pick her and her things up. She will be going to Toledo. And I say, good riddance to her."

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