Insatiable Park Avenue Prince (Park Avenue Princes Book 2)

Insatiable Park Avenue Prince: Chapter 20

“A ROOM OF sex toys,” I mused as we walked through the first gallery. “I bet you’re feeling right at home.”

Donovan lifted a brow. “Why would you say that?”

“You may have forgotten that jeweled accessory you wore for me the first shoot, but I promise you, I haven’t.”

“Oh.” His lips curved into a sensual smile as we walked past some kind of apparatus a former king had used to entertain multiple sex partners. “You think I wore that for you, huh?”

“I know you did.”

“Maybe I was just remembering you on that bed and thought my ass should be…well prepared.”

“Or maybe that was just a good excuse.”

“And why would you think that?”

“To surprise me.” I stopped at an ancient tool that had been carved and used for double penetration and turned to face Donovan. “I think you’re full of surprises.”

“Yeah?” His eyes dropped to my mouth briefly before meeting mine again. “And that’s something you like?”

“It’s something I like about you.”

Amusement tipped up his lips as he brushed past me and continued through the room. “Really? Even ending up in a sex museum with my friends tonight? You like that surprise?”

“I don’t see them anywhere. Do you?”

Donovan stopped moving and glanced around, but there was no one in the room besides the two of us. The guide had told us the museum consisted of four floors, split into two sides, so the rest of Donovan’s friends were ahead of us somewhere.

“You’re right,” he said, strolling back to where I stood, and when he reached me, he hooked his finger in the belt loop of my jeans. “I did wear that for you.”

Then he tugged me forward, cupping the back of my neck as he brought my lips down on his. Just like every time we’d been together, it was like nothing else existed when his mouth was on mine. It was a strange, unfamiliar feeling, but one I couldn’t seem to get enough of.

I slid my tongue alongside his, tasting him leisurely, without any constraints or pressure or time limits. The tips of his fingers swept down the length of my jaw, and I grinned at the feel of him touching me where he wanted.

“I like this,” he murmured against my lips, before leaning back to look at me with glazed eyes.

I fucking loved having that effect on him. As he continued to stroke the scruff along my jaw, I turned my head and nipped at his fingertips.

“I’ll have to remember that,” I said, threading his fingers through mine. “For later.”

He groaned as we ventured on, moving through the next couple of exhibits until a sign that read “Porno Chic” caught our attention.

Donovan stopped in front of a scandalous-for-the-1960s commercial and cocked his head. “You know, for East having no idea about what I’d been doing—”

“You mean who,” I corrected him.

He grinned. “Definitely who. The place, the timing… It’s pretty convenient.”

“Maybe it’s a sign. The masked man should do more porn.” I winked at him, and he shook his head, laughing.

“Not sure it’s my calling, but I can’t say it hasn’t been fun.” His brow furrowed briefly. “Although I think I’ve damaged Gavin to the point of therapy now.”

“Nah, he’ll get over it. Eventually.”

“Considering we live together, let’s hope that’s sooner rather than later.”

“At least you have the space to avoid each other if you need to. I think your kitchen is the size of most people’s entire apartment in the city.”

“No way.” When I didn’t say anything, he frowned. “Wait, are you serious?”

Was he? The surprise on his face told me what I said sounded crazy, but that couldn’t be right.

Then again, considering where he lived and the rich guys he surrounded himself with, maybe he really didn’t know the reality of most apartments.

“Don’t get me wrong, your place is great,” I said. “No shame having that killer view.”

Before I could move, he put a hand on my arm, halting me. “What does that mean? How big is your place?”

“I would guess the size of your bedroom but… I haven’t seen your bedroom. Maybe the size of your closet.”

“Be serious.”

“I am being serious.” His eyes widened, and I chuckled. “But maybe you could give me a private tour after. So I can see for myself.”

Donovan licked his luscious lips, and my cock stiffened.

“Did you just invite yourself to see my bedroom?”

“No.” I grinned. “I invited myself into your closet.”

A sensual laugh bubbled out of Donovan as he smoothed a hand down over my chest. “Trust me, the last place I want to keep you is in my closet.”

“Thank fucking God for that.” I winked at him, taking his hand in mine as I led us past several other exhibits before stopping at one that grabbed my attention.

Donovan stepped in front of me, peering through the glass case at the four booklets on display and read, “How-to guides, from the 1970s. Oh, they’re illustrated.”

I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him back until his body was flush with mine. “I think three of those could be very handy.”

He turned to look at me, and I read off the titles.

“Masturbating with style. Penis sucking for wives, mistresses, and sweethearts. Yes, you definitely fall into the sweetheart category. And last but not least, anal and oral love.”

“All truly educational pamphlets.”

