Keeper Of The Flame

Chapter 32: Dreamer

Dreamer lay in his bed thinking about everything that happened at the club today. He was still pissed that Chari tricked him. He was glad he didn't let her convince him to marry her and make her his Valkyrie.

To tell the truth, it was the contract the whores had to sign and the club rules of a brother never taking a whore as his Valkyrie that kept him from claiming her.

If he had listened to his brothers and Shawn six months ago Shawn might be pregnant with his child right now. Instead, she left the club, she left him.

Who the hell am I kidding? I left her for a club whore. A club whore who had always wanted to be my Valkyrie. My main issue was that Snake never told me he was having sex with Chari and the baby could be his. He just let me think it was mine.

He tossed and turned not being able to sleep. He was angry that Shawn had left him. Angry that she would not look at him let alone talk to him. Then he finds out that not long after he walked out on her she started to cut herself. Dreamer can't help but think about what if she cuts too deep one day. What if she can't take it anymore and does kill herself?

Son of a bitch. I want to much to hurt Cheri for taking away my happiness. The woman he could be holding in his arms right now in his bed.

I want her to suffer the way Shawn and I have been suffering. He needs to talk to Tara, Ace's woman. See if the Valkyrie's that are still here will serve justice for himself and Shawn.

Then he thought grinning. If that bitch put his name on the birth certificate he will take that baby from Cheri. She loves him more than anything.

Dreamer finally fell asleep. The next morning he went to Ace with his plan. Ace grinned and said. "I like it."

" He then called Wiz to the office. Wiz is a lawyer."

He grinned and said. "I know a judge who will give you custody of the child."

" Full custody and take Cheri's rights away."

Call him Ace said. Wiz said "the judge will be here in one hour."

Ace's phone rang and it was Cheri. She said, "Ace can I come to the club and visit with my sister?"

" Sure and bring the baby."

One hour later Cheri was at the clubhouse and so was the judge. When she heard what Cheri had done she decided to hold court at the clubhouse.

Cheri was surprised and pissed off that she was being sued for custody of the baby.

"She yelled that Dreamer is not his father."

The judge said. "You and Dreamer signed the birth certificate that makes Dreamer his father."

"Cheri, you are an unfit mother. A mother who not only lied to Dreamer and broke up his engagement. But you denied the birth father his rights."

" You are stripped of your rights to this child."

" Dreamer you are given full custody of the child. You may take the child and leave the clubhouse."

" Cheri, you are never to be within 1,000 feet of this child. You are never to attempt to make any contact with him is that understood?"

" Yes," Cheri said.

"Maybe the next time you get pregnant you will make sure that the biological father knows he is going to be a father."

" Court dismissed."

Dreamer looked at Cheri and said. "You took something precious from me."

" I am taking something precious from you."

" He is now officially my son. Since I won't be having children with the woman who should be here right now by my side and married to me. I am taking yours."

" After all, for the last six months, I am the only father he knows."

"I hope you rot in hell Cheri."

" And if you ever see me you best cross the street. Because I won't hesitate to bury you."

He picked up the baby and walked out to his truck putting him in his car seat and he headed for his house. Once there he called a few prospects and had them come and change the locks on his doors.

He sat holding the baby with tears running down his face. "It looks like you will be the only child I ever have."

" I will love you as if you really are mine. We will make it together."

" Son never ever let a club whore come between you and the woman you will come to love and claim as your Valkyrie."

" Don't do what I did. And never ever sleep with a club whore."

When Wiz called he asked Dreamer.

"Who is the woman you want down as his mother?"

" Shawn, he said. I want Shawn."

" The story we will tell him is that she was kidnapped and we never found her if he ever asks."

" Fine but, I am going to have to let her friend know about this."

" That's fine. Tell them everything ok?"

" I will"

Wiz said. "I would like to be there when she is told she has a son. A son she doesn't remember giving birth too" he said laughing.

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