Invisible Mate ( Mate Series Book 1)

Chapter After Effects

Alexa ran across the forest for a few minutes to enjoy the greenery and the cool breeze of the woods. This was like heaven compared to the barren land within the moonstone.

" You seem to be enjoying the forest a lot today,” Adele remarked.

" It’s true that we do not appreciate the things we have until we have lost them,” Alexa said, jumping into the river for a swim. The feeling of cool water soothed her soul. " One thing that I have learned in the past three years is not to take life for granted. We have a single life, and we must enjoy it to the fullest as we never know when it will all end.”

" Now that you are free, what do you wanna do?”

" For now, I need to see my pups. How are they? Is Iris still mischievous?”

" Why don’t you see yourself,” Adele said, and Alexa came out of the river and raced towards the Packhouse.

Alexa entered her room, shifted, and got dressed. " Can you let me take control more often, even in human form? I want to feel everything I haven’t for the past three years.”

" Of course, Al. Guess it’s time for me to rest for a while.”

Alexa went towards the kid’s room, and her family was waiting outside.

" You are back?” Ariel said, signing in relief. ” What about Samara?”

" She’s here,” Alexa said and showed her the moonstone. " Lock her in the safe, Bro.” She handed the moonstone to Axel, who left to go to his office.

" Thank God, it’s over. What about Chris and Liam?” Ariel asked, looking concerned.

" They are fine, Mom,” Alexa replied casually.

" But she is not,” Chris said from behind. ” She’s hurt.”

" What? Where?” Ariel was checking Alexa to look for injuries.

" I am already healed, Mom.”

" What? So soon?” Chris was surprised. He lifted Alexa’s T-shirt to check her wound, and to his surprise, the deep cut was just a bruise now.

" Get off me,” Alexa spat. ” ...And rather, you two should get your injuries checked.”

" We will go if you take us,” Liam said with a smile.

" Fuck off; I need to see my pups,” Alexa said and entered the twin’s room.

Ian and Iris were sleeping on their beds, and with the moonlight shining upon them, they looked like Angels." They are beautiful,” Alexa said, feeling choked up. " They have grown so tall.”

Alexa put her hands on Ian’s cheek, and he awakened since he was a light sleeper. ” Mamma,” he said and hugged Alexa with his tiny hands.” E-Eyes...white?” Ian said, feeling surprised and excited at the same time.

" Are you scared?” Alexa asked, looking concerned.

” No... My Mamma petty,” Ian said in his baby voice, calling his Mom pretty and kissing her on the cheek.

Alexa hugged Ian, and she had tears in her eyes. " I-I missed you so much.”

Alexa spent the night in her kid’s room, and in the morning, she was awoken by Iris jumping on her. She took her kids to the river for a bath.

" Mommy has wwolf,” Iris and Ian bounced excitedly when they saw their mother turning into a snow-white wolf, and she gave them a ride on her back to the Packhouse.

Later, while the twins played with their friends, some kids teased Ian again. Ian ignored them and was, in turn, pushed away by two older guys making him fall to the ground with a thud.

Alexa lost her cool and growled angrily at the kids scaring them away.

" Calm down, Al; they are just kids, ” Adele said.

“I can’t calm down. Those kids hurt my pup,” Alexa seethed and picked up Ian.

" Why are you getting so worked up over such a small issue?”

Alexa calmed herself and said in a softer tone. " I don’t know, Ad. I can’t control my anger these days. Guess it’s the effect of that witch.”

" Maybe we need a break.”

" You are right. Let’s go clubbing,” Alexa suggested.

" Clubbing?”

" Yes, why not? We wasted our teenage years waiting for our mates. It’s time we enjoy the things we missed out on.”

In the evening, Adele, Daisy, and a few of her other friends dolled up and got ready to go on a girl’s night out. Adele wore an elegant black bodycon dress which was a few inches above the knees and perfectly hugged her curves. She put on some light make-up and did her hair.

" Isn’t it too provocative?” Adele asked, looking herself in the mirror.

" Absolutely not. It’s perfect,” Daisy stated.

" Yeah, it’s good, ” Alexa added.

" You too?” Adele asked, shocked. ” You have changed.”

" I don’t mind,” Alexa said casually.

After getting dressed, they all were ready to leave when Chris and Liam spotted Adele and did a double-take. They gazed at her, their mouths agape and eyes wide open. Adele looked gorgeous in the black outfit, and they couldn’t help but stare shamelessly.

Axel, who had just come out of his office, spotted his wife and sister and said in an annoyed tone. ” Where are you guys headed dressed like that?”

" We are going to a club,” Daisy replied casually.

" What? Alone?”

" Does it look like we are alone?” Daisy said, pointing at her group of friends.

" What about us?” Liam asked. ” Can we join?”

" It’s a girls-night-out,” Adele said in a clipped tone.

" It’s not safe to...” Chris started, but Adele stopped him. ” We can take care of ourselves. You don’t have to worry.” She then left the Packhouse with her friends ignoring Chris, Liam, and Axel’s protests.

" Where are you going?” Axel asked when he saw Chris and Liam following the girls.

" Wherever they go,” Chris stated without turning back.

" Don’t you think the girls need some space?” Axel asked.

" We have given our mate nothing but ’space,’” Liam spat the word space with distaste. ” It’s time we get close now.”

" Don’t you trust Adele?” Axel asked, raising his eyebrow.

" We totally do,” Chris said confidently. ” But we don’t trust the guys who will lay their filthy eyes on her.”

