Hunter Maximus

Chapter 33

Maximus walks past a group of young vampires on the way back to his room, a group of young vampires I had recently been acquainted with. I spot Anthony and Carla and my cheeks blush a bright red.

This was so embarrassing.

“Hey, Isobel,” Anthony is trying very hard not to laugh as I’m carried on by, however Maximus suddenly halts and glares at Anthony, “What?” Anthony asks, like a challenge.

“I’m going to need to borrow her,” Maximus growls, grabbing Carla’s arm without asking, her eyes widen and she looks to Anthony for help. But Maximus starts walking away already, dragging Carla along with us.

“Let me go!” Carla yells.

Anthony runs up to grab Carla’s other arm, stopping Maximus once more.

“She’s mine, Maximus,” Anthony growls.

“Do you want me to expel her from the palace? Because I can, I can set her free and you’ll never get her back. Back off, Anthony,” Maximus snarls this, clearly he really doesn’t like Anthony.

Anthony doesn’t say a word but kisses Carla on the cheek and runs a hand through her hair as a farewell, as Maximus continues on his way.

“You’ll be back with me soon, sweety,” Anthony calls out after her and she just nods.

“Don’t worry!” I yell out to Anthony, “She’ll be fine with me, I promise.”

I hear Maximus growl under his breath but not say anything as we round the corner and finally make it to his room.

Inside he lets go of Carla and slides me off his shoulder.

I quickly stand in between Maximus and Carla protectively, standing to my full height despite that not being very tall...

“We are letting her go back to Anthony,” I say, “She clearly doesn’t want to be here.”

Maximus just walks forward and puts a condescending finger to my lips, shutting me up.

“Shh, there is nothing to complain about,” he says, suddenly more calm now that we are all alone, “You need to drink from a human, this girl -”

“My name is Carla,” she snaps, crossing her arms over her chest. Maximus pauses and raises his eyebrows at her stance of defiance.

“So many non-complacent humans,” he mutters under his breath, walking to the edge of his bed. He sits down on it and both me and Carla look at him suspiciously.

“Come here, darl’,” he says to Carla, who just looks to me for reassurance.

“He doesn’t want to hurt you,” I tell her truthfully, “I hope you don’t mind if I can learn to drink blood from you. I know Anthony isn’t here but -”

“That’s correct,” Maximus snaps, cutting me off, I just glare at him, “Anthony isn’t here. Carla, come on,” he waves her over and she approaches him nervously with narrowed eyes, “Turn around,” he says this when she is right opposite him and I can hear the compulsion in his tone. She turns automatically and he makes her sit on his lap, holding an arm around her waist and resting his chin above her head, he looks at me with a slow smirk, “It’s your turn to use compulsion.”

“I already know how to,” I say, annoyed he thinks it will be my first time.

“Well, okay then, come closer. Tell her to relax and lean in to drink her blood,” Maximus orders this and I’m too thirsty to argue as I get closer and zone in on her neck.

“Um,” I start, looking from her glossed over eyes to her neck, “This is an awkward position to lean in from my height to her sitting on your lap,” I point out.

“I know, darling,” Maximus reaches out and grabs one of my wrists, pulling me in closer, making me lean down, “That’s the point. If you are too comfortable you might not stop. This way you’ll have a part of your mind on keeping your balance as you lean in.”

Maximus doesn’t need to say anymore, and if he does, it’s drowned out by the heart beat of Carla, slow and steady, right in front of me. He brushes her hair away from her shoulder and neck for me and I notice her flinch a bit.

I quickly look into her eyes, looking into her soul. Once again I see defiance of the human spirit, wanting to resist but unable to.

“Relax,” I say slowly, clearly, as defined as possible so I’m not muttering, “Lean your head to the side a bit, you’ll be okay.” Carla does as she is told under the compulsion and my eyes can not let go of focus on her neck. The sound of pounding blood was so intoxicating, but not as fulfilling as tasting her.

I lean in without further ado, Maximus puts a strong hand through my hair, which momentarily distracts me but I know it’s necessary incase I don’t stop drinking and he needs to pull me back.

My fangs pin prick the outside of her skin, then I sink them in all the way.

