Just Be Mine

Chapter 13

TW: non consensual sex

{Pierce’s P.O.V.}

I looked into his bright red eyes as he moved my hair back. His hand was hot, the hottest its ever been. I closed my eyes from the touch of his skin on mine. My heart was wrenching from the feeling. It was nice but made me nervous. He was in some sort of stressed stage, I knew I saw something wrong.

“I’m sorry,” I heard him say. Sorry for what? I opened my eyes to look at him again. He didn’t look too sorry. What is he doing? He leaned his body over me, coming closer till I could feel his lips on mine. It was like being kissed by another human, it wasn’t real. I wondered if this was some sort of dream but it couldn’t be. He kissed me slowly, not pushing himself much. I was okay with this, I had to admit it. His lips were so firm but so soft on mine, he tasted so sweet like always. For once I had the urge to lick him but why do something stupid like that?

I was being pulled up. I questioned his motives but I couldn’t get words out. He was on my bed now, kissing me with all the force I could handle. I don’t know how it got so crazy. His hot breath filled my mouth, intoxicating me completely, I could not move nor find the will to stop. I loved it, this feeling made me fuzzy and I loved it. But there was a certain point of it. I started to get hot all around my body and I know he felt my heat just like I felt his.

Like lightning, my position was moved; he had me pinned down on the bed. When the hell had he flipped me over? I got aggravated quickly, trying to pull away from him. He had a tight grip on my body as he laid kisses on my skin.


That was something I wanted to say but I didn’t. I couldn’t. His hand was moving down into my pants and that put me into shock, but all he did was pull them down. He hasn’t done this before, I even threatened to kill him if he did get this far. But how can I do anything, its just a flex. I hated how his hands moved on me, like he was searching; it was obvious that he was feeling me up. I wanted to die because he was looking at me from behind, its embarrassing and I hated it.

I felt something move in me. Was that his finger? I balled my hands up as I kept in the urge to yell and scream. It wouldn’t be words. This was weird, he was fingering me. He’s really doing it now. If I can’t handle this, who knows how I’ll react to...that. The thought made me sick. Its not my thing and I despised him doing it to me. It hurt, but I couldn’t say anything, I was weak. I was shaking under him as he added another finger inside me. For some reason, I was getting hard, like I liked it but I know I don’t. It made me tremble how his fingers could move so slick and easy inside me like that. I clenched my teeth to keep from crying out; over time it felt different and I got harder. My heart was trying to ram through my chest as he did this.

He moved my hips up as he withdrew his fingers. I know what comes next. Stop. Something I wanted to scream. I wanted to curse him out and tell him to stay the hell away but my voice wouldn’t start. My mouth was open but my voice was some how broken. Both his hands were on me, I could feel him move me apart. I was scared to death but more angry. I said no. I don’t want this, I don’t want any of this.

He was so hot as his skin pressed against mine. He was trying and succeeding. I felt the pain before anything else. It was that and how hot he was. How does someone feel like this? I choked back my cries but the stinging pain in my eyes was something I couldn’t hold. It really did hurt, I was still in shock. Tears spilled over my cheeks as I clenched my teeth tightly.

“Its going to hurt if you don’t relax.” he told me. RELAX!? I couldn’t move to glare at him. How does someone relax in a situation like this? This hurts like a bitch and he hasn’t even moved yet. How am I able to hold him inside me like this? Is it possible?

He was able to move even deeper which made me cry out with pain. There was nothing good about this. I was afraid he might tear me open. That’s what it felt like. Not to mention how hot he was, only a human should feel this way, how is he hard, hot, and throbbing? It makes it worse.

He started thrusting. His movements weren’t too fast but it was still killing me. I wasn’t used to it yet. I despise him for going this far. For violating me. I said no sex. Now I’m here in front of him, crying and being a little wimp because I can’t take it up the ass. I didn’t want to. My fingers wrapped around the sheets as I pressed my head down on the bed. I need to silence myself somehow. He said my name a couple of times and I wanted to punch him for it; he knows what he’s doing to me, I’m not stupid. Every word that came out of his mouth made my heart just wrench; I wasn’t sure if it was with disgust or saying I’m nervous. I think I passed that. Now he was just fucking me as he pleased without any regards to me.

