Hunter's Secret

Chapter 36 - Home Again

Hunter’s POV

Raine comes back out and Ash wraps her in a very motherly hug before holding her out and checking her over. I shift back after I convince River that Ash is safe.

“Are you okay?” Ash asks, looking at me and I nod.

“We are not safe here though. Someone is very angry and killed three people to show that to me,” I tell her, trying to keep my voice calm.

“I know. Jackson called their pack, and everything was taken care of before anyone realized what had happened. I checked out the car and there was a very strong sense of magic lurking around. This was accomplished in part, at least, by a witch. I am here to take you both home. Raine, I know you want to finish everything here, but you have to come home for a while. It is not safe here. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I left you alone.”

“I don’t want to stay here right now. I want to go with Hunter,” she looks back over her shoulder and gives me a smile.

“Wow, so you replaced me already? Gee thanks,” Ash says sarcastically and Raine spins back around to face her.

“That is not what I meant! I want to go with you too. I could never replace you. I love you too much for that,” Raine hugs her again.

“I know. I love you too. And I know Hunter will not hurt because if he does, I will end him. And he knows I can. But he won’t. He already loves you, Raine. Just trust him,” Ash looks at me with a smile.

Raine turns back to face me, surprise filling her face, “You love me?”

I glare at Ash who at least has the decency to look slightly guilty. I take a deep breath and rub my hand on the back of my neck, “Yes. I love you. I know it is kind of soon to say that, but Ash is not wrong. I do love you already. It is hard to explain. Just please know that I would never hurt you and I would die before I let someone else hurt you. You are my mate, Raine. I will never not be here for you. I know this is a lot for you to take in and I don’t expect you to feel the same.”

She just blinks in shock. She opens and closes her mouth several times before she gets any words out, “I think that you are a good person, Hunter and I am excited to get to know you.”

She comes over and wraps her arms around me. I quickly returned the hug, breathing in her intoxicating smell. How is it possible for someone to smell this good?

A soft ‘ahem’ breaks our hug and I look up at Ash.

“Are you ready to go now? Because I can feel Titus’ anxiety from all the way over here.”

“How does that work? He can’t bear a mark from you so how do you feel his emotions?” I am genuinely curious.

“I have known him for over twenty years now. Our bond is different, but it still exists. I can only feel really strong emotions like fear, pain, anger, elation, and depression. And I can feel his anxiety right now. So, are you both ready to go?”

I smile at Ash and look down at Raine who nods her head. Ash comes and grabs both of our hands and she whisks us away. When I wake up, I realize I am on Titus’ couch. I can hear Raine, Titus, and Ash talking in the kitchen. I know I shouldn’t listen to their conversation, but I can’t help it.

“Stop that! You don’t get to tell me what to do with my life!” Raine whisper yells.

“I am not telling you what to do! I am just trying to protect you!” Titus whisper yells back.

“Both of you need to stop. Now, is not the time to be all worked up. We have bigger problems,” Ash calmly states.

I sit up and Ash immediately notices and comes to check on me.

“Hunter? How are you feeling?”

“Tired. What happened?”

“You must have still been weakened from the silver so when I used my magic, you passed out. You have been sleeping for almost four hours now,” Ash tells me with a sympathetic smile.

“I really need to stop doing that,” I respond.

“No, you need to stop not taking care of yourself. Did you eat yesterday?” Ash asks while narrowing her eyes at me.

“I was a little preoccupied with not dying from silver, dealing with River, and seeing Raine. And then today, the whole murdering thing kind of took preference over eating. I will do better. Sorry.”

She just rolls her eyes at me.

“I should probably be getting home. I am sure my parents and Cameron are anxious to see me. Thank you for coming to get us so quickly Ash. I will start looking into what happened tomorrow morning. I just need some more sleep first,” I explain, standing up.

“Hunter? Can I come with you?” Raine softly asks.

I look at Titus who silently gives me very annoyed approval.

“Sure, if that is what you want,” I smile at her and she gives Ash and hug and then gives Titus a hug, holding on a little longer and I have to stifle a growl. I remind myself that he is her dad. She is allowed to hug him.

