I'm Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 862: Text Message Exchange

Chapter 862: Text Message Exchange

The thought of taking nude photos of Zhuang Ni like She Zhe to blackmail her crossed my mind for a thousandth of a second, then it disappeared.

First of all, taking nude photos of a young girl and blackmailing her would be a more obvious crime than watching Zhuang Ni being “picked up”. It would also violate the agreement between me and the class leader.

Secondly, Zhuang Ni isn’t as prideful nor as afraid of death as Shu Zhe. It will definitely disgust her if I put her nude photos online for men to see, but it wouldn’t do anything other than make her more determined to kill me.

If Eunuch Cao was present, he would have suggested:

“Master, in for a penny, in for a pound. You might as well take her to a hotel and show her what happens when she fails to kill you.”

To be honest, men will get an erection when they get suffocated. I also currently had an awkward erection.

I also had the ID depressed bro, Wu Sheng, gave me, so I could check into a room at a nearby hotel.

I walked back to the alleyway and looked down at Zhuang Ni’s body. It would be a lie if I said I didn’t have any bad thoughts.

However, my bad thoughts made my heart race and almost gave me a heart attack, so I got rid of those thoughts.

If I really did rape the unconscious Zhuang Ni, then I would have fallen right into her trap.

Zhuang Ni’s goal was the class leader and killing me was one of the ways to achieve her goal.

If I got my revenge by raping Zhuang Ni, it would only prove what Zhuang Ni said to the class leader before was correct: that men are all dirty animals who only think with their lower half.

The class leader was a person with a strong sense of justice and responsibility. It’s one thing for me to knock out Zhuang Ni in self-defense, but to rape her after knocking her out is another matter.

I won’t be forgiven. The class leader might even feel pity for Zhuang Ni and even think that she is also partly responsible… From then on, she would be completely disappointed in men, and it’s not impossible for her to embark on the path of a lesbian with Zhuang Ni.

It was close, a single slip up would have led to disaster. Also, I was suffering from heart problems, so I could only have strenuous physical exercise for three minutes, only three minutes!

I would have to put my life on the line, but could only abuse Zhuang Ni for three minutes. Then, I would be hated by the class leader and chased by the police. Even if I really wanted to get revenge that way, I should at least wait until my heart problems are cured.

So I analyzed the situation and decided to call Loud Mouth and tell her to come pick up Zhuang Ni.

I told Loud Mouth that Zhuang Ni ‘fell’ near my home. She couldn’t stand up herself and she wouldn’t let me touch her, so she had to come get her.

As Zhuang Ni’s childhood friend, Loud Mouth knew her personality and that she would rather die than let men touch her. She didn’t ask any more questions and took a cab over.

As I was waiting for Loud Mouth, I felt like the drawing of the class leader would be unlucky, so I erased it with the bottom of my shoe.

I can’t believe it was only drawn with chalk. It’s a waste that Zhuang Ni used her drawing skills in a plot to kill me.

Zhuang Ni coughed a couple times while she was unconscious. I noticed that she had traces of blood around her mouth and tear marks around her eyes. I was worried I wouldn’t be able to explain myself once Loud Mouth arrived, so I wiped Zhuang Ni’s face with a napkin.

Of course, I confiscated Zhuang Ni’s utility knife to prevent her from suddenly attacking me if she woke up.

After wiping Zhuang Ni’s face with multiple napkins, she didn’t move at all other than cough out some blood once. It felt like I was putting makeup on a corpse.

Loud Mouth arrived shortly after. She saw the massage parlor nearby and Zhuang Ni lying on the ground with deerskin gloves and found it strange.

“What happened…”

“There were two men harassing her and I came to help her out. She insisted that I was their accomplice and she accidentally tripped when she tried to fight me.”

I said the best lie I could think of while I was waiting.

“Are the deerskin gloves to prevent her from accidentally touching a man?” Loud Mouth said, “It looks like Zhuang Ni’s hatred of men is getting worse!”

Loud Mouth didn’t ask for my help and dragged Zhuang Ni into the passenger seat of the cab.

“I’ll take her home and I’ll take her to the hospital if her condition worsens.” Before the cab drove away, Loud Mouth waved to me and said, “Ye Lin, you don’t need to come. Having a man here will probably make her condition worse…”

I only just noticed that the cab Loud Mouth came in had a female driver. Loud Mouth was quite considerate for her childhood friend.

