Chapter Chapter Fifteen.

Agent Longman and her team had done a miraculous job, in closing the net on the abduction ring; however, she knew there was still a military connection, and that they would do everything in their power to prevent their implication from becoming public knowledge. Longman was also confident now, and that at long last Lord Goodwood was going to serve quality prison time for his crimes, knowing also how child abusers were received in prisons, made her feel all the more content.

Yet she also knew it would never fully be finalized, as it would only be a matter of time before others who would come and take the place, of those exposed for their part in this global conspiracy. As she sat there alone in her room, she wiped away a tear from her eye, she would dearly have loved to of known then, the knowledge that she had since gained. However, at that time she had been unable to ascertain as to who they were, it was evident they were high ranking people in positions of power, Lord Goodwood was an example of that.

They had managed to cover their tracks well, using every trick in their power to put suspicion away from themselves, even by having members of MI6, the FBI and the police on their pay roll. Yet Longman knew one day she or someone else would find them, and that in time something would happen to expose them, she just prayed she was around long enough to see it happen.

The identity of the mysterious child who was taken from Pitney Brown’s was still unclear to Agent Longman, although she felt sure now she had an idea as to who it was, however proving it was going to be a different matter. She was also suspicious about Cathy’s father, she was sure there was more to that man than met the eye, Agent Bryan had checked his credentials, none the less she felt sure the information given was more of a cover than one of reality.

The issue regarding John’s van was also disturbing her, Agent Longman could not understand how John could in any way be involved in anything secretive, yet there was also the matter of not been able to trace ownership through normal police or federal channels.

These questions as to why, were ticking away in the back of her mind, she took pride in her ability to unravel the most complicated of mysteries, she knew one day she would come up with the answer, however in the meantime, she just hated been defeated. It was Agent Bryan who came into the office that brought her mind back to the immediate time.

“Have you heard from the surveillance team?” enquired Agent Bryan.

“Femi has returned to Innisfail, at the moment he is just walking the streets stopping people and asking if they had seen the person in the photograph, which he has with him.” Agent Longman looked across to Bryan, “And” she asked him.

Agent Bryan looked a little confused, “That’s all; I was just giving you an update.” He replied. There was a moment’s silence in the room; Agent Longman shook her head, and then picked up one of the many files on her desk; and started reading it over again.

Frank put the phone back into his jacket pocket; he had just heard from Nelson asking him for his assistance. He was in desperate need of medication as the wound had re-opened in his leg, he had fell to the ground and had also once more damaged his ribs; Nelson was reluctant to leave his present location, as he knew that in his present state he would only draw attention to himself.

He also knew he was in no immediate danger, however the wounds were not responding or healing, and Nelson had a feeling it was also something to do with the environment of the crypt. That night Frank made his way towards the old quarry, it was there that he had arranged to meet with Nelson. Femi had kept well out of sight, yet still managed to follow discreetly at a distance.

The night was dark wet and cold, the cloud cover had made it very difficult for anyone to see, Nelson had positioned himself on a raised section of ground some short distance from the arranged meeting place. He knew without doubt he could trust Frank with his very life; it was Femi that concerned him.

Nelson knew if Femi was still around, and then he would try to follow Frank, knowing that it could lead him to Nelson. This time, given the chance Nelson intended to silence him, as he knew, that he could no longer afford, in having such a ruthless murdering bastard, as Femi stalking him, also he knew if Femi failed in locating him, then it would not be long before he would involve Frank’s family, and that was one avenue he did not want Femi to walk down.

It was to be another two hours before Frank had arrived at the agreed meeting place; he had purposely tried to lose anyone, who may have tried to follow him. Nelson was cold; the injuries were causing him grief; the grass was wet, and he could feel his body shivering. Some three hundred yards behind Frank, Nelson caught sight of a movement through his night vision glasses.

He could see a person crouching by the side of a parked car; some distance further back again Nelson could see the heat rising from the bonnet of another vehicle as it quietly came to a stop, two of the occupants got out, they were both carrying firearms.

Frank walked from his car carrying a holder, he put the holder into a black bin bag, and secured one end to a rope, and lowered it over the side of the quarry, and then he tied the rope securely to the base of a tree. Getting back into his car he started the engine, reversed and drove away.

Femi was swearing to himself, he was unsure exactly what Frank had done; he was sure however that Nelson was nearby. Not wanting to break his cover, Nelson watched Femi pull out from a small bag which he had been carrying, it contained a pair of night vision glasses. Nelson picked up a reasonably large stone and hurdled it with whatever strength he had in the direction of the vehicle behind Femi; the stone travelled a few yards past Femi. Not as far as Nelson had wanted, the exertion of throwing brought about a surge of pain in his ribs.