She waves goodbye and Titus glares at me but doesn’t say anything. I offer him a smile and also wave goodbye. It is dark when we get outside and I realize how unprotected we are.


‘Hunter! Are you okay? I heard what happened! Is Raine okay? I am really glad to hear your voice,’ he quickly responds, and I smile.

‘I am fine. Raine is also fine. Would you mind meeting us? We are walking back from Titus’ house and it would make me feel better if you were here too.’

‘I am on my way. Be there soon.’

“You okay?” I ask a very silent Raine as she walks beside me.

“I don’t know. This is a lot.”

I stop walking and turn to face her, “I know it is. I am sorry about everything that has happened today. If I am being honest, I am feeling a bit overwhelmed too. And I still feel really bad for scaring…”

I am interrupted by the sounds of leaves and sticks breaking. River immediately takes control and jumps in front of Raine, growling and baring his teeth. It is just Xavier. He thankfully doesn’t come any closer and quickly lays down, baring his neck toward us.

‘River, it is just Cameron. Can I have control back please?’

He huffs but allows me to take control back. I shift back and Cameron follows suit. He holds his hands in surrender and slowly walks toward us. I am still standing in front of Raine so I scoot to the side so she can see it is him. He walks up to me and pulls me in for a hug. He is such a good friend.

“Cameron! It is good to see you again. Also, your wolf is beautiful!” Raine says in amazement and this time I don't stop the low growl that slips out.

She turns to me in surprise, “Did you just *growl* at me?”

I sheepishly smile, “Sorry.”

For a second, I think she is mad at me but then she starts laughing. Like laugh laughing. Like holding her stomach laughing. I think that is the best sound I have ever heard. I need to make her laugh more. Her laugh is contagious, and I can’t help but laugh too.

‘I think she might be crazy, H. I am not so sure about her.’

‘Well, today has been crazy.’

He just shakes his head at me and greets Raine, “It is nice to see you too. But you might want to keep the compliments to yourself. I would prefer to not die today, thanks.”

“Wait, he growled because I complimented you?” she asks and then turns to me, “Not going to lie, that was pretty damn sexy.”

I smile and have to take a deep breath so settle the butterflies in my stomach, but her next words settle them for me.

“But I am not property. So, no more growling, okay? You don’t own me.”

‘I take it back. I like her. You should keep her,’ Cameron flashes me a ridiculous smile and I roll my eyes at him and look back at Raine, “Noted.”

I nod in the direction of the house and the three of us start walking back. Raine and Cameron causally banter back and forth and my thoughts drift to Mason. He wasn’t much older than I am. And he died. Because of me. Who did this?

We reach the house and I unlock the door and walk in first. Raine and Cameron are laughing about something and right as Raine playfully slaps Cameron’s arm, Emma sees them. She is the one to growl this time and Cameron quickly moves out of Raine’s reach.

“Why is *she* here?” Emma hisses.

“I invited her here Emma. Calm down,” I tell her, going into the kitchen to get a drink.

“She had her hands on you. I don’t want her hands on you. You are mine,” she growls to Cameron before setting her sights on Raine, “And you need to keep *your* hands off of what is mine. Don’t do it again.”

“Girl. You need to chill out. And quit being so possessive all the time, it is weird,” Raine says rolling her eyes.

Cameron goes to say something but Emma grabs Raine by her shoulders and holds her against the wall. I debate about stepping in but honestly, I am curious to see what Raine does, so I tell Cameron over mind-link to let it play out.

“I am not going to tell you again. Don’t touch him,” Emma growls and tightens her grip on Raine.

“Let go of me,” Raine demands, her voice flat.

“Not until you apologize,” Emma says lowly.

“Don’t be a bitch. I didn’t do anything wrong. Now, let go of me.”



Emma tightens her grip again, “He is *my* mate.”

“I’m aware. Quit throwing a tantrum.”

“Apologize!” Emma growls again.

“I. Don’t. Want. Cameron,” Raine slowly draws each word out.

“Then apologize and I will let you go.”

“I don’t want him. I mean, he is definitely attractive with his always pretty blonde hair and striking blue eyes. And he is funny. And the way his muscles move under his shirt is simply breathtaking. And did I mention he is handsome?” Raine smirks and Emma growls again, "But he is not my type."

