Invisible Mate ( Mate Series Book 1)

Chapter The Preparations

Two years later...

Iris was sitting on top of a seven-year-old boy John, and raining punches repeatedly on his face with her tiny fist. The boy groaned in pain while Ian, who stood beside his twin sister, looked concerned for the boy. ” Nooo...Iiiiis.”

Iris ignored her brother and continued hitting the guy while the playschool caretaker was helplessly trying to rid the boy from Iris’s grip. Though Iris was only three years old, she was pretty strong.

Ian turned to his cousin Darren and said, ” Stop her... Daaaeen”

Darren approached Iris, smiled at her, and smirked, ” Hit mmore.”

Ian shook his head in disbelief, and the caretaker finally managed to pick Iris up from the boy who was crying his eyes out.

Iris desperately tried to get out of her grip and succeeded. She ran towards the guy to beat him again but paused when she heard her mother’s voice, ” Iris don’t...”

Adele approached John and asked him sweetly, ” Are you hurt?”

John was about to complain but stopped when Iris angrily glared at him. ” I-I am fine,” he replied reluctantly and ran away in fear.

Adele faced Iris and said in a tired voice, ” How many times have I told you not to get into a fight.” Adele was training with Chris and Liam when they heard the kids fighting.

" What is it this time?” Liam asked the caretaker glancing at his daughter in disapproval.

The caretaker was hesitant to speak, so Adele asked the older kids present there, and one of them replied, ” John mocked Ian and said he’s supposed to be in Blackwood pack; this is not his home.”

" Well... that’s true,” Chris muttered under his breath, and Adele glared daggers at him.

" John also said Ian’s parents don’t love each other; hence they are not together,” another kid added.

" That’s not true,” Chris said and picked up Ian. ” I love your mother a lot. Why didn’t you punch the boy when he lied?”

“I p-punch, Dada,” Iris said excitedly.

" That’s my girl,” Chris praised Iris and kissed her cheek.

" What are you trying to teach them, Chris?” Liam said, annoyed.

“Didn’t you hear what the boy said?”

" They are just kids,” Adele exclaimed, exasperated.

" Can’t you see our children are affected by these words? It’s already three years Adele, and it’s high time we stay together as a family.”

" I agree to that,” Liam chimed in. ” Please come back.”

Adele didn’t respond, just scoffed, and went back to the packhouse where she met Daisy. ” I don’t know what to do with these kids.”

" It’s not their fault, Ade. Kids suffer the most when parents aren’t together.” Daisy held Adele’s hand and said, ” Though I don’t want to agree, your mates have considerably changed for the good. Don’t you think so?”

Adele thought back to all the things Chris and Liam had done for her in the past three years to gain her forgiveness. There was a total change in their attitude, especially Chris. There was not a day when they had not apologized to her or asked her on a date. They were very loving towards the kids and had even managed to get close to Adele’s family. Chris and Liam had even tried to seduce her during their training sessions and blame it on their good looks and the mate bond; Adele almost gave in to their tricks.

" Have you still not forgiven them?” Daisy asked, interrupting Adele’s thoughts.

" I am not sure because of Alexa.”

" Means?” Daisy asked, confused.

" Alexa is the one who has been wronged the most, and if I accept them without her consent, I feel like I am betraying her.”

" I don’t know what to say to that,” Daisy seemed to agree.

" I can completely forgive and accept them only when Alexa is back with me.”

" The Blood Moon day is in a week. As much as I know Alexa, she always wanted to be with her mates. Does that mean you are shifting back to Blackwood pack soon?” Daisy asked, raising her eyebrow.

" Ummm... Maybe...”

The next few days were like a rollercoaster ride. Chris and Liam had entrusted the Blackwood pack to Trevor and Dalton for the time being and remained at the Silverlake pack for the past few weeks.

After the incident wherein Samara had tried to torture the twins, Adele or anyone had never heard from her again. There were no threats, no curses, and no pain of any sort. Adele was sure Alexa had somehow managed to silence Samara, and she was proud of her wolf.

On the other hand, Chris and Liam seemed frustrated with their existence. One mistake had taught them a lesson for life. They had lost their mate, their wolves, and even their pride. They relentlessly tried to persuade Adele to come back, but she didn’t seem to give in.

Chris and Liam often vented their frustration on Archer by torturing him, but now even he was dead. Archer had gone insane and killed himself, unable to bear the tortures anymore. Chris didn’t regret his death one bit; the bastard deserved it and had it coming. But he indeed regretted not being able to find that vampire Daniel. He and his men had looked for him everywhere, but Daniel seemed to have vanished from the face of earth.

On the Blood moon day, Adele, Chris, Liam, Sybil, Sera, and Adele’s family members gathered at the sacred place near the church to perform their ritual. Last time, Samara had chosen the Demon’s forest with a dark aura, so they decided on a holy place this time. It was the day their fate would be determined, and there was no scope for failure because failure meant death.

" Are you guys sure of what you have to do?” Adele’s dad asked, looking worried.

Chris, Liam, and Adele glanced at each other and nodded their heads.

" Have belief in yourself and your mate; that’s the root to win against Samara. If you do not trust each other, all your strength and training would be useless, ” Sybil advised again for the millionth time. ” Ask yourself, do you trust each other?”

" I trust Liam and Adele with my life,” Chris said without a second thought.

" Same here, ” Liam added.

Adele was still silent as she was nervous and excited at the same time. Nervous because of Samara and excited as she would be meeting her wolf after a gap of three years.

" Adele, are you still having any doubts? ” Sybil asked, tensed. ” You cannot afford to fail today. It’s do or die.”

Adele came out of her thoughts and replied with certainty. ” I trust them.”

Chris and Liam heaved a sigh of relief, and Adele smiled to reassure them. It was true that she trusted them completely, and right now, it was necessary too.

" So, do you guys remember what I said and taught you?” Sybil asked.

" You seem to be very nervous today, Mom,” Sera remarked.

" I sure am. I have seen and tolerated enough of Samara’s evilness to last a lifetime. If something bad happens today, I don’t think I can handle it.”

Ariel choked up at Sybil’s words and held Adele’s hands feeling scared. ” Please, Ade, please be safe,” she said between her tears and then looked at Chris and Liam. ” I have already lost my daughter three years back, and now I am counting on you two to get her and Adele back safe and sound.”

" Be rest assured, Mom. We will die before we let anything happen to Adele and Alexa, ” Liam said with confidence.

" I will hold you to that.”

" Nothing will happen to any of us; we won’t let that witch win,” Chris added.

“I am sure this time Samara’s first target would be Alexa,” Sera said thoughtfully.

" There’s no doubt about it,” Adele said. ” Let’s see what she’s got.”

" So, are you guys ready?” Axel asked.

" Yes,” Chris, Liam, and Adele said in unison. ” Don’t interfere until absolutely necessary,” Chris reminded Axel.

" Okay, I will be alert; please be careful,” Axel said, staring at Adele.

Adele took out the moonstone and whispered to Alexa, ” The time has come.” She then placed the moonstone in Chris’s palm, hoping for the best.

Chris took out a knife from his pocket and said, ” On a count of three... One... two...three...” He cut his palm and dripped his blood on the moonstone.

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