Keeper Hunter

Chapter 16

The cab screeched to a halt if hadn’t been for the harness I would have ended up a smear on the partition between the driver and the rest of the cab.

“This is it,” The driver announced.

I eased off my harness feeling bruised where it cut into my body. I commed the driver his fare and added a couple of hundred dollars extra like I’d promised. We stepped out into the street and had hardly time to draw a breath as the cab sped off. I stood on the sidewalk and surveyed my surroundings Copper at my side. We appeared to be in a residential area with three-storied apartment blocks all around us. There were people around us. Mostly T’Arni from what I could see with a few Ezaran sprinkled around. There were two Humans an elderly couple from the looks of it.

“Alien Quarter,” Copper said with almost a sneer.

I sort of understood her feeling. Humans had pushed these people here. This was typical of the Empire, which was why I left when I did. In front of us was a taller building in slightly better shape than the building surrounding it. A large neon sign was over the door. M’tel proclaimed the sign, ‘O’ in motel missing.

“This way,” Copper said and led me inside.

The lobby was dusty filled with mismatched furniture. Several T’Arni children was running around an old couch laughing. It sort of reminded me of the motel on Saros without the hookers. It smelt musty but it didn’t smell of sex like the other had done.

“Separatists have dislodged families from their homes. The Governor does nothing to stop it,” Copper grouched.

As much as I wanted to help I had to get to the Confederacy.

Copper gestured to me. “This way.”

There was no elevator so we had to take the stairs. I was starting to flag I was getting tired. We climbed to the top floor and a room that over looked the parking lot. Copper opened the door with a key card and ushered me in. The room had a bathroom, a single bed and breakfast nook. There was a table with a comms terminal on it I placed my cases beside it glad to be rid of my burden. By the door out was a couch attached to the wall with storage space inside. Copper lifted the seat of the couch to reveal a holdall underneath.

“Oh good its still here,” she said sounding relieved as if there was a chance it could be stolen. She opened the holdall and checked the contents.

“Mind if I use the comms I’ve got a couple of calls to make?” I said to her.

“As long as you pay for them.” Copper replied taking the holdall from the couch compartment and placing it on the bed.

I sat in the chair it was a bit rickety but it held as I gingerly sat in it. The comms was a cheap one that also functioned as the vid. I turned it on and slowly it came to life.

“Person to Person call to Thirika Yanik on Alfheimir!”

“Alfheimir?” Copper said as I waited for my call to be connected. “Shit I wasn’t sure if you were lying you really are Valkyrie?” She still sounded unsure.

I wasn’t about to correct her on that I was waiting for Thirika to respond. The screen came on to reveal a rather harassed looking Thirika. I immediately worried for her.

“Gwen I’m a little busy at the moment,” Thirika said.

“I kinda guessed that but this is important.” I quickly explained what I’d discovered and my theories. “I think the Prophet is on Paranova. The time frame fits with the sudden upsurge of the Separatists.

Thirika sat in silence for a moment her face considering. “A ship will be waiting for you at Davenport.” She cut of the comms with that.

I hadn’t wanted to go anywhere near that world too many bad memories nor did I want to go anywhere near Alfheimir either but I was expected. I turned away from the way my thoughts were going there weren’t being helpful. That was a problem for later. My next call made me hold my breath.

“Comms Urgent call to the Terran, Confederacy Alliance headquarters.” The comms screen flickered before the comms connected.

“TCA ID please,” a T’Arni operator in a dark blue uniform demanded.

I gave the ID Xenai had provided adding. “Lieutenant Gwen Hunter with an urgent message for Admiral Komana in regards to recent events on Alfheimir.” I was expecting to give my report but what I hadn’t expected was to be put through to Komana.

“Ah Gwen Hunter I was wondering when you would try to get back to the Confederacy,” she said sternly like I was some naughty child.

It got my hackles up. “For your information I’m not in Confederacy space,” I growled.

“I can see that. If this is you asking to come back the answer is no.”

“Really,” I felt my anger surge. She had no right to exile me. “Oh yes before you get all stupid. I was informing you that the Prophet may be on Paranova? The Separatist’s here have a suddenly surge in activity They have a new charismatic leader. This all started not long after the Prophet fled Alfheimir.”

Komana remained expressionless after my rant. “What are you doing on Paranova?” she asked her tone level which didn’t match what her eyes were saying.

“Lady Broaden sent me.” I told her. She probably knew that already what I wasn’t going to tell her my intention was to reach the Confederacy.

