Just Be Mine

Chapter 4

{Pierce’s P.O.V.}

I went home by myself. Toby really wasn’t coming so I’m on my own. That’s fine though, I get peace and quiet. Jesse forgot about me so that’s just a bonus. I can sleep for once. But that’s after I get food. I stayed in the kitchen, thinking of what to eat; I soon came to the conclusion of cereal. I turned around to get my box when someone was standing right in the middle of the living room.


My body froze as I dropped everything in my hands. The bowl shatter when it hit the ground; I didn’t hear it though. My heart buzzed on, beating rapidly in my ears. I could only stare at him. Why was he here? How did he know I lived here? What is he going to do to me? I feared for my life silently. A vampire was in my room and the same one who killed the girls on the news.

I’m going to die tonight.

“Why are you here?” I asked, my voice shaking. His lips pulled into a devious smile. Shit. I couldn’t do anything about this, he’d kill me on the spot. He walked closer and that made me back up, trying to get away from him. I’m going to meet the same fate as my parents. This isn’t what I wanted, to die by his hands. It made me hyperventilate just thinking about it. He continued to come towards me but stopped, keeping his distance.

“I love you,” he said. My jaw dropped at how direct he was. A vampire loves me. Not a chance in hell. My cheeks felt hot though, like I was embarrassed. Why should I be? But he said he loved me. That can’t be. I’m not gay for starters and I hate vampires to the core. The only thing I could do was turn around to hide my shameful face. This isn’t looking good for me.

“You don’t know-”

“Piercon Daniels.” he said right in my ear. When did he get there? That sent chills down my spine as I held my breath. How does he even know? “Nineteen, from South Carolina, orphan, plays guitar, majoring in the medical field. And most certainly mine.” He listed all that without hesitation. The last one gave me goosebumps. The last thing I wanted to be was his. I turned around slowly, he was closer than I thought. He had his hands on the counter, blocking my way of escape easily.

“Who are you?” I stuttered silently. He can’t know all that just out of nowhere, it frightens me to the core. He’s probably been stalking me but that’s what vampires are good for anyway.

“Kellin. Remember it cause I’ll have you saying my name a lot.” he said. His breath was cool as it hit my skin. I tried to not let this affect me at all but I was having a mental break down. He was so close, I could basically smell him; a sweet scent filled my lungs as I took shaky breaths. When he moved back, I saw that his eyes were red like before, and his fangs from his slightly open mouth. I feared him biting me, I feared him killing me. I was scared of everything. I was going to pass out.

He was suddenly moving closer again. This time like he was going to kiss me. My heart jammed in my chest. He can’t do this, I don’t want him to. I don’t have feelings for him like that and I never would. I’d rather burn in hell before I go through shit like that. I turned my head so he couldn’t come in contact with me; I was still frightened but I have to stand my ground.

“Please stop,” I murmured silently. He didn’t move any closer to me. He’s actually listening. It made me wonder if he meant what he said; he can’t. Vampires don’t love humans, they kill us for food and pleasure, not once have I heard of this.

“Just give it time,” he removed his hands from the counter and backed away further, looking at me in the eyes. He was serious, there was a passion that burned in his bright red eyes. “You will be mine, Pierce.” he said proudly and was gone. That’s it.

I was left alone. My head swarmed with thoughts I shouldn’t have. This guy already knows things about me. It can only mean he has been watching me, he’s capable of it of course. I regret living, I know this will bring worse trouble. He won’t leave me alone, the feeling of that is there. I ran my hand through my hair, still trembling slightly. Let me just pick up this glass so I can go to bed. I need to forget this happened.

{Kellin’s P.O.V.}

“Why are you here?” he asked, completely terrified. His heart wasn’t hard to pick out, it was going off. I scare him. That’s a good thing, that means this should be easy. I took a couple steps forward towards him and he backed up against the counter, watching me as he trembled. He’s not going to be scared the whole time.

“I love you,” I said. I have no shame. Saying that could cost me my life but why not say it to him. I acknowledged my feelings for him after fourteen years so why not express it. He’s lucky I’m not killing him because his blood smells really good right now. I wanted to suck him dry but I held it in.