I was burning hot and so was he. This type of thing doesn’t and should never happen. With every thrust, I felt a moan slipping out. I tried my hardest to hold it in but we both know I’m struggling. After a while, the pain started to cease and I felt different. He knows I do, he did this. Why do I feel like I like this, like it was so great? It wasn’t, I told him not to. But god, I never thought I could feel this good. And it showed that I liked it no matter how much I wanted to hide it.

There was a pressure feeling I knew too well in my stomach. He was going to make me cum. Being pounded like this from behind, I never imagined such thing. Its better to get this over with instead of keeping this going so I could kill him faster. He’ll stop if I’m tired, he has to. He was throbbing inside me, another feeling I knew the meaning too. No. There’s no way he can do that. I panicked, trying to find my voice but all I got was moan after moan after moan. There was no way to tell him not to. It would be too late anyway. He let out inside me; I grabbed the sheets tightly as I felt my own load spill. Too hot, too hot. I was filled up completely with him, I could feel it dripping down my legs.

He didn’t pull out, he kept going. How does he do this? My hands tightened with the sheets inside them; I kept in my cries as his hands gripped harder on my waist. I wanted him to let me go. This was driving me crazy.

Time after time, he said my name and how much he loved me. If he did he wouldn’t be doing this to me. I couldn’t hold my body on my own anymore, he was the one controlling me. I felt like he could rip me apart any second now if he wanted. It felt like he was; he was going so hard, I had the fear he would break me. He kept cumming and cumming and I won’t say I haven’t either. I just need to know when he’ll stop torturing me this way. I couldn’t tell the difference between pain or pleasure anymore.

{Kellin’s P.O.V.}

This barely happens. I rarely ever do this but of course there’d be exceptions. I wanted Pierce for so long and now I have him. He’ll resent me but he won’t for long. I know how he feels for me, its conflicted. He can be persuaded easily and I will have him have the same feelings I do; I know all this won’t go to waste.

“How long are you going to keep this up?” he asked, breathless. I don’t know why he would ask a question like that when my intentions are perfectly clear. But it was cute to see him all flustered like this; his cheeks were a bright red color, tears flowing down them. His eyes were cloudy as he got a glance from me. He seemed confused more but I know he likes this, I won’t let him lie to me. So asking that question doesn’t matter.

“Until you feel the same way about me,” I answered, not an ounce of shame or regret in my voice. Like hell would I feel bad about this, not when he’s moaning on his own like this. He’s holding his hips up on his own, the only thing I’m doing is thrusting in him.

He didn’t respond after that. All I heard was his panting and moaning. I never thought his body would feel his good. For once, I felt like I had a life again, like I had emotions and feelings. I’ve wanted this so bad, to be able to have him like this and I do. He makes me vulnerable in this state, it made me ache.

I chewed on my lip as I kept going; I’ve never shuddered and trembled like this before. His body was hot and getting hotter, almost matching my temperature. Inside him was even better than I thought, just sucking me in, not letting go. I don’t ever want to stop this. He stopped holding back, he just let me do what I wanted finally. Hearing his voice made me want to keep going; I was drawn to him more than normally, just wanting to hold him and all. He kept his head down, his hands loosening the sheets by seconds.

We both came, multiple times, but I didn’t let him go. His hips started to move with mine at one point, wanting me to go deeper. Of course I would give him what he wanted and more if I had to. It was his body, his scent, and that voice that wouldn’t let me stop. His body is now mine, he can’t say anything about it now.

I knew it was time to stop when my fangs grew out; I had waisted all my energy destroying Pierce into a state of insanity, and he was tired. I knew that by how freely he was moaning, he would never do that, ever. We were both too tired so it was time to gain control. I had filled him with everything I had, he was basically over flowing. I didn’t want to let go but I had to.

