Jason (Blue Halo Book 2)

Jason: Chapter 19

Jason opened the door to Blue Halo the next morning, not surprised to see Amy already behind the desk. She immediately stood, wringing her hands in front of her.

“Amy, can I please see you in my office?”

He didn’t wait for a response, instead moving down the hall, listening to the clicking of her heels against the floor as she followed.

He’d barely dropped behind the desk before she was talking.

“I’m so sorry.” She stepped into the room, stopping on the other side of his desk. “I didn’t mean to cause any trouble between you and Courtney yesterday.”

Jason rubbed his forehead. He’d spoken to the rest of the guys, and they all agreed if it was best for him, it was best for the company.

“I appreciate your apology, Amy. Unfortunately, we can’t have you—”

“Don’t say it. Please!” The desperation in her eyes was new and unexpected. “I need this job. The drink spill and fall were intentional and completely inappropriate. I just… I like you, and it blinded me to everything else.”

“You’re good at your job, but I just don’t see how a professional relationship between us is possible now.”

He’d have to work with the woman, talk to her, walk past her every day. He owed it to Courtney to ensure that wasn’t the case. Amy had seen him with Courtney on multiple occasions, so what she did spoke volumes about her morals and ethics.

“I swear nothing like that will happen again. I will remain completely professional to both you and everyone else here.” She reached out, clenching the desk with a firm grip. “Please.”

Okay, now he just needed to know. “Why do you need this job so badly?”

The woman was a good receptionist. He doubted she’d have a hard time getting work somewhere else. Maybe not in Cradle Mountain—the town was small and he didn’t think anyone was hiring—but somewhere in Idaho.

She straightened, shifting her weight from one foot to the other. “Because I need to be here in Cradle Mountain.”

Didn’t really answer his question.

Her eyes darted between his. “At least give me time to find something else.”

He blew out a long breath. “I’ll talk to the guys.” And Courtney. Mostly Courtney. He hadn’t run this by her. If firing Amy was important to her, then she was gone tomorrow.

She nodded, some of the tension easing from her face. “Okay. Thank you.”

He was pretty set on getting rid of the woman, but… maybe she was low on cash? Why else would she try so hard to keep a job where things between them would always be awkward?

She turned, all but fleeing the room.

The rest of the day moved fairly quickly. He spent a large chunk of it in his office writing up security plans for companies. The only break he took was to do a workout with Tyler. He avoided Amy entirely.

When it was time to leave, he was just rising to his feet when his cell rang.

“Flynn, what’s going on? You still with Courtney?” He was the one who’d been assigned to her today.

Music played loudly in the background, as well as the hum of voices. “Yeah. We’re at Tucker’s.”

Jason paused. “Tucker’s? As in Tucker’s Bar?”

Why were they at a bar?

“The one and only. Grace and Logan are with us. Before you ask, it was Courtney’s idea. She wanted to stop for a drink.”

“I’m leaving the office now.”

On the drive over, gray clouds scudded across the sun. He could almost smell the rain. Good. He loved rain. It was why he hadn’t minded moving to Idaho. It beat the hell out of the Texas heat.

It took him four minutes to get to the place. He stepped into the bar, which was packed. But then, it usually was. There was a homey, comfortable feeling to the place, with its wooden interior and warm lighting.

His eyes landed on Tucker standing behind the bar. He was a big man in his fifties, also former military. Tattoos snaked down his arms in sleeves.

Looks were deceiving in his case though, because despite looking like a mean son of a bitch, he had the biggest laugh Jason had ever heard and was rarely seen without a smile on his face.

Jason gave him a nod before scanning the bar. He spotted Courtney immediately. She and Grace were the only two people on the dance floor, and they were dancing like no one was watching. Their hips moved in time with the music, pure joy on their faces.

He smiled, moving over to the booth where Flynn and Logan sat watching, sliding in beside them with a perfect view of Courtney.

“How’d it go?” Flynn asked.

“I told her I’d talk to you guys about letting her stay just until she finds another job.”

He could feel Logan’s eyes on him. “Really?”

“She basically begged me. She had this desperate look on her face.” He breathed out a long breath. “She promised to keep everything professional. I’m going to talk to Courtney tonight. See what her thoughts are. If she says or even looks like she wants Amy gone straightaway, she’s gone.”

The guys nodded, trusting Jason to do what needed to be done.

Jason looked across to Flynn. “You been back to your family property?”