All the more while, he was in shock, his jaw had slightly dropped from the three words I uttered from my mouth. I’m not surprised I said this. I know he hates vampires, he hates me but he won’t keep that up for long. I’ll make him say he loves me, even more than that. He will actually feel it. He had turned his back to me, becoming flustered; his face was turning red as he tried to deny it.

“Y-you don’t know-” he thinks I don’t know him. He’s got it all wrong. I moved closer to him before he could finish that incorrect statement.

“Piercon Daniels,” I said in his ear, licking my fangs. I love that name so much, I love saying it, I love hearing it. The way he froze made me love it even more. His body tensed in front of me as I talked, I want him to always act like this around me. “Nineteen, from South Carolina, orphan, plays guitar, majoring in the medical field. And most certainly mine.” I said slowly. I could totally list more but that would take all night.

He turned around. His heart was still beating incredulously, pumping his blood throughout his body. The fear still lingered in his emotions, I wasn’t surprised. He would be scared of me, any normal person would be scared of me, that’s how it is. But he was also pissed; I crossed his very thin line and I’ll keep doing it.

“Who are you?” he asked silently. Huh. And so it begins now.

“Kellin. Remember it cause I’ll have you saying my name a lot,” I said. He held in his breath. I wanted to see that face of his, to wonder what he was thinking. It shouldn’t take long for me to take all of him but I have a feeling he’ll put up a fight. Lets see how far he can go.

I started to move just a bit closer almost as if to kiss him. And I really would if I had the chance but he turned his head, glancing away. He still isn’t comfortable with my kind but I never expected him to be this easily.

“Please stop.” he muttered silently. Hmm. Its his wish but there won’t be a chance I’ll stop him again. I’ll make him submit to me, even by force if I have to.

I let go of the counter and stepped back.

“Just give it time,” I said; it was meant for the both of us. Its time that I learn patience because I know this can’t be easy. But I’ll wait if I have to. “You will be mine, Pierce.” and I was confident with that. I don’t care how long its going to take me, I will have him.

I escaped before he could even notice. I could smell Layne’s scent around so I knew he was tracking me, its only likely though. I watched him from the top of the roof outside. He was waiting on me, he knew I was up here in the first place. He gave me a knowing glance and it made me sigh and leap off, landing next to him. Layne can be such a drag, he’s not suited for the vampire life honestly. I’ve met better.

“You smell like him,” Layne said plainly.

“Great right?” I smiled.

“I won’t be there to help you when Dante finds out about you being with the human.” he said as he moved his arms behind his head, walking on. Some friend. I don’t care, he can leave me but when I survive, he’ll be first on my list to get rid of.

“What’s this about a human?” Jeremy came around the corner. I sighed again and rolled my eyes. Dammit. Jeremy isn’t the person to keep secrets, he makes people miserable on purpose including me. We don’t get along, we fight more than anything. I just want to rip that head of his off and crush it. I’m sure he thinks the same thing about me and it wouldn’t be surprised. Asswipe.

“Kellin has a-” I smacked my hand over his mouth before he could finish that and get me in trouble. Layne really doesn’t care for anything except dying, he simply doesn’t want to. One reason he’s a vampire, he’s scared to die. Maybe if he kept his mouth shut, I wouldn’t be deciding whether to burn him alive.

“The fuck do you want, Jeremy? Its rude to eavesdrop on people’s conversation,” I spat out. He narrowed his eyes. I know he has some witty comment about what I said like ‘oh and you know what rude is’ or ‘funny how you eavesdrop on everyone’. No. I don’t like it when he does it and he needs to stop.

“I can’t take a simple walk?” he asked.

“Walk my ass,” I said quickly and he mocked me in the process. It made me grit my teeth in anger, clenching my hands; I even forgot I had Layne’s face in my grip. He struggled but I kept my focus on Jeremy.

“I won’t tell Dante, Kellin.” he smiled. “I’m sure this human of yours is pretty interesting.” he said slyly. Of coarse he can say that; they stay in the same apartment. But I’m not sure if Jeremy knows I know. He should be able to smell Pierce’s scent on me but he isn’t acknowledging it. What is he up to? I don’t like admitting it but he’s fucking smart so I have to be careful, he could be planning my death.

