Chapter Chapter Thirteen.

John Whitmore was becoming more conversant in working directly with the Alien; and he had established a remarkable rapport and was now able to use the Aliens immense knowledge in advanced engineering skills. As such, the progress in dismantling and reconstructing the various parts of the Aliens Craft had enabled him to rapidly advance the project several stages forward.

It was becoming difficult to contain the excitement; selected staffs within Rudloe Manner were beginning to suspect something, as never before had such advanced technology been made so quickly, and it was rumoured from outside the Alien compound; that there was exterrestrial help from within one of the sections who were working directly on the project.

Such talk was hard at the best of times to contain, and Commander Phillips was disturbed by this, as what she did not want was an intelligence leak, knowing it would have put the project at risk, however containing such thoughts and conversations was not that easy.

The greatest advancement came in the reconstruction of the propulsion unit, once its basic principles had been revealed it became easier for Whitmore to construct a working model of his own.

Whitmore had a keen mind, and he wanted to share with Dobson the new discoveries; he knew it destroyed conventional thinking regarding the laws of physics, which state everything with mass has inertia; these new discoveries utilized a previously unknown science that corrected such problems.

Translated it broadly means there is a reluctance to change speed or direction when an object is traveling through the air, the typical reported manoeuvres of sighted UFOs have reported an ability to change direction at an instant which would leave any occupants by our thinking; squashed by the gravitational forces.

The Alien crafts propulsion unit ignores the known principles of physics and operates on the principle of a quantum vacuum force, by using powerful electromagnetic fields that alter the strength of the force, thus enabling the occupants of the craft to suffer no G-Force, and in outstandingly quick changes of speed and direction.

Commander Phillips had given the go ahead for the construction of a prototype craft, incorporating the already know technology from the three recovered crafts along with the discoveries from working with the Alien. With the resources and skilled airspace technicians, it was only a matter of time before such a craft would be ready for test trials.

The military had ploughed vast amounts of money into this project, and the reported sightings of unknown crafts were becoming all too common, and many gave details of immense triangular crafts suddenly appearing over military bases, hovering in mid-air, only to move away at incredible speeds then to simply disappear.

It was as if they were probing the defence capabilities of the military, and it was also feared they were probing or scanning for deep underground military units. The security of the Alien had become paramount; military intelligence reported inquiries where been made as to its whereabouts, and it was feared that opposing Alien intelligences had been instructed to locate and destroy, knowing the danger of such technology falling into our hands.

Winston read the papers; it was reported that Sean Clause had been found in a bed-sit and that his neck had been broken, this news made Winston angry and he found he was becoming impatient, as to-date no further leads had come forward as to Nelson’s whereabouts.

Winston decided to up the price and find another assassin, and it was Marie Robert’s who came forward; she was already in the paid service of Lord Goodwood. As Winston was unaware of this she decided to lead him on, as his money was as good as anyone else, and if he were gullible enough to part with it, then she would accept, Marie also had felt humiliated by the airport incident and sought revenge against Nelson for embarrassing her otherwise perfect record.

Nelson had returned back to his bolt hole where he was holding Sir Peter, the smell within had become offensive, and on seeing Nelson injured Sir Peter smiled, when the parcel tape was removed he found the strength to speak.

“I see the mighty Nelson is vulnerable after all, what is the matter are you becoming slower in your old age?”

Sir Peter found the thought hilarious, and continually reminded Nelson until he had put back the parcel tape back across his mouth. Nelson was hurting badly, and he was tired and needed to rest, leaving Sir Peter secured, he went into another part of the crypt, and only moments after sitting down he fell asleep. It was two days later when he remerged, Sir Peter wrists were starting to bleed again, and the smell in the room of urine and excrement was pungent. Nelson checked on his rats, he had kept them minimally fed, enough only to keep them alive.

On seeing Nelson open the rats cage, Sir Peter panicked, and pulling on his wrists and swinging his body violently around, however Nelson looked across to him.

“Now let’s see you torment me again.”

