Into the woods I P U B L I S H E D

Chapter 13

„Your lips are soft like silk,

and when they are on me

they are making me feel like I’m in some kind of heaven.”

- Elizabeth


Henry parked his car in the yard. Somehow he managed to know the way to my house without telling him.

Louis and Lena were gone. Again. Every day they went somewhere, leaving me alone in the house.

„We are here,” I took my seatbelt off. „Thank you for the drive home,” Biting my lower lips, I placed a piece of hair behind my ear, trying not to look nervous in front of him.

„It’s nothing. I will do it anytime,” He took my hand into his and slowly squeezed it, and I could already feel my cheeks turning a shade darker.

„Anyway,” We both said at the same time.

He laughed. „You first.”

„Do you want to come in for some lemonade? I mean, I need to thank you somehow for waiting for me during the support group and now driving me home,” I felt nervous next to him.

Since the moment I had met him, I couldn’t stop thinking about him. He was my every thought, and his touch is like a drug. Every time when he would accidentally touch me, I want it more. He was slowly becoming my forbidden drug that I couldn’t stop taking.

„I would love to,” Letting go of my hand, both of us get out of the car.

„I want to ask you something,” I unlocked the door. „Do you have a boyfriend?” I looked at him confused. First, he asked me if Nicklaus was boyfriend, and now this.

„No. Why are you asking?” I asked him as we entered the kitchen. Throwing the keys on the table, I made my way to the fridge and opening it, I took out the lemonade and two glasses too, placing them on the table.

„I mean, a beautiful girl like you probably has someone.” He passed his hand through his three-day beard, trying to avoid my gaze.

I smiled at him. „Are you going to be jealous if I said yes?” Turning around, I reached for the plate with chocolate cake on it.

„Maybe,” I felt his hot breath on my neck that made me jump. When I turned around, he took the plate from my hand, placed it on the table next to me, and then stared at me with his beautiful green eyes.

With his hands, he slowly pushed me on the fridge, trapping me between the cold surface and his warm body.

„Henry,” His name was like a whisper – a prayer to my need. He stayed quiet, leaning his body on mine, and with his fingers, he lifts my chin up so I could look at him directly in the eyes.

„You are so beautiful,” His eyes traveled through my face until they finally fell down to my lips and then moved back to my eyes. He leaned his face to mine, and I closed my eyes, waiting for him to kiss me.

„I want you so much,” His lips fell on me, and a warmness that was hotter than the sun had spread through my whole body. Our lips moved in harmony, like two different pieces, but when they were together, they made a big, perfect piece.

He licked my lower lip, seeking access, and I let him rule my mouth. I hugged him, not wanting to let him go.

His palms traveled down my body until they reached my ass. Lifting me up, I wrapped my legs around his fast. Even if he was wearing a suit, I could still feel his perfect muscles beneath it.

„Excuse me,” When I heard Lena’s voice, Henry immediately dropped me down, and together, we turned to Lena who was leaning on the wall, staring at us like just caught two little kids doing something wrong.

Henry held my hand, not letting it go like he was afraid hat Lena would steel me away from him. Both of them were staring at each other as Louis walked in with groceries in his hands.

„What’s going on here?” He asked, placing the groceries on the table. I looked over to Henry who was still glaring at Lena.

„Nothing,” Somehow I managed to say it, taking my hand away from Henry’s. Henry glanced at me and made a step forward to Louis and Lena.

„I had driven your niece back, and I asked her if she would love to go on a date with me,” A date? He didn’t ask me that.

Lena looked suspicious, almost like she didn’t believe that he asked me out. I didn’t really know what I would even answer if he really did ask me out.

„What did she say?” She moved from the wall, standing next to Louis. Louis held her tight to his body, his arm placed securely around her waist.

„I said yes,” I said before Henry answered. Everyone turned to me, probably not hearing me properly. „I said yes,” Saying it again, Henry placed his hand on the back side of my neck, slowly moving it down my spine.

From the corner of my eyes, I saw his small smile forming on the corner of his lips. He was happy. That jerk knew that I would say yes. While Lena, on the other hand, was pale as ice. She stood like steel in her place. She was clearly not happy about this.

„Can I have a word with you, Henry,” Louis moved from the table, showing Henry the way to his office.

Leaning down, he whispered. „I’ll be back in a moment. Then we will discuss that date,” He winked before heading to the office. The second Henry disappeared behind the hallway, Lena made a move on me, grabbing my hand, and pulling me into the living room.

„What the hell was wrong with you?” She whispered-yelled at me

„I don’t know what are you talking about,” I crossed my hands. „He asked me out and I said yes.”

