just another roomie

Chapter 23 (Rachel’s POV)

You know that feeling when something is just too good to be true?

And you realize it really is as they say: all good things come to an end.

But I am skipping some important information here.

So let’s get back to the beginning of the end shall we?


It was another peaceful morning.

I woke up wrapped in Mason’s arms and honestly it was nice.

Too nice if you look at the terms of our arrangement.

But I couldn’t help it.

My feelings towards Mason changed.

I have no idea when but they did.

Actually if I think a bit harder about it, they probably changed when he helped me after that drunken night.

Even though I found out about it a week later and not even from him but from Becky.

It seemed like we both turned to Becky when we felt like we couldn’t tell something to one another.

So now I woke up once more in his arms.

I had a work free day today so I was in no hurry.

I told Aron I had to check out some apartments today and he gave me a free day without any problems.

I pushed my ass closer to Mason’s lower body.

He wrapped his arms even tighter around me.

“Don’t tempt me so early in the morning darling. You might be free today but I need to be in the office on time.”

I could never get tired of his husky morning voice.

I chuckled at his voice because I knew he was right.

And usually our steamy sessions were not quick so we really did not have time right now.

So instead of torturing us both I turned around in his arms so now I was facing him.

“What if I go make us coffee and you can get ready in the meantime.”

His eyes were still closed and looking at him now, when he was half asleep was really a nice sight.

A sweet smile stretched over his face and both his dimples made their presence known.

“Sounds amazing to me. Now if you are in the mood to make your delicious omelets as well, I’d say you are the best.”

Once more a chuckle escaped me. I leaned closer and pecked his lips briefly.

“Ok. Get ready. I will make us coffee and omelets.”

His smile was still firmly in place and I knew he was still half asleep and should not put any weight behind his words but as I moved to the door I heard a sentence that sent my heart into overdrive. The good kind.

“Thanks babe. Love you.”

I couldn’t believe my ears.

He said…He said…He said he loves me.

But it could as well be my imagination playing tricks on me.

Since I started developing feelings for Mason and they grew stronger each day that passed between us.

I was wondering if I should call things off.

Just use the safe word.

But then I remembered if I did use it, it meant we would go back to hating each other.

And I enjoyed his company.

I liked getting to know him better, and honestly once we let the walls drop a little we got along really well.

And I didn’t want to lose that.

So confronting him about my growing feelings was not an option, neither was quitting our arrangement.

I was deep in my thoughts while I prepared breakfast.

So lost in my own head I didn’t hear Mason enter the kitchen.

Suddenly his arms wrapped around my middle and his nose was buried in my neck.

“Hmmm. Good morning, beautiful. What smells so good in here?”

I was confused for a second but answered him anyway.

“Omelets you asked me to make.”

He stiffened behind me.

“I did? When?”

My stomach dropped. Of course he didn’t remember anything. He was half asleep. And his words crushed my hopes of him having any kind of nice feelings towards me as well. But I couldn’t let him see my disappointment and hurt.

So I forced a chuckle.

“I guess you were still half asleep. I can make you something else if you want?”

“No, no. Omelets sound fantastic. I just really can’t remember saying anything. But thank you. You are the best.”

With those words he pecked my cheek and went back to his bedroom. Probably to get ready for the day.

My shoulders slumped the second I heard the shower started.

It was just my luck.

I promised myself I will not fall for him. But still I did. I fell hard.

And as if the universe was once again out to get me, that was only the beginning of my disastrous day.


After breakfast Mason went to work and I went to get ready for my apartment hunting.

I had to check out 4 apartments today.

An hour and a half later Sofie knocked on our door. She was an estate agent.

Meaning she chose apartments judging by my preferences, set up dates for us to check those apartments, and if I decided to buy one, she would put together a contract and of course get a commission for it as well.

So we were on our way.

3 apartments later I was tired and disappointed.

No apartment so far was what I was looking for so far.

“Don’t give up just yet. Some clients are looking for the perfect apartment or house for months.”

I knew she was trying to cheer me up but her words did the opposite.

But as we reached our last destination a weird feeling passed through me.

It was like my subconscious was telling me that this is it.

When I looked at the house in front of me a bit better and a sense of calm washed over me.

It wasn’t an apartment, but rather a small house.

Perfect for me honestly.

It had pretty big windows, which I suspected brought enough sun light into the house through the day. Around it was a white wooden fence and gates that looked like they belonged into another time. But to me it looked like a fairytale.

It’s garden was overflowing with flowers, roses and tulips to be precise and it was a picture perfect.

There was a small garden on one side and a huge part of empty land covered only with grass.

Perfect place to put a swing and a fire pit.

All in all it was perfect.

“I know it’s not an apartment as you asked, but the price is in the same range and it is a bit on the smaller size so I thought I’d add it to our list just in case. If you don’t like it just say so and we can leave.”

“I don’t like it.”

Sofie’s shoulders dropped but I wasn’t done.

“I love it. This is the one I was looking for.”

When she heard my words her face light up like it was the 4th of July.

“Do you want to go check up the insides?”

“Yes please. But you can already call the person that is selling it, to let them know I want to buy it. I would be grateful if I can move in asap.”

I stepped inside the house, to find it fully furnished.

On the right there was a large living room with a couch in a light green color, with with and neon green pillows.

All the curtains in the house were also green, but instead of looking ugly it looked like it was complimenting all the greenery on the other side of the windows.

As I predicted, the big windows were allowing a huge amount of sunlight to lighten the space.

On one wall of the living room there were huge shelves full of books and on the other there was a huge flat screen tv.

It was spacious and bright.

Just what I needed and wanted.

I turned around and saw a kitchen right across the hallway.

It was smaller than living room but still pretty big.

All the cupboards looked new to me. The counter was made off a nice looking stone and polished to perfection.

In the kitchen colors were a bit different.

It was a mix of yellow and blue and once again it left me stunned how much those colors complimented each other.

I moved down the hallway and found what I was suspecting was the master bedroom.

This one took my breath away.

It was a mix of so many colors.

Pink, yellow, green, blue…

Name a color and I am sure you would find it in here.

But it looked…perfect.

I know I am repeating myself but there was no better word to describe it.

“Owners said they would give you a 25% lower price if you manage to pay today. Looks like they need the money as soon as possible.”

A huge smile stretched across my face.

“Just prepare the contract and deposit details. I will take it and send the money as soon as I will be home.”


We took care of the paperwork really fast, and Sofie dropped me at home in a bit more than 30minutes.

Once inside I went straight to my laptop and turned it on.

I was just about to type in all the necessary info when I accidentally knocked over my glass of water.

My laptop got covered with water and a few sparks showed before the screen went black.

“No, no, no! Don’t you dare do this to me now!”

I was cursing myself and that damn glass of water, but than suddenly an idea hit me.

Mason’s computer!

I am sure he wouldn’t mind if I use it just for this one transaction.

I quickly turned on his computer and successfully transferred the money to the now previous owners of my house.

I was just about to turn of the computer when something on the desktop caught my attention.

There was a file, and it was named Rachel Bigsby.

Curiosity got the better of me and I opened it up.

And what I saw caught me off guard.

There was a letter of recommendation.

But what was it doing on Mason’s computer?

I closed it and took a look at other files.

And more of them I opened, more anger raised inside me.

That bastard!

He better have a good explanation!

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