Journey Of Me And My Seven Sisters

Chapter 17

“In short, I want you to leave Delia. You’re not worthy of her.” Yelena cut to the chase right after Emrys sat down. She didn’t want
to waste another minute talking to him. Emrys uttered halfheartedly, “Cordelia and I are genuinely in love with one another. Why
are you trying to separate us?” “Ha!” she sneered. “If you truly love my sister, you won’t be swooning over another woman
simultaneously.” “How can you say that? What I’m harboring is clearly encompassing love. You are Cordelia’s younger sister. I
love Cordelia, so it’s a given for me to like you too.” He flashed a mischievous smile while brazenly reaching out to wrap his arm
around her waist. All of a sudden, a chilly sensation shot up Emrys’ legs. He hastily moved backward. When he looked down, he
saw a dagger stuck in the area of the couch between his thighs. Oh my. If I hadn’t sensed her attack in advance and moved
twenty centimeters away in time, she would’ve sliced off my manhood with a single slash. Lena is indeed ruthless. While
lingering fear washed over him, he also wondered if an ordinary person could be equipped with such dexterity. Emrys’
background was extraordinary. On the front, he had the support of the Thirty-six Sky Generals. Besides, he was also in charge of
the secret Seventy-two Shadow Forces. He could have easily figured out all his sisters’ information via the Seventy-two Shadow
Forces, but he didn’t do so. Emrys respected her sisters’ privacy. As such, he didn’t know that although Yelena was a bar owner
on the surface, she also had another identity: the cold-blooded assassin, Nightrose. Her call sign, Nightrose, was similar to the
name of the bar. For that reason, everyone wouldn’t connect the dot between Yelena and the savage killer since no assassin
would be so stupid as to expose their identity. Back at present, Yelena was also surprised that she missed. It had been a long
time since she last failed to hit her target. She swiftly pulled out the dagger and swung it at Emrys. The sharp end of the dagger
was aimed at Emrys’ throat the next instant, but he was well-prepared. He leaned backward on the back of the couch and rolled
over. The razor-sharp blade missed his face by less than a centimeter. Yelena abruptly leaped to her feet and said in a hostile
manner, “You’re no average Joe.” Emrys could’ve dodged her first attack by good fortune, but the second time couldn’t have
been as simple as a stroke of luck. Yelena wasn’t a fool, so she wasn’t oblivious to his prowess. She could even tell his
capabilities were above hers. Emrys smiled. “A girl like you shouldn’t play with knives. It’s dangerous.” Right after saying that, he
suddenly tilted his b*dy forward and flicked his finger. A second later, a crisp clang sounded. The dagger in Yelena’s hand was
sent flying out of her hand. An assassin losing her weapon was a fatal mistake. Utter shock and disbelief flashed across her
eyes. However, the next second, her b*dy tensed up because Emrys suddenly opened his arms and gave her a bear hug. It was
an innocent hug, but Yelena couldn’t fathom his intention. She thought he was taking advantage of her. Cold killing intent burst
forth from her b*dy. This shameless man deserves to die! At that precise moment, Emrys’ gentle voice rang out. “Lena, it’s me,
Emrys. I’m still alive.” Instantaneously, Yelena’s emotional barrier crumbled. She asked with a quivering voice, “W-What did you
say?” “Lena, he’s our younger brother, Emrys, not my boyfriend. We were kidding with you just now!” At that moment, Cordelia
pushed the door open and entered. She was shocked when she saw the messy interior of the room. Little did she expect the two
to get into a fight. Fortunately, I came in just in time. Yelena remained skeptical. Emrys recounted many things from their past to
her and even accurately mentioned the existence of a mole under her left breast. Finally, Yelena believed her younger brother,
Emrys, had returned. Tears of excitement gushed out uncontrollably from the corner of her eyes. She embraced him tightly, even

more so than Emrys did when he hugged her earlier. He could clearly sense the realness and passionate thumping of her
heartbeat. The blissful happiness he felt at that instant was indescribable. After Yelena regained her composure, the trio chatted
for a long time. Before they knew it, two hours had passed. Yelena glanced at the time and exclaimed, “Oh no. I almost forgot
about my meeting with Mr. Haberle.” “What’s the matter?” Emrys asked. “Mr. Haberle invited me to view his paintings and
calligraphy collection at eight o’clock. I won’t make it in time even if I hurry over now. I’m planning to tell him I won’t be going over
tonight. I want to stay here to keep you company.” Yelena was an artwork enthusiast. Whenever she came back after completing
her mission, she would spend some time practicing her drawing and calligraphy skills, as those were some activities that could
calm her in no time. Not long ago, she had become acquainted with Lorenzo Haberle. Lorenzo was a famous painting and
calligraphy collector. He had invited many people who shared his passion to check out his collection, and the event was held at
eight o’clock in the evening that day. Yelena was one of the invitees. She was about to contact Lorenzo to inform him of her
circumstances when Emrys piped up, “Lena, I’ll accompany you there!” “Are you interested in artworks too?” she asked. “Yes.”
He nodded. “Occasionally, I’ll draw to entertain myself.” Emrys had been staying in the monastery on the mountain from when he
was five to fifteen years old, so there weren’t any other ways to keep himself entertained. Aside from practicing the skills the old
friar taught him, painting was the other most relaxing thing to do. He was considered a part-time artwork enthusiast. Hearing that,
Yelena didn’t decline Lorenzo’s invitation but told him she would arrive late. Lorenzo magnanimously replied that it was fine.
Immediately afterward, the trio left the VIP room together. Emrys walked in the middle with Cordelia on his left and Yelena on his
right. The girls each held one side of his arm. The bystanders were utterly flabbergasted after taking in such an astonishing
scene. Cordelia and Yelena were two exceptionally exquisite beauties. Any man would guffaw in their sleep if they could even be
with one of the ladies. Yet, Emrys was going out with both women. Damn it. Isn’t he too greedy? Most unexpectedly, Rose
Queen was cold and unfriendly when she brought him upstairs earlier. However, after merely two hours, she seemed to have
changed into a different person. She’s now treating Emrys with the utmost affection. So, what exactly happened in the past two
hours? Suddenly, everyone’s imagination ran wild. They seemed to have guessed something. Two hours... Everything makes
sense now. The crowd instantly felt ashamed and inadequate.

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