In Too Deep

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

I sat at my desk in mine and Violet’s room, catching up on homework when Lucas and Violet came in, both of them perching on the end of her bed. I greeted them and returned to what I was working on.

I could feel them watching me, which was a little off putting. I knew they wanted to talk to me but they seemed nervous. I had to resist diving in to their minds to find out what they were so worried about asking me, I’ve been trying to stay out of their thoughts so I don’t invade their privacy, they are my only friends here as it is, I don’t want to ruin that.

“You’re both making it extremely hard for me to not read your minds, I know you want to say something, your thoughts are basically screaming at me. What I don’t know is why you aren’t coming straight out with it. Has something happened?” I raised an eyebrow in question.

“Nothing’s wrong if that’s what you mean.” Violet started.

“Freya, we’ve kind of been wanting to ask you something.” Lucas said cautiously.

“We want you to teach us how to fight.” Violet interjected. I thought it over for a moment.

“Why?” Was all I asked.

“We want to know how to defend ourselves.” Lucas explained.

“You don’t need to, I’ll protect you.” I didn’t really like the idea of either of them fighting.

“You can’t always be there to fight our battles for us. You don’t need to worry, we aren’t going to go around starting fights like you do, it’s just in case the need ever arose.” Lucas continued. I wasn’t sure whether I should take that part personally or not, but considering my track record since they’ve known me, I guess I don’t really have any ground to stand on with pretending to be offended. I got to my feet.

“Stand up.” They did as I instructed. “Throw a punch at me.” They shared a look between each other, not sure if I was serious or not. “You won’t hurt me, punch me as hard as you can.”

They were still a little unsure but followed my instructions. If I agreed to this I was going to have my work cut out for me, neither of them even knew how to throw a punch properly, and they had no power behind them either.

“Ok, I’ll do it if you’re both completely sure, it won’t be easy though. I’ll push you hard, it’s the only way I know you’ll learn. But we’ll have to be careful, I can’t imagine the academy will approve with our extracurricular activity.” They nodded their agreement.

“When do we start?” Violet asked.

“No time like the present.” I suggested. We changed our clothes and met back up with Lucas. I led them to the clearing in the woods that I went running in, it’s a good distance away from Fair Lake that no one would likely find us.

“How did you find this place?” Lucas asked.

“I found it whilst I was out running.” I told them.

“You go running through the woods?” Violet asked.

“Yes, it’s nice being by myself, surrounded by nature.” And it’s better to run when no one is around, so I can run as fast as I want without anyone getting suspicious. “Ok, first lesson. Neither of you know how to throw a punch properly, if you have your thumb inside your fist like you both did when you hit me, you could break your thumbs. Have it on the outside, like this.” I demonstrated with my hand and they followed suit.

“Also learning to defend yourself isn’t just about the fighting. Neither of you are particularly strong or fast.” I could tell they were both slightly offended by that, but I continued. “You’ll both need to work on your stamina, speed and strength. Running laps, doing sit ups, press ups and pull ups are the best way to start improving these aspects.”

Neither of them seemed entirely happy about the kind of workout I was suggesting.

“If you’re not committed, then we may as well give up now.” I tested.

“No, we’re in.” Violet said, determined. “I guess deep down we knew it wouldn’t just be fun and games.”

“Yeah, like beating up jocks.” Lucas added and they both laughed.

“No, that’s just an added bonus.” I winked, and they laughed again.

I kept up my promise of not going easy on them. I had one of them running laps around the clearing whilst I taught the other how to block attacks, and the best places to aim for when attacking an opponent.

I brought both of them back together to show them a few last things before we finished, I could tell their energy was running low and they were both out of breath.

“If your opponent is bigger and stronger than you, the best tactic is to use their strength against them.” I began explaining.

“Like you did with the werewolves?” Violet asked, referring back to the jocks on my first day.

“Yes. When they’re that sort of build they are used to being the strongest, the fastest. But this usually makes them easier to knock off balance because they let their ego convince them they’ve already won.” I demonstrated how to dodge certain attacks where they could put this idea in to practice.

“Once you’ve knocked them off balance, there are two options to go for here. Once you’re a bit more advanced I’d suggest a kick to the legs, this will knock them to the ground and give you a chance to escape if that’s what’s necessary. Or you can go for a pressure point, which, if done correctly can leave them unconscious, and no longer a threat to you.” I told them.

They seemed more interested in the second suggestion, understandably not thinking they’d have the strength to administer an affective enough attack. I demonstrated where these are on the human body.

“This still won’t necessarily be easy, you need to apply enough pressure in exactly the right place before your opponent realises what you’re doing and tries to stop you.” I explained, they nodded their understanding.

“Come on, that’s enough for today, let’s head back.” I told them, I could tell they were exhausted but neither of them complained about anything I told them to do when we were training.

“Do you think we’ll actually be able to fight like you?” Violet asked.