Nelson put one of the rats into a small wire basket and took it over to Sir Peter; he waved the wire container around his face and then walked behind his suspended body and placed the wire framed basked against his naked buttocks. The rat instantly tried to eat at the bare flesh from in-between the bars.

Sir Peter was frantic as he felt the pain surge through his body; and with the thought of been eaten alive was too horrid even for his mind to take in.

The rat had drawn blood and was now in frenzy, trying to eat deeper into the flesh. Nelson removed the basket and put it down, taking the rat out he placed it back with its container, and moving over to Sir Peter he looked him straight in the face

“If you ever torment me again, it will be the last thing you ever do.”

Sweat was pouring down Sir Peter’s face as Nelson walked out of the room and into the crypt, leaving his prisoner to think over the stupidity of having tormented his captor.

Agent Longman was pleased to receive an intelligence report that Nelson had been seen at the Shire horse pub, so, taking the initiative she pulled in every piece of CCTV video footage from businesses around the area, the Shire horse’s own security clearly showed George Nelson walking from his parked car into the pub. From there the internal recording showed him having a meeting with two men, later they departed. Once Nelson reversed his car to leave the car park, Agent Longman was able to read the license plate on his vehicle.

Other CCTV video units showed various shots of him moving around the local area. This was a considerable break for Agent Longman, it showed that Nelson was possibly located somewhere in the nearby area, Agent Bryan contacted central intelligence requiring details of any underground units in the area, and that may possibly be used for a temporary habitat. Also, he put into motion a unit to discover who were the two men whom nelson held a meeting.

It was Agent Longman who broke the news to her superior. Deputy Director Simms could read Agent Longman’s face; and he knew the moment that she had walked through to his office that something was wrong.

“Excuse me Sir,”

Simms always had affection towards Agent Longman; more like a father watching over the interests of his daughter. Agent Longman handed Simms the file; and on reading it he put the file to one side and was momentarily silent.

“You were right I’m not pleased, in fact I’m damn annoyed, and can’t we trust anyone these days.”

Agent Longman kept quiet she knew better than to speak out when Simms was like this. Simms took up the file again and once again read its contents, he found himself not wanting to believe what was before him. It revealed that the two men talking with Nelson were high-ranking FBI agents; both personally known to Simms.

“Right Agent Longman, it would seem we either are been kept in the dark about this mighty Mr. George Nelson, or we have yet more Federal agents on the take.”

Longman decided it was better to remain silent.

“Either way I intend to find out,” stated Simms.

Agent Longman took back the folder, not a word was spoken, and the silence seemed for an age. As she returned to her office she looked across to Bryan. Her mind was already piecing the evidence to date; she was in fact a master at such an exercise with an ability of mentally collating such evidence together until she was able to see more clearly the merging picture.

Marie Robert’s handed over a large sum of money; her informant quickly took it and walked away. Marie had established that Nelson was last seen in the Red Deer area; she knew it would not be long until more information came in, and as to where he possibly was hiding.

Lord Goodwood had also instructed his attorney to ensure that all his contacts, including those in MI6 were co-operative with Marie, and this gave her a considerable advantage over the police or anyone else looking for Nelson. It was only a matter of time as to which section of intelligence located Nelson first. George Nelson was himself at a considerable disadvantage, as he was now no longer sure whom in the police or MI6 could be trusted.

Later that evening Nelson left another message on John’s answer phone, he requested John to meet him at a location in Innisfail during the early hours of the next morning. John knew it was a coded message, the name Wycombe was used as a cover name, early morning actually meant late evening, any time after 10 pm and giving a two-hour window.

However, it did not give the exact location, yet John knew there were only two locations in the Innisfail area that Nelson ever used for such meetings. The Queens-mere shopping centre or a British type fish and chip shop in the high street. It was a safe bet that Nelson would avoid any security cameras to record the meeting; therefore, the meeting was to be held at the fish and chip shop.

John suspected Nelson wanted to hand in a backup file of the information that he had sent in by satellite to Central Control. Nelson was no fool, it was evident someone in central had been using their knowledge and contacts to try and kill him, it was therefore feasible that the satellite evidence had also failed to reach its intended source. Nelson needed someone that he knew he could trust to ensure the collected evidence reached the right hands to enable the follow up arrests.

