How To Ruin A Love Comedy

Chapter 12: Small Sacrifice for Huge Affection 2

Midterms over now I can TL again! Sorry about that.


Ding dong!

The sharp sound of the door bell rang in my ears.

I carefully finished finished brushing my teeth and limped towards the main door.

Very slowly. Maybe because of that, the door bell rang once more.

Ding dong!


Miyuki’s refreshing voice… I always love hearing it.

I wanted to laugh, but my ribs were hurting so I couldn’t.

Somehow, I made it to the door, and opened the door while leaning on the two pillars on each side of the door.


“Matsuda-kun, you must have slept i…”

Miyuki who walked in with a bright smile, saw my pummelled face and was startled.


“Ooof! Miyuki! You surprised me!”

Miyuki screamed and walked backwards, and Tetsuya was got scared because of her.

Acting like they just walked into a haunted house. I did not expect this reaction.

“Ma-Matsuda-kun…! What? What is this!? What happened!?”

Thankfully she started worrying about me right away.

I laughed weakly and spoke.

“Come in…”

“Wh-Why’s your face your like that…? Just what did you do…”

“Just come in first…”

Done speaking, I dragged one foot and even wobbled side to side as I walked to the living room.

When I put both hands on the floor and struggling to get up, Miyuki quickly took off her shoes and came to support me.

I slowly waved my hand to decline her help, and leaned on the living room wall.

Then Miyuki crouched in front of me and looked at my state.

“What should we do… There isn’t an uninjured place anywhere… There are blisters here… I think it’s slightly ripped…”

I looked at Miyuki who was restless, and pointed towards the corner wardrobe.

“There’s a first aid kit there. Can you put some stuff on the injured places?”

“You can’t fix this with a band-aid. I think you need to go to a hospital… F-for now. Wait a second…”

She ran hurriedly and opened the wardrobe to look for the first aid kit.

Tetsuya walked closer and looked at me with pity.

I acted cool to him and stuck out my chin, then spoke.

“Lets get your hair cut next time. I’m tired.”

“You… I don’t think that’s important at the moment… Your state is really serious.”

“I’ll heal quickly. I’m strong.”

Miyuki came back with the first aid kit and rebuked me.

“If you were strong you wouldn’t have bruises…! Can you lift your head properly?”

“Like this…?”

“Yeah, stay still.”

Miyuki took out alcohol swab and a disinfectant from the box, dipped the swab in the disinfectant and got closer to me.

Miyuki’s breasts slowly got bigger and bigger in front of my eyes.

The smell of her fabric softer stimulated my nose.

“It may sting a little.”

Just use your fingers to apply it. I’m disappointed.contemporary romance

“Alrig… Gaaaaaaah…!!”

I was going to respond lightly, but ended up screaming when above my eyelid started stinging.

Miyuki stared at me like I was pathetic as she spoke.

“I didn’t even touch you properly…”

“Didn’t you put disinfectant on it?”

“I did. A really small amount. So little that you shouldn’t be able to tell.”

“…. Is that right…? Try again.”

“Yeah. This time, hold it in even if it hurts.”

Then I’ll try my best.


“Now tell me. How this happened.”

After taking a while to clean all my wounds, Miyuki asked.

She doesn’t ask if I fought directly.

This means that Miyuki now trusts me to an extent.

I drank the water Tetsuya brought quickly before responding.

“Can you keep it a secret?”

“Are you asking me to not tell the professors?”

“That’s right.”

“It was related to the academy huh?”

“Kind of. Do you know Shimoyama? Shimoyama Akiro.”

Miyuki tilted her head.

On the contrary, Tetsuya heard the name and got slightly frightened.

“Shimoyama Akiro…? Do you mean the second year sunbae Shimoyama Akiro?”

Tetsuya slid into the conversation and asked.

I was silent in confirmation.

Then, Miyuki perhaps realizing something, opened her round eyes widely.

“Ah…! I think I heard of him..! The person called the problem of the second year… What about him? Did he hit you? For no reason?”

“There was a reason. Yesterday…”

Now I told the two of them what happened yesterday without changing anything.

In the middle, Tetsuya was going to ask something, but shut up once Miyuki gave him a harsh look.

That’s why you don’t butt in like that. You deserve it.

After hearing my story in full, Miyuki spoke with a serious face.

“So… You didn’t want to stir beef with Inami academy students so you declined, but Shimoyama Akiro used violence? Matsuda-kun just took it without fighting back?”


“…I understand. First, I want to praise you.”

“For what.”

“It was a situation where you could have gotten mad but held it in. The old Matsuda-kun would have fought back as soon as he got hit once. You weren’t scared because it was a sunbae from the same circle right?”

“Did you think I would be scared of that wimpy skeleton? I just avoided it because it was dirty.”

“Yeah, That’s what I’m saying. Matsuda-kun is definitely changing. I’m really glad.”

I’m also happy that you are saying this to me.

I was going to scratch my head like I was embarrassed, but scowled in pain as soon as I raised my arm due to my ribs.

“Does it hurt a lot? Do you want to go to the hospital?”

“What do you mean hospital. When I touched it, it doesn’t look like it’s even cracked. It’ll heal in a couple days.”

“How does Matsuda-kun know that? I’m worried, so you should get it confirmed.”

“I’ll go on my own.”

“But you won’t go.”

“Oh yeah, so just make sure not to tell the professors ok?”

As I forcibly changed the topic, Miyuki sighed as she spoke.

“I want to tell them right away… Not just that they were hitting Matsuda-kun… But that they were trying to cause problems with other academies as well… There is just too much.”