I pulled out after I came one last time. He groaned, sounding disappointed. Well I was pleased with that, its nice to know I make him sad, putting a stop to this.

“N-no,” he murmured, whining silently. I smiled as I moved his hair from his still flushed face; he was already drifting off into sleep. He was unaware of me being here and touching him slightly. I put him right to sleep. For once, he looked so delicate. I could have costed him his life if I wasn’t careful but it wasn’t much. It will be harsher, I know it will be. After this, I know I can’t take it lightly. But for now, I can hold on to my urges, hopefully.

I left, feeling completely weak. My legs had gone wobbly from the jump down and now I could barely stand on my own two feet. I just leaned against a pole for support. Who knew sex could take so much energy from you. Layne just walked up, shaking his head. He knew what I did, of course he would know. He basically sniffed me to tell.

“You know you’re going to be weak unless you bite the-”

“-the victim blah blah blah,” I rolled my eyes and mocked him. I hate how he knows much more than I do. I’ve been alive longer than he has but apparently, he knows more. The smarts of being a vampire.

“You’re supposed to go tracking for Dante,” he reminded. I groaned. I spent all my time doing what I did and forgot where I was supposed to be. I hated how I actually have to do something now. “You smell like him,” he pointed out.

“Layne, shut the fuck up. You know what I was doing, can you not just point shit out?” I raged. He just looked away, murmuring an insult I clearly heard come out of his mouth. He’s not just helping as he would always say. He’s being annoying. I know I was with Pierce, please do not point out my rule breakings to me because I’ll be breaking more than just one after that. I sighed, running my hand through my hair. “I’m going to eat,” I said.

“Isn’t it too much in one day?” he asked.

“It is,” I answered, walking away from him. But it can’t be overdosing because everything is used up. I can’t feel the cold weather on me because I’m just as cold now. My teeth were aching and it was making me moody. I probably shouldn’t spend all my energy fucking a human, it can kill me I guess.

I fed like I was supposed to and went back to talk to Dante. I wanted out of this mess for real; I don’t know what sort of trouble he’ll get me into trying to track Lucas. I didn’t even smell his scent around so where the hell am I going to start from anyway? I had to look dominant and stand my ground and tell him no I’m not doing shit because I’m not obligated to.

“Why the hell aren’t you doing what I told you to?” he shouted before I could say anything; all that came from my mouth was air. Its nice to see he’s being a bitch again. How long has it been? A couple hours? I lost all my confidence when he towered over me. Damn him for being so tall.

“Are you really going to make me track someone on my own?” I asked.

“No, I know I can’t trust you. That’s why there’s four others going with you.” he said. Oh well then. “But I have to admit, you’re the only one who has good tracking skills.” he looked away, rubbing his neck. Its true though. Why do they think I keep suggesting places to claim territory? I track Pierce like a professional stalker. Maybe even better. But I was stuck on the fact that Dante had complimented me. I got cocky that instant.

“Damn right I do. Lets do this.” I said, already heading off. Layne followed behind me like he always does and I caught three others from above on buildings following as well.

All I have to do is find a starting point and then it shouldn’t be so hard to find and kill Lucas before he mangles any other people. How long will it take me though?

{Pierce’s P.O.V.}

I had the weirdest dream last night.

I hope it was a dream or this might be a problem. I opened my eyes and looked around my room for a second. There was nothing out of the ordinary at the moment. I would like to believe anything that happened last night was a dream, I truly do. It hit me what Kellin actually did and it hit me hard. He had the fucking nerve to pin me down and have sex with me against my will. Like hell would I let him get off the fucking hook for that. No, I’m going to kill him for something like that. This is why he can’t be trusted.

I got out of bed but I couldn’t stand for even a second. I fell faster than I was able to process it. My hips just gave out on me and I caved. It hurt like a bitch first of all. I can’t believe he would do something like this to me. I got up finally, using my bed as support to stand. I took slow steps out of my room and noticed something cold moving down my legs. When I turned around, I saw I was leaving a trail. WHAT THE HELL?! I balled my hands up as my teeth cracked. All this was him. Now his fucking fluids that he’s not even supposed to produce is on my floor and my legs and in my freakin ass; a disgusted shiver went down my spine, it was the worst feeling ever. I need to sharpen a piece of wood right now.

