Just Be Mine

Chapter 8

{Kellin’s P.O.V.}

It was late tonight. Layne and I were just going hunting in another town for food. I’ve been controlling how I kill. One, because it really is unhealthy to feed so unbelievably much. Two, I don’t need Pierce thinking of me worse than he already does. I’m getting somewhere with all this and I will not end up at square one again. It sucks. But I’ll take whatever he throws at me. Pierce will be mine if its the last thing I can do. There is nothing that will stop me. I know I have to bombard him with feelings and corner him with tricks but it will pay off in the end. I just have to be patient, just maybe.

“Jeremy is coming from the west,” Layne said behind me. We can’t slow down, well I didn’t want to but we might as well face Jeremy head on.

“Does he want something?” I asked.

“No, but he’s coming our way,” he warned. Layne’s a better sensor than anyone, probably a death sensor I guess. He knows when a threat is coming. One reason I keep him around.

Jeremy was about to run past us when I grabbed his arm and threw him to the ground. He hissed at me, his eyes glowing red; I did the same to show that I wasn’t scared of him. We aren’t on territory so I don’t have to play by Dante’s rules. So right now I’m in charge.

“What are you doing here?” I asked.

“Its called hunting, ever heard of it?” he sassed off to me. I put my foot at his neck and pressed down hard, seeing the cracks form around his face. He didn’t look terrified, he didn’t even fight me. I just might kill him.

“I have questions for you,” I said.

“Don’t hurt him, Kellin.” Layne murmured from behind. I paid no attention to him, he’s just back there.

“What do you want?” Jeremy choked.

“Tell me why you’ve been hanging with Pierce,” I demanded.

“That’s not a question.” he smirked. I put my pressure down and he grabbed at my ankle. “I don’t know anything,” he said quickly.

“Stop lying, your scent is everywhere in that apartment,” I growled.

“Its just me staying there,” he said.

“For what reason.” I asked.

“I don’t know.” he answered. I won’t get anywhere like this. He’ll avoid my questions easily. I can’t force him because he’ll use it against me later. Even though he isn’t showing any feelings, I can tell Dante that Jeremy has been living with two humans. I wonder how much he would love to hear that.

“Dante’s coming.” Layne said.

I didn’t mean now! I moved my foot from Jeremy’s neck and backed away far enough to not look suspicious. He won’t hold it against me. What could he say? I wasn’t threatening him, nor was I intending on killing him. Maybe. He’ll just have to keep his mouth shut. Dante was here in seconds but he seemed sort of confused.

“What are you doing off territory?” he asked me and Layne but no, not Jeremy. Of course. I shrugged and he just growled, baring his fangs. He is so up tight.

“There was too much publicity on the recent deaths so we thought we could go somewhere else.” Layne covered quickly. I wouldn’t have come up with that at all. And it sounds pretty decent. Dante bought it like intended. Jeremy doesn’t have the right to say it wasn’t true because it is. I was considering on lying but I kept it in.

Jeremy got up and brushed himself off. And I know as a threat, he cracked his neck on both sides. He wants to fight me? But I know Dante will step in and kill me, there’s no doubt about it. So I just looked away where I couldn’t catch Jeremy’s threat. The only way to bait me is threaten me, I’ll take on the challenge if I know I can win.

Dante waved us off and went to his best friend. I looked at Layne slowly but he didn’t sense anything so we took off. Staying there would be hell for sure. I’m just hungry and want food, Jeremy shouldn’t cross us again but I know he was doing something. Whatever it is, he doesn’t want Dante to know, that means I would never know. I glanced at Layne and he just nodded. He knows this too. Something’s up. Should we investigate it or stay in our place? The worse thing that could happen is death.

After I warmed up, I decided to take a peek into Pierce’s apartment. I expected him to be a sleep at two in the morning but he wasn’t. Two days ago, I destroyed his relationship with the blond disappointment. I don’t feel bad that I did it, I feel bad that hes moping. Its not so bad. But because I didn’t want him to be even more pissed, I just gave him a day off from the annoyance that is me. He just needs some time. But I can’t give it all to him, he needs to become mine. He sat on the couch wrapped in all kinds of sheets as he watched tv in silence. He looks even worse than before. I know how to cheer him up.

Well I don’t. I know how it benefits me though.