It was 10.38pm when Nelson walked past the Fish and chip shop on the opposite side of the road, he was wearing darkish clothing with a hood over his head, and the weather was cold and wet, making it unpleasant for that time of night. There were numerous people in the area that had recently left the public bars and were either making their way home or looking for somewhere to get some food.

Nelson blended in reasonably well, and he had been talking with some people in a pub and left with them, making it more difficult to have been picked out. On passing the shop Nelson noticed the blue Chevy van waiting outside, John was seated in the drivers’ seat.

Nelson surveyed the area quickly, and then seeing it looked reasonably safe he crossed the road and walked towards the vehicle. Entering the shop, he joined the line of people waiting to be served, it was a little boisterous and noisy.

John pretended to try and get out of his vehicle; it was very evident from within the shop that he was experiencing some difficulty. Calling out to anyone in the shop John asked for some help, it was a complete stranger who went over to the van and offered assistance.

John explained he wanted to go into the shop to purchase a meal, Nelson called out, that’s all right mate, you stay in the van, and I will get whatever you want.

John asks the person to relay to Nelson to purchase two portions of Cod and chips. It was a few minutes later that Nelson walked up the van and handed over the wrapped fish and chips, there was also an envelope containing a memory stick handed over at the same time. John paid Nelson for the meal; it made the charade look more authentic.

Nelson never stayed to talk, he knew the risk of been seen or recognized was too great. The area was only a matter of minutes away from the local police station, from which some of the local law enforcement officers used the shop to purchase meals of their own.

Agent Longman sat in her car, which was parked some 100 metres away from John’s van, she was physically as well as mentally exhausted. This whole inquiry had taken its toll on many of the federal agents, who were now working on this case file.

Within the last week Agent Longman had only managed a few hours’ sleep. Had she of not been so exhausted, it is entirely possible that she may have suspected something, as it was she had not realized the person handing over the wrapped fish and chips was in fact Nelson? However, as Nelson walked past Agent Longmans car Nelson could see very clearly who was sitting there.

Lowering his head, he continued walking past the vehicle and turned off to walk through a side street back towards the out skirts of the high street area of Innisfail. John drove his vehicle home and shared the meal with Cathy. He had kept the memory stick out of sight until it was safe to read its contents.

Agent Longman only followed John and parked a short distance from Dodson’s Canadian home. John and Cathy were still using it at the request of their father; Agent Longman felt that she was not ready yet to confront John about any involvement with Sean Clause or Nelson. However, she was sure there must have being some kind of mistake, none the less she finally decided to have a 24-hour surveillance cover on him.

Later that night Dobson walked into his personal study after receiving a copy of Nelson’s data from John; he had also sent a backup copy to another safe computer from a secured and encrypted line on the Internet. Once he had read the short letter it was only a matter of minutes before a copy was made then Dobson up-loaded the entire contents to his computer at RAF Rudloe Manner England.

Commander Phillips was pleased to see John Dobson back in the security unit, as the two officers sat talking, John Whitmore was in another section of the vast underground complex, and he had been making even further discoveries thanks to the Aliens assistance.

Commander Phillips read the letter that Dobson had handed him.

“Are you certain he is all well enough to stay in the field, we could very safely care for him here?”

Dobson nodded his head indicating yes.

“Right have you the memory stick that Nelson gave to John?” she enquired.

Dobson reached into his attaché case and pulled out a device, he purposely never mentioned to anyone the fact that he had down loaded the information onto his computer or the fact that he had made another copy.

“Yes, Sir, I am pleased to hand it over; it possibly contains some very important information, and if Lord Goodwood has gone to such lengths to keep its contents hidden.”

The Commander took hold of the memory stick.

“Right from this moment; this item is in my personal care, and I shall hand it over to MS Winslow the moment I see her.”

Dobson was more than pleased to be off the case, it was becoming very dangerous for anyone involved, as some very powerful people now wanted anyone associated with Nelson eliminated.