I made my way to the bathroom, feeling like there was a knife in my pelvis. I was really struggling to stay up right on my own. I pulled my shirt up to find bruises along my hips. Why the hell am I not surprised by this? I knew he was holding me too tight. And my butt. I can’t fucking believe this. My pajama pants were now basically stained white plus I have bruises. This doesn’t get any better. He will fucking get it from me I swear.

{Kellin’s P.O.V.}

“We chased him up to the Canadian border,” Layne said, rubbing his hand on his forehead. All five of us were tired. We’ve been running for three straight days, non stop, trying to grab Lucas and kill him. I’m pissed off and hungry as fuck.

“And he’s still alive?” Dante asked. Of course he’s still alive, what fucking question is that? I inhaled so I had a good chance at yelling but Layne beat me to it.

“He is actually, we didn’t get close enough to apprehend him.” he sighed. Dante was just as annoyed as we were about it. We all knew Lucas overdosed but he ran it off so nothing happened. He didn’t die and he’s still probably being a murderer.

And Jeremy still isn’t around.

“If he shows back up then we know something’s wrong.” Dante said. There’s something already wrong now. Seriously? He’s trying to get me killed, what the fuck?

“Can I leave now?” I asked, a bit antsy. And I have the right to be. I ran to Canada, I was running three straight days. TO CANADA. That’s a lot of running.

Dante looked at me with those red eyes. I wanted to punch him in the face just so I don’t have to see those dangerous eyes. I’m not in the mood for the torturing or the bullying or just the belittling. He can kept glaring at me like it would have some effect on me.

{Pierce’s P.O.V.}

Its been three days. Three silent days without Kellin being annoying. It honestly pissed me off. He has the nerves to fuck me, say he loves me, then not face me. Is he for real? I have not seen him in three days. Don’t tell me all he wanted was to fuck because I will find him and kill him for it.

I went around, cussing as I cleaned up the mess that basically wasn’t there. I was mad that Kellin couldn’t man up and take a beating like how I took that mess three days ago. Fuck. I started to throw things around as I yelled, getting frustrated. And then I turned around, Kellin was just standing there in the middle of my room, not even giving a shit.

“Are you fucking kidding me? You can’t even face me?” I shouted at him. He didn’t answer me, he didn’t look at me either. I paced around, having a fit. Why is he here if he isn’t going to say anything? I leaned against the wall, pursing my lips as I just looked at him. “The hell are you not talking for? Don’t tell me you’re pissed at me when you fucking raped me.” I said even louder. He looked at me slowly, his eyes a black color; he even had dark circles under them. I felt like he was going to kill me maybe, he was threatening now. I took a step back in hesitation but I kept my front.

“Is that what you-”

“I told you no and you still did it. You can’t say that it wasn’t-” I didn’t finish my rant. His hand slammed against the wall, cornering me and basically shutting me up. He knew I’d be scared up close. He glared down at me, his eyes going even darker than before. He was a complete mess now, its like he was dying.

“That’s pretty hypocritical for someone who liked it.” he said. I opened my mouth to protest but he got there first, already knowing what I’ll say. “And don’t tell me you didn’t cause that’s bullshit.” he said.

“If you truly loved me like you say you do, you wouldn’t have done that.” I said quickly. He rolled his eyes. It was the fact that he wasn't listening to me that makes it worse. I wanted him to understand what I was saying.

I can't relate to how he feels. It's not fair that he has the strength to do whatever he wants. He can't force me into these things. What made it worse was his demeanor, the way it looked like I was making it a big deal.

“So now you’re using that to your advantage.” he said and moved his hand from the wall. He actually did back away from me, which in itself was slightly surprising. Him actually giving me space, despite, well rolling his eyes at me, kind of meant there was some progress.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” I asked in referring to his insanity cause clearly we need to discuss the big issue, which was him using me without my consent.

