Chapter Chapter Five.

The worlds general population were unaware of the events that had led up to the approaching days which were to dramatically alter the perception of their vast military supremacy, leaving them feeling violated, confused and scared.

It was on March 5th, 2018 that the first wave of pre-planned events that were put into operation. In the Antarctic regions there were two vast explosions ripping through two separate sections of ice both in themselves, were larger in size than the UK.

Within seconds these vast sections of ice were melted resulting in a dramatic increase in the water level, the explosions had also produced a raging tsunami, and some 30 meters high destroying almost anything in its path. At the same time a devastating Solar Storm, resulting in a loss of power and satellite coverage, hit vast populated areas. It was mostly the third world countries that were affected in this manner; most of the major super powers had prepared themselves after the Canadian experience some years past.

From within the global confusions thirty-four Alien Mother ships appeared in high orbit each placed in strategic positions across the planet, while various military establishments found themselves confronted by smaller yet still by comparison vast triangular crafts some 1,300 meters across that had apparently materialized from thin air, leaving them unprepared and unable to defend themselves.

Within the course of one-day, areas from around the world found themselves confronted by a vast wall of water, no electrical power, no communications and with no military resources to defend themselves with.

At first it was thought these Alien crafts were here for hostile reasons, taking advantage of the apparent natural disasters that had so quickly and inexplicably destroyed areas of our planet. The destruction was truly vast with most coastal regions across the globe been completely destroyed, low laying countries were simply lost in minutes as the wall of water devastatingly obliterated them from existence.

The United Kingdom lost over two thirds of its land mass, as did Russia and other Eastern and Western countries. A third explosion in the Polar Regions permanently sealed the fate of many millions, as a tsunami wave followed some hours later wiping away any survivors.

By the time everything settled the water mass had increased by some ten meters across the world, with further areas of the Polar Regions becoming increasingly unstable and melting at an accelerated rate.

John Whitmore turned to talk with his superiors while from within the Rudloe Manner base all personnel had been placed on the highest possible emergency alert. “According to Owjut sir, these events are directly connected to the opposing Aliens that he and his race have been trying to prevent from colonizing our planet.”

While the very conversation was taking place, offers of assistance where been given to military and governmental leaders from across the globe, that had been abducted from their various places of office or residence.

Once Owjut had received an updated report from an orbiting craft, he quickly relayed a message to John Whitmore explaining that his colony from under the Polar Regions had been attacked and explaining also that it was now his race that were offering the assistance.

The vast mother ships were in fact an advanced scouting party from his home world who had intercepted and destroyed opposing Alien crafts that had brought about this devastation. Although unprepared the Red Deer installation had managed to cloak their orbiting crafts enabling them to remain unobserved by the invading Aliens. The remaining secret military installations under the direct control of Red Deer remained undetected and hidden deep within their mountainous ranges.

John Whitmore looked at Owjut, as his thoughts were intercepted, and an answer was given to him by Owjut.

“In truth these crafts are from our earth base in the South Pole and consist of all that we have; there are only thirty-four of what you would term mother ships and over a thousand additional fighter crafts. Our true mother ship which to you would be a floating city, is still another three years away, we had expected its imminent arrival, however there seems to have been unexpected hostile actions taken by other worlds that have delayed its arrival.”

Unknown to John Whitmore or Owjut every conversation carried out within the Rudloe Manner base, either verbally or through the digital translation device was recorded and sent instantly to Dobson’s team.

From there selected key words were picked up and brought to the immediate attention of those in charge.

“It would appear we have been caught off guard,”

Dobson looked at Commander Denton then across to the personnel within the conference room.

“Yes, however our location is secure, that craft hovering above the supposed Red Deer site is some eleven miles off course, what you see here is the true site, the site they are observing is fully functioning, but only holds older technology and the personnel are unaware of our existence.

We also have three other installation in operation and eleven further under construction that Rudloe Manner and their teams are unaware of.”

He paused allowing his words to sink in and to allow Marie to explain.

“We instigated selected personnel into a similar program as given to Mr. Nelson. We had not known like yourselves of the exact date that these aliens were going to take control, however with the assistance of other worlds, we have managed in delaying their true mother ship, and have actively engaged it in war with other worlds who like yourselves are fighting for their very survival.”

