I Can See Your Combat Power

Chapter 172 - One Hundred and Sixty-Eight:

Chapter 172: Chapter One Hundred and Sixty-Eight:


Translator: 549690339

Tang Mansion Dining Hall

The dinner today was slightly awkward. The mischievous Tang Nuannuan and lively Little Dude sat upright in their chairs, meticulously eating the food in their bowls, even Tang Luo seemed a bit restrained.

This, of course, was not a change in his character, but because Tang Sen had brought with him an unexpected guest upon his return to the mansion – an Elder of the Secret Arts Pavilion: Tang Hongtao.

“Call him Grandmaster,” Tang Sen directed Tang Hongtao towards the three kids.

Tang Luo was greatly surprised. He had felt that this Elder was particularly attentive towards him during his time in the Secret Arts Pavilion. But he never expected that this person was his father Tang Sen’s master, it was simply unbelievable.

After dutifully addressing him as Grandmaster, this awkward meal officially began.

An elder, who originally seemed unrelated, suddenly turned exceptionally close. This forced Tang Luo to reconsider his state of insolence in the Secret Arts Pavilion, where each meeting, over the past few months, had ended uncongenially with a quarrel with the Elders of the Secret Arts Pavilion.

As for this Elder, he always watched their arguments with a benevolent expression, like a Buddha statue. Although he commanded respect, he was often ignored during the heat of the arguments.

Tang Luo was silently eating, praying that the Grandmaster would not mention his valiant deeds at the Secret Arts Pavilion. If Xu Shuhui learns about his quarrels there, she would certainly preach about peace and love to him.

The dinner happened mostly in silence. It was comically interesting that Elder Ymgshi also seemed to be deep in thought and with a reduced appetite after returning from Mi Bai.

The only one who was probably excited about the dinner was Tang Sen himself. This was the first time Tang Luo had seen his reticent father acting exceptionally close to someone other than family. He tried his best to liven up the dinner table atmosphere.

There were no domesticated animals on Tang Mansion’s dining table All the food was hunted by the Mansion’s hunting team that went out of the city every day. Most of them were beasts with spiritual power, which made the meals at Tang Mansion extraordinarily excellent.

Xu Shuhui was aware that her husband had an enormous appetite. Nothing short of a feast enough for a hundred people would be enough for him, only fresh meat and flesh of these beasts and spiritual food could supplement Tang Sen’s daily nutritional needs, preventing him from feeling weak and hungry.contemporary romance

The advantage of spiritual food was its quick satiating power. So even with Tang Hongtao’s Fierce Realm cultivation, after eating a few pieces of huge beast meat, he had to put down his chopsticks.

The five of them, including Tang Luo, had finished eating a while ago but didn’t leave the table as they usually did, but remained seated.

With the sudden appearance of a figure akin to a Grandmaster, it would be an insult to everybody’s intelligence to say that he was not here on some specific business. However, Tang Hongtao hadn’t said a word about it. Probably because there were outsiders on the table, so Elder Yingshi tactfully excused himself and left after he finished eating.

Now with the outsiders gone, Tang Hongtao’s real intention would probably be revealed soon. Even if he did not state it, Tang Luo had a fairly good idea why he was here, so he asked directly, “Grand…Master, you are here to see me right?”

“Indeed.” Tang Hongtao’s eyes were filled with admiration.

He still remembered that two years ago, Tang Zhen mentioned to him about this amazing individual among the new generation of the Tang Clan. This individual called Tang Luo was so sensitive to martial arts and spiritual power that even the old man who had secluded himself for years in training had no idea that Tang Luo had already made a name for himself in Xiling.

Not until he truly came in contact with this kid did he realize how astonishing he was. Sometimes, he even wondered if there truly were such prodigies, born to know everything.

The reason for his sudden appearance at this family banquet today was also unusual. An Elder of his clan, who had good relations with him, had asked whether the Secret Arts Pavilion had researched a technique embodying a single person’s fusion.

