In Reach?

Chapter Lethal obsession

Liam’s POV

“Liam, you need to let this go.” Noah is at it again.

We’re putting on pants we keep hidden in the trees as I ran here in wolf form. I’m making my way to that cabin. I’m making my way to her. I now she wants me, she’s just confused.

“No. You don’t get it. She won’t choose him, not when she wants me.” I say as I’m walking confidently towards the cabin.

“Liam, this is crazy. You can’t just barge in on them, they’re mates.”

“No!” I growl out.

I hate it when people say that.

“She’s just confused. She’s just using Ashton as an excuse to get away from me.”

“Do you hear yourself Liam? You literally just said she’s trying to get away from you.” Noah’s still keeping up with my fast pace.

But I don’t have time to explain everything to him. It’s just a whole mess from a bunch of misunderstandings. I just need time to talk to her. I just need to get to her before she does something stupid with that fucker, -Ashton.

“It’s all just a misunderstanding Noah. I just need to explain it to her.”

I finally get sight of the cabin far ahead and its lights are on. So they are already here. I was hoping to get here first. I stop in my approach as I see her, standing there on the balcony, looking up at the moon. Even from this distance anyone can see that she is truly beautiful. If ever, I would picture her as the embodiment of the moon goddess.

But now that asshole is walking up behind her, shirtless.

Ggrh! My wolf really wants to have at him uninterrupted, to wipe that smirk off his face, -like he beat me. Pfh.

I can feel Noah’s hand on my shoulder again. “Liam. Don’t do this.”

I’m trying to take deep breaths to calm my wolf. I need to be calm when I talk to her. We can’t just argue again, that never gets us anywhere.

But then I see her turning around and he leans in to kiss her.

Gggrrrhhhh! My breathing is getting very heavy now, I can feel my shoulders rising and falling from it. My wolf doesn’t like where this is going, I don’t like it. Especially when he leads her back to the room and closes the balcony doors like someone who wants privacy. What does he plan on doing with her? Why would she go with him?

Gggrrrrhhhh!!!!!! I can feel my wolf pushing through relentlessly now. He wants out. He wants to go there. He wants blood.

“Liam. Calm the fuck down.” Noah is by my side again. But my wolf doesn’t want him there, especially since he just wants to keep us from her.

I’m getting more angry, and it’s making me lose control. Ggggrrrhhhhh!! I hunch over, kneeling on the ground trying to reel him in. But I’m failing. I can see my fingers morphing, I can see the claws coming out, claws that want blood. I could never quite fully control my wolf, and now that he’s determined for blood, I know he won’t stop. I’m shifting. I can feel it through my body. It’s too late, I can hear him snickering in my head.

Noah’s POV

I don’t know what it is about Mira that has Liam so worked up. He can’t let her go, even when she made her choice and chose Ashton. He’s convinced that he can get her, that it's all just misunderstandings.

His behaviour is really worrying, especially when he made a run for their cabin. I had to follow him. I don’t even know what he plans on doing when he gets there, but this is really getting out of hand.

Now that we’re at the cabin, I thought he would finally see with his own eyes, yet again, that she is with Ashton, because she chose him.

But just seeing the guy had his wolf acting up. This is definitely not good. It’s not just Liam that’s worked up about her, his wolf is too. This is dangerous. That wolf of his has a mind of its own. He’s stubborn and relentless and always a pain to get calm.

“Liam. Calm the fuck down.”

I’m standing next to him, but he suddenly falls on his knees hunched over, as he’s growling. I can see his body morphing. He wants to shift. No. His wolf wants to shift. I can see Liam trying to focus, trying to fight for control. His claws are coming out. Liam slams his fist on the ground with such an intensity, I could see the leaves vibrating on the ground. He’s trying to fight his wolf.

“Liam. Focus!”

But his muscles are bulging, like the bones are trying to shift within. He gives a deep groan that sounds like pain but more like frustration as his claws are digging into the ground. Dammit, His wolf is fighting back.