Her words were welcome although unexpected.

“If what Owjut has said is true, then we have brought you at the very least a further three years, if the resistance holds you may have longer. But be assured we know that we cannot hold them indefinitely, there resources are vast, and they always keep their true mother ship out of reach, thus allowing them to re-supply and regroup.

All we have managed to do is delay them and tie them up in a loss of time, giving your planet and ours a chance to prepare and to survive. Please, please understand they will come, and at the very best all they can do now is to try and contain us and prepare the way for total colonization.

We have three years to destroy as much of their military as possible, to build our own crafts and to prepare your children for a future as to this point unheard of.”

Her words held a frightening realization, not a single person had truly taken in the full implication of what awaited them. Now they knew for sure that at the very best they could only delay the inevitable, however given enough time then they could build an unseen army of children, who would hold the very future of their world in their hands.

Many months earlier.

The sun lit park seemed to dance to the music of the early spring morning, with children of all ages enjoying the town’s annual picnic. Many families had long planned for this to be a special day of family festivity, of games, music and dancing.

From a distance, young Jasmine looked much like any other eight-year-old boy, except Jasmine was really a girl who always dressed like and preferred the company of boys. She could run, climb or even fight with the best of them, and it was from behind the music stage, and the provisions area that the children had made themselves a den.

There Jasmine had waited in anticipation, wanting to ambush her best friend Adam, then momentarily, the sun seemed to darken, and then as the children looked upwards, there from within a cloud was an immense triangular object, seemingly to be suspended silently in the air. Within a blinding flash of light that lasted only second’s, the object had disappeared, and as Adam stormed into the den, Jasmine was no longer anywhere to be found.

John found his new accommodation rather uncomfortable, although Nelson had been remarkably gentle with him, ensuring that no one hurt him or mistreated him in any way. He was taken to an old warehouse, and although he had no idea where he was, all he knew was that he had been bundled into the van, assured if he did not resist that he would not be hurt. He was blindfolded and then taken for a drive, for approximately 5 hours before the vehicle stopped.

Although he knew one of his abductors to be George, he had not actually had the chance to speak to him, even though he had repeatedly tried. It was early morning before the sound of the door unlocking that woke John.

“I trust you are comfortable, and I really am sorry to have treated you in this way, please understand I have had no other option.”

John adjusted his eyes to the sudden brightness, and he could see George standing before him, and carrying a tray with tea and biscuits on it.

“George whatever have I done for you to do this to me?”

Placing the tray down, George pulled up a chair faced the back of it towards John and then sat on it leaning his arms on the backrest.

“I meant what I said, I am sorry, it was not my wish to have involve you in this.”

“Then why have you involved me in whatever it is?”

“Let’s just say the people who pay me, gave the order, the FBI has something that they want, and as they are aware that your wife is caring for him, you simply became a convenient pawn to use in their grater game.”

John had always given George time and respect, before been ordered not to talk to him.

“You do realize it was not my doing to stop counselling you, if this is your way of restarting the sessions, I wish you would have ask first.”

George looked across and saw the grin on John’s face, even more surprisingly John was holding out his hand in a gesture of friendship. For a short while George just sat there momentarily stunned, and then reaching across he accepted John’s hand.

“You always did treat me with respect and as an equal, you may not realize it, but you were the only contact counsellor ever to have won my admiration.”

John smiled while he accepted the compliment, “George I always regarded you as a friend, which is why I am finding that this is so unnatural”.

It was John’s hope in building on their past relationship that he had with George, and in hope of making it more difficult for him, if it should come to the point that George was ordered to kill him.

“Listen John, I have already explained why, so, please don’t make me bloody angry, I have hurt many a person, even killed a good few, and I could snap you like that.”

John kept silent looking across to George, not in a threatening manner rather one of humble submission, and yet, as an equal friend.

“I know George and I am sorry, in truth I am still in shock and in quite some considerable pain and discomfort.”

