The sun was still high up when 15 people rushed inside the gymnasium. The wind was cold and dry. Heavy running footsteps were heard outside, fading in the corner then back again after a few seconds of silence. The people near the entrance of the gymnasium looked anxious, troubled, frustrated, and angry all at the same time. Despite these feelings, they remained mostly quiet. There were only the whispers and muffled voices in the three-floor high hall. In the middle of the holiday, a storm was approaching. The legionnaires were still out looking for teachers and academic staff who stayed on the holidays. While the school had hundreds of legionnaires and sentries at their disposal, these numbers weren’t enough, especially because their enemies won’t choose combat. The knights in the fortresses were notified but they couldn’t give the academy the number because of fear that their cities and towns will be compromised once they leave their posts.

The double doors opened, revealing Mr. Gravin Castledgrey, an armoury teacher; Mr. Jaque Laccquare, the librarian; Karl Dwightfrey, a friend of the Premier; and two students. The teachers and academic staff watched silently as the new arrivals walked toward them. They didn’t think much of them except for the two students who they think shouldn’t be in the academy on the holidays. They figured that they went back to get something. As for Dwightfrey, he was one of the academy’s accountants but he would visit sometimes. But they were more curious about the whereabouts of their Premier. If he was notified of the recent events, he would send a message to everyone.

“I know everyone is anxious,” Dwightfrey started, making some raise their eyebrows. “The enemies are closing in. There’s not much to say but ‘get ready’.” The people looked at each other with confused expressions. Though they understand that the academy was in a state of emergency, they had no idea why Dwightfrey is telling them this.

“We don’t have a number but there are hundreds - no – thousands of them coming here,” Laccquare said as he smoothened his white beard. Shock masked their faces. They began whispering to each other. This is bad. What are we going to do? How? Why? What about our forces outside the region? We have to do something. There were more questions than statements.

“The force field is up and the legionnaires are ready,” the girl student said. Some of them remembered her from the Student Council. Is she representing the student body?Maybe. But who’s the boy?

“Unfortunately, even with our force field and legionnaires and sentries, they are stronger,” Castledgrey said with a deep frown.

“We need your help- your power to strengthen the force field,” the boy said, “for now.” The last words earned him several confused looks.

“We understand what you’re saying,” one of the teachers, who didn’t leave for the holiday, said. “But why…”

“…are you leading us?” continued another teacher.

“Why do you know these?” The questions increased as their confusion and frustration increase.

“Where is the Premier?” This question resonated the most as everyone stopped talking after the question as they waited for the response. The five glanced at each other.

“Mr. Leon Knightwood is stripped of his duty,” Castledgrey grimly replied. There was a collective ‘what?’. Why? What happened? Not now that we’re in trouble.

“Then who are you?” one frustrated faculty asked. The running footsteps from outside faded and stopped. The legionnaires were on their posts as well as the available sentries. As for the knights, they will come at a later time. The door suddenly opened, everyone except the five turned to look. A lone legionnaire stood there panting.

“The force field is up, sir,” he said. Dwightfrey nodded without looking and the legionnaire rushed outside.

“Who…” the person’s voice trailed.

“We don’t have much time,” the girl pointed out. She had this stern expression that made them shut their mouths.

“Well, we can just tell them and get this over with,” the boy said, frustration evident in his face. A loud buzzing sound was heard. Everyone looked outside the windows. They couldn’t see anything except the wall of the building in front.

“We are the Consortium,” Laccquare said. Everyone quickly turned to look at them with wide eyes. Some of them shook their heads, showing that they don’t believe their words. Some of them looked shocked.

“And we need everyone to protect this academy,” Dwightfrey added. They looked at each other. Whether they were telling the truth or not, the academy is indeed in danger. They needed to focus their attention, effort, and power toward protecting it. Everything else will come later.

“What do you need us to do?” The five eyed them carefully before talking.

“Those who want to help control the force field, come with Zircon and Pyrite, Mr. Laccquare,” Dwightfrey said then nodded at the boy who nodded smugly.

“Those who want to fight behind the front, join Flourite, Mr. Castledgrey,” he added.

“The others, the one who will help us come up with strategies, will come with me and Druzy.” The girl nodded curtly.