“No.” I stated, probably a little too bluntly.

“Oh.” She seemed disappointed.

“I’ve been fighting since I was young, I can teach you to fight but it would take years to train you up to fight like I do.” I explained. “You’ve both done really well considering this is our first training session, keep practicing and in a few months you’ll be able to see improvements.” I tried to make up for my previous bluntness, I didn’t want to hurt their feelings.

“Thanks for agreeing to teach us.” Lucas said sincerely.

“Of course, but after a few weeks of this just try to remember that this is what you wanted.” I said and they laughed.

We headed back to our rooms, and whilst Violet went to take a shower, I transported my luggage in to our room and began to unpack it all when she walked back in the room.

“How did your luggage get here already?” She asked me. Crap, ok think fast.

“A friend dropped it off for me.” I replied, satisfied with my answer.

“That was quick. I wasn’t out of the room for long and your friend managed to get it all in here and leave again in that time?” She asked curiously, clearly not buying my lie.

“Yeah, he brought his brothers with him so it didn’t take long.” I said.

“They didn’t stick around for a chat? You didn’t offer them a drink for helping you out before they got back on the road again?” Whoa whoa whoa.

Where did this all come from? Where is the sweet shy girl that I met in English gone to? And when can she come back? I get the feeling that if she kept this up then I would definitely slip up. I needed to be more careful about using my powers that aren’t so easily explained.

“I offered but they really needed to get going again, whilst they’re in England they’ve made plans to visit a few of the sights around here before they head back to Paris.” I explained.

“Wow they must be some really good friends you have there to do that for you.” She said and smiled. “I’m sorry for all the questions. I didn’t mean to pry.” She shot me an apologetic smile. I was just glad the interrogation was over.

“It’s ok, I don’t mind really. Just took me by surprise is all.” I returned her smile.

“Is Smithy your boyfriend?” She asked completely out of the blue.

“Er, no. Why would you ask that?” I asked confused, how do I get myself in to these situations?

“Well that was the only reason I could think of as to why you managed to get off the hook so easily on your first day here. And with the way you two interacted, I don’t know, it just seemed like there was something there.” Violet said.

“Well no, Smithy is not my boyfriend. We have just known each other a long time that’s all.” I replied, hoping this would clear up her obvious confusion.

“So are you a police officer?” she asked.

“Not exactly.” Really, that’s all I could think of to say? That is going to lead to more questions.

“But you have worked for him before?” She asked. Here we go with more questions.

“Sort of.” Was my sketchy reply. I couldn’t understand why I wasn’t just full out lying to her, I would usually. But for some reason, I found it hard to lie to her. She didn’t ask another question but confusion was clear as day on her face. I sighed and continued.

“Ok, so I am going to tell you something that I have never told anyone before, ok? And you can’t tell anyone.” We both moved so we were now sat on my bed, she wrapped her small hands around mine and I could see on her face that I could trust her with this. That didn’t exactly make it easier though.

“Sometimes I take on the role of an officer, but with one difference, I don’t bring the rogue super naturals in to the station so they can be locked up. I, well I…..I kill them Violet.” She didn’t move a muscle; she just stared right in to my eyes. She took in a deep breath, she was clearly considering what I just told her.

“You only kill rogue super naturals though right? Not the good ones?” She asked.

“No, I’m not a monster. Or at least I like to think I’m not. I only kill the criminals that can’t be arrested.” She nodded and was silent for a moment.

“I’m glad you can feel like you can trust me with this Freya, I don’t know why you did but I want you to know that I promise not to tell anyone.” Violet said sincerely. I was stunned at how well she was taking this.

“Thank you Violet. If I’m honest, I don’t entirely know why I told you either. You were asking and I didn’t seem able to lie to you. Which is a very odd trait for me.” I usually have no issues with lying.

“You said you moved here from France, I suspected it was just because you wanted a change. Is that true?” She asked.

“No, that’s not true. People had found out that I was the one killing all the bad guys. A group of them joined forces and attacked me. I managed to kill them all but I didn’t know if there were more of them so I uprooted and left, I cut off all ties, changed my name and enrolled here.” I explained.

“You changed your name? But what about your family?” Violet asked, I winced.

“I don’t have any family Violet.” Her eyes filled with sadness. She wrapped her arms around me in a hug.

“I’m so sorry, I had no idea. Did rogues kill your family? Is that why you kill them? To get revenge?” She asked.

“No Violet, I have never met my real family. They put me up for adoption the day I was born. One of my foster families taught me how to fight and how to use various weapons. Rogues killed them, and I took on their family tradition of hunting them. They didn’t deserve to die, they were good people.” She stayed silent for a moment, I looked up at her and I saw silent tears falling from her eyes. She wiped them away quickly.

“So your friends that dropped your luggage off, you kept in contact with them?” She asked.

“No, there were no friends Violet, I don’t have any friends. I transported my luggage here myself.” I confessed.