Instantly a rush of the sweetest liquid fills my mouth and I instantly swallow. I felt all my insides tingle with power, warmth and instant strength. It suddenly emphasised how much I had been deprived of blood since I’d been turned. I needed a lot of blood, I needed enough to satisfy me.

“Alright,” I hear Maximus’s voice vaguely, but it sounds far away, “That’s enough, Isobel. Stop.” Oh god, already? Just a little bit more, I hardly had enough!

I feel Maximus’ hand grab my hair and pull me back.

For some reason this gesture makes me really short tempered and I raise my fangs out of Carla’s neck but I zone in on Maximus.

“I need more,” I growl, blood dripping down the sides of my mouth, warm and sticky.

I watch as Maximus licks the wound closed on Carla’s next, and he stands her up and tells her to go, but I hardly notice anything because my complete and utter focus is on how angry I am at him.

Carla runs out of the room, leaving us both alone.

For some reason I can’t get my focus off Maximus’ face, his eyes, his lips, his neck. Could... could I have some of his blood as well? A vampires blood wasn’t as nourishing as a humans but it still counted for something.

The look Maximus returns me is just as intense as he stands up and grabs my waist, pulling me to him so my body is flush against his.

“Well,” he says, slowly, leaning in for my lips, “Aren’t you cute with blood running down your lips,” his voice is far too low and incredibly sexy for me to resist him. Before he even kisses me, I kiss him. It’s a deep, long kiss where he can taste the blood off my lips and it smears his lips a darker red.

I try to break away from the kiss, to ask him a question, but he just nicks my bottom lip and pulls me back in once more, a low growl in his throat reverberating through him into me.

“St... stop... Maximus... can I -” it’s so hard to talk when he refuses to stop kissing me, but I really need to ask so I abruptly pull my head back away from him, as hard as it is, and he just gives me a dark look, “Can I have some of your blood too?” I ask.

“No,” he growls, suddenly reaching down and lifting me up, turning around he lies me on the bed and climbs on top of me, looking down at me as I can’t help but stare at his beautiful neck that I oh so badly wanted to sink my fangs into.

“Why not?” I ask and it comes out in a whine. Which I’m not proud of. I didn’t like sounding like Jennifer when she complained.


“Jennifer!” I blurt out, “Get off me, you cheating bastard,” I hiss and he suddenly laughs, putting a finger to my lips to shut me up as he slides one hand under my top and grabs one of my hips with a strong grip. Why could that one thing put so many distracting thoughts in my head?

“I didn’t cheat on you,” he growls happily, coming into rub his nose against mine, “Jennifer is beautiful... but not as beautiful as you.”

Satisfied with his response I try to kiss him again but he stops me by leaning back himself this time. I can feel him kneading my hip, liking the feel of it obviously, as he uses his other hand to brush a strand of blonde hair off my face.

“As for your other question,” he says in a low octave, “I won’t allow you to drink my blood - ”

“Why?” I snap.

I wanted to. Badly.

“Because,” he growls, “Masters drink from their slaves, not the other way around, sweetheart.”

“I don’t like that rule,” I growl back, squirming a bit beneath him because his hand felt so nice on my hip.

“Doesn’t matter,” he leans in and kisses my lips and then my cheek, jaw, and then neck.

“Why doesn’t it matter?” I ask, sighing the question.

“Because you don’t make the rules,” Maximus growls against my throat, ”I do.”

Maximus sinks his fangs into my neck and I arch back in pleasure as he drinks some of my blood. It felt better being a vampire doing this, because I was stronger. I even moan, closing my eyes as he takes his fill.

When he eventually pulls out he doesn’t close the wound, because my stronger body will heal the wound on its own. He reaches up, fresh blood dripping from his lips as he kisses me again. I lick the blood off his lips and I follow the trail of blood down his chin - licking that up to.

Mine, I hear him growl inside my mind and I notice the mental connection we have is suddenly a whole lot stronger than before.

I like being yours, I instantly respond then snap my eyes open, shocked.

“I - I didn’t just say that,” I blurt out loud.

Oh, darling, he says, still kissing my neck, I’m going to use that against you forever now.

Oh god...

I should never have said that!

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