His remarks seemed to ease the tension down,

“Look, I’m sorry if I shouted at you, as I said, I have respect for you, and if I can ease your discomfort and pain I will, anyway, I have brought you some tea and biscuits,”

John been a Mormon did not drink Tea or Coffee.

“I’m actually not really meant to drink Tea thanks George nor Coffee, but I really would like a cup of water, if that’s OK with you. I have some pain killers here and I could do with taking them.”

George looked across at the box of tablets John pulled from his bag

“MST what’s that?” he enquired.

“It is a Morphine based tablet”

John handed the packet over to George.

“What the hell have they got you on Morphine for, do you really need to take that stuff?”

John nodded, indicating yes, and some minutes later George returned with a glass of water,

“Listen John, if you promise me not to try and escape I will keep you as comfortable as I can,”

John looked across, accepted the water and gave George his word that he would not cause trouble for him.

“You do realize George that the FBI is unlikely to give in to your demands,”

George knew the policy regarding abduction and blackmail.

“You never know John; you don’t know what I have in mind.” He stated.

At that, George left John unattended, and leaving the door to his room deliberately open.

“George, it’s not for me to tell you what to do, honestly mate, but haven’t you forgotten to lock me in.”

George could see the grin on John’s face.

“No mate, as far as I am concerned you can have the freedom of this entire floor. You see, you are five floors up, with no lift, only stairs, and there are sensors placed all over this place. Some even set off small incendiary bombs, I have taken you at your word, just don’t let me down”.

John put down his glass of water, and then took himself into the adjoining room, before him was a vast open space. To the left of him were more offices where George had supposedly gone; to the far side of the room John could see a sign indicating toilets. Some of the windows were broken, and the ceiling had holes in it allowing the morning sun to shine through, exposing dust particles that were filtering their way through the air.

“George…can you hear me, is it safe to use the toilets,”

For a few seconds the silence in the room seemed endless.

“No… but they soon will be.”

At that point, John went back to his room and looked around, taking in the luxury new accommodation before him; there was an old bed with a stained mattress, no pillow, a coffee table, an ashtray, some magazines and a bare uncovered floor. From the ceiling there was an old fan still amazingly working, Cobwebs hung in all sizes across the paintwork. A bulb without a shade gave only a little light, yet enough to read, and John hoped to see whatever food would come his way.

Oh well, he thought to himself. “From what Agent Longman told me, this is luxury in comparison to what she went through.”

The bag of urine, which was taped to his leg was starting to overfill,

“Damn, I don’t want trouble with that as well.”

George walked into the room,

“Right, the toilets are safe, but I warn you now they are not fit for use,”

“Thanks…I will take your advice,” replied John.

George then walked away leaving John to himself.

Dobson had been making his own inquiries; and he knew that George would soon be back in contact and giving details of whatever the demands that he was making, and it was the morning postal worker who had unwittingly delivered the ransom, and as Cathy and Agent Bryan sat listening to the ransom demands; Dobson was in a separate room talking with Agent Longman.

“Yes, this is on all accounts the same person who the Military are looking for,”

“Have you received a ransom demand yet?”

Agent Longman was unaware at that moment, that his colleagues were in fact sitting listening to Nelson’s taped message.

“No…at least not to my immediate knowledge,”

Dobson sat quietly reading information that had been passed down to him from military intelligence, and then handed a section over to agent Longman.

“I received this last night from military intelligence, it would seem this George Nelson is not who he claims to be, they have good reason to believe he is in fact an ex-navy seal, and who they had originally believed was killed in action. The frightening thing is he is a trained killer, an explosive expert, and no doubt you are already aware, he is more than capable of looking after himself.”

Agent Longman reached across the table and accepted the file.

“Thank you, sir, you must know some important people to have been given access to these, I shall read through this I am sure it will be useful,”

“It is only damn useful if we catch that maniac,” Commented Dobson.

“Right I have other business to deal with, you will keep me informed.”

As Agent Longman closed the door behind her, a WPC handed her a message.

“It is from your partner agent Bryan,”

“Thank you,”

Agent Longman looked at the message, and it read.

“Ransom demand made, need to talk with you soon.”