John Whitmore spent the best part of three hours going over his progress with Dobson,

‘It was incredible,’ thought Dobson to learn of such progress, he felt a little envious; that it was Whitmore who had advanced the project so far forward, and later that day Dobson walked into the secured area where the Alien was being held, it pleased him to see the creature was still alive.

Momentarily Dobson stopped with the sudden realization that the Alien was talking to him through telepathy. This was the first time the Alien had revealed to anyone its ability to communicate without the aid of the translation mechanism.

Dobson smiled and walked over to the viewing panel, ensuring the room was empty of any other personnel he spoke to the Alien.

“I am sorry it was rude of me to think of you as a creature, if I offended you in any way please accept my apology.”

The Alien walked over to the viewing panel, he asked John if this was still necessary to keep him secured in such isolation. John realized how patient the Alien had been; and it had been confined to an area of room some ten by ten feet. No one had stopped to think of its personal comfort; nor even thought of asking it if it required anything.

The Alien could read John’s thoughts and of the shame that John was feeling, and that his feelings were genuine, and the Alien sensed that.

“My name translated in your language means; one who listens, it is pronounced Ow-Jut-at-if.” Dobson was still trying to grasp the reality of everything; it also meant the Alien was fully aware of everyone’s thoughts and motive every time anyone approached it.

“Would you like me to address you by your real name or may I refer to you as OwJut?”

The Alien laughed for the first time since it had given itself over to these people. Dobson was curious as to why Owjut was laughing, and then the Alien spoke telepathically again to him.

“You still have not realized I can read your thoughts as well as talk back to you telepathically, yet you still use your voice as a means of communicating.”

Dobson smiled at that thought.

“I am sorry I will need practice.”

Owjut nodded his head indicating he understood. Owjut then ask if it would be possible to have an area constructed to his requirements, he also explained to John Dobson that there would be others arriving soon to assist him, it was therefore important to have the new accommodation area constructed before they arrived.

Dobson revealed to the Commander the revelation that others would be arriving soon, at first it caused her concern, it was obvious this Alien was highly advanced, and possibly able to have read all of their thoughts. And to have already telepathically have revealed everything to his colleagues wherever they were.

It was the realization that if this were the case then the Aliens whoever they were would be in such a position to have taken full control by now. The Commander pondered over the idea for some time, before she came back to Dobson and gave him the full go-ahead. Looking over to John Dobson the Commander smiled biting her lower lip at the same time, and then spoke.

“Damn it John, this is one decision I am going to make without going to any higher authority, it’s in my remit anyway to take what steps are required to ensure this project is completed.”

Bryan took the file, and then walked out of the room; Agent Longman picked up a phone and tried to reach Dobson via an office in the civil service. A politely spoken lady with a very refined voice intercepted her call; she assured Agent Longman that Mr. Dobson was away on business at that moment, however that she would try to have her message referred on to him.

Agent Longman placed the phone down then looked out of a window.

“Is everything all right, you look a little distant and deep in thought?” enquired Bryan.

Agent Longman had not heard Bryan return into her office.

“Oh sorry, I was just thinking about John, Cathy’s husband, I can’t seem to grasp the idea that he is in some way involved in this case, and if he is, it may destroy Cathy; I don’t think she could cope if she lost him.” Replied agent Longman.

Agent Bryan never answered, as he knew that Longman was basically thinking aloud. For Agent Longman, Cathy and John’s friendship meant a lot to her, having known John, it was difficult for her to look at him in any way other than been incapable of been involved.

It was dark before Nelson returned to the crypt, he was aware the police were looking for him, and he had seen several cars in the immediate area, he was also aware Lord Goodwood was in a position to secure some of the very best assassins. That combined with Central Intelligence meant he could never relax his guard for a mere second. The crypt was cold and smelling foul, as one of the heaters had run out of fuel.

Fortunately for Sir Peter the heater in his section of the crypt was still burning keeping the area liveable, however the fumes were unpleasant, and causing the eyes to water. Nelson walked over to Sir Peter; his body hung limp and suspended from his arms above his head.

