I Am The Luna By Moonlight Muse

Chapter 12

Chapter 0012

I frown. I don’t think it’s the rejection alone. I have seen my results and even sent them to Valerie. She’s surprised that my health hasn’t improved despite it being a while now.

There’s something wrong with me and although I haven’t told Mom, my health is deteriorating further.

I rub my stomach, as long as my babies are ok…

“Ring Valerie, ask her what is happening over there. Why is Sebastian wanting to come? We need to know. Moving isn’t an option right now either,” Mom replies worriedly. A

“Yes Mom, I’ll do that. Now please don’t worry too much. We’ll handle it,” I reply. I sit down on the bed beside her and hug her tightly.

I am sorry Mom, because of me you are under so much stress.

I move back, messaging Valerie to call me when she can, knowing she keeps this phone switched off.

“Get some rest, Zaia, but we do need to find a way for you to refuse Atticus’s invitation to the ball. A solid, reasonable reason that he can’t get offended.”

I nod in agreement. “Yes, I’ll think of something. We have over a week until then.”

Mom leaves the room and I lie down on my bed, one hand tucked under my face, the other resting on my belly as I stare out of the window.

When will things get easier?

My phone soon rings, and I quickly answer it.

“Hello,” I answer, sitting up. Mom hurries back into the room and sits on the edge of

the bed.

“Hey, you asked me to call?” Valerie asks quietly.

“Yes, I just heard that Sebastian wants to come to the Whispering Mountain New


Year’s Eve Ball. He never does. Why is he risking his safety to do so now?” I ask her.

“Are you sure? Because I don’t think he will,” she sounds doubtful.

“No, he’s planning to, the alpha here said so himself. There has to be a reason he’s

suddenly decided to.”

“I’m not sure, Zaia… but I’ll ask Jai,” she offers, making me tense.

“No, they are best friends Val, plus I know you two clash.

“It’s alright Zaia, besides he understands why you are doing what you are doing and

his words and I quote; She’s still the Luna in my eyes.“

I can’t help but smile. That is big coming from Jai and it warms my insides. “So, is he

happy to be an uncle?” I tease.

“We aren’t together. What do you mean, uncle?” she protests.

I chuckle. “Well, he’s still their uncle…” Just as Sebastian is their father….

She sighs in relief. “Ah, you scared me! I thought you meant the two of us… anyway, I

will ask Jai about it. If he goes, then I will ask him to bring me as well. I want to see


“That’s risky,” Mom whispers.

“I’ll be careful, don’t worry Ms Walton,” she reassures Mom.

“Well, if you do find out, please let me know and please, keep me updated,” I say,

before ending the call.

Mom pats my shoulder. “We’ll be ok,” she promises before she leaves the room.

Half an hour later, I managed to get both the chicken and the potatoes along with

some other fresh produce that was on discount at the farmers‘ market. Catching

them just as they were packing away for the night.

Growing up, we were never short on money, but Mom still told me to always be

sensible with money.


“You can earn thousands in a day but unless you spend wisely you will save

nothing,” I murmur to myself, looking at the apple in my hand.

A memory of Sebastian biting into an apple after his morning workout returns to my mind. Drenched in sweat, his black hair a sexy mess and those grey sweatpants that

I loved him in.

It’s times like this that remind me strongly about how different my life is from what it used to be. A wave of sadness washes over me. Four months have passed, but he

still crosses my mind every day.

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Chapter 0013

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