Dobson had wished that he could reveal his identity to Agent Longman, he had a lot of respect for her, however he knew that in doing so, it would be a danger to her as well as to agent Bryan, and if he was to help his daughter, he had to do it without exposing his involvement to anyone.

John looked up as he had heard footsteps approaching his room; George Nelson opened the door and walked in.

“Listen John, I have got to be out for some hours, I was not joking, this entire building is wired to explode, so if you value your life then do not try and escape, there are also two other men responsible for keeping you safe, I have instructed them to stay off this floor, however, they are both armed, and have instructions to blow the brains out of any one trying to rescue you; do I make myself clear?”

John looked up to George.

“Yes…look if I am going to be here for any length of time, could I ask you to fetch some things for me.”

He was unable to finish his sentence as George threw a bag onto the floor.

“In there you should find all the toiletry things you would need, I took personal care of ensuring that.”

John was momentarily stunned.

“I…don’t know what to say, thanks, I could do with something to read, anything to do with computers, also a drink, I don’t drink tea, coffee and coke, so something other than water would be nice, and…thanks.”

“Would sir like ice with it?” joked Nelson.

John could see that George was only been humorous, he bent down from his wheelchair and reached out and picked up the bag, as he opened it, George could be heard leaving the main room through the door marked exit.

John looked into the bag, he could see a variety of medical equipment, ointments and tape, there were two magazines, one been Playboy, the other on Ham Radio, a paper backed book, some toilet paper, a bar of soap, and a pack of beer and a flannel.

‘At least it looks as if he means to keep me comfortable,’ he thought to himself. As John looked around the room he could hear in the distance, a conversation, it was difficult to understand, however it confirmed that George was not lying regarding having extra help.

“Dear God, I wish I knew where I was,”

He was speaking to himself while trying to look out of the windows, John could see he was indeed quite high up, and some of the glass was either broken or missing, the ceiling had holes which were exposed to daylight, and from what John could make out there was another floor above him. Some of the holes came directly from the roof; they were large enough for a child to get through. However, most certainly of no use to him, been confined to his electric wheel chair.

It also concerned him, as the chair’s batteries would not last forever, fortunately they were reasonably charged, and as long as he never over used it, he reckoned there was at least another day before they would need a further re-charge.

Making his way back to his room, a thought crossed his mind,

“I wonder if I still have my mobile phone.”

Opening his wheelchair bag, he took out the tablets, a handkerchief a diary and a mobile phone.

“Oh God… thank you, oh thank you.”

Praying no one would come in, john tapped in Cathy’s number, however, it was Dobson who answered, as Cathy was still drugged and had gone back to sleep.

“Yes, I’m sorry but Cathy cannot get to the phone at the moment.”

“Dad…dad is that you?”

Dobson took some moments to grasp to whom was talking.

“John, how the hell did you managed to make contact, and at that, where are you? Are you hurt”?

“Listen dad, I have no idea where I am, and all I can tell you, is that I was driven for approximately four maybe five hours. I am being kept in some sort of old Warehouse, some five floors up. I am all right, George has warned me, the entire building is wired to explode, and there are two guards, both apparently armed but not on my level.”

Dobson cut in.

“John have you any idea how long your phone battery will last?”

“At a guess about another two or three hours maximum, why?”

“Right…now listen carefully, I need you to leave your phone switched on, but put it in a place where it cannot be seen, and more importantly where its signal can still be used. I will try and get a fix, whatever you do, do not anger George, he is extremely unstable.”

“Listen dad, I know this will sound strange, but I actually think George wanted me to be found, as he has made everything to easy, and he left me with access to my mobile phone.”

Dobson paused for a few seconds thinking over his son’s comments.

“You leave that to us, it’s important you keep yourself safe, and leave that phone on.”

John looked around, and not far from where he was sitting was a down pipe next to one of the windows, taking himself over to the window he could see it was possible to wedge the phone just behind it, leaving it out of sight.

Dobson quickly called out all the resources at his disposal. Fortunately, since the delivery of the recorded message, the two FBI agents were in another room; and the WPC was with Cathy, so Dobson had managed to intercept John’s call without alerting anyone else in the house.

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