In Too Deep

Chapter 21

Chapter 21

Lucas’ house sat in a clearing, secluded and quite a distance away from any other houses nearby, which made it perfect for what was about to happen. I could see the picture of the house in my mind that Lucas had drawn in art class. The red roses climbing up the walls and framing the wooden oak door, the perfect rows of flowers growing in the garden and the stepping stones leading up to the door with a white fence surrounding the property.

But where we crouched, hiding in the surrounding forest that is not what I saw ahead of me. The delicate white fence was trampled to the ground mixing with the now dead flowers. The wooden oak door was hanging on by its hinges. And the beautiful roses hung down like a veil over the opening, as if morning the tragic disturbance that was bestowed upon this little fairy-tail like house. Guards surrounded every inch of the property with guns.

Smithy tapped my shoulder and motioned for me to retreat further in to the woods so we could talk.

“Guards surrounding the entire house and we already know there will be many more inside.” Smithy said to me and I nodded. “If only we could get a look in there before infiltrating, just to be sure. It would make things so much easier.” He added.

“Give me a second and I may be able to.” I said to him. He raised an eyebrow in question but didn’t comment. I concentrated and reached out with my mind.

After a moment I was inside the house looking through Lucas’ eyes. I could see the room that he was in, I could see everything in his direct line of sight, there was a guard straight in front of him and I could see another off to his right. I couldn’t see anything else of note; I needed Lucas to look around the room.

‘Lucas, its Freya. I need you to stay calm and don’t react to my voice.’ I spoke directly in to his mind. ‘I have cast a spell that has allowed me to look through your eyes. I need you to do exactly as I say.’ I explained, still speaking to him telepathically.

‘Now, as casually as you can I want you to look around the room, do it slowly so the guards don’t think anything of it.’ I told him and the scene in front of me began to change as Lucas did exactly as I asked.

There were two more guards standing by the door facing inwards and two more directly behind them facing out of the room. I could only just see past the guards which revealed a narrow hallway and I would guess that there were more guards at the other end positioned exactly the same as the ones guarding this room.

Lucas turned his head left slowly, his parents were beside him and I could see a second door leading out of the room, the door was open and I could see that it was a bathroom, I could just about see a window, however it was way too small for anyone to be able to fit through. I came to the conclusion that there was only one exit from the room. Well, two if you counted the bigger window along the left side of the room but guards were stationed there as well. They really weren’t taking any chances. How much exactly do they know about me?

‘Ok Lucas thank you. Don’t worry; we will get you out of there soon.’ I said to him, speaking directly in to his mind still. The guards didn’t seem to have thought anything of Lucas’ wondering eyes so he was still safe. For now anyway.

Back in the forest I turned to Smithy, no longer looking through Lucas’ eyes. I transferred all of this information in to Smithy’s and the other men’s minds to keep our conversations to a minimum.

“Ok so what’s the plan of action?” One of the men asked Smithy speaking as quietly as possible, instead of replying Smithy looked to me and nodded.

“A surprise attack. We need to ambush them from all sides.” I said and assigned each of the men a place to attack from.

“Where will you be?” Smithy asked me.

“Here is where the surprise part comes in. I am going to transport myself in to the room where Lucas and his parents are. All of the guards will rush to attack me and that is when you advance from the outside.” I said.

“That’s too dangerous.” Smithy argued, clearly not impressed.

“I don’t care, I’m doing it anyway.” I said to him leaving no room for argument.

“Freya-“ Yet he tries anyway.

“Smithy I trust you, do you trust me?” I asked him.

“You trust me?” He asked disbelievingly.

“Of course, after all we’ve been through, with all you’ve helped me with, would you really think different?” We were both silent for a moment when one of the others cleared their throat, bringing us back to the situation at hand.

“Right, we have a rescue to carry out.” I said and Smithy nodded.

“Just give us a signal if you need help in there, don’t try and be a hero.” Smithy advised me and I nodded.