George could see he was still breathing; however, it was the strain of supporting his weight for so long, which combined with the stress, was making it difficult for Sir Peter to keep the will to live. Nelson cut the rope and then laid him onto an old dirty mattress on the floor. It was made from old horsehair and was full of fleas and all sorts of unpleasant bugs, Nelson thought this is better than killing him.

‘I want him alive and to suffer and to see his death when it comes,’ he thought to himself. Sir Peter woke the next morning to the smell of bacon been cooked, he momentarily was confused as he was no longer suspended but lying on the floor. His body was still not clothed, and it hurt every time he moved, and on seeing he was awake Nelson took over a cup of hot coffee and offered it to him.

“I don’t know if you take sugar or not, however I have put two in and stirred the cup. It was mine but as you’re awake you can have this, I can make myself another. Nelson placed it on the floor next to Sir Peter; his hands were still secured together, and then fastened by a rope around an old railing.

Nelson removed the parcel tape then slackened off the rope enabling Sir Peter to pick up the mug of coffee and drink. Sir Peter never spoke a word, he managed to sit up and drink his coffee as he watched Nelson, who he took some bacon from the small camping stove and placed it onto a slice of bread. Nelson walked over and handed the sandwich to Sir Peter, he did not need to be offered it twice; quickly he sank his teeth into the bread and eating almost too quickly.

Nelson went back to the camping stove and made himself a sandwich and another mug of coffee. It was some ten minutes before Sir Peter spoke to Nelson.

“Thank you for releasing me from that beam, I think I would have died if I was to be forced to stand there much longer.”

Nelson looked at him, he despised him and all that he stood for; he had been living off the respect of the state and all that time he was hiding such a terrible secret. Yet he kept his thoughts to himself, he walked over to Sir Peter, and picked up his mug and made him another mug full of coffee.

Nelson removed the bandages from his leg, the wound was healing, and he had managed to remove the Broken Arrow, and then cleaned the wound and stitched his leg. His Navy Seal training had taught him much in the way of survival; the cracked ribs were still very tender; however, he had managed to bind the ribs securely. It had taken time for them to start healing; and he hoped it would not be that long before they stopped hurting.

His medical kits contained enough antibiotics and pain killers to see him through for a couple of months; he had broken into the hospital twice to gather enough medical equipment to deal with Sir Peter and himself.

What he was unable to do was improve much on the decor of his surroundings, the coffins had secured their residents for over two hundred years, and the crypt was very old and well-constructed. It was no longer used and had been forgotten even by the monks who tended to the old ruins of the monastery above him.

Sir Peter’s body was bruised badly; his wrists were raw from rope burn and he badly needed a shower. The rats in the cellar generally tended to keep clear when Nelson was around, the two rats in the steel cage were still alive, Nelson had not fully starved them, he had managed however to have kept them basically fed, yet still hungry.

Sir Peter feared them, and the thought of them on his skin crawling over his body, it made him sweat; and he desperately tried to think of something else. Nelson got up re-secured Sir Peter then put parcel tape back across his mouth, mercifully however he left him secured to the railings and not suspended by his arms.

Nelson put his hand into one of the holders returned to him by Frank; he pulled out an incendiary device. Carefully Nelson set up what security he could, around various sections of the crypt, he was not sure, but his intuition told him he might soon have visitors. That night he slept in an area well away from Sir Peter, as he needed to be rested and alert if someone did manage to discover his whereabouts.

It was in the early hours of the morning that Nelson awoke, he had heard someone above ground, and they had not yet found the entrance to the crypt. Nelson knew they would never find it in the dark, even in the day light unless you knew where to look it was near impossible to find.

What did concern him was; who was above ground and what were they doing, it possibly meant there were various traps been laid in wait for him to unsuspectingly stumble upon.

There was a section of corridor leading from the various rooms in the crypt that made its way into the ruins of the old Monastery, and the entrance from the Monastery had long since been sealed by falling masonry, however there were several tombs above the tunnel that had partly fallen in, leaving the coffin in the corridor and an empty tomb above.

It was in fact through one of these tombs that Nelson had gained entry to the crypt. In three of the tombs Nelson had managed to make small observation holes to view the surrounding area, and it was from these that he tried to peer outside using a night lens.