Flynn lifted his beer to his lips, taking a sip. “Not since before you guys went up. Why?”

“We never found Courtney’s necklace.”

“I can drive up this weekend.”

Jason lifted a shoulder. “If you’re already planning to go, it would be great if you could take a quick look.”

Although, Jason had searched high and low. There was no sign of it.

The light drizzle of rain sounded on the roof of the bar. No one but them would be able to hear it. Not with the music and noise drowning it out.

When Courtney’s eyes met his from across the room, the green and brown shades deepened. Time to see his woman.

Courtney’s heart gave a kick. Jason was walking toward her. His powerful thighs stretched the denim of his jeans, his biceps threatening to split the material of his shirt.

Grace gave her a little shoulder nudge before heading to the booth where Logan sat.

Jason stopped in front of her, his powerful arm sweeping around her waist, head lowering, mouth grazing her cheek.

“You’re too sexy, woman.”

His breath was like whispers of fire lacing her cheek. Her hands went to his shoulders and they began to sway slowly.

His head lifted. “Any reason you chose to come here?”

Did you need a reason to dance in a bar? “Grace was free, and I felt like dancing. I’m sick of working and hiding out in my apartment. And maybe I was hopeful that someone would come dance with me.” The man had played right into her hands.

He smiled, but it didn’t last long. “I have something I need to tell you.”

Sweet mother of Jesus. What now? Tonight was about dancing and fun and not thinking about the hard stuff. And whatever he was about to say was definitely hard stuff. She could tell by the look on his face. The regret coating his words.

Dread knotted her stomach. “Okay.”

“I didn’t fire Amy today.”

She paused mid-sway, brows pulling together. “Were you supposed to?”

His gaze flicked between her eyes. “Yes.”

“For you or for me?” she asked softly.

“For us.”

Sweet. But unnecessary. “Jason, I never wanted or expected you to fire her for me. Do I like her? No. Do I like that she clearly wanted to kiss you? Hell no. But can I see why she did it? Heck yes. Who wouldn’t make a move on you?” The guy was all sex and power. “If you fire her, do it for you. Because she set you up and put you in a compromising position.”

Jason looked almost shocked. “Really?”

“Really. Just last night you told me I had nothing to worry about. So… I believe you. I trust you.” She gave him a small smile.

“I’m thinking about letting her stay only until she finds other work. Along with giving her a formal written warning.”

Courtney gave a slow nod, considering his words. “Do you think she’ll do anything like that again?”

His head shake was immediate. “No.”

“Then that’s fine with me.” Her hands went to his chest, sliding over the hard ridges. Good Lord, the man was all muscle.

His grip tightened around her waist. “You’re amazing.”

“Hm. Maybe you should take me to my place and show me just how amazing I am.” Even though she’d been the one to suggest it, her lady parts fluttered at the thought.

“I was thinking you might like to stay at mine tonight.” She paused at his words. “I could make some pasta. Put the fire on.”

“You have a fireplace?” That didn’t sound terrible.

She hadn’t been to his place yet, but that was only because she had Eddie. He hadn’t been at the vet for long, but with his fractured rib, she hadn’t wanted to leave him. “Maybe we could drop by my apartment to check on and feed Eddie on the way?”

“Done.” His hands grazed over her arms, leaving a trail of goose bumps in their wake. “I might have to give you my jacket, it’s a bit wet outside.”

“It’s raining?” She turned to look through a window, and sure enough, she saw the rush of raindrops against the window.

“Yeah, and I think it’s raining pretty heavily now.”

Her eyes shuttered. “I love the rain. Jessica and I used to dream about—”

He frowned. “About what?”

Her cheeks heated. Then she leaned up on her toes, whispering against his lips. “Instead of telling you, I’ll show you when we get to your place.” She pressed a quick kiss to his lips before turning and tugging him toward the door.

“You’re really not gonna tell me?”

“Nope. You could use some good surprises in your life.”

They stopped quickly at her house, where she gave Eddie some love and put his dinner out. Every time she saw him, she breathed a sigh of relief that he was doing so well. Helen and Bernie were both finally due to return home tomorrow, and Courtney was already planning on baking for the older woman every chance she had.

She packed an overnight bag and they drove to Jason’s. They were almost there when a text came in from Joey.

Hey, did you ever find your necklace?

She frowned. Poor Joey had enough stuff to worry about. It was kind of him to ask about the necklace, though a little odd. He saw her without it every day at work.

No. Why?