Femi hearing a noise a few yards behind him quickly turned around, within a few seconds he saw two armed men quietly making their way towards him. Nelson slid quickly down the raised ground and crawled on his arms and knees to where Frank had secured the rope, the pain was almost unbearable, yet he knew he had to continue. Then pulling out a knife he grasped hold of the rope, and pulled up the bag and cut it free, the whole action took only a matter of seconds. Femi was still crouched behind a tree watching the approaching men, and Nelson could see from the night glasses that Femi had withdrawn a knife; he knew he was more than capable of killing the two unsuspecting agents, even if they were armed.

From the top of the raised ground Nelson quickly opened the holder and searched inside, pulling out a fully loaded gun fitted with a silencer, he laid flat on the ground arms stretched out, and with the gun in front of him. He knew he could not kill Femi, as Frank would then receive the blame. Waiting a few seconds seemed like an eternity, he knew Femi would stand the moment he was ready to take the men out. Nelson could only have a matter of seconds; if he missed the two FBI agents would be dead.

Silently his gun fired two quick shots, one hit Femi in the buttocks the other wounded him in the leg, as Femi screamed from the sudden and unexpected pain, and the approaching FBI agents quickly tried to disarm him. As they struggled there was another shot heard, Femi laid on the ground, as a bullet had entered his head from one of the federal agent’s guns at close range, the agents were splattered with the man’s blood.

By then Nelson was already walking into the crypt, his wounds had reopened badly, looking across to Marie he placed the holder on the floor, and he pulled out a clear bag containing lady’s clothing, baby wipes and some food. The room was starting to sway, and he could feel his body shivering, walking over to Marie he handed her the bag.

“Here it’s not right you should be dressed in those clothes, and these are cleaner, and I’m sure better on you than on me.”

He smiled as he saw the look of surprise upon her face, and she saw and understood his little humorous joke, as the clothes certainly were not meant for such a man, as he handed over the bag he turned to walk away. The room went black his body slumped over and he fell to the floor.

Pitney had failed to recover, and was showing no further signs of progress, as he lay on his bed guarded by the military. A bright ray of light suddenly appeared, and engulfed his body, as the two guards watched in horror, Pitney was levitated from his bed, he was screaming and totally helpless in preventing his abduction. Within an instant, he simply disappeared and with no visible trace of ever having been in his room.

Agent Longman knew it was the one thing Pitney feared the most; she could not help but wonder what they had in store for him. However she had wanted Pitney to give evidence, as it was she decided to keep the abduction quiet and if possible try to use it to her advantage, knowing that at the very least, she still held the videoed interviews and the numerous audible confessions, which were also signed by a highly respected high court judge, who had secretly overviewed the interviews, and could verify no force was used, and that the confessions were given voluntarily.

Frank was interviewed and then released, as the police nor did the FBI have any evidence with which to hold him with. He kept to the basic truth, he had received a phone call asking for help, and he explained that he had then gone to the arranged meeting place, but as Nelson never turned up he went home. It pleased Frank however to know Femi had been killed; it was not that he was a violent man, far from it; he had however been concerned for the safety of his family. Femi was obviously unstable and a danger to the community.

Agent Longman had the entire area around the quarry searched, she knew someone saved the lives of the two federal agents, however she was unsure as to who it was. The fact that Femi had night vision glasses had given him a considerable advantage; he was in a position to have watched the approaching men under the cover of the night. It was therefore plausible that whoever shot Femi also had use of a similar pair of glasses; otherwise Agent Longman had reasoned it would have been equally as difficult for them to see Femi as it was for the FBI agents.

There was a patch of blood found on the raised section where Nelson had been hiding; this indicated there was another person present and overseeing the events. Agent Longman suspected it was Nelson, she knew from the clothing found in the Wexham Road flat, and that Nelson was hurt and bleeding quiet badly. What she could not understand was why he had saved the lives of the two FBI agents; he was obviously in a position to have taken them out just as easily as he had taken Femi out.

Later that day the police divers found a car in the old quarry, it was a rented vehicle, and from the fingerprints they knew it was been used by Marie Robert’s. After three full days of searching the quarry, her body was not found; it was therefore reasonable to assume she was either holed up somewhere, dead, or taken hostage by Nelson. From what Agent Longman knew of Nelson’s reputation, especially over the incident with Winston’s wife and child, she could not help feeling a level of concern for Marie, even though she knew she was a hired killer.