I moved quickly so he couldn’t see me. Its not like he would notice anyway. I got a good chance to kiss him but when he finally processed what was going on, he didn’t stop me. Usually he’d groan or sigh and attempt to push me away at some point. He just remained the way he was in silence. At least he was letting me kiss him but its different. He’s depressed, he wasn’t like this the other day. I pulled away from him, not wanting to push it any further. His hair covered his eyes as he looked dully at me.

“What’s wrong?” I asked. He moved, reaching for his laptop. He turned it around so I could see. It was his grade. More specifically, on the paper he wrote. An eighty-nine. I’ve never had to deal with this kind of thing before, the whole depression from being one point away. Pierce takes it hard though. He always kept his grades perfect so he’d be able to get out of that hell hole orphanage without a problem. When he got the scholarship, he had to maintain his A average. This is his first semester and he has an eighty nine as his first and maybe only grade.

“I guess my life will amount to nothing.” he sighed. All because of some grade? Is he really acting like this because of that?

“You always depress yourself,” I said as I sat down next to him. “My life use to be complete shit before I was turned this way. You honestly shouldn’t give up because of some worthless grade.” I said. Humans changed over the decades. Its weird what’s of value to them and what’s not. School is sort of pointless when tests only measure memory instead of intelligence. One reason I stay out of that part of life.

“What happened to you?” he asked.

“That’s not something I’m going to tell so easily.” I said, smirking when he looked at me.

“I don’t want to know that badly.” he said. Of course he doesn’t, but I can’t still have what I want anyway. There’s no way to stop me. “But if you want to tell me, go ahead,” he murmured. I’ll set a price later.

“Well,” I started. This was a long way back, very long. More than two hundred years, I think. What year is this? Yeah, more than two hundred years. “I was wrapped up in pretty harsh things when I was actually human. I stole, killed, robbed, for money. Probably more than just that. But I remembered always taking something from someone.” I said, shaking my head. Now that I look back on it, I wished this actually never happened. But if I ended up continuing to live the way I did, I still would’ve been killed anyway. It doesn’t matter much. I should be grateful I have this, its better than before.

“Then I stole from someone I shouldn’t have and he tried to kill me. He got pretty damn close too but someone saved me, I don’t know who, but they changed me like this. And now I’m here.” I shrugged. I’m not going to look further into why my life sucked. If the price for immortality is sucking blood then I’ll have to do it.

“I never thought it could be a way to save a life,” he said quietly as he looked down. So he just thought we ended up like this. Most of us have been human before. Some more fortunate than others. I can’t believe someone would ask for a life like this, i.e. Layne, but it is what it is.

“I mean its not so bad, if you count not having a soul and a thirst for blood a good thing.” I sighed. It sort of is depressing, I guess.

“Do you regret it?” he looked at me seriously. Do I regret it? I haven’t for fourteen years.

“No,” I answered truthfully. He looked back down at the ground. His feelings were all mixed, there was something there that he never showed. Now he’s just a bit okay with me since I showed my heart breaking story. Its true so I wouldn’t just gain sympathy for him to like me.

“Why are you pursuing me when there’s probably someone out there who’s better?” he really is depressed.

“There’s no one out there who would tolerate me.” I said and that’s the truth. I’d be dead. I’m surprised how I’m not dead yet by how I annoy and piss off everyone I come in contact with. “Plus, there’s always that one human that knows how to be interesting.” I said. He looked at me.

“I’m interesting?” he scoffed.

Its actually more than that but I can’t say that. The only thing bringing us together is the death of his parents. If that never happened, I probably wouldn’t have been drawn to him as a little kid. To be honest, I didn’t even know those two had a kid. He just happened to be there, screaming and crying. I don’t know if I felt bad but there was something there. I wanted to take him with me, but how could I? He would’ve ended up dead in my arms. Dante wouldn’t allow such a thing to happen. And changing children into vampires are forbidden since they don’t learn self control. Its obvious that I cannot explain this to Pierce, ever or he’ll blow a fuse. After the fact that I killed his mom, he would rage about having to live in a shit hole when I could have in fact taken him. He’ll lose it.

“I’d still love you if you weren’t.” I said.

“You’re full of shit,” he laughed silently. For once I made him smile. I wonder if I could keep doing that. That’s all I want, to make him smile. No one else should make him except me.

“So what, you like me now?” I asked.

“Hell no,” he said quickly, his cheeks going red. I laughed. Humans are really funny to mess with. But Pierce is so cute when he’s flustered. I like it. “Don’t get your hopes up, I will never have feelings for you no matter how hard you try,” he said confidently.