“When you see the guards start running, attack.” I said to everyone.

The others got as close as they could without being noticed. Time for me to head in. I transported myself in to the room where Lucas and his parents were being kept hostage.

The guards all raised their guns as one, already expecting this I used telekinesis to get rid of them, crushing the metal in to tiny pieces at the same time. They weren’t too fazed by their now lack of weapons and ran forward to attack me instantly.

I drew my sword and sliced the blade along the stomach of the first guard that charged at me, he fell to the ground clutching his wound as he bled out on the floor. I side stepped to the left as another guard lunged at me, his attack missed me and I slit his throat with my sword. Two more guards attacked me together, one kicked my sword out of my hand, I heard it clatter to the ground, far off to the side.

The other man lunged at me, causing us both to crash to the floor. He was on top of me, his weight crushing me as the other grabbed my arms and pinned them to the floor. The man on top of me wrapped his hands around my throat, squeezing hard. I drew on my magic, lifting them both in to the air and then setting them both on fire.

I leapt to my feet and kept disposing of more guards that came at me. As more kept coming it got a lot more difficult. I was using a lot of my magic to defend myself, and that in turn was taking a toll on my energy. I hadn’t had time to rest since I had been drugged and chained up in the basement of Bastien’s cabin. There had been no time, but I was now starting to feel the lack of rest and food.

Even with my speed and strength, it was becoming a struggle to keep up with the amount of guards that were coming at me. There were clearly many more than what I could see through Lucas’ eyes, and even more than what I had been able to sense before we got here. The moment I managed to kill one of the guards another would be on me before the body dropped to the ground.

I didn’t understand how there were so many of them, I could hear Smithy and the others fighting outside, so they too were having difficulty with the amount of guards.

The bodies that were cluttering the floor were starting to get in the way, and I was taking more and more blows as time went on. I think I had finally met my limit. I was facing the open bathroom door; the guards I was fighting had their backs to it so they wouldn’t have been able to see what I could.

Water began pouring out of the taps, but didn’t make any noise as the water never hit the sink, I watched out of the corner of my eye as the water came closer to us, and started circling the guards, they didn’t notice until it was too late. I looked to Lucas and saw the concentration on his face.

The water surrounded the guards and practically swallowed them. The water made a sort of cocoon around them and forced them backwards, taking out more than half of the guards that were attacking me.

I took out the rest of the guards and turned towards Lucas and his parents and untied them.

“Thank you.” I said to Lucas and he nodded. ‘And I told you that your power was useful.’ I told him telepathically. He gave a small sad smile.

‘But I just killed them Freya. How can you be congratulating me?’ He asked disbelievingly.

‘If you hadn’t then they would’ve killed me and then you and your family. And Violet as well.’ I informed him, still using telepathy, he nodded in understanding. He wasn’t necessarily going to be ok with what he just did, but he could at least understand that he had no choice.

‘Where is Violet?’ He asked and I could see the worry in his eyes.

‘I am going to go get her back now.’ I told him.

“I’m coming with you.” Lucas said aloud and his parents looked confused, this was the first part of the conversation they had heard.

“No Lucas you’re not, it’s too dangerous.” I told him.

“And yet it never seems to be too dangerous for you to go out and risk your life.” He said annoyed. “You saw how many guards were here; do you really think there will be less guarding Violet?” Damn he had me there.

“You struggled with the amount of guards that were here. No matter how much you don’t want to admit it we both know that without my help you wouldn’t have been able to kill them all. Then we would all be dead.” He said bluntly. I know he meant well, he was just concerned.

“I have back up, you didn’t see them because they attacked from the outside so there would be less for me to-“ I began but he interrupted me.

“Less for you to fight? That may be so Freya but there were still too many guards for you to handle, and you will probably use the same tactics to get Violet and then what would happen?” He asked me.