Agent Longman had Frank and Winston brought in again for questioning, it was the Femi connection that made Longman realize, Winston was most probably out to kill Nelson. In the course of interviewing Winston, Agent Longman had mentioned that Marie Robert’s car had been found and that she was unaccounted for. Winston had shown no indication that he even knew her, so eventually Longman realized she had no choice, other than to allow Frank and Winston to be released, Winston knew now all his efforts to pay people to find Nelson were in vain, he decided the only way was for him to do it himself.

Commander Sgt Major Robert Denton was aware of the infiltration of various people, who had been compromised by the Aliens, it was however difficult to establish exactly who they were. On the one occasion that they had suspicion of such; a Cat-Scan, had shown there were implants in a section of the brain core. It was later apparent that these devices were in some way being used to manipulate a person into responding in a manner, and advantageous to the Aliens.

John Dobson and John Whitmore were given the task of discovering a way for the Intelligence agencies and the military to identify these people. It was thanks to Owjut who eventually gave them the breakthrough that they had wanted; he had requested that a suspected person be brought to RAF Rudloe Manner for experimental tests. It was then only a matter of time before they were able to overcome the problem.

Owjut had shown both of the John’s how the brain emits energy waves, which are in their own right recognizable, for the various functions needed in our everyday life. It became evident the implant had a dual purpose, in that it magnified the strength of the energy waves enabling the aliens to tune in, like a person would when listening to a radio. These waves were then susceptible to manipulation, once they had been identified, the discovery enabled the process to be reversed, and used to the advantage of the Intelligence and military agencies.

It was soon discovered however, that there was one very serious drawback, once the aliens became aware that their units were not functioning, they somehow activated an internal mechanism, which shut down the device. This brought about an effect of leaving a person void of any brain activity, which always resulted in death.

The science team were soon able to build remarkably small portable units capable of been installed at various locations in a building, or to be carried by an individual. The units were then activated when any person who was approaching them, that had a magnified brain activity, the devices installed into building were soon designed to also activate remote video surveillance units, and the moment that they were themselves activated. This enabled the various agencies to gather video evidence of those compromised.

The next process was for the teams to retrieve a working unit and try to discover which frequencies were used to shut the units down, sadly some good men and women were lost in the effort to obtain this information. It was agreed to keep looking rather than risk killing any more of the suspects.

John Dobson was due for a weekend brake with his family. Along with Cathy and John the house had yet another visitor to accommodate, Peter Cathy’s brother had decided to return home to visit his family, and the weekend turned out to be an outstanding success, with everyone enjoying each other’s company; Cathy brought the best news possible, she was five months pregnant.

Later on, the Sunday evening, John Dobson retired to his study, he had opened his attaché case and was looking over the device that they had been working on. Peter knocked on the door and asked his father if he may talk with him, he sat there talking for some forty minutes, and explaining to his father what had been happening in his life. It was only when he left the room that his father discovered the portable unit in his attaché case had been silently activated.

On returning John Dobson first spoke with Owjut, asking him if he had thought of any conceivable way of preventing the device from been shut down. John then informed Commander Phillips that his son had been compromised, it was agreed he should be brought in for his own safety. When Dobson explained to his bewildered son what had happened, he eventually volunteer to be the first person used, enabling the team to send the shutdown signal on his personal brain wave frequency. Dobson was at first taken aback by his sons offer, and then it dawned on him, that his son was a reflection of himself, and knew the importance of setting such an example.

Peter was placed into a specially lined room, which had been constructed to blanket out radio and Microwave frequencies. Fortunately, the experiment worked enabling all compromised people to be placed into secured specially designed rooms for their own protection. Owjut was however concerned the Aliens may soon realize what had happened and try to amplify the signals to break through the security measures. It was agreed to work on a way of preventing this from happening. The Aliens had one advantage from this, while the scientists were busy trying to prevent any further loss of life, they were unable to work on their previous projects.

Nelson awoke to find he was lying on a ground sheet, and with blankets over him, at first, he thought Frank must have found him and started treating his wounds. It was only when he realized that Marie was not nearby that he became worried. Trying to get up he felt a surge of pain causing him to call out; Marie came quickly to his side.

“Oh, you are awake; now don’t come all macho with me and try and get up, I have been caring for you for five days now, and if I had wanted to, I could have killed you and left; and you know very well, that you would never have been found done here.”

Nelson raised his head and lifted the blanket covering him, he was only wearing his under wear, and he could see however that his dressings had been changed and that his body was clean. The effort to move was too much, lowering his head he rested his body again, he had no choice other than allow Marie to continue playing at been a doctor.

The next day Nelson felt better, his fever had dropped. Nelson could see clean clothing, a washing bowl, containers of water and a box full of all sorts of food.

