Chapter Chapter Eleven.

It had been two days since Sir Peter had last seen Nelson; mercifully, he had lowered the rope suspending him enough to enable his weight to just be carried by his feet. Nelson had kept him alive with basic rations; also ensuring the crypt never dropped below a certain temperature.

Sir Peter felt a slap to his face, waking him with a jolt; he was startled and momentarily disoriented. The room smelled of death, and with a mixture of urine and paraffin fumes; mercifully, the heaters had kept away the cold. Nelson held a blade to Sir Peters chin; its point just penetrated the skin enough to draw blood.

“I have a present for you,”

Nelson then showed Sir Peter a small box, which was in his hand, and as he opened the lid, he pulled out a rat.

“There are two rats in here, it is my intention to starve them before I give them to you, and did you know the Japanese used them for torture during the Second World War?” stated Nelson as he taunted his prisoner.

Sir Peter looked horrified, and droplets of sweat were streaming off his face, and it was only the parcel tape that prevented him from screaming in fear.

“It is rumoured they would starve rats and then place them onto a prisoner’s chest. Once the cage was opened the rat would eat its way into the chest cavity, they say a prisoner could take several hours before they died.”

Nelson placed the two rats into separate cages where Sir Peter could see them.

“I will tell you what, as you’re such a nice man, and as you have a title I will let you become acquainted with them first.”

Nelson lit another paraffin lamp checked everything was in order, and then left Sir Peter to his fears; as he hung there helpless, the rats seemed to sense his fear. Desperately they tried to nor their way through the bars, and the noise they made seemed deafening, and tear’s flowed from Peters eye making it difficult to see; his legs felt a warm sensation as he had again urinated himself in fear.

Lord Goodwood awoke to the sound of police entering his bedroom; Agent Longman took great pleasure in informing him of his legal rights. Having obtained a warrant on the strength of her new evidence, she took great pleasure in giving the order for the house to be searched; and she emphasized the instruction that she wanted to ensure that not a single floorboard was to be left unturned.

At the same time Adrian awoke some miles away, Agent Bryan had the pleasure of informing him of his rights, and the same orders were given. This time Agent Longman had managed to surprise Lord Goodwood, and he had not been given time for any internal informants to have warned him.

The search of his home took several days; from within two secret rooms the FBI eventually recovered a range of video recording equipment, and enough film footage to put him away for life. The search of Adrian’s home however revealed little other than a collection of very expensive ladies clothing.

Agent Longman walked into the interview room where Adrian was waiting with his attorney. Some thirty-four minutes later, she terminated the interview; and Adrian walked away with two armed Federal agents.

In Agent Longman’s hand, she held a signed confession of Adrian’s involvement and an agreement to turn state evidence; he was to be placed in the witness protection program, as he had agreed to give the FBI the names and details of others involved from within the inner circle.

Agent Longman knew now that at long last the net was finally closing, all she had to do was keep her prime witnesses alive.

Commander Phillips had arranged with her superiors to use the communications device covertly, in the hope of trapping the unsuspecting double agent.

However, it was also imperative to build a relationship with the Alien, in hope of finding a way of infiltrating their organization, in an effort to ascertain the threat to earth, and put an end to their mission.

Dobson was soon to realize that there were in fact three different Alien races involved, two were from a cluster of stars within our own Galaxy, and the third was a race that had visited the earth many times over a period of some thousands of years.

They had apparently played various roles throughout our history in assisting us with our progress through life; and all they ever wanted in return was to share the use of our planet.

The Alien held by MI6 was one such creature; it transpired a settlement was formed under the deep ice caps of the South Pole, and they had managed to live there undisturbed for nearly three thousand years.

However, the other two Alien races had over the centuries tried to infiltrate itself into human society, with a desire to one day take full control, and enslave the human world, and to serve their own needs.

Dobson was appalled at the idea, until the Alien had shown him that was exactly what the human race had done with their own people, since the beginning of our time, and it had asked him a strange question.

“Why did we think an intelligent race of extra-terrestrial beings would treat us any different than we treated our own people?”

Nelson momentarily felt ashamed of the human race, and of its history. However, it was the Alien, who lifted his spirits,

“We have been defending your planet over the centuries, however our home world is far from here, and it will be at least another three years before our mother ship returns. We fear by then it may have become too late, our numbers have decreased, and the efforts of the invading forces have grown, that is why we allowed you to capture some of our older crafts.

