Like the Mortemian spy, who was a teacher in Lux Signifer Academy, the next person to intervene in their journey was able to hide his presence until he revealed himself from behind an oak tree. The student-adventurers didn’t know if he had been watching their conversation with the Mortemian spy. They didn’t know if that person was waiting for them in the shadows, and if he was, how long. It won’t be a surprise if there were more presence in the woods that the adventurers couldn’t sense. The woods that separated South Edgeburn from The Canopy was the densest forest in the country. Skhy and Hunter didn’t hide their frustration from not sensing the danger.

When Aria heard the rustling of leaves, she quickly turned and raised her sword toward the sound. She wasn’t even surprised to see the person there but she gripped her sword and kept her eyes on the still figure. She didn’t dare glance at her friends, who she knew, were shocked, disappointed, and angry. From the moment she saw the person’s figure in the secret place of the main building of the academy, she had been wary of everyone around the spy and Concordian member.

The person stood motionless for a few seconds before advancing toward them. There were leaves and mud on the Luxian uniform. Leaves sticking from the hair. Bloodshot eyes. Nonetheless, showed determination.

“You followed us. Why?” With Skhy’s cold tone, Aubree instantly stopped. She bit her lower lip but the emotion in her eyes didn’t falter. Just like Aria, who won’t think twice to fight her.

“Go back, Skhy,” Aubree commanded. It was the same tone they heard when she talked to two other Consortium members and Ciar Lockhunts. I wonder if she also uses that in the Student Council.

“We won’t, Everlast,” she heard Hunter snarled. Aubree didn’t bat an eye.

“You can’t order me,” Hunter added in his dangerously deep voice. It never scared Aria. His strength does, however.

“Skhy, this isn’t for your team. Turn around now. Forget about this place-”

“Forget about your betrayal? And lies?” Skhy mocked. It was the first time Aria heard him so angry but at the same time distressed. But she heard it before from outside the confines of her room at home.

Skhy’s statement got an emotional response from Aubree. She blinked several times as if she was in pain or panicking.

“You don’t understand…” she started to say.

“So tell me!” Even Aria flinched. Still, she didn’t take her eyes off the enemy, whose eyes widened a bit.

“You should be grateful that we’re trying to protect you.” Aria’s brow furrowed further as she glared behind Aubree. Another one? Rustling was heard. Aria scoffed while the others gasped when the person in Luxian uniform with his hands inside his pockets confidently took his place beside Aubree. His hair still stood pointing to the sky. He glanced at each of them smugly.

“Ahh, at least you didn’t pretend that you’re a foul mouth,” Hunter fake cheered. Savvier glared at him. Hunter’s right tho…

“You’re also a spy?” she heard Tessa asked. It was more of a sentence than a question. Savvier tsked.

“I’m also a member of the Consortium.” He looked so proud when he said that. Aria never let go of her sword. Both Aubree and Savvier were making fun of them. Several thoughts came to mind. She wondered if the prophecy of the Regalis is just a ploy. She wondered if the entrance tournament was just an amusement for the Consortium and the spies. She wondered if everything the team knows, their lives, is just a scripted fiasco. Her blood began to boil. They’re toying with us… Her vision became dark.

Then a gentle hand was placed on her right shoulder. She knew who it was without looking. She didn’t turn, not because she didn’t care but because she cared too much that she might lose her concentration. Especially after that conversation. That’s the first time I admitted that…

“Your mission was to gather the Seven. That’s all. Don’t go beyond,” Savvier said.

“My mission was given by my parents, not you,” Skhy replied with the same spite.

“Also, we didn’t go here because someone told us to go,” Nate spoke up, “We decided to go.” He emphasized the word ‘we.’ Yes. They decided to rescue Skhy and Hunter’s friends. That’s one of Aria’s way to thank the person who trusted her. Even though I still have a secret…

Savvier sighed, looking exasperated. Aria noticed that Aubree was still staring wide-eyed.

“So we just to tell you the truth,” she finally broke her silence, “then you will go back?”

Silence. Don’t promise her anything. She wanted to say that but Clyne’s hand squeezed her shoulder a bit.

“I won’t promise you anything,” Skhy answered. Aubree nodded while Savvier looked irritated.

“Telling them means jeopardizing our goals,” he muttered.

“Shut up.” Aria couldn’t contain her anger anymore as she dangerously glared at Savvier.

“Whatever you have to say, say it,” Aria ordered.