“I’ll be having words with Camelia she was supposed to keep you on Earth like she was supposed to keep Sandra out of danger.”

That confused me but Komana hadn’t finished speaking.

Komana’s eyes narrowed. “Cross the border and I’ll have you arrested.

“I like a challenge!” I replied and cut the comms.

I sat there for several minutes trying to rein in my errant thoughts. I knew I’d pushed Komana too far. It was too late to apologise I had to move on. I felt the weight of Copper’s stare on my back.

“Weren’t you pushing things a little too far. I can see why you want to sneak back into the Confederacy?” she said.

I was just about to ask Copper if it would cause her problems when I heard a scratching on the door. I went into full alert drawing my pistol. “On the floor behind the bed!” I ordered her and stood my Seven Double ‘M’ aimed at the door.

She grabbed her holdall before darting behind the bed. The door slid open with a jerk and a tall blonde haired woman stormed in pistol in hand.

I instantly recognised her for the Valkyrie she was. With blonde hair, blue eyes and pale skin most Valkyrie I knew sported. A deep scar ran down from her forehead to her chin half obscuring a tear drop tattoo on her cheek.

“Palkkasir,” I said with a hiss. The Clan which had kidnapped me for reasons unknown and dumped me on Miranda’s doorstep in the freezing cold. All I was wearing was my skin. Mother Sophronia Palkkasir had sacrificed herself for me when the Prophet’s forces captured me. A debt I couldn’t replay until I found her killer. Another of those ghosts I had to put to bed. I’d killed a Palkkasir that was trying to capture Miranda something I deeply regretted. I never got the chance to order the Palkkasir to surrender. That sort of stuck in my craw, which was why I didn’t pull the trigger on the Palkkasir I faced.

The Palkkasir stood there as if frozen to the spot her eyes on my bracelet. She knew it for what it was.

“You can’t be a Silver,” she said incredulously. “No Human can be?”

“I’m vaihdokas,” I said matching her move for move. “And only an Initiate.” I’m not sure why I added that but it seemed relevant.

“What do you want with me. Your message to my boys was clear enough?”

“Oh you mean the ‘boys’ that decided two women alone were easy pray. Boys that wanted us raped,” I said my voice taking an edge. I hadn’t thought a Valkyrie capable of working with males of any race.

“It wasn’t what I was told.” Her eyes narrowed. “What do you want from me. I won’t go easily,” she declared.

“Nothing unless your involved with the Prophet?”

She snorted. “As if I would support a male no matter what he thinks he is. I’ve never heard of this Prophet?”

“The so called recent Prophetess on Alfheimir was a man disguised as a woman. I call him the Prophet. Mother Sophronia Palkkasir died to prove it.”

The Palkkasir looked shocked. “Mother Sophronia is dead?”

“She was killed by the Prophet, someone betrayed her. She was beaten severely and left to die.” I gave the Palkkasir my full glare. “I’ll bring anyone in that did that or any Valkyrie that support the Separatists.” I was aware she still had her gun trained on me as I had mine trained on her.

“How are the Separatists linked to this Prophet?”

“That is still to be determined. Although it is strange that the Separatists surged in activity when the Prophet fled Alfheimir. It is not only the Elders who are searching for him but also the TCA.”

“That’s interesting,” the Palkkasir said lowering her gun. She glanced behind her. “Leave us.”

Only now I saw several shadowy figures behind her.

The Palkkasir spoke again. “All I know is that the ‘Leader’ she calls herself has never been seen but she has a number of lieutenants that deliver her orders.”

“That’s interesting,” I mused. “A leopard never changes its spots.” I meant it as I said it. The Black Stripes were busy again. Director, Curator and Prophetess were all Black Stripes leader titles. “Do the Separatists use a symbol with three black lines although not necessarily just plain black lines. The Prophet used an eye symbol consisting of three lines?” I remembered what Jean had told me.

The Palkkasir nodded thoughtfully she hadn’t commented on my leopard reference. “It’s time I had words with these Separatists.” She gave me the eye “We will leave we were never here.”

“As was I,”

She was gone the door closed and we were alone. I itched to investigate but I wanted to be across the border.

“You can get up now Copper.”

Copper rose to her feet her holdall in hand. “Best we get out of here. We’ve a long way to go.”

I agreed and emptied the cases and taking what I thought essential. We headed out determined to put as much space between the motel and ourselves.

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