I along with the others was chosen to try to build enough trust between us to enable you to defend yourselves. The devices we have given you will also act in the same way with the opposing Aliens who intend to take over the earth.”

Dobson looked in disbelieve at the information he received, the Alien had shown him before the interview had begun, in how to build a device that would allow their thoughts to have been recorded by digital wave recognition, and then later translated into whatever language required.

Commander Phillips had obtained the highest level of possible support; as the world governments, had finally woken up to the realization of what was now out there, and in it just been a matter of time before these invaders arrived in force.

Lord Goodwood spoke with the attorney that was used within the inner most circle of his organization, he knew beyond doubt that the case against him was only plausible if the video footage was used and the witnesses were to testify.

He also knew that the other members of the inner ring agreed, that they would keep well clear, not wishing to draw attention to themselves. There was one point however that he was determined to put right, ensuring his conversation was in the strictest of confidence, he gave instructions for his attorney to ensure that the others were to put a contract out on Adrian, Pitney and George Nelson.

Lord Goodwood was a powerful and wealthy man; he had no intention of going down. The video equipment and films were to be used in evidence against him, and if they were to be destroyed, then the case against him would then fall.

He instructed his attorney to ensure that all outstanding favours were called in. There was a number of police and federal agents as well as military personnel still on their pay roll. Agent Longman had received a lead from a mysterious source; this same person had helped her on the occasions when it suited his need.

Nelson was believed to be residing at Flat, A 59-Hatch Lane Vancouver.

Agent Longman knew she would have to act quickly, yet she needed to be careful as she was aware of the danger involved in trying to arrest him. Her first action was to have the house put under immediate observation; three teams were then drafted in to assist with the twenty-four-hour observations.

Some miles away Nelson received a call.

“George its Andy, Lord Goodwood and Adrian have been taken in, we think they may well have placed a priority one hit on you,”

The caller hung up, George quietly intermingled with the crowd, he had been called to the airport to meet John Whitmore, he was unsure now just who was to be trusted

From the foyer of W H Smiths George looked across to the reception area, there were four armed police officers in view, and a number of airport security staff. To his right were a cleaning team and a flight of stairs leading to the ground level.

Moving in with the crowd, he made his way past the cleaners and descended the stairs. Just as he walked past an elderly lady, he noticed a Nun, who was walking towards him, beyond her was a class of school children, some stewardesses and a woman pushing a child in a buggy.

From where he was standing he could just see John been dropped off by a Taxi, his senses alerted him, that something was wrong, and he knew from past experience not to ignore this feeling, as it had saved his life many times before.

Quickly he made his way back up the stairs, across the foyer and over to the furthest end by some check in desks, momentarily he was able to blend within the crowds that were waiting to check in for boarding. John Whitmore walked across the foyer and waited outside W H Smiths, the Nun seemed to acknowledge him as she walked passed.

Nelson was sure something was wrong, so quickly he lifted some eye glasses from his jacket pocket and put them on, instantly the digital surveillance technology inbuilt into the frames, had engaged, and acted like a powerful video telescope, and giving accurate clarity at whatever, he viewed.

He was unsure yet as to what had spooked him, but then as the nun lowered her head, he had noticed that her ears had been pierced, although she now wore no ear-rings; he surmised that a nun would have long given up wearing ear jewellery and that the ears would have healed over.

Some five feet away an armed police officer was walking in Nelson’s direction, walking over he attracted the police officer’s attention, and as he pulled a wallet from his hip pocket, he called over to the police officer.

“Excuse me do you see the lady dressed as a Nun walking towards us, I cannot be sure, but I believe she is carrying a gun.”

He opened his wallet as if he was about to show some identification, and within a matter of seconds Nelson had disarmed the officer and used him as a human shield, and he kept the firearm trained towards the Nun.

There was an immediate rush of screaming from women and children; others looked on in horror not knowing or believing what was happening.

Nelson walked backwards with his hostage to a door marked customs only. Once inside it took some moments for the customs staff to realize what was happening. Nelson held up his opened wallet and shouted military intelligence; at that point, he released the police officer and gave him his gun back.

Quickly he tried to explain why he had taken such an action and asked to have someone phone an emergency contact number.

Other armed police and security had arrived, and although unsure, they kept Nelson handcuffed and secured in a locked room. Within two minutes of the phone call an apologetic senior customs agent, walked into the room, and with the chief of security and two armed police officers.