Commander Phillips was pleased with the progress of the new encampment that had been made to house the Alien visitors; they were to the exact specifications of Owjut. John Dobson had made the Alien off limits to everyone outside the Alien unit, the order had been given at the price of high treason to anyone who revealed the knowledge of the work been carried out on these premises.

Once the units were completed, the Alien requested of Dobson to broadcast a three-second signal; twice every hour for the next nine hours, and he gave the specific frequencies. It was reported back to Dobson that on the last signal on the Ninth hour a responding signal was received.

Owjut was pleased at the thought of been with his fellow beings again, he had been away for far too long, and had missed the companionship. It was in the early hours of a Thursday morning on a cold November night when an Alien craft appeared above RAF Rudloe Manner. It had not been tracked on radar nor was it visible to radar now, even though it was some one thousand and three hundred meters across and approximately thirty meters deep.

It was the station guards who alerted the base Commander, the guard dogs had started growling and barking at the open sky when there before them this triangular craft appeared. Commander Phillips and John Dobson along with John Whitmore stood in awe at the sheer size of the craft. It showed no visible sign of any propulsion units, and only a gentle quiet humming noise was to be heard. Dobson looked across to the Station Commander

“If that is what they have at their control we are doomed,” he stated in utter awe, while looking at the huge craft above them.

Commander Phillips felt a beam of light particles flow over her body, at the same time John Dobson and John Whitmore were experiencing the same sensation. Within seconds the craft had vanished, so had Owjut, and Commander Phillips, John Whitmore along with John Dobson.

Some thirty miles beneath them in RAF Rudloe Manner, the staff were trying to understand what had happened, and it was not yet realized that there commanding officer and others had even been abducted.

Owjut spoke telepathically to the three guests reassuring them of their safety. Sarah Winslow dressed in her knight gown was waiting in another section of the craft; she had been abducted seconds earlier. The experience had terrified her until she kept hearing these reassuring voices in her head and assuring her that she was in no harm.

The Aliens spent some ninety minutes showing their guest various holographic images of their home world, also of the worlds that were hostile to earth and of how they had defended the earth over the centuries. It was explained to them that security leaders from across the world had been abducted in the same manner and were at that precise moment been introduced to the same information.

Later a type of video link was made across all the crafts that housed their guests, each person was able to hear whatever was being said in their own language. Some thirty minutes later everyone except Owjut and his guests were replaced back in their respective places of work or homes.

Owjut explained the ship they were on was in fact part of a much larger ship, the reason for its shape was to enable it to fit securely together to form a small mother ship, each section fitted like a pie cut up in sections.

Dobson realized the technology involved was possibly thousands of years ahead of that of earths. Owjut explained that the worlds hostile to earth were themselves much younger than that of Owjut’s world, and that their technology was far advanced to that of the earth’s, but still over a thousand years behind Owjut’s world.

Owjut showed them a holographic image of a massive floating city; he explained this was now in view by the updated secret Hubble type space Telescope and that it would be in our Solar system within the next three years. It was from here that Owjut’s descendants were born. His vast space city orbited the earth every three thousand years; and they themselves were from a home world vastly advanced in its technological growth.

They had built this space city and explored the many universes themselves. Owjut explained while in space travel the body never aged in the same manner as it does here on earth, and that many of his people including him were centuries old. Owjut returned to RAF Rudloe Manner with a team of six scientists from his world, one of which was his partner.

The station security was completely defenceless against the Alien craft. Owjut had one other gift to give his new friends, within three of the five vast storage units that RAF Rudloe Manner had with underground access were three fully equipped fighter crafts, with a further five orbiting unseen to earth technology some miles above the earth.

Commander Phillips frantically gave orders to ensure that the security personnel secured each of these crafts, into deeper underground storage units before they became public knowledge.

The night’s events were almost too much for MS Sarah Winslow and her team to take in; she herself was returned to her temporary accommodation unit in RAF Rudloe Manner. As the morning arrived there were no indications that the previous night had been any different than usual, except for the acquired gifts and the new guests.

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