Jax's X Game The Axelridge Series Book 2

Chapter 18

(Chapter song ‘If I Could Turn Back Time' by Cher, ‘Dirty Little Animals' by Bones UK)


I almost forgot where I was when the sun hit my eyelid. I open my eye and blink a few times to adjust to the sun rising behind the towers. It’s beautiful golden beams pour through Jax's wall of windows.

When I realized I was in Jax's bed, a smile crept across my lips. I turned over expecting broad shoulders, but instead I found an empty bed. It was only then that I realized what I was hearing.

I sit up, stretch my arms and pull up my knees, resting my arms on them. I grin as I look to the bathroom and lean my head on my hand. I had forgotten that this was what mornings were like with Jax.

I try to stifle my giggles as I slip out of bed and walk the open bathroom door. I lean on the frame and enjoy what I’m seeing.

With Cher playing on his phone, Jax is in the shower singing his Alpha heart out. Steam pours out of the door as he puts all his heart into the lyrics, making me shake my head. I didn’t think I would, but I miss this. I’m glad this part of Jax hasn’t changed.

I hit pause and cross my arms.

“HEY!” He sticks his soapy head out.

I have to laugh as I remember he also hates his routines interrupted.

I place a hand on my naked chest. “I’m sorry. I was just wondering if I can still get a ticket or is this little concert sold out.” I saunter up to the shower door as I tease.

“Very funny.” He smirks. “Hit play and get your cute ass in here…Please.”

I hit play and he grabs my wrist. He pulls me in and I yelp. He laughs as the water drowns me and my hair mats to my face.

He moves my hair and kisses my lips. “Turn around.” He mumbles.

I do as told, thinking maybe some shower fun, but instead he serenaded me as he washes my hair. I laugh louder as he really get into it.

He leans to my ear and sings the slow lyrics to me and wraps his arms around me. Soapy trails of water pool in his arms as they flow down my front. I lean into him and think how perfect this song is for us. I truly do wish we could turn back time, maybe I could do things differently and stop the destruction that happened to us. Maybe I would find some way to change Jaxton.

He spins me around and sings close to my lips as he rinses out my hair. He grabs a cloth and washes my cheeks.

I look into his eyes and my heart stutters. “I love you.” I say as I raise my chin.

He leans to my lips. “I love you more.” He kisses me and pushes us under the shower stream.


After a little more fun in the shower, we dried off and dressed.

As I put my sneakers on, I find my phone and open it to a dozen messages. One in particular caught my attention.

CHET: Audrey. I don’t know where you are, but get to the office now! You’ll never guess who showed up for a first hand look at Horizon. Vincent Vinelli.

My jaw falls and my insides feel sick. My body fills with angry.

Vincent Vinelli. As far as the Vinellis go, Antonio was the worst, but Vinnie came a close second. Him and his two sons were front and center to the destruction of Oxford on Antonio’s orders. Why? Oxford is the closest pack to Axelridge and they thought the occupation would give them an advantage. They didn’t count on the citizens of Oxford fighting back. We did with all our might. I wasn’t there at the time, but my parents were.

I came back after the funerals were done and it was then I vowed vengeance. He doesn’t know it, but in the cemetery, I watched the sad young man fall to his knees at his parents grave. An Alpha in training made full Alpha in the wake of horrific tragedy. My heart broke and I added Jax to my goal of destroying the Vinellis. This is why Jaxtium is so important. With this alloy, I can develop a weapon the lycans will be powerless against. Until such weapon is made, I will pretend to not know Mr. Vinelli and find out all I can about him. This may be my only chance.

“So, I was thinking of breakfast on the pier. What do you think? Some chocolate chip pancakes. You still like those right?” He sits on the bed beside me. “Rey?”

“Hm…Oh…Yes, I do.” I close my phone and grab his hand. “But I’m sorry. I can’t.”

“Why not?” He cinches his brow.

“Something has come up at the office and I must go.” I answer as I stand.

“But it’s Sunday. Come on, Rey. Let…Chet handle it or something.” He pleads as he stands.

I cup his cheeks. “I so would if I could, but this is something only I can handle.” I kiss his lips. “I will call you as soon as I’m done.” I kiss him again and grab my purse.

“Uh. OK.” He walks me out.

I spin around at the door and grab his nape. I kiss him deep. I separate. “I had a wonderful night. Thank you.”