“Really,” I moved, pushing him down on the couch as I got on top of him. He got terrified quickly, his heart beating rapidly. I made him nervous.

“You’re too close,” he said stubbornly.

“But you like it,” I got closer to him. He didn’t move me away from him, he only stared down at my mouth, seeing my fangs come down. I couldn’t control it, this sort of thing happens when I’m with someone I want to be with.

“You’re too close,” he repeated, his voice shaking. I wouldn’t bite him unless he says I could. But that’s not what I’m aiming for. His scent smells like the greatest thing ever but I want to take him, to make him mine officially. He would never let me go that far, I can already see that. I wonder how long it’ll be before I lose my patience then.

“Don’t fight me, Pierce.” I said. He said nothing to me but he closed his eyes, going completely still. He’s listening to me now. I kissed him lightly, trying not to give in to my urge to bite him. His blood was rushing inside him, setting my senses off but I held it. I just wanted to feel his warm lips on mine for now. Its a lot to ask for from him despite the fact that I would love to have more of him.

{Pierce’s P.O.V.}

He moved my arm around his neck. What the hell does he expect me to do? Pull him forward? I wasn’t found of this still but I wasn’t going to fight him anymore, all he’ll do is come back and try harder. If I can give him enough, he just might leave me for a little while to be alone. But I felt all fuzzy from doing this kind of thing. Its totally different.

If Kellin keeps kissing me, I might get used to it.

I tried to not get sucked into the heat. But he was so warm. When will it end? He was sort of human this way, being able to give off heat. He was letting me feel that, forcing me to feel it. His lips were warm, his skin was warm, even his breath. It tasted so sweet, intoxicating me. I was dying from this.

My hand started to tighten in his hair. I wanted to pull him away from me because I was feeling so different then I should but I guess he took it the wrong way. His lips moved harder on mine and I couldn’t keep up with him, he was going too fast. I untangled my hand from his hair and shoved against his chest. His lips tore from mine and we both gasped for air. This can’t happen again, I almost didn’t feel like making him stop.

I know he isn’t sorry for that, why would he be? He literally wants to get further so I can’t expect an apology for him attacking me like this. I just sighed and ran my hand through my hair as he got off me. Thank goodness.

“You probably shouldn’t do that again,” I said. I might take a baseball bat and shove it through his stomach. He didn’t say anything to me about it, the silence was nice but awkward for him. I pulled the sheets up around me as I looked at the tv. And as a nice person, I moved the sheets on him too quietly. My heart sort of fluttered when he put his arm around me. But it was harmless, I was going to watch tv like he wasn’t this close to me.

{Kellin’s P.O.V.}

He fell asleep in my arms. That made me smile, I think my soul might have come back. It was nice to have a warm body next to me like this. I feel a little more human then before. Its great. Pierce is maybe kind of sorta trying for me, I know he won’t give much but this is a lot. He let his guard down partially just so he could sleep on me. He’s getting better at this. I feel like he’s slowly letting me in.

Morning came quicker than it usually does. I don’t sleep so time moves slow. But for once, it was the quickest thing I’ve experienced. Probably because I was okay with this, I’m more than okay. I have the person I love in my arms, it really doesn’t get any better than this.

Pierce snuggled closer to me as he murmured something in his sleep. Then he was completely wide awake.

“Holy fuck,” he moved far away from me like I did something. If I remember correctly, he came on to me. He can’t say this is my fault. But he wouldn’t believe me. I rolled my eyes, he’s exaggerating. “You don’t invade my space,” he said.

“I do it every night.” I said. Not every night but close to it. He gasped, clutching the sheets on him. Oh come on, he is wearing clothes. Its not like I’m about to attack him or something.

“No no no, get out,” he said.

“I don’t want to.” I pouted. He groaned, getting annoyed. I’m partially doing my job now. He threw the sheets off him and got up.

“Leave, I have to get ready for class,” he said.

“I could come with you,” I suggested, meaning the shower. He knew exactly what I meant, it was written across his face as he glared down at me.

“No chance in hell, get the fuck out,” he ran his hand through his hair as he continued to look at me. I got up slowly. “No,” he said quickly, noticing I was about to ask for something. He’s good at this. I put my arm around his waist and pulled him close to me but he just shoved against me, even more pissed than before.

“If you just give in then we wouldn’t have a problem,” I said.