He had never even heard of such a term, how could he research it? So, he replied at that time, “Not yet.”

Then the Elder handed him a letter which said: For the Great Elder’s personal attention- From Tang Luo with respect.

“Kid, have you indeed researched the technique embodying a single person’s fusion?” Although he had already read the letter, Tang Hongtao still wanted to personally confirm the claim. And although he had a probing mindset, his expression was that of immense anticipation.

He was afraid that Tang Luo was playing a trick on him, which is why his expression fluctuated between hope and fear.

“Yes.” Tang Luo muttered to himself, ‘So, I was right’. He then answered plainly.

This was something that he never intended to hide from the Secret Arts Pavilion in the first place. Because what he had prepared for the clan elders was undoubtedly the single person’s fusion technique. Although they were simple and basic, he had already planned to prepare several advanced ones for delivery at the Secret Arts Pavilion.

“Good! Very good! This is great! Hahahahaha!” Tang Hongtao burst out laughing, excitement all over his face. So stirred up that even his beard rose high. The intense emotion stirred his Fierce Realm aura, causing the children at the table to feel their heartbeats quicken.

Little Nuannuan looked as if she was about to cry. She thought the

Grandmaster was too frightening and took refuge in Xu Shuhui’s arms Little Dude wasn’t so fortunate. He felt that the Grandmaster had suddenly turned into a savage beast, which caused his heart to pound heavily.

Seeing Little Dude in such a state out of the corner of his eye, Tang Luo advised

Tang Hongtao to calm down. Almost simultaneously, Tang Sen also spoke.

“Grandmaster, calm down.”

“Master, please calm down.”

It was only then that Tang Hongtao realized there were two children with low cultivation levels at the table, and his aura was too overpowering for them. But how could such good news not make him excited?

After restraining his aura, he merrily said, “I lost my cool. My apologies.”

Regardless of his words, his expression clearly lacked any regret or remorse.

The news was just too thrilling.

As long as the Tang Clan popularizes this single person fusion technique, taking over Xiling will no longer be a pipe dream. With the roots of the Tang Clan, the cities across the rivers Lingjiang in the west of Longzhou are there for the taking.

And that’s not all. If Tang Luo continues to grow and attains the Fierce Realm, what a breathtaking sight it would be!

Envisioning such a future, how could Tang Hongtao remain calm?

“As long as this single fusion technique becomes popular, our Tang Clan will certainly become a strong force in Longzhou. We won’t need to take the disciples of the Holy Land seriously!” With a face beaming like sunshine, Tang Hongtao addressed Tang Luo.

As a member of the Tang Clan, hearing such words should have excited his blood. Just like the Little Dude beside him, his face filled with longing, he was so excited that he couldn’t contain himself.

But, Tang Luo held no such sentiments. He believed it wouldn’t be so easy, so he planned to have a serious discussion with his Grandmaster regarding important matters at hand. “Grandmaster, I have some unfortunate news Even if the single person fusion technique becomes widespread, the Tang Clan will be nothing more than an ordinary power.”

A bucket of cold water seemed to have been dumped on them, silencing the table. Especially Little Dude, who stared in surprise, his mouth wide open. Although he didn’t understand what the single fusion technique was, he thought the Grandmaster wouldn’t bluff. So why was his brother refuting him?

Tang Hongtao’s face stiffened, even Tang Sen’s expression darkened. Only Xu Shuhui, who was holding Little Nuannuan, remained calm along with Tang Luo.                     &

Tang Luo looked at his mother, and she was looking back at him. He could see confirmation in her eyes, whereas she gazed at him with admiration.

“What…what’s the meaning of this?” Tang Hongtao, after all, was a person of high authority. He believed Tang Luo had his reasons for making such a firm judgment about the future of their family. However, he having dedicated an entire lifetime studying martial arts and having never heard of the existence of a single person fusion technique, couldn’t believe that after the technique’s popularity, they wouldn’t become a formidable power..


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