He leans on the door frame. “You’re welcome.” He smiles as he cups my cheek and rubs it with his thumb.

I was about to leave, but then remember. “Shoot. My phone.” I rush back to his room and grab it off his bed. I jog back and show him. “Can’t forget this. My life is in here.” I chuckle and put it in my purse.

He chuckles too. “Ok. See you later.”

“You have a game today, ya?” I say.

He nods. “Yes. At 2.”

“See you then.” I smile.

One last kiss and I’m out the door. As I walk down the hall to the elevator, I pull my phone out.

YOU: I’m on my way. Get him ready. Check the armor, gas the bike and make sure the electromagnets are charged. They were sluggish on the last test. Have him on standby. We may need him later.

CHET: On it. Vinelli is waiting in your office.

YOU: Thanks.

I try to keep my anger in check as I walk down the hall to my office.

Chet greets me before I get to the door.

I hand him my briefcase and overcoat. “How did he find out?” I question.

He shrugs. “All he would tell me is he has friends.”

I narrow my eyes to the door. “Of course.” I compose myself. “No matter. I’ll send him packing. If not, the Mace will have a few words, I’m sure. He has a lot of guts being in Axelridge.”

“I know. I almost called the council, but I thought I should talk to you first.” Chet informs.

I nod. “Good. We don’t want their attention. As far as out application says, we deal in diamonds and gold. If they knew…”

“That would be bad. I get it.” He opens the door. “Good luck.” He whispers.

I lift my chin, find my confident business woman and stride into my office. “Mr. Vinelli. Sorry to keep you waiting.”

The lycan Alpha stands and I’m amazed at how different he looks from his brother. His long on top, blonde hair hangs in that wind swept look and his body is as muscular as a lycan can make himself out to be. As I get closer, I can tell he’s puffing himself up for me.

“Miss. Oakland. I normally don’t like waiting, but after seeing your pretty face, I’ll make an exception. Sorry to make this meeting on short notice and disturb your weekend. I hope I didn’t ruin anything.” He says as he sits back down in the chair in front of my desk.

I sit in my office chair and eye him. “You did, but I’m dedicated to new clientele. I'm surprised to see you. The Vinellis aren’t ones to make personal calls…given the acts of war and all. Especially in this city.” I fold my fingers on my desk and arch a brow.

He adjusts himself in his seat. “I’m a business man, Miss. Oakland. War is business. That’s all. Which brings me to why I’m here. I’m interested in your find. I want in on the next auction.”

He personifies the mafia boss almost perfectly with his mannerisms and accent.

I nod and look at my desk top. “No.” I raise my head to him. “I apologize, Mr. Vinelli, but the auction is by invitation only.”

He shrugs. “So, send me an invite.”

I shake my head. “As much as I would love to, I can’t. I have a certain criteria for my clients and lycans are not on that list. No offence.”

“I see." He picks something off his shirt and flicks it to my floor. “You know, I have a lot of pull in New York. I could easily quadruple your profits.” He raises his chin and meets my eyes.

I tilt my head. I feel my annoyance start to rise. “Be that as it may, the answer is still no. Now, I suggest you leave before a certain black rider finds you're here.”

He rest his hand on his knee and points at me. His brow stitches together. “The Black Mace can kiss my lycan ass. If things go my way, he won’t ever be identified.”

I raise a brow. “Oh. You think you can best him, Mr. Vinelli?”

He leans back. “He’s as good as dead.” He grits.

I nod. “From what I hear, he doesn’t take to dying much. I probably wouldn’t put too much confidence in myself.”

He stands. “We'll see about that. Have a good day.” He growls.

“You, too.” I smirk.

I call Chet into the office. I lean back and look out to the Alpha towers.

“Well, how did it go?” He asks as he walks up to my desk.

“I have a feeling Victor Vinelli will not give up so easily.” I turn my chair to Chet. “I believe a friendly visit from the Black Mace is in order. To…send a message that he’s being watched.” I eye Chet.

He nods. “I’ll get him ready.”

“Thank you.” I say as he leaves.

I turn back to the towers. The Vinellis need to be put in their place until I’m ready to finish them. I need all my little duckies in a row first. Only then, can I unleash all the hell I’ve been storing for 20 years. Victor Vinelli will beg and cry at my feet before I kill him. I won’t settle for anything less.

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