“If you would leave me alone, I wouldn’t have to give in.” He continued to push against me, trying to get away. My grip was strong around him so he doesn’t stand a chance. He should know that. “God, you’re so annoying,” he gave up, letting his arms dangle at his side. This was my chance to pursue him. I moved in to kiss him and he let me; he was trying not to kiss me back I keep telling him to not fight me, he won’t win.

I held his face so he wouldn’t pull away. I moved slow for him, he has to know how I feel entirely or it won’t work. His face was burning as his blood rushed to his cheeks. His heart was beating faster with every kiss I planted on those pink lips of his but he was enjoying it just as much as I was. If he didn’t, he would be trying to get away from me like usual. He was still as he let me kiss him. The wall is being broken slowly, I shouldn’t push it.

I pulled away from him to get a good look at his face; he was red all around as he looked at the ground to avoid my eyes. I would never expect him to say anything, his feelings do that for me. Now he’s more confused than angry. At least this is getting better. I let my hands drop from his face, I should probably get going anyway even though I would just love to stay here.

{Pierce’s P.O.V.}

He left me alone to feel embarrassed by myself. I let him kiss me and like that. How do I tell him I can’t let this go on? I really can’t though. My heart just might be caving for him and I really can’t have that at all. Its stressful enough. But what if I’m really getting feelings for him? I shoved the thought away, I’m not feeling the way I think I am. He’s just always messing with my space, one reason why I’m like this. I’m not gay, and I would never like him. Let me just stop it there. If I let it go further, I might give into him and who knows what will happen next. I have to get over it.

I took a shower and got dressed. I still ended up having enough time to make myself breakfast and torment Toby. It was bright outside but it felt like it was going to snow soon which is something I hate. Maybe I should stay inside before anything happens. I’ll only get sick if I go out there.

“Its almost Christmas!” Toby shouted, flicking pancake batter everywhere as he threw his hands up. Who the hell does he think cleans this place. Me dammit.

I guess Christmas is almost here but there’s still a long way to go. All the decorations are starting to come up but I don’t notice. Christmas is another holiday that I don’t celebrate. How could I when I have no one? The spirit isn’t in me.

“Its in two weeks, calm down.” I sighed. I didn’t want to move and have to put my guitar down. This is my safe place, with my babies.

“You want to come home with me, again?” he asked. I think I broke a string when he said that. The noise strained as I looked at him grimly.

“Your family does not like me,” I said bitterly. I remember that trip almost three weeks ago.

“My family loves you.” he laughed.

“Your dad pities me, your mom just thought I needed help and your sister literally tried to kill me with a pillow.” I remembered all the danger I was in. I was ridiculed in his house.

“They wanted to know if you were coming back,” he was still laughing. I frowned. If I don’t leave, Kellin will be the death of me. But I guess it can be better than spending the entire Christmas break with his family. I love Toby as a brother but his family has issues and this is coming from a guy who doesn’t have one.

“Hell no.” I responded quickly.

“All you’re gonna do is study and sleep.” he shook his head. That’s better than dying. And I’m slipping, I need to not. “Its cool man, if you want to stay, I won’t stop you. But you’re missing out on free food.” he said, trying to spark some enthusiasm in me.

“Uh no, I’m fine. And I don’t want to invade on your family time.” I said. Basic excuse especially for someone like me but I don’t want to go. He gave me a sarcastic look. Oh, he knows. I just played some chords on my guitar and it came out loud in the amplifier. He just started singing the song I was playing. Some times our mornings just go like this.

And I ended up being late, just my freakin luck. I had to run and not let anything stop it. Damn Toby and our merriment. Fuck this. I already fucked up with my paper. What’s next? Kellin was just waiting and I swear if he’s waiting on me, we’re going to have a serious problem. I ran past him like he wasn’t there but somehow he was in front of me. Damn super speed.

“What the hell are you doing here?” I hissed.

“Are you ashamed of me?” he asked.

“Hell the fuck yes. Listen, can we do this later, I really have to go,” I said quickly, getting all jittery. He took my hand and placed my phone in it. How much shit am I going to forget now a days? The only reason he’s here is to give this back. Wait, has he been in the apartment again? This breaking in has to stop. But we can do this later. I moved past him but as I did, his hand went through my hair. I almost feel from how soothing that was, I could pass out on the spot. But no, I have to keep going. Shit, I’m late, I’m late.

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