“We are sorry Mr. Nelson; I trust you understand we had no way of knowing who you were.” Stated the agitated officer.

Nelson was pleased to have the cuffs removed; he had thought for a moment that he was not going to make it back to give Sir Peter his promised gift. Nelson felt sure he was right; the Nun had simply disappeared, although later a Nuns Habit was found in a locked lady cubical. Realizing it was unsafe to go home Nelson then phoned a friend named Frank, who lived at number 55 Hatch Lane?

Frank had worked undercover with Nelson some years back, and while he was a serving member of the Navy seals. Nelson knew it had been safe in the past to ask Frank to let him have use of one of his flats.

“Frank where are you,” enquired Nelson.

It took a few seconds for Frank to realize whom he was talking with.

“George is that you?”

“No…you twerp it is the bloody Queen.” Replied Nelson.

A broad smile went across Frank’s face. It had been agreed that George would only ever contact him on that mobile number if he were in trouble or needed something.

“Don’t tell me you have locked yourself out?” laughed Frank and trying to bring humour into their conversation.

“Bloody worse than that, some sod’s put a contract out on me, and there was a hit waiting for me at the bloody Airport.”

Nelson never informed Frank that he thought John Whitmore might be a double agent; he needed to make sure of such details, before making such an accusation. Frank passed a burger over to one of his customers.

“Listen George, I’m working in the Burger van, you know where I keep it. I will leave the door key on top of the right front wheel, kip up there for the night.”

George put the phone down, he was unsure who was after him, he knew also the police were unsafe as there were a number of senior officer on the rings payroll.

Later that night George drove through Innisfail, following the river he turned off towards Blue book Ranch, parking some two hundred yards away from the Ranch house, there he hid his car behind an unused barn.

To the right of the house was the entrance to one of three Trout Lakes, some three hundred yards further, George could see Frank’s van, it was some twelve minutes before George made his way across the yard to where the van was parked.

Once inside he was pleased to see Frank had left him a sleeping bag, a flask of coffee and more food than he was able to eat. George lifted up a letter left wrapped around the flask.

“George in the back of the freezer unit is a small package, if you need anything else talk with Glenn the Farmer, he is a personal friend, I told him you would be using the unit for the night. I will meet you tomorrow in the Queens-mere shopping centre at the usual place.”

It was signed Frank. Looking into the freezer unit, and in the far corner behind some burgers Nelson found a package, when he opened it there was $3000.00 in $5.00 notes and a Browning 9mill Handgun with two full clips.

Leaning back, George rested while he sat drinking the coffee. He had known Frank for some time now. George knew the $3000.00 was a lot for him to hand over, however it was needed and much appreciated.

Nelson suddenly realized he had forgotten about Sir Peter, he knew there was enough paraffin to keep him warm. It had been two days since he had last fed and watered him; and as long as the rats didn’t get out he was sure he would be safe for another day.

Winston returned to his office, he had convinced Judy and her brothers that he was now well. In his office safe, he removed a firearm some full clips of ammo and the file he had compiled on Nelson.

He knew it was important to give the appearance of normality if he was to succeed. What he did not want was to draw Judy and her brothers in; as it was not to be his intention of placing their lives at further risk.

John Dobson had paid him well for finding his grandson, and there was therefore enough ready money available to keep him going for some months, and he also knew it would only be a matter of days before the insurance company paid up on the policies that he had on his wife. He was expecting in excess of $50,000.00, which was enough he thought to pay others to help him find Nelson.

Judy broke his line of thoughts as she walked into the office carrying a picnic hamper.

“Come on you, you have no need to be here especially on a nice day like this.”

Winston suddenly realized he had not even been aware that the sun was shining, looking across to Judy, he could see the smile on her face, and in truth, he was becoming very fond of her and enjoyed her company.

Closing the lid of his attaché case and concealing its contents, he smiled and reached across taking hold of her hand. Later that day they walked through a wooded park, stopping on occasion to feed the squirrels, and to enjoy a picnic together.

The day was warm, as they laid on the blanket spread across the grass, Winston was temporarily able to put the past events aside, he had not realized how fond he was becoming of Judy.

He had always in his own way loved all of his wife’s family, however this was becoming different. Judy seemed to have changed, and her features and attitude had matured, there was now a woman lying beside him on the blanket; where some years past she had celebrated her 18th Birthday.

Although a woman in her own right then, she still had the child in her, now eight years on it was like a metamorphic transformation.

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