“Tell me how in heavens name did you get all these?” he asked her.

Marie looked quite pleased with herself.

“Simple I found your mobile phone and simply re-dialled the last numbers you called. It was a very nice man named Frank that I spoke to. I did not of course tell him who I was, only that I was a friend like him and that I was caring for you. I described your injuries and ask him to bring me whatever he could in the way of food, bedding, water and medication.”

Nelson looked amazed. “I did good yes?” she asked him.

Marie was truly pleased with herself,

“Tell me how did frank get all this here without drawing attention to himself?”

Marie smiled.

“Oh, that was my idea, I suggested he took his son on a camping trip, he arrived nearby, pitched up a tent and pretended they were searching for coins with their metal detectors. I noticed they were followed, but once the police saw what they were doing they lost interest in the surveillance, it was then quite easy for him to come here under the cover of the night and give me everything that I needed.”

Nelson actually had a broad smile on his face,

“Yes, I think you did very well for yourself.” He informed her, as he watched her smile and could see she was visibly content in her actions.

Marie brought over a mug of warm soup; she was actually taking real pride in looking after him “Oh by the way, Frank informed me as to who you really are, he wanted to call Central and have them come for you. I hope you’re not angry, but I ask him not to, as I thought about it first, and then realized you would hardly be here yourself if what Frank told me was true, I then realized there must be people in this Central, who are themselves possibly wanting you dead.”

Nelson managed to pull himself up into a half-seated position, the pain could be seen on his face, and Marie realizing he was still experiencing difficulties, took the mug from him and fed it to him like a small child. Nelson found he actually liked it, and then Marie spoke “I am sorry, I told you before I cannot cope with having my mouth taped up. I don’t really talk too much, and in truth, I just actually miss companionship, like you, in my line of work it proves hard to have any real lasting relationship.”

Marie went red in the face when she realized that she was still babbling along, all Nelson really wanted was to be free of this pain and to finish his soup. Seeing she had gone red with embarrassment, Nelson extended his arm and gently gripped her hand,

“Hay, you have no need to apologize, I would not be here now if it had not of been for you looking after me.” There was stillness in the air; the silence was actually quite pleasant. Marie lifted the mug to Nelson’s lips and gave him some more soup. That night she pulled up a blanket and laid down beside Nelson. “Oh, now don’t you start that Macho stuff again, I did this for four days with no complaints so why complain now?”

Nelson gave a grin, and gave in, and knew that he was in no position to argue with her, and in truth he rather liked the idea of having her next to him. Suddenly a thought drifted into his head, “That is a point, who undressed me?” he asked her.

Marie snuggled up close to keep warm, “I did, I also bathed you and tended to your every need.” There was a moment’s pause, and then Marie finished her sentence.

“And some of my own.” Marie had a broad smile on her face; Nelson lay there not knowing quite how to take that last statement.

It was another two days before Nelson felt able to stand up; he was somewhat unstable on his feet; Marie stood by his side just in case he fell.

“There must be someone you can call for help, as much as I am enjoying this doctor and nurses, it is unhealthy to stay in here.” Nelson actually believed her; it looked as if she really was for whatever reasons enjoying a different life style, and then he thought, “She is actually placing my safety before her own feelings.”

That afternoon Nelson left a message on John’s answer phone, requesting him to phone back on his mobile number, as he hoped John would pick up the message as his Phones batteries were becoming very low. Fortunately, John answered the call and arranged with Nelson to pick him up the next evening at a prearranged meeting place. That night both Nelson and Marie sat together under a blanket talking, it was strange really, Nelson no longer had any desire to kill Marie, and he had in fact become very fond of her.

As the morning sun rose in the East, Marie was walking back towards the old Monastery; she had managed to steal some bacon eggs and fresh milk from the farm. Well she did not actually steal them; she left a note with $15.00 on the kitchen table apologizing to the farmer for taking the food.

As she came around a cluster of trees and approaching the Monastery, there before her was a parked car, with two men, quietly she hid behind the cover of the bushes, from there she was just able to see another man walking across the graveyard, and apparently looking for Nelson. She realized they were certainly not there for his health, as one of the men was carrying what looked like an M16.

Placing the bag of food down she crawled on her stomach until she was at the back of the car; fortunately, she had not forgotten the value in never going anywhere without first ensuring she was well armed. “Old habits die hard” She thought to herself, it had been easy for her to creep up beside the passenger window; it was open, and the passenger had his arm resting against the ledge. Within seconds both men were dead; the noise from the silencer was just audible in the early morning air.

