I'll Surpass The MC

Chapter 494 Absolute Support From 106 Deities

"Yes, do it just like that." Rhanalla cheered as she ran beside Inala, "See, you've become a lot faster in this short period. Keep this up for the remaining months and you'll be ready to obtain the Attribute."

"I'll work hard, big sister." Inala nodded and continued to apply everything told to him by Rhanalla, noticing that his usage of Internal Inertial Gravity had improved to a tremendous extent. Each of his leaps covered fifty metres, easily surpassing the Resha of Sumatra Chronicles.

His steps didn't register any footprints on the ground, his actions silent, and best of all, he was able to attack without moving his body. By standing at a spot, he would first turn himself weightless, following which he would raise his body weight at a pace that naturally aligned with the resonant frequency of the ground.

Hence, his increase in density would cause his body to press onto the ground with enough force that a powerful quake would be generated. Best of all, he didn't have to move the slightest to generate it.

This wasn't just useful to unleash a powerful attack, but it could also act as a SONAR, allowing him to perceive activity in the ground. Prana was a healing type of energy, with its pivotal aspect lying in its recovery aspects.

Its greatest weakness was its detection means, which was barebones at best, capable of only relaying information through prickles on the skin. Worst of all, it was incapable of penetrating objects unless Prana was poured into it like a stream through the application of psychokinesis.

All that did was generate force and still failed to gain any information of value. It was why Inala typically used pits for traps, for they worked the best. This SONAR was perfect for surveying for signs of activities.

It was the most effective for a homogenous material, typically in mountain terrain and water. For heterogeneous surfaces such as regular plains, forest terrain, etc. its effectiveness dropped drastically. It was why the Empyrean Tusks failed to detect the Decaleeches during the Fifth Minor Crisis.

But as this SONAR was better than typical Prana detection means in many situations, it was a valuable ability to have.

Once he learnt SONAR, it felt like a whole new world of possibilities had opened to Inala. Until now, when punching someone, Inala would make his hand weightless, allowing for muscular tension to work the fastest. And at the moment of impact, he would increase its weight to the limit to unleash a thunderous punch.

But that was an inefficient use of Internal Inertial Gravity. Instead, he could use SONAR at the moment of impact to unleash a destructive shockwave coursing through the target and deal internal damage instead.

This was many times more effective, especially since many Pranic Beasts had tough exoskeletons, such as Centingers and their mutated counterpart, the Millinger.

"This ability is useless against anyone with Internal Inertial Gravity though." Rhanalla said, "All shockwaves would be instantly nullified and could even be used by the opponent against you. So, never use it against the Boar King once he activates Internal Inertial Gravity."

"Got it," Inala nodded, thinking as he processed the volume of information being given to him by the Empyrean Tusks, 'This turned out to be more beneficial than I had expected.'

When Virala destroyed Varahan Mansion, Inala knew by then that everything he had planned for Arlfarah Mansion was useless, since the location of the Attributed Region's entrance would have shifted as a result.contemporary romance

If the shift was minor, it would still be somewhere in Fentan City. That way, things would still be somewhat manageable. After all, through the Misty Flake Tea House, Inala had given gentle drugs to the people in the city for years.

The drugs had one function, which was to make the consumers treat Mammoth Clansmen with greater positivity than usual. This way, they would be less inclined to exchange death blows with Mammoth Clansmen.

Or in dangerous situations where they're fighting a Mammoth Clansman, when the time comes to deal the killing blow, they would hesitate, creating an opportunity for the Mammoth Clansman to take advantage of the hesitation and retaliate with a killing blow of their own.

The drug was manufactured by Wittral and was something even Cooter Clansmen would be unable to detect. Only Empyrean Snappers and experts in medicine like Taltal could notice the drug. But they were at the Dralh Sea, so the possibility of Wittral's actions being revealed was pretty much zero.

The effects of the drug would be most pronounced towards Inala, Asaeya, Amita, and Wittral. Free Humans of the Brimgan Empire would be even more disinclined to harm them.

By disseminating the drug for more than a decade, the effect had taken firm root in the people of Fentan City. But if the entrance shifts to another city, that entire plan would go up in flames.

Hence, the day Virala targeted Varahan Mansion, Inala had to change his tactics. Since Gannala had the Secondary Nature of Weaponisation, he decided to truly take advantage of the strongest allies he could gather in the situation—105 Empyrean Tusks!

Even though the Attributed Region had a ceiling height of two kilometres, enough for the Empyrean Tusks to move about within, the entrance was too small. It was why the Empyrean Tusks remained outside the Attributed Region in Sumatra within, the entrance was too small. It was why the Empyrean Tusks remained outside the Attributed Region in Sumatra Chronicles, unable to provide support as half the Mammoth Clan got annihilated in the Second Major Disaster.

But in this timeline, many things were different. First of all, Resha had informed Raaha practically everything about the Attributed Region, allowing the latter to make plans accordingly. Upon Gannala's arrival, the Empyrean Tusks were informed of the full extent of the Supreme Tusk Gannala's plans regarding the Mystic Paths, the true identity of the Mystic Paths, and what Renduldu had done by taking them to Earth.

Even though the Attributed Region was dangerous enough to kill even a Mystic Grade Pranic Beast, thanks to Resha's experience, things will become relatively safe. Moreover, this time, the Empyrean Tusks could infiltrate the Brimgan Empire.

When it was the time to take action, they could revert to their Empyrean Tusk forms and spew out Mammoth Clansmen in large numbers, truly a force to reckon with. As there were sixteen entrances, even if the Empyrean Tusks divided themselves evenly, there would be six Empyrean Tusks per entrance and still leave out nine extra.

They planned to head to the Sixth Layer of the Attributed Region and gather all 96 keys that would lead into the Fifth Layer. This way, they could effectively block out all external threats once they camp in the Fifth Layer.

All other parties would be stuck at the Seventh Layer, left with only one key per path that led them into the Sixth Layer. The remaining nine Empyrean Tusks would gather the keys of nine paths and then all the keys that would lead into side chambers of the Sixth Layer. This way, they'll act as a patrol and deter external parties while the 96 Empyrean Tusks farm all the valuable resources in the deeper layers of the Attributed Region.

The arrangement would change a bit since Inala was brought into the equation. Inala's allies currently consisted of 105 Empyrean Tusks and one Empyrean Snapper, all intending to give their best to help him gain the Major Treasure of Attribute.

Basically, he had the support of 106 Deities. It truly was phenomenal, something even he himself faced difficulties in believing, despite witnessing it play out before him.

"We can enter from here," Gannala said as the group arrived at a spot before the Lotus Range during nighttime. She equipped herself and the Nature Weapon of Tunnel onto an Enrino body and opened a tunnel leading into the Brimgan Empire.

In the dead of the night, in stealth, a group of 105 Empyrean Tusks, the Mammoth Clan Chief, and four Mystic Paths infiltrated the Brimgan Empire, intending to lay low for the next few months. Their goal?

Acquisition of the Major Treasure of Attribute!


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