He ran both hands through his hair and sighed with frustration. He’s probably aggravated.

“You know, I had to run all the way up to the Canadian border to catch the fucking idiot who’s causing us problems.” He said. So he wasn’t just being a bitch, he had something to do. I looked down at the floor for a second.

“It doesn’t change anything about what you did to me.” I made that very clear.

“Really Pierce?” He didn’t believe I was still going on about this.

“How many times did I tell you that I wouldn’t stand for this bullshit?” I asked, feeling the rage again. Kellin won’t dare scare me, I know he won’t. The farthest he will go is glaring.

“How many times did I tell you that I won’t care if or if not you’re against it?” he asked bluntly. Well damn. It doesn’t matter, I never okayed this. He can’t just do what he wants like that, it doesn’t matter if he’s a vampire or not. I would still give a shit even if he wasn’t a vampire. “Here’s what you have to understand Pierce,” he started, coming up close to me again. “Lying to me is something you’ll probably never get away with.”

“You’re a cocky piece of shit, get away from me.” I shoved against him but it was like pushing a wall; of course he wouldn’t move. Kellin likes to push his luck further than what he has. And he’s good at it. He stared at me with those black tired eyes, trying to see if I would slip up; I most likely did anyway so I don’t see the point.

“Humans are so predictable,” he was amused with my extensive efforts to get him away. It only made me push harder but what good would that do. I gave up and just left my hands on his chest. “I am sorry for what I did to you,” he took one of my hands and held it. “I know that I went against your will and that’s wrong,” he rolled his eyes, getting sarcastic. “But know I’m not going to control myself around you.” he added. I looked away quickly, feeling my heart implode. It was the worst thing to feel at a moment like this especially when he can feel stuff like that too. He can’t be so direct, it makes me nervous.

“I know you won’t.” I murmured quietly, still avoiding his eyes.

“Why can’t you accept me?” he asked. I knew I couldn’t answer something like that, it would be too much. I felt my throat close up just because he put me on the spot. It isn’t fair to love someone and not be loved back. But I can’t just give in for Kellin, that’s not fair either. He knows I can never feel the same way he does for me. I don’t think I would even go that far with it either.

“You shouldn’t force me.”

“I don’t think I can make that promise.” he responded. Its a lost case with him. I can’t fight him because he will always win no matter what. "But I will apologize for what I did. I was actually wrong, and I'll 'try'"- He literally put that in quotes, showing me with his hands "-not to do it again."

Honestly, for him, that's much more than I can expect, but I still stared at him like I was ready to yell his ears off.

"I love you." he said.

That caught me off guard.

“Stop being direct,” I stammered, getting flustered as I looked down. Why do I feel so shy and scared. Its like I’m a girl or something; Kellin is the only reason I can feel so embarrassed like this.

“I’ll try my hardest to have you say the words back to me.” he said confidently as he tightened his grip on my hand. He’s going to be trying till I die then because I will never have those words come out of my mouth.

“Don’t push your luck.” I said. He smiled at my response and kissed my cheek. His lips were cold as they touched my skin. My heart jammed in my chest. Why does he do this? His lips travelled, moving behind my ear.

“I love you,” he whispered. My face became heated and I lost it. He can’t just say things like that to me first of all.

“Stop it,” I said. His arm slipped around my waist and pulled me closer to his body.

“I love you,” he repeated in my ear again. I choked back any sudden out burst as he continued to kiss my skin. Why does he do this for?

“You know I don’t like it when you say that.” I said in desperate need to get him to stop it. His arm finally released me but he just moved his hands to my face, pushing my hair back so he could see my eyes. I wanted to look away from him, to just break eye contact but I couldn’t. He looked at me so intently, so passionately that I couldn’t let go. It scared me how Kellin can do this to me.

“I love you, Pierce.” he said. I don’t usually feel like breaking down much, I don’t feel like I have to go and hide somewhere just to calm down. I don’t get nervous or have my stomach do flips. But Kellin makes it happen. I’ve never blushed so hard around one person before. Its scary how this is, especially when I can’t do anything about it. I wish it wasn’t so tough.