When Axel realized how beautiful Daisy looked just now, even he couldn’t control himself and followed Chris and Liam. ” I am coming with you too.”

The club was filled with people drinking and dancing around. Adele and her friends grabbed their drinks and sat on the barstool.

" Let’s go dancing,” one of her friends suggested.

" I am fine here,” Adele said, taking a sip.

" Come on, Ade, it’s a perfect opportunity to let loose,” Daisy insisted.

" But I don’t know dancing.”

" Most of them here don’t know. You just have to move your hips.”

" Let’s go; I want to,” Alexa said, and Adele reluctantly followed Daisy and her friends to the dance floor.

Chris, Liam, and Axel were sitting in a corner, keeping an eye on the girls.

" That sleazeball touched my mate,” Axel growled and got ready to get up, but Liam pulled him back. ” Don’t go. The girls don’t know we are here.”

" So I should allow him to grope her?”

" She is a werewolf, for God’s sake. Don’t you think she can tackle a human?” Chris said, rolling his eyes. But the next moment, he saw Adele talking to a guy and banged on the table. ” Why are they so close?”

Axel chuckled and smirked, ” Don’t worry. Ade can tackle him.”

While Adele was dancing, many guys asked her to join them, and she politely refused, but one particular guy didn’t seem to understand the meaning of no. He was deliberately trying to stick too close. Adele ignored him a few times, but finally, Alexa lost it.

" Get off me,” she growled, and the guy flinched.

" Y-Your eyes?” he said in fear, and Adele realized her eye color had changed. She closed her eyes and calmed herself. After a few seconds, she opened them and asked the man, ” What were you saying?”

The man looked visibly shocked to see Adele’s eyes were normal. ” I-I thought... I think I had too much to drink.”

" Then, just leave me alone.”

The man was flustered and hurried away in panic.

Adele got back to the bar to get another drink.

" You are a werewolf,” a man whispered beside her, and Adele looked to the side to see a tall, bulky man standing beside her. His scent was enough to prove that he was a werewolf too.

" And a hot one at that,” the man continued. ” Why are you wasting your time on these filthy humans? Come with me, and we can have a great time.”

" I am not interested, ” Adele said and brushed off the guy.

Chris, who heard their conversation through his werewolf hearing, trembled in rage and smashed the glass he held. ” How dare he?”

" That’s it,” Liam got up. ” I am smashing his face.” He paused when he saw Adele holding the guy’s wrist, twisting it behind his back.

" The f**k did you say? ” Alexa said in a deep voice. " Are you threatening me to sleep with you?”

The man flinched in pain and tried to escape Alexa’s grip, but he couldn’t. He had not expected this beautiful sexy woman to be this strong. ” I-I am sorry. I won’t bother you again.”

Daisy rushed towards Alexa and cried out, ” Please, let him go.”

Alexa pushed the guy away and spat, " Get out of my sight.”

The man gritted his teeth in anger and left.

" Let’s go home. It’s already late,” Daisy suggested.

" Okay,” Alexa said, and they all looked for their friends to leave.

Chris glanced at Axel and said, ” The girls are leaving. Follow them home.”

" What about you?” Axel asked.

" We have some business to take care of,” Chris smirked, and Axel shook his head.

" Don’t do anything stupid. There are a lot of humans here.”

" Don’t worry, now leave; they are at the door.”

Axel nodded and followed Adele, who had just gotten out of the door.

The werewolf who misbehaved with Adele couldn’t tolerate getting insulted by a mere woman. He went to his friends and said, ” Hey guys, I have found a woman for us to enjoy tonight, and guess what, she’s a werewolf.”

" Werewolf? Are you serious?” one of his friends exclaimed. ” It’s a long time since I have f**ked a werewolf. I was already planning to drug a human to take her with us, but they can’t seem to handle it when we get rough.”

" Yeah, I have found the perfect target, but she’s feisty, so we might have to use some force.”

" Feisty, you say? That’s even better.”

" I will show you what’s better.”

The men suddenly turned around when they heard a threatening voice.

" A-Alpha Chris?” they gulped in fear.

" So, what were you saying just now?”

" N-Nothing. We were just having a light conversation.”

" Light conversation? About molesting women?”

“No, Not at all. It was a silly joke.”

“The fact that you talk so vulgarly about women and are plotting to molest them is bad enough, but do you know what’s worse?

" W-What?” the guys asked in fear.

" The person you are targetting is my mate.”

The man who had misbehaved with Adele almost pissed his pants in dread. He tried to speak, but no words came out.

" What do we do with them, Liam?” Chris hissed with venom in his voice.

" Let me slice him,” his wolf Conan growled. " I want his blood.”

" Such people do not deserve to live. Heaven knows how many women they have assaulted before,” Liam said with disgust.

" Y-You can’t attack us like this. We are pack wolves, not rogues.”

" Who are you kidding?” Liam chuckled. ” Your crimes are enough to convict you to death.”

" W-We didn’t do anything. We were just fooling around.”

" Kidnapping women to f**k them is fooling around?” Liam sneered. Precisely at that time, Dalton appeared with his men. ” You called for us, Alpha.”

" Yes, Dalton,” Chris replied. ” Take these men to the Pack and lock them in the dungeon.”

" P-Please,” the men pleaded. ” Please, forgive us. We will never lay a finger on any woman again.”

" I don’t trust scumbags like you, and above all, how can I forgive a man who dared to hurt my mate?”

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