Keeper Of The Flame

Chapter 19: The Party

The VP of the Diamond MC watched Donna as she put her twins in the car and snapped them in their car seats. He was parked behind her garage. she didn’t see him. He watched as she backed out of the driveway and drove down the road. He dialed the prospects' phone number who was in town.

She left to go to her house he told them. He waited for the prospects to get there. He opened the garage door and they drove the van in and parked it. He knew she didn’t park in the garage. They had a girl from the club following Donna.

"His president wanted her and the president was going to get her."

" Preferably without the kids."

The girl, Carry did what she was told. She watched Donna turn onto a country road and park. Carry drove by and saw a dirt road she could park at and watch the house.

After an hour she saw Donna leave the house without her kids.

"Carry called her VP and told him Donna left the house she is driving back home. She doesn’t have the kids."

This is working out better than he thought it would. They waited and looked out of the garage window as they heard a car.

They saw Donna pull in and park the car. She left the door open as she ran into the house. Two prospects were on the other side of the house. As she ran down the steps and towards the car they grabbed her.

They put the cloth over her mouth and nose and she fell unconscious. They picked her up and carried her to the garage and placed her in the van. They tied her hands and feet before backing the van out and driving away from the house.

Tracy noticed that it has been an hour and Donna had not returned. She tried calling her but her phone went to voice mail. Tracy told her husband who is the enforcer of the Knight Riders MC she was worried. He said he would ride over and check on her.

As he pulled into the driveway he saw the car door standing open, he turned the bike off and walked toward the car. He noticed that Donna’s cell phone was on the ground and so was the gift for his daughter.

He called Tracy and said. "She is not here and her car door is open, her phone and the present are on the ground. Let the president and VP know."

About five minutes later there were five motorcycles pulling into Donna’s driveway. His president Terry and his VP Doug walked over. They looked over the area and then Terry said.

"Donna never uses the garage but the door is open."

" A prospect yelled. Someone was watching her from behind her garage. There are bike tracks back here."

"Someone took her but why and who?"

" We know her club members don’t know where she is so who would take her."

Jim the enforcer said. "I thought she told Tracy she was being followed a couple of times but couldn’t be sure. We need to see what we can find out. Let’s go to the clubhouse."

"Trace president of the Knight Riders MC put the word out on the street that his MC and the Rage Rider MC are looking for a woman."

" She is the Enforcer of Rage Rider MC Valkyrie. They were willing to pay for the information if it brings the woman back home. If anyone lies to them they won’t live to see the next day."

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