I am a Second Female Lead

Chapter 98: Sheri Hoal 9

Sheri was again flabbergasted.

"Wait a minute.. "

"Sis you make us all happy, haha Sven already lost the bet." Sheva happily said and starts to call Sven

Lois also started to call their parents.

"Dad put the speaker on so that mom can hear also," Lois said.

Her dad put it on.

"Sheri has a boyfriend and guess who?"

"Who?" both of her parents asked.

"It's Mr. Devon, he is here now."

Sheri, on the other hand, doesn't know who she will stop. She tried the whole time to stop them but it seems she's talking to a wall or talking to a hundred people. Hanny was worst she talked like there is no exclamation or punctuation mark. In which Sheri doesn't know whom she's talking to. All four girls were so happy. Her parents, on the other hand, was silent and her brother was also silent. Ric is the only one who is shouting on the other line. In which Jany is shouting back at him.

Sheri immediately pinches her head. Doing a mantra.

The rest keep on chatting and talking.

Sheri walked toward where Devon who is standing and smiling like an idiot.

"Can you please stop them and explain toward them," Sheri said when she saw that everyone is talking with their phone and walking toward their own room.

Sheri looked at Devon who is just smiling.

"You find it amusing, aren't you. You better fix this tomorrow and I only allow you to stay here for the night since it's already late. I expect you will explain to them and to my family everything. That's if you still want me to be on your good side." Sheri said.

Devon was silent the whole time. Sheri shows him to an extra room. She provided everything. Devon was looking at every move and everything Sheri does. Sheri on the other hand, can't stop her eyes twitching. Every time she looked at Devon he is like a love-struck fool.

"Can you please don't do that," Sheri said when she cannot take it anymore.

"Do what." Devon amusedly asked.

"That" Sheri showed his face.

"What" Devon still sarcastically asked. He loved to see how Sheri's reaction is. Sheri pushed the folded bed sheet to him and leave him in his room.

Sheri walked out. She knows what she did is childish, but she couldn't take the look in his eyes.

On the other side of the island. Someone is throwing his drinks.

He stops the screen in his laptop and traces the face of Sheri with his hand.

"You are mine and mine alone." Like a madman, he laughs.

The next day Sheri went with her sister to ski. At the top of the hill, all the 5 ladies started to slid going down from the top.

On the way down Sheri heard a commotion above.

Sheri looked up and saw an avalanche. Sheri looked at the side and starts calculating what are their chances to survive.

She shouted to her sisters to slide to the left side where the trees are. Her sisters also heard the rumble above. They were panicking but Sheri immediately pushed them and show them to the side where some big trees are.

Sheri saw that the avalanche is almost at their back no matter how fast they ski still it's almost on their back. Sheri saw 3 of her sisters is already safe between trees and stones, leaving Lois struggling to go to where the trees are.

"Hold onto me, Lois." She slides toward her.

"Sis" cried, Lois

Sheri with all her might moves fast she tried to slide to their direction while pushing Lois.

The snow seems like a big flow of water that wants to eat them. Sheri was heading in a slop making her having a hard time to move to the side. Since Sheri is pushing Lois with all her strength She was able to push Lois toward a big tree. Sheri saw the Lois is totally secured in that place. Sheri went furthered the slop.

She keeps on moving and holding unto her bag pack trying to go with the flow and at the same time taking her chances to survive.

When She saw a small opening on the ground Sheri, jump into it. Lucky the hole is like a small cave. When she jumps, her leg was stub with a piece of broken wood. Sheri winced in pain, but She moves fast and ignore the pain and hide under the stone. After a few minutes, Sheri hears the avalanche stops. Sheri opens her eyes and saw that the opening was full of snow She has a few small spaces to breath. Sheri has only 15 minutes to live before the oxygen is absorbed.

The moment Sheri moves she felt her legs so painful nevertheless she pushed her self to go up. With the small space in the hole, she digs the snow and makes it as her stepping stone to push her self up. She keeps on pushing until she was outside. She breathes and slowly pulls her self.

Her leg was totally painful and oozing with blood. When she was outside, she gulps a large amount of oxygen. After breathing, she crawls next to a tree.

"ah.," Sheri screams out of pain. Sheri looked at her legs and when she saw a trunk was a stab in her calf. She rips her pants and removed her jacket She removes her undershirt and put her jacket on. Sheri pulled the trunk and blood was flowing but Sheri immediately wraps the wound with her shirt. After attending to her wounds, She looked where she is.

"Sheva, Hanny, Jany, Lois" Shouts Sheri.

With all her might she tried to stand up. "Sheva, Hanny, Jany, Lois" Shouts Sheri again.

Sheri is very worried about her sisters.

"Sheva... Hanny... Jany... Lois.. can you hear me." Shouts again Sheri.

Sheri tried to look for her bag she was holding while ago but due to the impact of the snow she accidentally let go.

Sheri tried to go up. Her legs are very painful But all that matters toward her now is her sisters.

"System help... Just this once help.."Cried, Sheri. She is desperate and worried about her sisters.

"Sheva" shouts Sheri still no one answers.

"System please help just this once," Sheri begs one more time but no one answers.

30 min has passed by and Sheri nonstop keeps on calling the system and her sisters. She felt fear for her sisters. After moving and trying to go up. Sheri felt tired and cold. Her injury is adding up with the exhaustion. Her strength is declining and after a few meters, she collapses due to the cold and blood loss.

When Sheri waked up she is in the white void space.

"Am I dead?"Sheri asked her self

"No host, we just pulled. We saw you're in danger and we wanted to help you to buy time. Hopefully, someone can find you."

"Were my sisters are all right?"Sheri was so anxious about her sisters.

"According to my data. They are."

"That's a relief."Sheri calms her frantic heart.

"Sorry host we cannot further help you. What we did is out of the norm."

"It's alright as long that my sisters were fine. It's already good for me."

"Host we need to send you to your next mission since we cannot hold you here."

"Oh. alright," Sheri finds it all good since she doesn't know what to do in the white void space she's in.

"Goodluck host."

Sheri was again surrounded with bright light.

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