“We don’t have time to let you choose carefully,” Castledgrey stated, “We have to move now.” Within three minutes, everyone was out of the gymnasium, following the respective guides. Some of them were hesitant to consider the boy their leader but if he’s a member of the Consortium, it was only appropriate to follow.

Once outside, they noticed the legionnaires standing everywhere. Rows of them stood in front of the wall surrounding the Lux Signifer Academy. Everyone was tensed. This wasn’t the first time enemies planned to attack the school but it’s the first time they made it this close. Druzy said that the countdown ends in 8 hours. The enemies chose the right time to attack. It’s the holiday season. The majority of the Concordians was at home with their family. Even if they were notified, the enemies would be close and attacking. There’s also the probability that the enemies created a force field so no one could at a particular distance around the academy.

When the remaining academic staff with the five members of the Consortium reached the front of the main building, the three groups separated. Zircon – Savvier – and Pyrite – Mr. Laccquare – led six staff behind the main building where there’s a path going underground where the force field is being controlled. Zircon is the External Chief in the Consortium while Pyrite is the Historian or intellectual. They weren’t a good match because of the clash of personalities but they knew better than anyone to let their differences hinder their work. Mr. Castledgrey, Flourite, led his group with six people near the gate of the academy where the Chief of the Legionnaires waits. Flourite, who was strongly opposed to looking for the Seven Regalis, is the Commanding Officer of the academy’s Legionnaires. Druzy – Aubree – and Citrine – Karl – group went inside the main building and to the Grand Genesis where Pyrite already prepared the materials they need. Citrine is the Commanding Officer of the Knights in the fortresses while Aubree is one of the Tacticians. Two of the members of the Consortium were already compromised.

“Any word from them?” Karl asked Druzy while the three staff carefully studied the materials in front of them. Druzy shook her head.

“But I know they’ll survive,” she said. She could only hope that Skhy and the others find Eloise, Levy, and Ice, and save themselves. If they find the portal, they would be able to come back to the academy but it would be too dangerous for them.

“We can do it,” Karl comforted her, “We have to save the academy.” Even without the Seven. She knew that he wanted to say that but didn’t. He was looking outside the huge window. For Druzy, more than anything, she needed evidence of his belief. She knew that she had to do her job as the tactician until the very end. She had to redirect her attention so she won’t focus on her fear.

Underground, a white sphere size of a basketball ball was emanating strong energy. Above it, just hovering above it, was an arm-sized winged sword. The white glass ball was pulsing.

“It stores a great amount of energy,” Laccquare explained to the six curious people, “While the sword distributes it.”

“But once a part of the field is destroyed, it takes time for the sphere and sword to fix it,” Zircon replied.

“So you need us to power it,” one of the staff deduced. Zircon and Laccquare nodded in response.

“What if it still takes too long to fix the damage?” one asked. Laccquare brushed his white bread.

“We have to go up and create a temporary force field then,” he replied. The six nodded in understanding but with doubt evident on the faces.

“Skhy and the others… I’m worried,” Laccquare told Zircon while the others observed and studied the tionem sphere and winged sword.

“Hunter and Skhy are there,” Zircon tried to comfort the old man. Despite the tense encounter with Skhy and visible annoyance with Hunter, he respected the two’s abilities.

“The portal is dangerous if not used properly,” Laccquare said with a deep frown. Zircon remembered the first time he used it but he shook the memory away.

“Druzy and Citrine feel that it’s safer for them not to come here,” he revealed.

“I…agree. But can we do it without them?” Laccquare asked. Zircon didn’t believe the prophecy more than anyone else.

“This isn’t the war in the prophecy,” he replied, still being stubborn. But a part of him wished to fight with them again.

Outside, the legionnaires stood in their posts. Some of them were checking and patrolling while the others stood perfectly still. Their leaders were talking about numbers. There were a few hundreds of sentries half a kilometre from the academy. The civilians near the school were alerted and being evacuated, expecting a huge flood being the cover story. There were two dams in the Northern Lux which were found to have deep cracks. A group of five hundred sentries three kilometres away were tasked to power another force field to contain the damage.

Castledgrey didn’t think much of the students currently in the enemies’ lair. He didn’t like them the first time he encountered them, even if they were supposed to be the Seven Regalis in the prophecy. He knew that his people could win without them.

The sun dipped into the horizon. Everyone who was outside was staring at the painting of red, orange, and blue. No enemies on sight. No activity on the portal. Both could be good and bad news.

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