“Why didn’t you just tell me that?”

“Because I’m supposed to just be a mind reader Violet, I’m not supposed to be able to do that.” I pointed out.

“Well I already figured out that there was more to you then just reading minds. But how much more is there Freya?” I had a decision to make, do I tell her everything? I’ve told her a lot already, more than anyone knows about me but I felt like I could trust her, so I put it to the test.

“Ok, my actual power is one that not many have heard of.” I took a deep breath and continued. “It allows me to use everyone else’s powers, as long as I have been around them, I can use their power any time I like and against anyone I like without them even realising and without it affecting them.” I told her.

“That is how I originally got to know Smithy. He knows that I can do things that I shouldn’t be able to, he hopes that I can trust him enough one day to tell him what he so desperately wants to know.” I explained.

“You haven’t told him?” She asked surprised. I shook my head.

“He’s part of such a large organisation, it worries me.” I continued with what I was originally saying. “That is how I managed to beat up the jocks, I used their own strength and speed against them, and also added a slight touch of vampire strength to it as well and I became unbeatable.” I said sadly. Violet looked thoughtful, this was after all, a lot to take in.

“That does make sense. Wait hold on a minute, about using vampire’s strength, can you use their other abilities as well?” Violet asked.

“Yes I can. Their strength, their speed, their hearing, their sight and their…….ability to not age.” I hesitated to say the last part, wary of how she would react.

“You don’t age?” She asked incredulously.

“Well I can choose when to age. I can freeze my aging at any time and then decide when to continue aging.”

“Oh my God! That’s amazing!” She said. “You’re living every girl’s dream! Wait hold on, you don’t have to drink blood do you?”

“Ew, no I don’t. I have the perks without the limitations. That is why I don’t tell anyone this Violet, why I can’t tell Smithy. He is a good person but I would end up as some kind of lab rat.” She stopped smiling and became sad but serious.

“That’s awful!” She said whilst throwing her arms around me again. “Don’t worry I still stand by what I said before, I won’t breathe a word about this to anyone. I promise with my life.”

“Thank you Violet, I believe you. I’m glad you understand how important this is and I’m so happy that I can finally talk to someone about this. I have kept it to myself for so long.”

“I will always be here for you to talk to. I get the feeling keeping it to yourself makes you feel more alone. Like it’s you against the world.” I was stunned, how did she know that? Oh yeah right, she’s psychic.

“Yeah you are right about that. You should know something else too. My power also allows me to identify the powers of others. I know you’re psychic Violet.” I told her.

“Yeah I kind of figured that one out. It makes sense you know? I mean if you can use other people’s powers then surely you must be able to identify them right?” Violet said.

“I’m glad you are taking everything so well, most people get a little touchy when you know what powers they have. ” I said.

“That’s true.” She said. She seemed to be thinking something over for a moment. “That’s what you meant earlier isn’t it? That we wouldn’t be able to fight like you, it would be impossible as we don’t have your power.” I nodded, glad she now understood.

“Oh and Violet?” I asked.

“Yes Freya?”

“When I said you can’t tell anyone that means your family as well.” I said seriously.

“Oh I know, don’t worry about a thing.” Violet reassured me.

We got off my bed and Violet began to help me unpack. My mind wondered over everything we had discussed, she actually thought that Smithy was my boyfriend? I won’t deny that he’s good looking but most vampires are.

My thoughts then travelled to another attractive vampire…… with gorgeous blue eyes and a sexy smirk always on his face. Whoa stop right there! Did I seriously just think that? Um hello! Teacher! Completely off limits. Is that my only reason, because he’s my teacher? Damn, I think it is as well. I am not attracted to Bastien! With his beautiful eyes, lean body and don’t even get me started on his lips -

“Hey Violet, do you have a boyfriend?” I asked to get away from my disturbing thoughts. I saw her cheeks turn red.

“That was very random but no, I do not have a boyfriend why?” She asked.

“I was just wondering. Are there any boys you like?” Her cheeks flushed red again.

“It wouldn’t really matter if I did. Guys don’t tend to like girls who are smarter than them.” She stated.

“Just like they don’t like girls who are stronger than them?” I asked, we both laughed at that. “What about Lucas?” Her eyes widened.

“Hey! Stay out of my mind.” She faked being annoyed, but couldn’t hide her smile. “Do you think he likes me?”

“Are you asking in a general sense or because I’m a mind reader?” I asked.

“Damn I’m not sure if I can ask you that then.” She contemplated.

“Mind reading aside, I think you two would be good together. And I’m not saying this because I may or may not know if he likes you too, but maybe you should go for it.” I said with a wink. She blushed.

“Freya?” Violet asked.


“You have a friend now.” She said with a bright, friendly smile. I didn’t answer but I smiled back at her, remembering what I had said earlier. It may not sound like much, but with a friend, the world is a lot less lonely.

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