Reaching in she took both of the weapons then crouching down Marie tried to find where the other man had gone, she could see the slab from the tomb had been removed and was lying on the grass. Quickly she rushed across the open ground, her heart was pounding, and ensuring there was no one waiting for her she dropped through the hole in the tomb, falling badly. The thought of seeing Nelson killed, especially while he was asleep deeply disturbed her; frantically she picked herself up, there was blood coming from a wound in the side of her head.

She had hit it against an old stone coffin, which had fallen from the tomb. As she ran into the central area of the crypt, there before her were two men quietly walking towards Nelson as he slept under the blanket? One of the men raised his gun and emptied its contents into the body, everything seemed like slow motion to Marie, and she screamed out firing her gun at the same time, “You bloody murdering bastards, leave him alone, I love him and if need be will die trying to protect him.” There was a sudden cross fire from another part of the crypt. The two assassins were spun around as the volley of bullets hit their bodies. As they slumped to the floor, Marie found herself looking across the room at Nelson, and who was himself looking at her in disbelief?

The two stood still for some seconds, then Marie dropped her gun and ran over to him, tears were streaming from her eyes. “I thought they had killed you, I…I can’t belief you are still alive,” As she wrapped her arms around him, Nelson flinched at the pain of the pressure on is bruised ribs, and it dawned upon him, even threw the shock of the past events, and that he also had fallen in love. Later that night Nelson sat in front of a gas log fire, and talking with John and Cathy, Cathy had found it hard to believe that John was involved in helping her father, and that Nelson was in fact in the employment of MI6.

At first, she was angry, but within a few minutes when everything had been explained to her, and as to why they had taken such action, she accepted his words, understanding, and changed her opinion on George. What Nelson did not tell Cathy was exactly who Marie was, only simply saying she was his working partner, Marie understood and even liked the idea.

That evening Cathy showed her two guests to separate rooms and retired herself with her husband. It was 01 hours when Nelson felt someone cuddle up beside him; Marie raised her finger to her lips, and indicating she wanted him to be quiet,

“I could not sleep, and I was lonely.”

As Nelson pulled the covers over her she snuggled up against his body. He was a strong man, and very fit, and Marie felt secure and safe with him besides her.

Judy was walking from the local shops, when a van pulled up and a man jumped out, and placing a cloth over her face, the chloroform worked very quickly, and her body went limp. The entire abduction was over in a matter of seconds. As the van drove away, the shoppers were looking in disbelief. John had asked Nelson to fit false plates; he had taken the car plates from a parked police vehicle. Later Winston received a phone call; and he had dropped his coffee when he heard Nelson’s voice speak to him “Winston listen do not put the phone down, I have Judy with me, and she wants to talk with you.”

John and Nelson had taken very good care of Judy; once she came around they tried to explain who they were and why they had abducted her. At first it took some time to convince her of the truth, eventually although she was unsure, never the less she had not been hurt, and they offered to let her go if she really had wanted that.

They tried to explain they were trying to save Winston’s life, and that there had been enough killing. Also, that they genuinely did not want to harm her, she could sense they were eventually telling her the truth. Winston never phoned the police, and he came to the arranged meeting place armed to the hilt. It was in a public park that Nelson had arranged to meet with them, from behind a bush Judy walked across the grass and sat next to him on a bench.

Winston was unsure what was going on, there was a group of children playing football, and a man in a wheelchair walking his dog, and from where Winston was sitting everything seemed perfectly normal. He was however very highly strung with the nervous energy, and almost boiling up within him, Judy stayed calm and talked to him, it was like talking to a deaf man at first, he refused to believe her, even at one point he got up and tried to walk away, however Judy stayed where she was refusing to move, and until he came back and listened to her.

Eventually Winston returned and sat next to her, he could not bear the thought of losing someone else that he loved, and it was that realization, which finally broke through to him. He had unknowingly fallen in love with her, and it was more than he could bear to think of losing her. He broke into a torrent of tears as the tension was released; Judy wrapped her arms around him, comforting him. They stayed there for some twenty minutes, before Judy stood up and beckoned over to John to come across.

Winston was confused when he saw a man in an electric wheelchair approaching Judy and him. Together they sat there for almost another hour before they decided to leave, Winston handed over the fire arms to John; as Judy and Winston walked away, they left John there with his dog; Winston could not help thinking how on earth could someone like John be involved with MI6.

Nelson and Marie were waiting in the Chevy van for John to return, and they themselves had used the time to talk, as well as oversee what was happening with John and Winston. Nelson had agreed to try and get MI6 to give Marie a new identity, and a new start in her life; he had become very attached to her, and that was something that he had not done for many years, he knew now, that he truly loved her, and from her reaction in the crypt, he was more than certain she felt the same way.

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