I glance at Cameron who is looking very uncomfortable from Raine's compliments. I am surprised that I am not feeling jealous but I know that Raine is just winding Emma up on purpose. I take a sip of my water, trying to hide the smile on my lips.

“Oh yeah? Then what is your type?” Emma sarcastically asks.

“Hunter,” Raine responds plainly and I choke on said sip of water while Cameron stifles a laugh.

“You don’t get to talk about him like that either!” Emma says angrily.

“I am pretty sure I can.”

“No! You can’t!” Emma yells.

“Well, considering he is my mate; I think I can actually.”

Emma immediately removes her hands and her face pales, “I am so sorry, Luna. I am sorry. I didn’t know.”

Raine rubs her shoulders and smirks, “Maybe you should try talking before you throw people against the wall next time.”

Emma turns toward me, and her eyes are wide, and embarrassment has flooded her face now, “I am so sorry, Alpha. I didn’t know.”

“It’s fine, Emma. Just don’t make it a habit to put your hands on *my* mate.”

She gulps and turns to Cameron, clearly mind-linking him. He slightly flinches so I can only assume that she is screaming about him not telling her. She apologizes to Raine again and heads to Cameron’s room. He quickly follows after her and Raine walks over to me.

“Why didn’t you step in?” She eyes me, suspiciously.

“I wanted to see how you would handle it. I wouldn’t have actually let her really hurt you, but she will probably leave bruises. Sorry. But that was the most entertaining thing I have seen in a long time. How did you not even bat an eye?”

“That is not the first time I have been pushed up against a wall by someone who is angry. I have had a few family members of my patients do that. She wasn’t actually going to hurt me. She was just mad.”

“She definitely won’t put her hands on you again. Honestly, I don’t think she will probably talk to you for a few days. She is really embarrassed,” I say taking another sip of my water.

“Not my problem. Are all wolves so possessive all the time?”

“Pretty much. Having a mate is such a sacred thing. Our wolf side does not want to share that with anyone. Ever. You will get used to it.”

“Weird. Also, why did she call me Luna? My name is Raine?”

“You remember when you told me that you know that packs are led by an Alpha and a Luna?”

She nods her head but looks at me confused.

“Well, I am an Alpha. And you are my mate.”

Suddenly it dawns on her, “That means I am the Luna here!?! I can’t be a Luna! I am not even a wolf!”

“You are my mate. That makes you Luna by default. But please don’t worry about that. We are not there yet. I am not going to force you into anything you don’t want to do.”

“This is a lot. My entire life has changed in a matter of like twelve hours. This is crazy,” Raine admits.

“Nothing about your life has to change if you don’t want it to. Also, you should probably call Kai.”

“You are right. I completely forgot. I left my phone in my apartment though.”

‘Locks? Can I use your phone?’

He opens his door, throws it to me and closes the door again.

“Here, use Cameron’s. I don’t have one right now either.”

She goes to sit down on the couch and Kai answers almost immediately. She tells him that her dad is really sick, and she will need to be here for at least a week until he is more stable. I know she hates lying to him, but this is for everyone’s good.

“Can I go to bed soon? I am feeling really tired now,” she says as she yawns.

“Of course. My room is upstairs. There is a spare bedroom too that used to be my parent’s room, but it is currently empty because they took all of their furniture with them when they moved into their new house. You can take my bed and I will sleep on the couch.”

“I can sleep on the couch. I don’t want to kick you out of your own bed. Also, I don’t have any clothes to change into.”

“You are not sleeping on the couch. And I will get some clothes from Emma,” I tell her.

“I think I have a better idea.”

“Oh?” I raise my eyebrow at her, and she smiles.

“Yeah. I can just wear one of your shirts. And I don’t normally sleep in pants anyway so it’s fine. I will get some stuff from my room at home tomorrow.”

“Fine. If you will agree to sleep in my bed.”

“Deal,” she sticks her hand out and I shake it. But she surprises me again and pulls on my arm, pulling me closer to her. She reaches up on her tiptoes and kisses me on the cheek.

My heart starts racing and I have to push River down. She smirks at me before flipping her hair over her shoulder and heading upstairs. Cameron is right, I think I should keep her too.

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