She took a deep breath. „Are you sure you want to go out with this guy, Elizabeth? You bearly know him,” Slapping my shoulder, I moved away from her. She didn’t act like the Lena I knew since I was a little girl.

That Lena always did things for me, but this one, since my accident, she was a totally different person.

„Yes, I don’t really know him, but every time I spend time with him, he does things to me that I wish I could explain. He is different from any guy I had ever met. He is nice, makes me laugh, and what’s most important, he is honest and listens to what I say,” I paused for a second. „And look who is telling me not to date a guy, when you and Louis were already married after three months of dating.” She opened her mouth to say something but shut it immediately. Walking to the window, she stood in front of it, staring into the forest.

„That’s different. You are not ready to face things yet.”

„What things?” I moved to her.

„There are things that are out of this world and you are not ready to face them.” As I was about to ask her what she had meant with that, Louis and Henry walked in and the whole atmosphere in the room changed.

„Is everything okay?” Henry asked and I nodded, walking to him. „Yeah, let’s talk outside.” Leaving the house, we stood in front of his car, standing in complete silence. My eyes were everywhere but not on him.

He made a step forward, his fingers slowly going down my face to my chin. He lifted my chin up so I could stare at his face. Slowly, yet perfect, he leaned down, placing a soft kiss on my lips.

„I don’t regret that scene in the kitchen, just like I don’t regret kissing a girl that I liked,” I lifted my gaze up to him. „I am serious about taking you out tomorrow.”

„What about Louis? What did he say?” My voice was like a whisper that could be only heard by him.

„He approves, but if I do something wrong, he will beat the crap out of me,” We both laughed.

„I think you should be more afraid of Lena than of him,” His eyes were full of joy and that made me happy. It made happy that he was happy.

„I think so too. Anyway, at what time should I pick you up?” Taking my hand, we both stood in front of each other, completely lost in each other’s eyes.

„I have to work at the library tomorrow. I will be finished around seven so I will text you if I will be done early,” After giving him my phone number, I placed my phone back into the pocket.

„I will pick you up then,” First, he kissed me on the forehead than on my lips. „See you tomorrow at seven.

~ . ~

„You are going on a date?!” Anastasia yelled into the camera. She jumped from her seat, her eyes widen and her hand over her mouth.

„Shhh,” I placed a finger over my mouth,.„Be quiet and don’t tell anyone.”

Nodding, she sat back on her chair.

„When? Who? What are you wearing?” She asked too many questions at the same time.

„Easy,” I leaned on the chair,.„Tomorrow at seven. A guy from the village that I had met last week.”

She smirked. „I knew that there was someone you liked,” I blushed. Of course, she knew. She always knew which guy I liked before even I knew that I liked him.

„I don’t know what to say.”

„Start with describing him,” Taking a sip from her glass, she leaned on her hands, smiling like an idiot. Clearly, she was more excited about my date than I was.

„Well, he is really cute,” I shook my head. „Scratch that, he is hot. I’m not going to lie about that.”

„So he really is hot when you say that someone was hot.”

„Yeah, and he is really different from Jack. He is really mature, nice, funny and the same time he can be really scary but I know that he will never harm me,” I bit my lips, looking to the window. There was a little bird placed there, watching me with her small eyes.

„How do you know that he will not harm you?” I could tell she was suspicious.

„I don’t know Anastasia. Something is telling me that he will never hurt me,” I sighed.

„Are you telling that you are in love?”

I shook my head. „No. I mean, yes.” I threw my head back, grabbing my hair. „I don’t know that yet. It’s too early to tell, but I really like him.”

„I understand, but how old is he?”

„Thirty-three.” She almost choked on the chip in her mouth.

„What?” She asked again even if she heard it the first time.


„Isn’t he a little old?”

„You know what I think about age gaps,” Giving her an annoying look, I stood up and took my phone from the nightstand, checking if I had any missed messages.

„Yeah, I know. I don’t have anything against it, but I was in shock. I didn’t expect something like this from you,” She scratched her under eyes.

„Please don’t tell anybody at home, okay? I will tell my mother when I know it became serious.”

„I promise. If that’s what makes you happy, if he makes you happy then I’m on your side,” I melted at that. I knew that I could count on her. She would never betray me.

„Thank you, my crazy potato,” I blew her a kiss. Catching it from the other side, she ate it and I laughed.

„You are welcome, my crazy in love tomato,” She placed her hand over her chest, bowing her head for a moment before she looked at me with a smirk forming on her lips.

„Elizabeth?” She raised her eyebrows.


„Do you have some sexy lingerie for tomorrow night for you know, when you finally get your vigy wooed?” Oh, God.


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