just another roomie

Chapter 1 (Rachel’s POV)

It was another rainy day in London.

Nothing new.

I was born in London, so rain to me was something that’s almost a must every day.

But when I woke up at 6am this morning, I had no idea it would be raining in my life as well.

I was sitting in my office, going over some papers for my boss and waiting for my lunch break.

See, I was just an ordinary secretary in a huge law firm but I didn’t care.

I liked my job.

The only thing I didn’t like was my boss.

He was a sleaze bag that groped me every time he passed my desk.

So a few days ago, I complained about him to our HR team.

I should know by now a good lawyer wouldn’t fall that easily.

And that would be proven to be right to me in three, two, one…


The doors of my office were pushed open with great force, and a loud bang resonated all around the office.

“You ungrateful bitch! I gave you an opportunity to work with the best lawyer in London and you went and reported me to HR! For what? A few touches that were accidents? Pack your things Rachel. You are fired?”

I was looking at my boss with wide eyes.

“Excuse me?”

He was red in the face from all the rage. It would be hilarious if my job wasn’t on the line.

“You heard me right. Pack your things or I will call security!”

At this point, I’d heard enough.

One way or another, I had already lost my job, so what else was there to lose?

“You know what? You are the biggest self-absorbed idiot that ever walked on this earth! Accidents? Groping my butt and breasts is no accident you asshole! And you can deny it all you want, but we both know I’m right here! I feel sorry for your next assistant! Now leave my office so I can pack my things!”

He was still fuming but he did as I said and left me alone.

I packed my things in a hurry and left the building.

All I wanted now was to go home and eat all the ice cream my stomach could get.

I had just arrived home and put away my things when there was a knock at my door.

I went to open with a huge amount of exasperation.

Can’t people get a hint and leave me alone?

I opened the door and there stood my landlord.

“Miss Bigsby, I need to inform you that you have to move out of this apartment as soon as possible. Technically, you only have time until tomorrow morning.”

I was speechless.

“Are you shitting me right now? What’s the reason behind all this? I always pay my rent on time and I am a silent tenant. There were never any complaints made about me, and I get along with every neighbour. So I really don’t understand why all this now?”

He began sweating and wringing his hands.

“You see, Miss Bigsby, I got a call today. It was from Mr. Rigson. He said you lost your job because of harassment. He told me you were trying to seduce him and I am really sorry, but I can’t have such a woman living in my building.”

I couldn’t help it anymore. I started laughing like a crazy person.

My landlord only watched with huge eyes.

I bet he thought I was crazy, and maybe I really was, considering how my day was going so far. I wouldn’t really be shocked if I indeed went crazy.

When my hysterical laugh finally settled down, I looked at him and just accepted my destiny.

“No worries. I will be out of your hair by the end of the day. But next time, try getting both sides of a story before you judge someone.”

With those words said, I slammed the door right in his face.

Now what was I supposed to do?

An idea hit me.


I quickly grabbed my phone and dialed my best friend.

We have known each other practically since we were born. We lived next to each other and went to school together, but most of all, we just clicked at a young age. And even though she has traveled a lot since she was a model, we texted every day and, if it was possible, we called each other at least three times a week.

She picked up on the second ring.

“Hey babes, how’s life in London?”

Just hearing her voice broke me, and a river of tears started.

I managed to tell her everything between sobs though.

“Damn Rach. It seems the universe decided to fuck you over hard today. What can I do for you? Tell me and I will make it come true.”

I knew she really would, but there was only one thing I wanted to ask her.

“I will put myself together fast, you know me. But I would appreciate it if I could move into your house for a few days or weeks. Just until I find a new job.”

What I said I meant it and Becky knew it. I was a stubborn person and I never gave up on anything I wanted. I fought with everything in me to get the things I wanted in life. This time will be no different.

“You know you can babes. You have the keys so just get your ass to my house and make yourself at home for as long as you need it.”

I really have no idea how I managed to get such an amazing bestie.

We spoke for almost an hour, while I moaned about my missery, she tried to cheer me up with her adventures.

And like always, it helped.

By the time we ended our call, I was already halfway done with packing.

I quickly called the moving service and let them know where to pick up my furniture and the location of my storage unit where they would be taking it.

I carried my clothes and smaller belongings into my car and locked the door behind me.

I was just walking across the street to my car with car keys and phone in one hand when suddenly someone pulled my purse from my shoulder.

I tried to make a grab for it but it was too late.

The robber was already running away with it.

And judging from the development of my day so far, I didn’t even bother to run after him.

I would probably manage to injure my leg or something.

So I just let my shoulders drop and continued towards my car and everything that was left of my life.

Now, universe, if you could just let me get to Becky’s house, I promise to go straight into bed and go to sleep.

It wasn’t even 12 o’clock but I was ready for this day to end.

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