Jeremy is the closest to Dante, they’re like brothers actually. It can be scary when they’re together. This is why I should stay in my place; Jeremy rats people out to Dante so he can take care of them. Layne is no traitor to them, he will be helpful to keep his life. Fuck Jeremy. Its makes me sick how much better he is than me at being the perfect little vampire. His appearance does it all first of all. The long dark hair that can reach his shoulders, the strong face, the muscles and the fucking tattoos. Jeremy’s personality defines this too. He’s overbearing, rude, cold, harsh, cocky, and an inconsiderate ass. If that doesn’t say vampire then I don’t know what is. I wonder where Dante picked this guy up.

Layne grabbed my wrist and moved my hand from his mouth to speak. What’s he thinking of saying? I questioned everything now, he can do anything when Jeremy’s around.

“As interesting as-” Layne keeps trying his life. I pulled his hoodie over his head and made him shut the fuck up. Any more information and it will be his last breath. Jeremy laughed, finding this amusing. Whatever. I let go of Layne and put my hands in my pocket.

“Kiss my ass, Jeremy. I’m not going to deal with this,” I walked past him; he chuckled lowly like it was a threat. Oh well. If Jeremy has something planned, I’ll try and catch him in the act of it.

Layne followed behind me silently. I can’t believe he has the nerve to come with me after he almost ratted me out but I didn’t expect anything less. Dante doesn’t like traitors and that’s what I am at the moment. I’m risking my life to try and get some human to have the same feelings that I have for him. Its forbidden because it drives vampires against their own kind. Death is the only penalty and Dante is holding up to it.

“You know, I could kill you right now,” I said as I continued to walk. He kept silent behind me for a moment. Was he thinking of a good response or what?

“Why are you trying to get yourself in trouble, Kellin?” he asked silently.

“Does it look like I’m trying to?” I turned around, glaring at him. If I wanted to get myself in trouble I would have slaughtered the whole city by this point. But right now I’m not. He looked away from, feeling bad about this.

“Just let the boy go,” he said.

“You honestly don’t know what its like to have someone, especially a human, interest you the way he does to me. I have been watching him for fourteen years, Layne. Fourteen years. You cannot just tell me to let that go.” I was ready to scream and shout but I don’t need a reason to have people come out here. Layne really doesn’t understand. It didn’t just happen. Sure he’s interesting but finally getting to actually speak to him and see him up close changed this. It changed all of it. I meant what I said to him. I do love him. And Layne will not fucking change that for me.

“So you’d die for him?” he asked boldly.

“Fuck yeah,” I raged.

“Why do you feel so strongly?” he asked, a bit sympathetic of my situations. “You see what happens,” he said.

“I do, and I won’t die because you aren’t going to say anything,” I said and walked closer to him. “Layne if I hear that you told someone else about this, I will kill you,” I threatened lowly, bearing my fangs. He staggered back, not even prepared for that. I mean it.

“Alright,” he muttered.

“Good,” I turned around and continued walking. “Now I’m hungry.” I said. He sighed behind me, fed up with my shit. I only wanted to annoy him. Putting Layne in his place can be entertaining and not at the same time. He’s boring when he’s all quiet. I don’t need that following me around.

“Can we not do this?” he asked.

“I’m feeding, if you don’t want to then sorry,” I said, he doesn’t have to whine about it really.

{Pierce’s P.O.V.}

I remembered I had a test this morning and my eyes shot wide open. Then I got the most horrifying view ever. He was in my room, looking over me. Is this still a dream? No. He was right over me now, just looking. Shit. I grabbed a handful of the sheets and pulled it over me as I backed away against the wall. He isn’t a perv is he? Dammit, I’m stuck with that.

Here I am worrying about this guy being a perv when he could easily kill me right here. This isn’t a good thing. He smiled when he realized how conservative I was being. I know he could kill me but he confessed to me last night which makes no fucking sense at all. None whatsoever What is he doing? Why is he here?

“W-what are you doing here?” I tried to ask without fear in my voice but he just happens to BE IN MY FUCKING ROOM. I hate vampires so much for all this traumatizing.

He moved his knee on the bed, getting closer to me; my fingers on the sheets tightened as I edged back against the wall. I couldn’t make him stop, he’d do something. I despised how close he brought himself to me. I felt his breath hit my ear and it made me shiver with disgust.

“Morning.” he said.

I put my hands on him now, pushing him away from me. He didn’t feel all cold like I thought he would. Its like he was a living person. It annoyed me. He’s dead, his heart doesn’t beat and he has no sense of morality. That’s vampires.