“We’re wasting our time here.” She figured it was Hunter who stomped.

“As we do,” Savvier added fuel to the fire.

“We aren’t enemies,” Aubree started to say. Aria wanted to scoff but the gentle hand on her shoulder was telling her to listen. The wind blew softly as the leaves dancing through the rhythm and the rustling composed a melody.

“What are you talking about? Both of you are spies. Members of Consortium at that!” Hunter was never the talker but he was probably fuming. Aubree didn’t seem to mind him.

“We are on your side. As with your families.” What? Aria unconsciously lowered her sword until it hit the ground. She stared dumbfounded.

“You mean to say that our families are also spies…” Nate trailed off. Finally, Aria turned to her side to look at her friends. Clyne removed his hand. He was the first person she looked at. He still looked serious but not grim. So focused on the discussion. Hunter, as usual, looked irritated. Tessa and Lei looked a bit confused. Hanne seemed terrified as she stood close to a calm Nate. Skhy was still angry but patiently listening.

“We. Are. Not. Spies,” Savvier gritted.

“What are you then? Slaves?” Hunter mocked. Savvier was about to pounce but Aubree intervened.

“STOP!” For the first time today, she showed a painful expression.

“We worked with your families to stop the enemies,” she added. “From both legions.”

“We already know that,” Nate pointed out. This is going nowhere… Aubree shook her head.

“You can consider as enemies of both Concordians and Mortemians who want to create havoc.” Her eyes were full of determination. “And we are trying to stop them.”

“Along with Sto- Ciar?” Hanne shouted. Aubree suddenly looked uncomfortable.

“Answer her,” Aria ordered.

“He’s on our side.” Aria closed her eyes for a second. She didn’t know what to make of the situation. She didn’t want to listen anymore. Why do we have to listen to them? What is the truth?

“What? Ho- How?” Hanne stuttered. She was just able to find her courage again.

“Aubree, if this is your way to toy with us-”

“I’m not!” she cut Skhy off. Desperation in her voice. What is the truth? Clyne probably felt her uneasiness because he placed his hand again on her right shoulder. He stood behind her. She could feel his heat on her back even though it wasn’t touching him. She suddenly felt safe.

“Let’s go, Aubree. Let them be if they want to go there,” Savvier said. He seemed calmer than earlier.

“I would like that,” Hunter added with not much emotion.

“So it’s not just the Mortemians but Concordians that the Seven have to fight?” Aria asked, staring unrelentingly at Aubree. “Or was the ‘prophesy of the Regalis’ a trick?”

“It’s true.” Aubree calmed down. “But the fight is just against magic users who conspired to…” She suddenly stopped. Her eyes widened a bit but she wasn’t directly looking at Aria.

“What?” Nate asked.

“To banish magic.” Savvier dropped a bomb. It didn’t explode immediately. But when it did, the damage couldn’t be explained. Aria’s eyes widened. A lot of emotions rushed into her. Confusion, disbelief, fear. It took a moment before anyone reacted.

“You’re kidding, right?” Skhy said. He chuckled without humour. Now, both Aubree and Savvier had a grim expression, like they regretted saying anything.

“If that is true and you are on our side, why are we-” Skhy gestured to his friends. “-left in the dark?” Aria thought about her life before knowing her powers. It was dull and colourless.

“We are trying to filter the enemies from both sides,” Savvier replied. Before anyone from Skhy’s group could say anything, Aubree and Savvier abruptly turned around. Their whole bodies were tense. Aria, who had just recovered from the shock, tilted her head to listen. Nothing.

“You have to return,” Aubree firmly said without looking at them.

“You’re right that the missing students are alive and locked up,” Savvier quickly uttered without giving enough time for the words to process in the minds of the eight student-adventurers.


“There’s a right time to recover them,” Savvier added. Then Aria felt it. Or maybe it was merely the shifting of the wind.

“If everything you said is true, all the more that I need to save them,” Hunter said. Aria looked at him. Clenched fists on his sides.

“Something is needed to be sacrificed to banish magic,” he added. Then ran toward the side of the forest where the trees are so close to each other.

“Hunter!” Tessa called out then ran after him.

“Tessa!” Skhy followed her. Lei, Nate, and Hanne ran too. Clyne grabbed Aria’s wrist then ran after their friends. She glanced back only to see Aubree and Savvier’s backs disappear into a tall bush. They were running toward the danger.

Now, where will this journey lead us?

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