
chapter 21

Katana awoke in a soft bed with an arm wrapped around her waist. She knew who it was. It has been a week since the fight. The palace has slowly adjusted to the new shift in power. Thaddeus has been in Ruth’s medical room all week. He wouldn’t leave her side. Kieran seemed to be feeling some of Thaddeus’s agitation because he was also stuck to Katana’s side.

Honestly, Katana felt bad for Ruth and Thaddeus but at the same time she still held a little resentment. She hated him for locking her up. She hated the way he ruled their nation. If it wasn’t for that stupid law she wouldn’t have been in this situation. However, isn’t this how changes come? When a tragedy occurs, we are wired to find a way to resolve it.

To say that we are perfect and laws should be absolute will be irrational. It can’t be done. Even in the human world, they sought to change re-evaluate their laws and regulations to meet their needs because like us, they are also evolving with innovative technologies, medicines, and diversity. If it can’t be ignored in the human world, it can’t be ignored for the supernatural beings.

She was still coming to terms that her life has dramatically did a 180. She was no longer just a woman who was trying to lie her way into replacing her father as a soldier. She was now a Queen that ruled a nation. The sheer thought has her heart racing in panic. How can she know that she will be a perfect Queen for everyone? What if her decisions come at a huge cost?

It was all getting too much. She needed a distraction. She turned her head to look at her mate who was sleeping soundly next to her. They were in his bedroom. The doctor said it was best because Katana’s wolf can use his wolf’s presence to heal. She huffed quietly. The longer she thought about this the more she thinks the doctor only ordered it because Kieran ordered him to. Lifting up her fingers she flicked his nose to wake him up. His eyes flew opened immediately before narrowing on her accusingly.

“Did you just flick my nose?” He asked.

“No.” She lied flatly.

“I think you are lying.” He growled.

He attacked her playfully and she laughed as she tried to wiggle out of his embrace. Kieran was now on top of her as he tried grabbing onto her side. Her instinct was to curl up into a ball but then his shirt that she had on rode up her hips, exposing her back to him.

His hand touched over her now healed scars and she immediately froze. He noticed her change in posture and looked up at her in confusion. She wiggled away from him and pulled down the shirt. He noticed the way she pulled away and the way she pulled down his shirt didn’t go unnoticed.

“Katana...” He started as he moved to kneel in front of her. She had her back up against the head board of the bed.

“I think we should get ready for the day.” She changed the subject. He grabbed onto her knees to keep her where she was.

“Don’t move away from me.” He ordered and her eyes found his. He held her gaze as he spoke. His eyes revealing exactly what he was saying.

“Your scars are not ugly to me. You shouldn’t be repulsed by them instead you should be proud of how strong you are. These scars that are on your back only enforces what I feel and think of you.” He confessed to her.

“I don’t want to talk about it.” She responded as she pushed away his hands and crawled out of his king size bed.

She walked into his closet and dressed in his clothes. She has been wearing his clothes because she had none. She came up out of the closet to see he was sitting on the edge of the bed waiting for her.

“Katana, don’t shut me out.” He said immediately.

She didn’t respond but walked to the bathroom to wash her face and clean herself up. She wanted to do something productive today. Kieran had her on bed rest all week and she had enough of staring at his dark navy blue walls.

Kieran walked into the bathroom, closed the door and locked it. She was in the middle of drying her face on a towel when she heard the lock click. He had a look of determination on his face.

“We aren’t leaving this room until you talk to me.”

“I told you I don’t want to talk about it.” She said in irritation.

“You need to talk about it. You can’t keep it inside of you. I am your mate and my job is to take care of you. I can’t do it when all you do is shut me out.” He snapped back angrily.

She pushed him aside but he was like a freaking statue that was cemented to the floor. He didn’t budge a bit and his arms came out to wrap around her body, pulling her up against his naked chest. She struggled harder as flashes of her time down in the dungeon flashed before her. She felt claustrophobic-almost as if she couldn’t breathe.

She heaved and struggled hard to intake some air but it was getting so hard. Kieran seemed to have noticed her struggle and immediately let go of her. He cradled her cheeks in his hand as he bent down to her eye level.

“Look at me.” He ordered. Her eyes met his amber gold eyes and all she could see was kindness, compassion, and trust. Her mate was slowly urging her to focus in on him-something else other than the dungeon. Slowly her breathing came back to normal and he nodded his approval.

“I’m sorry. If you don’t want to talk-“He was interrupted by her.

“Living in the dungeon for weeks, not knowing what day it was or if it was night or morning. You don’t know what it was like, Kieran.” She said quietly and her gaze dropped from his in shame. “I hallucinated. I cried and screamed but no one heard me.”

He remained silent. She looked back up at him when she spoke again.

“If you didn’t come for me then, I don’t think I would’ve last any longer. I was going crazy, Kieran. I couldn’t do it. I haven’t shifted in two weeks. My wolf was becoming delusional. My head was spinning. There were days I wondered if I was even aware of what I was doing all day. I got two meals a day but it wasn’t even enough to satisfy my hunger.” Her voice broke as she continued to hold his gaze. His face was blurring before her as unshed tears brimmed her eyes.

“You say that I am strong but I was so weak down there.” She shook her head, closing her eyes tightly in silent hatred to what she was feeling. Tears slipped from her eyes down her cheeks.