I lean down next to him but behind his head, in case I need to subdue his wolf in a choke hold. But he swipes his hand against me so quickly and so hard that he has me pushed against a tree trunk. I fall to the ground, out of breath from the hard impact my back made with the tree. But getting up, I see the blood dripping from my chest, and with it the claw marks which Liam left behind, no his wolf.

Looking up I see him, as he’s standing over me, daring me to stand. But the look on his face is what shocks me. His canines are out and those eyes of his are full on glowing, and looking at his body he looks like he just about stopped halfway through a shift. With that smirk on his face though, I know this is his wolf. His wolf is in control, and in an instant I see him running towards the cabin in a beast-like speed.

Oh shit! I jump up to run after him, but I struggle to keep up. I’m still out of breath. I need to get to him, to stop him. I saw that look. That is the look of someone who is out for blood, someone who is ready to watch the world burn down to get his target. And I’m worried Mira might be his target. He has nothing on his mind other than her right now. That was a crazed look on his face, one that says ‘if I can’t have her, no one can’. From the few times that I’ve had my encounters with Liam’s wolf directly, I know that he’s a crazy one. I wouldn’t put it past him to do something like this.

I need to get to him. I need to get to her, before he does something. I need to stop him before he does something he’ll regret. Before he does something that will make him hate himself, that will make me hate him. I need to run faster, I need to push harder. I can’t let him get to her.


That’s when I hear it. An earth shattering scream resonating through the woods, leaving an echo of pure silence. That was her, Mira. It was her scream, and it wasn’t one of fear. That was a scream of pain. I know it, my wolf knows it. We felt it run through us. I can hear my wolf whimpering at the sting of her scream making my blood curdle.

And that’s when I see it, as I’m still running to the cabin. I can see him through the open doorway, just standing in the cabin. He’s looking down, onto the floor. Oh no. I see her. She’s lying on the floor. I can only see her legs, but I know it’s her. But she’s not moving.

Fuck! What did he do?

Just as I make it into the doorway, I see Ashton rushing down the stairs, and running to Mira on the floor. “Mira!”

At this point I’m more concerned about Mira than Liam’s wolf. I rush into the cabin, past him and crouch down in front of Ashton on the floor holding Mira’s limp body.

Ashton looks frantic, practically shaking her body. “Mira, wake up. Mira! Please, open your eyes.”

Liam is just standing there like a statue, but he has a slight smirk on his face, and he’s looking at Ashton. This fucker. He’s enjoying this. This is what he wants. He wants to see Ashton defeated, at not having Mira.

I look back down when I hear Ashton gasp. Blood. So much blood. He moved her hair aside, and there on her neck, is a huge chunk of meat gnawed into. She’s bleeding too much, she’s bleeding out!

“Ashton! You have to hurry, Get her back to the packhouse. She’s bleeding out.”

I’m barely done speaking, when he already jumped up with her in his arms, running out. In that instant I mind-link Aiden to wait for them at the front door to help. There is no time to explain everything, when I see Liam turning to follow them. I’m practically running after him again.

Just as we get out of the woods I manage to get close enough to tackle him onto the ground.

“Dammit, Liam! Don’t do this.” We’re struggling on the ground as I try to keep him in a choke hold.

From the corner of my eye I can see Theo frantically rushing through the trees and towards us. “What’s going on?”

“Theo! Help me subdue him. He’s out of control.”

I can see him hesitate as something is pulling his attention to the house up front. But when he sees Liam trying to attack me he tackles Liam to the ground as well. But he’s too strong and smart. He punches Theo as he pushes Theo’s falling body onto me. This gives him enough time to run to the house.

Just as Theo and I run into the house, I hear commotion coming from the living room. I know they are there, Mira is there, and Liam is making his way there. I run after him as I call out to Mason and Liz in the living room. They see me tackling him, but when Theo comes running in afterwards to help hold him down, they see his face, his canines, and his eyes. We can’t hold him down for long, but the four of us somehow manage to hold him back together.

But I notice that the closer he gets, the moment he sees her, he’s calming down, a bit.

“What the hell happened?” I hear Char shouting in the room as she’s trying to check Mira lying on the coffee table.

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