In The Name of Love

Chapter 50: Rendezvous

Grey fingers of dawn reach up over the horizon as the Friggenter celebration in Adelhyod’s grand courtyard comes to a close. The Royal Orchestra has ceased to play and have packed up their instruments, the fires are burning down low, and most of the revelers are staggering to bed with plans to sleep the morning away. But despite having danced all night, Fifi is wide awake, wishing that the festival would never end even as she walks with Minna back towards their chambers.

“I think I could dance for a long time yet,” she remarks, twirling in the corridor so that her skirts flare out.

Minna stifles a yawn. “Then stay up in your favorite courtyard or something, and dance with the sunrise,” she suggests. “I’m exhausted.”

Fifi’s eyes light up; this is exactly the response she’d hoped for. “I think I will. Thank you, Minna. Sleep well!” She pirouettes away from Minna and then skips down a seldom-used side hallway. The gift she’s brought for Kai bounces against her leg in a hidden pocket in her skirts. I hope he comes. I hope he’s not too tired, she prays as she slips through a plain wooden door into the courtyard where she’d first learned about Cybarein.

To her surprise, Kai is already there, admiring some chickweed blossoms near the fish pond. He looks up at the sound of her footsteps and smiles when their eyes meet.

“I’m glad you made it,” he says in a voice like velvet. “I was afraid you wouldn’t be able to get away.”

“Minna is tired, and the rest of the family was walking ahead of us,” Fifi explains in a whisper. They make their way to the moss-covered bench in one corner of the courtyard. No windows are visible to them standing beside it, since the shrubs and trees around them are tall and thick with foliage. “This was a good idea, coming here after…”

“I couldn’t think of another way to give this to you without attracting attention. Everyone wanted to dance with you tonight.” He pulls a small leather sachet out of one of his pockets and hands it to her. “With Friggenter’s blessings.”

“Oh! You didn’t have to get me anything—”

“You’re going away for more than a month. If you find any creatures in need of healing, those will help you.”

Fifi opens the sachet to find a sweet-smelling blend of dried herbs within. “Is this what you used for the dove?”

“Yes. You remember the rest of what you’d need?”

“Yes. Thank you. It’s perfect.” She impulsively throws her arms around him. He pulls her close for a moment before stepping away, his brow creased with guilt and frustration. “Um…I have something for you, too. With Friggenter’s blessings.” Fifi pulls a small leather pouch from the hidden pocket in the folds of her skirt and offers it to Kai as she tucks the sachet of herbs away.

“You shouldn’t have—”

“I had to. I had the same idea you did, that I’m going away, and what if…” She lets her voice trail off as he opens the pouch and pours small, rough-cut gemstones into his palm.

“I can’t accept this.” He looks at her with hazel eyes wide with disbelief.

“Please do. They’re yours, for healing.”

Kai shakes his head as he slowly returns the gemstones to the pouch. “Fifi…I don’t know what to say. Thank you, really, but….”

She closes the distance between them again and guides the pouch of gemstones into his pocket. “I insist. Really. It’s the least I can do for you, after—”

The rest of her words die as his lips meet hers, soft and sweet and full of longing. Fifi returns the kiss, pressing herself as close to him as she can with her voluminous skirts and sapphire-stiff bodice. His hands run over her body, making her quiver and melt into him.

“Come with me to Syazonia,” she whispers against his lips as they break for air.

“I can come as far as my father’s manor house, and I was planning to,” he tells her. He kisses her neck gently, just below her ear, and she tightens her grip on his shoulders. “But I’ll have to wait for you there. I haven’t been invited to the wedding.”

“I know, but if you transform yourself into a raven, we can pretend you’re Algot, and then no one will suspect—”

“I can’t maintain a transformation for more than an hour or so, and it takes a tremendous amount of energy. Even with the power in these stones, I don’t know if we could maintain that ruse even long enough to make it to Syazonia. And if we were found out….”

“I know. I won’t risk that.” Their lips meet again, as if they’re both afraid it’s the last time they’ll be in each other’s arms. “I’m just afraid…. Father hasn’t told me yet, but I know he’s planning to have my Quest for Favor in Guetor, right after Oggerheim. I’ve heard the servants talking.”

Kai nods and bites his lip. “Have you thought any more about…?”

“Running away with you? Every night.” She kisses him again, and heat envelopes them. “And every time I’m posing for that dratted portrait, and every time I’m asked about what to pack for Syazonia….”

“Then, you want to try it?”

“If you’re willing.”

He kisses her harder, pulling her close while cupping her face with one hand. “I’ll prepare while you’re away. Sigurd and I will figure out a way for us to make it work.”

“I trust you.” Fifi traces his jawline with one fingertip, and he catches her hand in one of his, then kisses her fingers. “What do you want me to do to prepare?”

“Play your part. Give no one any reason to suspect anything.”

“All right.” She pulls away from him and straightens her gown as best she can without a looking glass. “Then I suppose I must bid you good…morning, and get some rest.”

Kai frowns as though this wasn’t exactly what he had in mind. “We probably won’t be able to have any more lessons. Unless we find a way to meet in Lyrnola….”

“One step at a time. No unnecessary risks.”

“You’re right. But…always leave a window open. In case a bird wants to stop by.”

Fifi smiles. “Of course. Birds are always welcome with me. I should go, though. We’ve been here too long.”

“Go, then, and sleep well.”

Fifi nods and rushes away, even though she feels like she may never sleep again. Every nerve in her body is prickling with excitement and other feelings she doesn’t know how to name. But as she goes back inside Adelhyod, she repeats Kai’s instructions to ‘play her part’ inside her head and takes several slow, deep breaths to steady herself. All of their plans depend on her ability to perform, and she is determined to do so flawlessly. Not even Minna can suspect a thing, she resolves as she makes her way back to their chambers.

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