“When I tell you to not tell them, don’t tell them.”

“Why? Why can’t I tell them?”

Tetsuya explained it for me.

“Matsuda is worried and doesn’t want us to get involved.”

“What are you even saying?”

“Think about it. If our professors heard this, then they will lay down punishment to Shimoyama sunbae and all the people related to him. Then what would the punished students do? They will find out who leaked their secret plans.”

Obviously they will go after me, who declined the order,

Then will go after my friends if I don’t speak.

Of course they don’t know that I am studying with Miyuki and Tetsuya, but I don’t know how the situation will end up, so I was being safe.

After hearing Tetsuya’s explanation, Miyuki bit her lower lip.

“Did you really say not to tell anyone because of this?”

“You can think about that on your own, and I will deal with the circle stuff on my own. I told you guys because I trusted you, so you have to trust me. Even if I don’t have much to my credit.”

This was sincere.

As soon as Miyuki got involved the chance of the situation getting big increases exponentially.

My relationship with the circle can just be used for getting affection points, and I’m certain I can end it just like that.

The third year head of the superi circle was kind of on the nicer side.

He comes to the academy with an intimidating vibe, but was actually a chill dude with a decent personality.

He was messing around in the 1st and 2nd year, but realized his wrongs somewhat in the 3rd year.

He was that kind of a cliche guy.

But a gangster is a gangster, so if I say I was leaving in front of him, then I should expect some kind of push back.

“So you’ll do it right?”

Miyuki’s eyes were shaking at my sincere request.

You saw me make a resolved expression last time.

So just leave this to me.

Did my feelings reach her?

Miyuki nodded very slowly.

“… Alright. I’ll do it. We also trust Matsuda-kun. You are mistaken if you think you have nothing to your credit.”

To go that far… Today really was my lucky day.

I feel like it was worth it.

It might… have been good to get beat up this much…

“Well that’s that then. Let’s get studying.”

“What are we going to study when you’re body is like that… Matsuda-kun just rest here. We will clean up.”


“There’s blood everywhere. Since it’s a tatami floor, we have to clean before the marks get even bigger.”

Miyuki’s really independent.

So she’s too lovely.

The thought of wanting to put my face in between her chest gets stronger every day.


Miyuki must have been worried about me just sitting in the corner, not moving.

“Are you really sure you don’t have to go to the hospital?”

Miyuki kept saying things like that as she cleaned.

Since I want to go alone with her, I’ll slowly set it up.

“I’m not going… You’re hurting my pride…”

“That’s a really useless since of pride…? What if you have something really wrong with your body? Since I just finished cleaning lets just go. I’ll call the taxi. Could you go home first Tetsuya-kun?”

Since it’s Miyuki who hates taking other people’s time, I knew she was going to say that toTetsuya.

Even if you are childhood friends, there’s no way you can stick yourself in this situation.

“Oh? But I could come as well…”

Tetsuya was trying to get in between me and Miyuki again.

I wanted to just tell him to get lost.

Well, since he was spineless from the beginning, if Miyuki declines one more time he’ll probably leave.

“Nah. Since it could take a while, Tetsuya-kun should go home.”

“Is that so…? Alright. I’ll just finish up and go.”

I was listening to their conversation and decided to show my dissatisfaction.

“I never said I was gonna go and you two are putting up a show.”


Miyuki put her hands to her hips and spoke in a sharp voice.

I pretended to give in, and replied nonchalantly.

“I get it. I’ll go. So quit looking at me like that.”

“Matsuda-kun only listens when I do this.”


I grumbled a thanks as Tetsuya finished cleaning.

“Thanks, Miura.”

“Nah. Of course I should be helping out. I’m gonna go now. Miyuki, I’m going now alright?”

Miyuki, who was looking for a taxi on her phone replied.

“Alright. Get home safe, I’ll text you later.”

Don’t text him. Stop giving Tetsuya possibilities.

We sent Tetsuya to go alone, received a notification that the taxi was coming soon and got ready to leave.

I struggled to put on my shoes and had to get up by putting my hands on the floor, Miyuki asked in a worried voice.

“Should I help you?”

“No. I can walk just fine.”

“When I looked earlier, you were wobbling a lot… Grab my hand.”

What did you say?

As I stood still with my ears out, Miyuki got in front of me and put out both her hands.

“Hold it. You could fall as you walk. I’ll grab you by the middle.”

Miyuki was only thinking about helping a friend, but depending on what I say, the atmosphere could change entirely.

Since an opportunity appeared, I should take it.

I steadied my heart, and slowly reached out and put my hands on Miyuki’s palms.

Even though she just washed her hands with cold water, Miyuki’s hands were still warm.

Was she just warm?

If I cuddle with her in the winter, I think I would be so happy.

As I was carefully walking to match Miyuki’s pace, I spoke in the most gentle voice I could muster.

“It’s warm.”

“What is?”

“Your hand. It’s very warm.”


Miyuki’s head slightly tilted down. It wouldn’t have been noticeable if I wasn’t looking at her closely.

Her cheeks seem a little bit flushed… I want to check my staring at her intensely, but I must hold it in.

I’ll check her feelings another way instead.

As I was looking at Miyuki’s hands and the ground, I asked as I was taking slow steps towards the door.

“How’s my hand? Is it cold?”

“…Mmmm… I think it might be a little cold…”

Looking at her feeble reply after a bit of hesitation, looks like my intent got through to her.

I wanted to make a fist to celebrate, but then Miyuki would be in pain so let’s just celebrate in my head.

So we walked in a slightly weird atmosphere as we left the house, and got onto the taxi.



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