“Very. In fact, I might see if they sell copies of these at the gift shop on the way out.”

He turned in my arms, rubbing his body up against mine in a way that told me he knew exactly how to masturbate in style.

“I don’t think you need any help in those areas.”

I ran my hands down to his ass and gave it a nice squeeze, making sure he felt exactly what his body massage was doing to me.

“You don’t either, from the feel of things.”

Donovan began to kiss his way up my jaw. “I’d say that over the last couple of weeks I’ve had extensive practice in all those areas.”

“Jesus,” I groaned as he ground his erection over mine. “If you don’t stop what you’re doing, you’re about to get some more practice right now.”

The tongue that flicked over my earlobe showed no mercy, as the tease in my arms whispered, “Promise?”

I turned my head to see Donovan’s eyes glassy with his arousal, and I knew if I didn’t move us along that we’d wind up being part of the exhibition.

“I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. You’re the biggest distraction in the world, you know that?”

Donovan released me and took a step back, looking to the bulge in my jeans. “Oh no, I think that prize goes to you.”

“Be careful, or that prize is going to be in you.”

“Fine.” Donovan began walking toward the shadowed hallway that had carnival dioramas leading the way into a theater room—but no way I was going to sit in that room with the sexy-as-sin man hellbent on trying to get in my pants.

Usually I’d be the first to disrobe and enter, but considering how this night had started, I figured Donovan might want to end it without again being the star attraction for his friends.

So with the movie out, we exited the theater and walked straight into Lucky Land, which I was going to rename Torture City, because now I was supposed to play sex games with Donovan and try not to imagine doing them naked.

Good God. I would deserve a medal by the end of tonight.

“Holy shit. How have I never been to this place before?” Donovan turned in a circle as we walked through a hallway full of mirrors and neon lights that did super-trippy things to your brain. By the time we came out the other side, we were standing in front of a set of “glory stalls.”

Donovan stopped in front of the elaborate toilet stalls decked out as different games, and I moved up beside him.

“Am I allowed to say I’m happy to be your first?”

He grinned at me, his eyes dancing with mischief. “Why? Would you be jealous?”

“Of you playing with some other guy and a glory hole? Yeah, I would be.”

“Good answer.” He turned back to the stalls and read off one of the shut doors, “Grab more, score more.”

I nodded at the other instruction closest to me. “Quickly yank that plank.”

Donovan busted out laughing. “This isn’t fair. You totally have an advantage.”

“What? How?”

“You’ve spent your whole life grabbing more than most.” He winked at me, and I shook my head. “Therefore, I think I should start with five bonus points.”

I scoffed as he walked up to the open stalls, tapping his lips.

“Now, which one do I want to play first?”

There were two rather interesting options, and he nudged me into one of the stalls. One wall had several holes cut out and the name of the stall written above it.

“Really?” I said, glancing over my shoulder at him. “You want me to ‘burp the worm’?”

“Yep, and do it real good.” He moved into the stall beside me and called out, “Looks like I’ll be ‘cuffing the carrot.’”

I snorted out a laugh and read over the “how to play” instructions written on the wall. “So whoever yanks the most dicks wins?”

“Like an indecent Whac-A-Mole. Hell yes.”

This would be a fun challenge, considering we both seemed to have quite a bit of experience under our belts…and for all his laidback attitude, Donovan obviously had a competitive side.

“Get ready to wank,” I said, and then pushed the start button.

Dicks of all different colors began to pop out of the holes, and I wrapped my hand around each one and gave it a firm tug before they slid back into the wall.

I couldn’t help but laugh at how ridiculous the game was, because who the hell thought this place up? It was genius, though, and I got into a groove, not even missing one. But then things started to speed up, the cocks jolting out faster and faster.

No way was I going to lose this. That wouldn’t say much for a guy in porn.

The countdown on the wall started flashing, a fake crowd chanting down from five…four…three…two…

As the timer hit one, a spray of white cream spurted out of each of the dicks, pelting me with cum that smelled like…whipped cream. I was too stunned to move, and I was still standing there with wide eyes as Donovan rounded the stall, took one look at me, and burst into laughter.

“Oh shit. So that’s what happens when you lose. You get a facial.”

I craned my neck slowly toward him as he doubled over. He hadn’t gotten the same treatment in his own stall.

Which meant Donovan yanked and wanked faster than I did. The fucker.

He swiped some of the “cum” off my lower lip, sniffed it, then sucked it off his finger.

“Mmm,” he said, smirking. “This tastes almost as good as you.”

“I bet you’re sweeter.”

Donovan stepped in closer, angling his head like he was going to kiss me, but then I felt the warmth of his tongue licking along the side of my neck. Then he moved away, walking backward as his eyes heated. “Maybe you should come and find out.”

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