I'm Sorry My Love Novel

Chapter 17

Chapter 17 Would You Like to Give These to Madam Right Now? Leanna’s hand trembled a little, but her expression remained
unchanged. “There was a collaboration previously, so I just took her to a few events.” “Oh.” “I’m trying to explain it to you as
clearly as I can. What’s with your attitude?” Aidan responded impatiently while holding her wrist. “I’m grateful that you think you
owe me an explanation, but... Actually, you didn’t have to explain anything to me since we’re already going through the divorce
process anyway,” she replied solemnly.
“You divorced me because you thought she was pregnant and that I was cheating.” Previously, he assumed that Leanna wanted
to divorce because she had other malicious intentions, but Jonathan thought otherwise as he believed that her action was only
out of spite, which could be solved with Aidan’s coaxing. At that time, he could not think of why she was at loggerheads... until
her brother showed up today. When Aidan noticed her silence, he emphasized again, “Why don’t you trust me, Leanna?
I will never allow any women, including you, to be impregnated with my child. Understand?” With that, his words had pierced her
heart like an invisible needle. Of course, I understand. During their last three years of marriage, he had never once forgotten to
use contraception regardless of the circumstances. Leanna was also aware that not only was this his reluctance to have
children, it was also a form of mockery toward her cunning plan back then. After a few seconds of silence, Leanna announced,
“I’m pregnant.” “Leanna!” At that moment, Aidan’s pupils could be seen dilated and his grip instantly tightened. His voice was no
longer relaxed and turned cold, bringing down the temperature of the entire room. “Aren’t you always asking me what I want all
this time, Aidan?
I’m pregnant and I need to plan for the future of my child. I want half of all the property that’s under your name as well as
Pearson Group’s shares...” “Enough!” He swatted her hands away vehemently. Knowing that he would not believe her again,
Leanna took the pregnancy test form from her bag and handed it to him. Without any hesitance, Aidan shredded the form without
sparing a glance at it. “How many times do you have to use this tactic? Leanna, do you think I’m that dumb to be duped by you
again?” She looked at the scattered paper shreds on the ground and squeezed out a smile. “You saw right through me so
quickly. It appears that I will have to change my tactics next time.” “There won’t be a next time.” He rose to his feet and coldly
said, “Tomorrow at 9.00AM at the Civil Affairs Bureau.

I don’t want to hear any excuses from you this time.” Leanna sat still and remained deafeningly quiet until he left the private
room. It was not until then did she finally bent down and picked up the shredded pieces on the ground slowly. Frankly, it had not
been an ‘unfruitful’ three years for her as she knew exactly when and how to push Aidan’s buttons. For example, pregnancy was
a sensitive subject for him. If anyone was to touch on the subject, he would explode with a bang. After ten minutes, Zoe, who
was as nervous as an ant on a hot pan, was restricted to remain outside the private room as the manager next to her was fully
blocking the entrance. Counting down by every second, she was about to call the cops when the private room door unexpectedly
opened, revealing Aidan, who had a dark face and gloomy aura before he strode away quickly.
This time, it was not just Zoe as even the manager refrained from saying anything rash. Not long after he left, Leanna also
exited. “Nana, what’s going on?” Zoe exhaled and asked, “That bast*rd... Why is he inside?” “I’ll tell you when we get home.”
After replying to her, Leanna questioned the manager, “Where’s my brother?” “Miss McKinney, please come with me,” the
manager replied. ... Louis had been locked in the Patheon Club’s storeroom since the accident. However, he made no noise nor
caused any trouble. As the door opened, he rose to his feet and was surprised to see his sister standing before him.
“Why are you here?” he asked while frowning. Zoe, who had followed behind, took the lead to approach Louis and sighed. “Oh,
Louis, my dear! Why are you so badly hurt? Did the bast*rd attack you?” Averting his gaze, he remained silent. Leanna looked at
him and explained that Aidan had been beaten by him, but it looked more like he was being kicked by Aidan’s bodyguard
instead. As a matter of fact, his face was even more bruised than Aidan’s. “Let’s go, Louis,” Leanna said softly. He then went to
the locker room to pack his belongings before returning to the manager. The manager was surprised to learn of his resignation,
but he thought it was reasonable. After going through so much for the night, the manager could basically figure out their chaotic
interpersonal relationship; Louis was Mrs. Pearson’s younger brother, which he was unaware of; now that he knew, how could he
let Louis work in the Patheon Club?
That would be no different than tarnishing the Pearsons’ reputation, right? “What I did today was impulsive. I’m sorry. I will bear
all the losses,” Louis apologized. In response, the manager patted him on the back and comforted, “It will be a shame if you tell
me this, Louis. Your loss would be the punch you gave President Pearson. This issue could have gotten worse, but he let you off
the hook, didn’t he? Your salary for the past few days will still be paid to you.” Louis pursed his lips upon hearing this. He did not
object, instead, he bowed slightly and thanked the manager before departing. After exiting the Patheon Club, he saw Leanna
and Zoe waiting at the entrance. He walked over and lowered his head in regret, “I’m sorry.” “Why did you have to apologize to
me? It’s not your fault,” Leanna said with a smile. “Did you divorce Aidan because he cheated on you?” “Well... Not really.
However, he just told me that he and Mia are not in that kind of relationship.” “You believe him when he says it?”

Louis asked incredulously with furrowed brows. “It doesn’t matter whether I believe it or not; we’re going to separate soon
anyway,” she responded. At that moment, Zoe brightened the mood quickly by saying, “Okay, let’s not bring up those annoying
people. Louis, I heard you came first in the exam within the entire province! I haven’t had time to congratulate you. It’s better to
celebrate today, so let’s go somewhere! You choose the location and I’ll bring you there!” “No, thanks. I have to find work when I
return,” he grumbled. He had only been out of school for a little over a month. Since his job at Patheon Club was no longer
available, he had to find another. Zoe was just about to stuff Louis money without having to work for it when Leanna nudged her
arm in secret
. Therefore, she simply said, “It’s alright. We’ll celebrate next time.” She had almost forgotten that he had wanted to be strong
ever since he was a child; let alone receiving money from her for free, he would not even ask Leanna for a penny. “Remember to
treat the wound when you get home and don’t get infected,” Leanna reminded him. “Let’s get in the car. We’ll take you home,”
Zoe said. “I don’t stay at home anymore because Jethro has returned.” Leanna was taken aback for a moment before asking,
“Those debtors didn’t look for him?” “No, he appears to have settled the debt.” “How did he get that money?” “I’m not sure. He’s
been quite happy lately. He probably has a lot of money on him...
Alright then, I’m leaving. Get going,” Louis said as he wore his bag. With that, he left in the opposite direction. “This kid is getting
more and more stubborn. He is exactly like you,” Zoe uttered while looking at his back. Chuckling at her remark, Leanna
concluded, “Let’s go,” Inside the Rolls-Royce, Jonathan looked across the street, then at the beautifully packaged gift boxes on
the passenger seat before asking quietly, “President Pearson, would you like to give these to Madam right now?”

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