“I know,” was the only thing I could say. What else is there? He moved his hands from my face and backed away from me, sighing. He puts in all the effort and gets nothing in return. “You should probably go...and do stuff.” I said, fidgeting. I was implying the fact that he looked like a horrible mess for what he is. He still had the perfect skin and the cool hair and all. But I could tell he wasn’t feeling “normal”. Its in his eyes, and I can see his fangs in his mouth. If anything, he could bite me on accident, I don’t want to die.

But I felt sort of weird, I guess. Would it be better to have him stay here instead of killing people. Kellin would never kill me, I know he wouldn’t, not even an accident.... maybe. Why am I thinking something like this? I shouldn’t be so lenient. Especially on him. Then he would take more advantage on me and that’s no good.

I opened my mouth, I was going to say his name or something, but wind only blew out. I might as well keep quiet, I know he’ll only use this opportunity to just screw me again. I don’t know why I even try with him, its like a lost cause. I closed my mouth and walked past him, heading for my room. He had taken my hand without me realizing it and was following me into my room. I stopped short and turned to him; I didn’t let go of his hand, I didn’t shout or yell, I just stared at him.

“You aren’t allowed in my room,” I said plainly. Its clear yelling doesn’t get to him.

“The couch is fine then,” he shrugged. I got annoyed with him at this point. I know what he thinks he can do now and I refuse to let him continue. That was just a one time thing, it will never happen again, ever.

“I have to find a tree to sharpen so I can stab you in the face,” I threatened.

“Oh god, please,” he begged seductively. I took a step back, trying to put distance between us but he still had my hand. He’s a masochist I swear he is, there’s no doubt about it. I just wanted him to let go of me, never maybe come near me again. He smiled at my reaction; why does he find this shit funny, it pisses me off. “Relax, I won’t do anything,” he assured. I’m not falling for that.

“I won’t do anything my ass, you liar. Let go of me,” I struggled to get his hand from mine but he pulled me closer. His other arm, wrapping around my lower back. I panicked because he was too close. This isn’t something I do.

“I like the way you sound in pain.” he said in my ear. I shoved against him, trying to distract attention from the fact that I was getting flustered.

“You’re gross, Kellin, let go.” I continued to struggle. He only kept me in his iron grip, not attempting to do anything.

“So tell me, how long will it be before you moan my name?” he asked, honestly really curious but I could hear that he was probably going to make me now. Everything that happened a couple nights ago flashed into my head and the heat travelled to my face. I wanted to run back but he wasn’t letting me go and I had a problem with that. “How about we-”

“No, let go of me,” I shouted. He rolled his eyes but released me. I need to find that wooden spoon somewhere so I can use it. He didn’t follow me into my room and that’s a good thing. When I get my weapon, I’ll be able to protect myself from him.

{Kellin’s P.O.V.}

And this is why I want to keep him. He’s interesting. And here I thought I would have to use brute force but in the end, I know he enjoys it when I’m around. I’m serious, he cannot lie to me and say he doesn’t. I know how he feels. It won’t take long to have him say he loves me, I promise it won’t.

The second I landed on the ground, I caught on to the scent of Layne and three others. They were the ones with me on the trip to Canada. I feel like they’re look outs or something. Brycon, Zeke, and Colton were up on the apartment building roof, looking for something, like it was coming. Layne walked up to me, his face grim and serious with just as much stress. I could tell he hasn’t eaten yet, none of them had.

“Lucas’s friends stayed as well,” he said. I couldn’t smell their scents. They must have come back. This never happens, never have I experienced a fight for territory. But I don’t think its about territory. Layne didn’t either but we can’t discuss that now, not when Dante’s disciples are around.

“Does that mean more tracking?” I sighed.

“It might mean fighting,” he said as a heads up. Finally some action. I hope I don’t die before though. I need to eat but it can wait. If we catch his friends, Lucas comes out, and so might Jeremy. I don’t believe he’s innocent of anything, there’s something he’s doing.

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