“You can’t be here,” I said quietly and glance over to Toby’s bed. He must’ve came back during the middle of the night. I can’t have him waking up now and seeing this monstrosity.

“Does it bother you?” he asked boldly.

“Hell yes. Get the fuck out,” I hissed. He could do anything at this point but he did get off my bed willingly. I don’t want to see him here at all. I watched him leave my room in silence and thank god he did. If Toby had gotten up, I don’t know what would’ve happened.

I sighed and got out of bed to put a shirt on. Starting my day pissed off, this is fantastic. Why does he have to go and come here? Why did he even have to say he loves me? Is he defective? This is ridiculous. Since when is it okay for a vampire to do something like that? Now I was frustrated out of my mind. Forget being scared, I’m just angry. I have to get stuck with this one.

I walked out of my room to go make breakfast. Toby will be up just by the smell of it. I guess I have to make some for him too. I ran my hand through my bed head as I thought of something to do.

“This place is nice,” Kellin was still here. I literally had the worst reflex to hearing him out of nowhere. It made my heart jumped but more embarrassing is that I tripped. Somehow the floor didn’t come in contact with my face. His arm was around my waist so I just dangled there helplessly. He’s touching me.

“You have a slim waist, almost like a girl’s.” He said. I balled my hands up tightly as I heard my teeth grind. Now I wasn’t mad that he touched me, I’m mad that he compared me to a girl. I’m sorry I’m not fucking ripped.

“Let go of me.” I growled as I wiggled from his grip. Fucking monster. He let go and I hit the floor. Okay, that hurt. I rolled over; he stood over me, watching me with red eyes. I don’t like this guy one bit. He needs to fucking leave. “What do you want here?” I asked bitterly.

“You,” he said without falter. I choked on the other hand. Why is he being so direct? And how could he want me? What purpose could I serve him?

“No,” I answered quickly but I felt my face heat up. I’m not gay and I have a girlfriend. And even if these fact weren’t true, I’d never be with him, ever. “Get out,” I said. He sighed, giving up. That’s right. “And for real this time, don’t lurk around.” I ordered. He just wandered off and that was it. Piece of shit. I got up, grumbling to myself. When did I get wrapped up in this?

Toby stumbled out of the room, dazed and tired. He didn’t happen to hear me did he? I don’t want to explain any of this. I would get called crazy anyway so it doesn’t matter. He ran his hand through his hair as he looked around.

“Dude, I got her number!” he shouted, proud of himself.

“That’s after you did the thing, right?” I asked. He didn’t care. I find it weird how he does things; have sex first then get the number. What’s wrong with him?

“Yeah, it was fun stuff.” he sighed, smiling. Then he looked at me, his face turning to concern. Oh no. “Are getting sick for real? You look pale,” he said. I didn’t want him to bring that up to me, its going to make it so much worse.

“No, I feel fine,” I turned away from him quickly so he couldn’t examine me anymore. He just blew off how anxious I was and went to the fridge. I let out a breath when I realized he was going to leave me alone. I probably should just let this go for now, I know Kellin won’t be a threat to me but I just hope he doesn’t take of this to the extreme. What can I expect though, he’s a vampire, he will probably go further than extreme. What am I dealing with?

I took a shower and got dressed. I should be back before noon to do stuff then I work later. God, I hope Kellin isn’t a bother. I think it would be better if he was scarier. Shit. What am I thinking? This is awful. How am I supposed to get rid of this? Am I that unlucky? I ended up wanting to stay here but I have to get going.

Jesse happened to be here right as I left my room. Toby and her were fighting to the death. I mean it when I say they don’t like each other.

“Hey, stop this mess.” I said, already pissed off from thinking too much. They need to stop fighting so much, its getting annoying as fuck. I already have a lot to handle and now they’re doing this? Toby went off, leaving by himself. Jesse can be mean sometimes.

“Why do you stay here?” she muttered angrily. I put my arm around her and pulled her on without answering her question. Just let it go.

“Hey babe, do I have a small waist?” I asked, feeling the heat from before. That has been on my mind for the longest time and I just had to ask about it. She started to laugh and tried to cover it up.

“Oh no, Pierce, you don’t.” she said sarcastically. Wow.

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