“Who’s messaging?”

When no response came through, Courtney put her phone down on her lap. “Joey. He’s just checking in.”

Jason nodded, pulling into a garage attached to a large, modern-looking townhouse.

“Ooh, this is nice.” And it sure beat her miniscule one-bedroom apartment.

He squeezed her leg with his hand.

After parking the car, he walked around to open her door, taking her hand as he led her inside. The place was just as modern on the inside as it was on the outside. The kitchen was large and all the appliances were crazy high-end. The couch in the living room was big and looked ridiculously comfy, and the TV… well, it was exactly what every man dreamed of. Huge.

Jason led her up the stairs and down a hall, opening the door to the master bedroom.

She walked around the space, inspecting the black bed sheets and gray walls. “So, this is your bachelor pad.”

It was as far removed from her fluorescent, multicolored walls and bedding as you could get.

He chuckled. “I wouldn’t call it a bachelor pad, but it’s been home since moving here.”

“It’s beautiful, Jason.” In a very masculine way.

Hands curved around her waist from behind. A second ago, the man had been across the room. “You’re beautiful.”

She smiled, watching the rain hit the window. The moment felt about as perfect as one could get. She turned, fingers threading behind his head. “Can I see the backyard?”

Confusion marred his brows. “Uh, sure.”

She chuckled, liking that he didn’t question her. They moved down the stairs and through the kitchen to the backyard. When they stepped outside, under the veranda, the rain was loud.

Courtney tugged her phone from her pocket, placing it on the outdoor table before toeing off her shoes.

Jason watched her closely. He was cute when he was confused. “Courtney…”

“Yes?” Her hands went to the top of her jeans, popping the button then pushing the zipper down.

His eyes heated about twenty degrees. “What are you doing?”

“Jessica and I used to talk about our perfect moment with a guy. What it would look like. Feel like. The emotions that would imprint those seconds into our memories forever.”

He tilted his head to the side. “Did yours involve hypothermia?”

“Ha ha.”

Just as he said it, a gust of wind rushed past them, causing her skin to pebble with goose bumps. Okay, he was right. It was freaking cold. But she ignored it, wriggling her hips as she pushed the jeans down to her knees, then her feet.

Then she grabbed the base of her sweatshirt, tugging it over her head. “We decided it had to involve rain, because every romantic movie we’d ever watched to that point had the peak romantic moment in the rain. It also needed to be under the cover of moonlight.”

And it needed him. She hadn’t known when she’d been a fifteen-year-old girl, dreaming with her best friend, but now she did. Her perfect moment was with Jason. Every perfect moment from here on out would be, if she had her way.

The second the material dropped to the ground, Jason was in front of her, hands going to her arms, halting her before she could unsnap her bra. “It’s too cold.”

“So, we’ll go back inside and have a hot shower after. Drink some cocoa.” His jaw ticked. “Come on, Jason. Be crazy with me for a second. Make a memory we can take with us into the future.”

His touch sent waves of heat up her arm. Finally, he let go, hands going to the bottom of his top, tugging both his shirt and sweatshirt over his head. “We’re only staying out there for a second.”

She paused at the sight of his impressive chest. Watched the muscles ripple as he removed every scrap of clothing he wore until he stood completely bare in front of her.

She sucked in a deep breath, removing her bra and panties.

This time it was Jason’s turn to breathe deeply, his gaze roaming her body from head to toe. God, his eyes on her made her feel beautiful and confident and feminine.

Taking his hand, she tugged him into the rain. The water hit her hard, feeling like tiny pinpricks all over her skin. But it also felt good. A thin connection to Jessica.

Closing her eyes, she turned her head up to the sky.

For you, Jessica. To making memories.

Her eyes shot open as Jason lifted her against him. Holding her. Warming her with his big body.

She moved her lips to his ear, pressing a kiss there before whispering the words her heart urged her to say.

“I love you.”

His body stilled, the arms around her tightening. When he looked at her, there was a new intensity in his gaze. Then he said the words she longed to hear.

“I love you too.”

Something in her heart cracked, but in the best possible way. It was the cracking of the casing that she’d put around it to protect herself. The cracking of the shield that had kept men at bay for so long.

Her hands went to his cheeks, his breath whispering over her lips as she dipped her head. “Kiss me.”

His eyes turned black. So black they were as dark and stormy as the sky. Then his lips were on hers. Moving. Caressing.

She barely felt the cold now. All she felt was him.

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