“I agree with Lucas, Freya.” Smithy said as he walked in to the room with only three of the original ten men following behind him. How long had he been stood there listening?

“But he could get hurt-“

“So could you.” Smithy said cutting me off. Why did I get a feeling that I wasn’t going to win this argument? He could tell that I was about to argue.

“Look, I know this isn’t ideal, but this is all we have left.” Smithy said gesturing to the three men behind him. “There were way more men than we originally thought, we are going to need all the help we can get in order to be able to save your other friend.” He said to me.

I looked around the room, at the bodies piled on the floor, Lucas’ parents looking stressed and worried for their son, their son who they just witnessed kill someone for the first time. I looked at the three men that I still did not know the names of, who looked tired but determined to continue on this quest, Lucas looking brave and fearless and Smithy looked concerned for me.

I took a moment to just think about the whole situation, I didn’t want to make any rash decisions that would later bite me in the ass. I turned to the three men who now stood next to Smithy.

“What are your names?” I asked them. I know it was completely out of the blue but I needed to know. They were helping me and seven men had already died for me and I didn’t know a thing about them.

“Robert Blake.” The guy stood in the middle said. He had short, spikey, jet black hair which was a great contrast to his light green eyes. He was well built and was so tall that I didn’t even come up to his shoulders. I nodded in greeting and turned to the guy standing on his left. He was shorter and was slightly hunched over. His messy brown hair fell in to his deep brown eyes.

“Simon Hitson.” He said to me. I looked to the third guy, he was the shortest out of the three, he had dark blonde hair and hazel eyes.

“Ron Mikey.” He said quietly. All three had impressive muscle tone and even though I could tell they were tired, they were trying their best not to show it. I could smell blood and saw that it came from Ron’s knee, he had been shot but he was completely ignoring it.

“Ron let me take a look at your leg.” I said to him.

“It’s fine, don’t worry about it.” He replied.

“But you’ve been shot.” I argued.

“It’ll heal ma’am, I’m a vampire.” Ron said politely.

“Not if you leave the bullet in there it won’t. It will get infected.” I told him. He was about to argue some more but I lurched forward and held on to his leg with a firm grip, careful not to touch the wound. He tried to pull his leg away but I held on tighter.

“You are stronger than you look miss.” Ron said to me.

“Please, call me Freya.” And he nodded. I got him to sit down on a chair as I felt around the wound so I could figure out how deep the bullet went.

“You’re lucky, it’s not too deep, I can take it out but it will hurt.” I said as I looked up at Ron, his only response was a nod. I tore the blood soaked material so I could get to the wound easier. I kept my touch light so I wouldn’t hurt him. I used magic to grow my nails to a tweezer-like fine point and used them to pull the bullet out. Using telekinesis would be too risky without being able to see the bullet.

With the bullet out I shrank my nails back to their normal size. I conjured up a wet cloth and cleaned the wound as best as I could, I hovered my hand over the wound, a tingling warmth going through my fingers as I heeled his knee. I then also repaired the damage to his jeans.

I then turned to Robert and healed the gash on his arm, then to Simon and healed his broken collar bone.

“I’m fine.” Smithy said when I turned to him. “I am a vampire remember, it will heal in no time.” I ignored him and healed the cut on his head and cleaned the blood off of his face with another cloth. I looked over at Lucas and his parents but I couldn’t see any injuries.

“We were not harmed.” Lucas confirmed and I nodded.

“How did you do that?” Lucas’ mother asked and everyone was staring at me, some in confusion and some in wonder.

“Later.” I said leaving no room for arguments and everyone nodded.

“Come on we must hurry, we don’t know if the guards notified anyone before we finished them off.” I said.

“But surely they would have just shown up here to help?” Lucas’ mother asked uncertainly.

“They would more likely double up the guards surrounding Violet.” I said. “Let’s go back to the station so we can work out a plan of action. We must hurry.” I added and we set off for the station.

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