Pain shot through him upon seeing Katana in a tortured state. He was so consumed in his own world, he didn’t realize that she was experiencing PTSD and was also struggling to believe in herself again. He pulled her into his arms where she buried her face in his chest. Kieran hated himself for taking so long to get to her. He wished he could’ve gotten to her sooner.

“It’s okay, Katana, anyone in your situation should feel this way. It is not because you are weak, even the strong ones have a breaking point. I know that it will take some time for you to open up to me but know that I will always be here for you whenever you need me.” He assured her and kissed the top of her head. She wrapped her arms tightly around him as if he will disappear if she let him go.

He lifted her up and placed her on the counter in the bathroom. He moved to stand between her legs as he placed soft kisses on trail of tears before kissing her eyelids. When she opened her eyes back up, she saw the amount of love reflected in his eyes.

Her hands roamed up his bare chest to cup one side of his neck. His eyes darkened in anticipation as he saw where her intention was. She wanted to kiss him. She guided his lips down to hers. It has been so long since their last kiss.

She sucked on his lower lip and heard his sharp inhale before her tongue slipped out to taste him. A low, guttural sound came from the back of his throat as his hands moved to grip her hips in his hands. She brought her other hand up to cup his neck, deepening their kiss.

Her skin tingled with awareness and her mind was on over drive. She kissed him letting him know just how much she needed him. The deprivations of his kisses were agonizing. She needed more and she pressed her body up against him. Her legs wrapped around his waist.

He tore his lips away then. His eyes were dark with desire and a passion that sent her clenching her thighs. His breathing was heavy and irregular, almost as if he ran a marathon. The sight of this magnificent man before her was enough to make her go crazy. He looked sexy and hot standing before her. She needed him and needed him only.

“Kieran...” She whispered and he licked his lips.

“I want you to do something.” She said.

His eyebrows furrowed slightly in confusion and she inhaled slowly to give her a little confidence.

“Mark me. Make me yours.” She said quickly.

Kieran groaned and ran his hand through his hair in an attempt to stop himself from attacking Katana right after she said that.

“Goddess, Katana do not tease me.” He commanded.

She smirked. “I mean it. I know we have a lot of things to work out but I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I am asking you to mark me unless you don’t want to.”

He growled and his hands on her hip yanked her closer to his growing arousal. She moaned as her core made an abrupt contact with his hardness.

“Does this tell you enough how much I want you?” He asked huskily.

She licked her lips and looked back at him. Her eyes an obsidian lustful color and one of his hands lifted to move back her hair that has grown a little bit passed her shoulder. Her blood rushed with anticipation as he exposed her neck where her pulse was beating erratically.

His thumb traced the vein and her body hummed with pleasure. A shudder ran through her body when he leaned forward and his lips grazed her sensitive skin. His lips were replaced with his sharp canines that poked teasingly at her skin. She fisted her hands at her side and waited.

“There is no going back, Katana. I mark you and you are mine.” He whispered lowly.

“Mark me.” She ordered again.

His teeth pierced her skin, pain shot through her body but the minute his saliva made contact with her blood the bond strengthened incredibly. She moaned in pleasure and her hands moved to run down his back, keeping him there in between her legs. It was like a rush that she never felt before. A wave that rode high and as soon as the bond formed completely he pulled back to look at her. His eyes were completely black as he spoke; her blood trickled down his lower lip.

“Mine completely.” He said in a deep raspy voice.


Katana found Troy, Isaac, and Xavier sitting around the kitchen island eating and flirting with the cooks to earn themselves some more treats. Troy had an arm around a maid as he whispered something naughty in her ear. The maid blushed and giggled.

“Why am I not surprise you all are in the kitchen?” She asked.

Isaac laughed. “It’s been months since we had decent food.”

“Barracks foods are not the fondest.” Xavier admitted.

She slipped into an empty stool next to them. The head cook walked over and placed a warm plate of food in front of Katana. They were always so nice to her. The cooks and the servants all treated her with respect. Sometimes she will catch them giving her a look of sympathy but otherwise no one spoke about her time in the dungeon or questioned her about her past.

Kieran walked in after and wrapped his arms around Katana’s waist. He prop his chin on her shoulder and that was when everyone noticed the mark on her neck.

“Shit.” Troy said in surprise.

“Is that a mark I see?” Isaac eyes widened.

“Holy Moon Goddess, it is.” Xavier chortled.

Katana bit her lips to stop herself from smiling but she was happy. She was a marked wolf and yes she has yet to mark Kieran but she knew that the full mating process has to be completed at the time they mate. Just the thought has her stomach flipping. Kieran marking her was clear that they were well on their way to completing the mating process.

“Stop it.” Katana scolded the three grown men. They smirked and continued to eat their food. Kieran spoke up next.

“I have been getting calls from all over. It seems that a formal introduction is needed. People are getting antsy and Alphas are requesting to stand in our presence.”

Katana already knew this. Kieran doesn’t keep her out of the loop. He lets her know what was happening. They stayed up late sometimes discussing ideas. She was happy that he was willing to share his duties with her.

She was nervous with meeting everyone but she also had a little something planned in payback to the four men that was in the room with her right now. They all wanted to make it up to her for leaving her down in the dungeon and promised they will do whatever she asked. A slow sneaky smirk crawled on her face as she thought about what they will have to do.

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