“Umm…” I said to Loud Mouth with a bit of a guilty conscience, “Zhuang Ni might have a concussion, so don’t believe her if she blurts out nonsense after she wakes up.”

“I know.” Loud Mouth replied, “Zhuang Ni even told me she was going to kill you a few days ago, who would believe her?”

Zhuang Ni’s eyes opened a sliver after hearing her name said very loudly right next to her.

At midnight, while I was lying on bed thinking, I received a text from Zhuang Ni:

“What did you do to me while I was unconscious?”

She probably heard from Loud Mouth that her face was clean when she arrived, so she probably thought I did something else to her other than wipe her face.

“I rode you.”

I typed it out, but then thought it was meaningless and rewrote:

“I advise you not to try it again, otherwise you will find yourself naked the next time you wake up.”

After a long time, Zhuang Ni replied:

“You were lucky this time, I won’t be careless next time.”

Hmph, are you an elementary school student who refuses to admit defeat when you lost. I quickly replied to Zhuang Ni: “Well I won this time.”

I only realized after I pressed send that autocorrect had changed my sentence to “Well I was hard this time”.

Damn, what’s up with this autocorrect? Should I correct the mistake and resend the correct message?

No, no, why should I? One text message costs ten cents! Also, correcting your mistakes in front of the enemy is a sign of weakness!

Forget it, let Zhuang Ni interpret it however she wants. It’s true I did get hard after being strangled by piano wire. contemporary romance

Zhuang Ni never replied after I sent that message.

Did she realize it was a typo or did she interpret it as a threat, like: this time I was already hard, so the next time you attack me, I’ll strip off all your clothes and rape you.

The next day was the long awaited Sunday. I temporarily put Zhuang Ni’s matter in the back of my mind and met up with the class leader at the entrance of Qing Zi Academy.

The class leader, who was wearing a white shirt and jeans, seemed lively and in a good mood. She had heard from her mother that there were issues buying a house in Shanghai, so she won’t be transferred early in her third year.

The class leader also had a camouflage survival backpack on her back. Apparently her parents bought it for Shu Zhe, but he didn’t want to use it, so the class leader began to use it.

The camouflage backpack was bulging full and it made me suspect that it was filled with dog treats.

Xiao Qin and Winnie was also there with the class leader.

Xiao Qin was wearing the same outfit as yesterday. Winnie, on the other hand, was wearing a short sleeved shirt and hot pants. In comparison to the absolute territory between Xiao Qin’s skirt and stockings, Winnie revealed much more skin, but she still wasn’t as appealing as Xiao Qin.

The class leader came to Qing Zi Academy because I told her I could bring her to visit the injured Obama.

Xiao Qin came to prevent the class leader from wearing a maid’s outfit by herself and showing it to me. If the class leader is going to wear a maid’s outfit, then everyone should wear one together.

Winnie didn’t know about the maid outfit, but she is Ai Mi’s BFF and a member of the Golden Lightning team. She would come to the VIP building practically every day, so it was no surprise that she showed up today.

“What’s wrong with your neck and fingers? Did you get scratched by a cat?”

Winnie asked when she saw the bandages around my neck and fingers.

“It’s nothing, I just tripped when I was hitting the sandbag last night.”

I told them the excuse I prepared beforehand.

“How could you be so careless…”

The class leader, who knew that I had a heart condition, spoke with both concern and a bit of blame.

“Don’t tell me the Ninja Turtles got revenge…”

Xiao Qin and I were the only ones who could understand her reference.

“It’s fine, it’s fine, he’s a man, he’ll be fine in two days.” Winnie said while pointing to the band-aid on the bridge of her nose, “Look, I can’t even remember when I got hurt here. I’m a girl and don’t even care, so there’s no need to surround Ye Lin and treat him like a baby.”

Since we had the principal’s niece, Xiao Qin, and Winnie, the girlfriend of the principal’s son (rumored), we didn’t have to explain ourselves to the security guards. We entered Qing Zi Academy without a hitch and arrived at the entrance of the VIP building.

Usually at this time of day, if Ai Mi didn’t need to go on set to film, then Obama would be out in the yard catching bugs and eating grass for fun. Today, he wasn’t there, he was replaced by the metal-headed B-2.

“Hey, hello silicon based lifeform.” Xiao Qin greeted B-2, “Have you been diligently exterminating Wim today too?”

“Beep. Must answer questions from master number five.” B-2 did some calculations before saying, “B-2 exterminated three Wim today. Only one ammo remaining and not enough firepower. Hoping to receive more weaponry…”


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