His to Own (Mafia Kingpins Book 1)

Chapter 9

Piero serves us a delicious breakfast of blueberry pancakes, sausage, bacon, hashbrowns and fresh fruit parfaits. And, of course, I eat way more than I should. But from the heated looks my new husband keeps sending my way, I have a feeling that I’m going to need all of my energy and then some later tonight.

My new husband. The words reverberate through my head and make me a little dizzy. I can’t believe I’m married. Even harder to believe is that I’m married to Miceli Rossi. Just yesterday I had my first kiss and now I’m his wife. In what world does that happen? It’s definitely going to take some adjusting and I can only imagine what my parents are going to say. God, they’re going to flip out. Which brings me back to the fact that no one else knows about this yet.

Unable to eat another bite, I slide my plate away. “That was delicious.”

“Piero is an excellent cook,” Miceli says, eyeing me closely. He still looks hungry, but not for food. For me. A small shiver runs through my body.

“How is your family going to handle this? Us, I mean?”

Miceli shrugs a broad shoulder. “Does it matter? It’s over and done with and, ultimately, it’s not their decision. It’s mine.”

“Hmm,” I murmur.

“What?” he asks, leaning closer, his elbows resting on the edge of the table. “What’s that mean?”

“Well, you did take all of the decision-making into your own hands.” His handsome face screws up into an annoyed scowl.

“Are you going to keep reminding me of that?”

“Probably.” I reach for a blueberry and pop it into my mouth. “But you brought it on yourself.”

“You’re going to be very happy as Mrs. Miceli Rossi,” he informs me arrogantly.

I arch a brow. “Oh, really? And what makes you so sure?”

“Trust me, princess. After tonight, you won’t be going anywhere. And you’ll have no doubts that you’re exactly where you belong.”

I’m not sure how he can be so confident, but it may be up to me to knock him down a few pegs. “If you say so,” I murmur without much conviction, and his dark eyes immediately narrow. “I want to know more about your family.”

“Like what?” he asks warily.

“Tell me about your parents and siblings. You’re the oldest, right?”

Miceli settles back in his chair and nods. “I’m turning thirty-five this year and I do my best to keep everyone else in line. But, they can be an unruly bunch.”

“I’m sure…if they’re anything like you,” I add teasingly. “Does your family live in the city?”

“Not my parents. Salvatore and Carmela live on the winery back in Sicily. They’re very old school.”

“How so?”

“They prefer speaking Italian and are more comfortable living a more simple life, surrounded by their roots and friends. They avoid the city and never come to New York. I run all the businesses here in the States.”

I nod, interested in learning more about Miceli’s family. “And brothers and sisters?”

“I have three younger brothers and a baby sister. Vincentius is thirty-two and he’s the most sensitive one of us. Enzo is thirty and he’s the sophisticated one. Angelo is twenty-eight and a player. Every time I talk to him, he has a new girlfriend. And, Carlotta is twenty-five and the baby of the family.”

“She’s a year older than me,” I muse, hoping we can meet and become good friends. A strange look passes over Miceli’s face and I get the feeling he just realized his wife is younger than his baby sister. Awkward.

Miceli clears his throat. “And, like I said, my parents stay in Sicily. We go over there when we want to visit. And we always celebrate the holidays together over there. Christmas in Sicily is beautiful.”

“Are you close to your family?”

“Extremely. What about you and Gia? Are you close?”

“We used to be,” I answer honestly, feeling a pang of guilt. I still wish I had paid more attention to her after her terrible breakup with Marcus. But, I just assumed she’d get over it. I mean, he wasn’t that great and I really never understood what she saw in him. “But, lately, she’s pulled away.”


“There was a guy she was dating and he broke her heart. She hasn’t been the same since. I didn’t realize how bad it was until…”

“Until?” he presses.

“Until she didn’t care whether she married you or Rocco. She’s become so sad and distant. It breaks my heart, but I’m not sure how I can help her.”

“Time and hindsight should help. Also, finding someone new and better can’t hurt.”

“Well, if you know anyone,” I joke. “Maybe we can all go on a double date.”

Miceli chuckles. “I’ll let you know.”

A companionable silence falls over us and then Miceli’s cell phone rings.

“Excuse me,” he murmurs and answers the call.

From what I can hear, it’s a business call and while he talks, I take a moment to surreptitiously admire my new husband. As much as he has the power to annoy me, Miceli also has the power to make me come undone. Without a doubt, he is the most attractive man I’ve ever seen. His long fingers curl around the phone and his expression is serious as he speaks in a firm tone. He oozes intelligence, control and an authoritative presence. No wonder people defer to him in this city. He’s competent and radiates a palpable power.

Unable to look away, I study his thick, dark brows, nearly black eyes, straight nose and sensuous mouth. He’s clean shaven, but I can already see dark stubble growing in and it’s sexy as hell. I remember the dark smattering of hair on his chest and the powerful build of his body. Knowing we’re going to be together tonight in the most intimate way possible sends a bolt of lightning straight through my center and right into my core. I can’t deny how much I enjoyed his kisses and the way his hands felt on my body. A shiver runs through me and his gaze meets mine.

And they’re burning with barely-suppressed desire.

Good God. Liquid heat fills me and I swallow hard. The truth is, I want my husband, but at the same time, I am a little scared. I can admit I’ve been a bit of a headstrong brat these past twenty-four hours, so I am a little unsure about how he might retaliate. Is he going to be rough and make me pay for fighting him so much? Or, will he be gentle? Even though I haven’t told him I’m a virgin, he’s probably guessed the truth. How could he not? Until yesterday, I hadn’t even kissed a man. So, I think it’s a pretty safe assumption that I’ve never had sex with one either.

After another minute, he disconnects the call, still eyeing me closely. The heat and tension seem to be building around us and I shift in my seat.

“So, ah, what did you want to do this afternoon?”

“Do you really have to ask?” His voice is deep and husky.

I blink in surprise. “You can’t be serious?”

Miceli abruptly stands up. “Serious as a heart attack.”

“But…” I’m not sure what to say. “It’s barely noon,” I finally stutter.

“I don’t care what time it is.” He extends his large hand. “I’m taking my wife back to bed.”

My stomach flip-flops and I’m not sure if I’m ready for this now. “But we’ve barely talked.” I’m grasping for excuses and his eyes narrow.

“We can talk later.” He grabs my hand and tugs me up onto my feet. “Don’t make me carry you.”

Hurrying to keep up beside him, he practically jogs up the staircase. “Miceli! Slow down,” I say and can’t help but chuckle. He’s definitely a man on a mission. And that mission includes getting me naked and back in his bed. Although this time, he’s definitely not going to keep his distance.

We reach his room and Miceli kicks the door shut, locking it. “I told Piero not to bother us.” Hungry eyes slide down my body and I squeeze my hands together, my nerves kicking up to crazy heights.

“I should probably tell you—in case you haven’t already guessed—that, um…” My voice trails off in embarrassment.

A muscle flexes in his cheek. “Are you a virgin, princess?”

I force a nod. “Surprise…” I say weakly.

His mouth edges up. “You’re pretty adorable when you’re not fighting me, you know that?”

“You’re not disappointed?”

“Are you fucking kidding me? I’m thrilled.” He advances on me, a predatory look in his dark eyes. “Knowing that I’m going to be the first man to touch you, to be inside of you…” He hisses out a breath, dropping a hand over the front of his pants. “I’m already hard.”

My gaze drops and my cheeks flush.

“Alessia,” Miceli murmurs, voice thick with desire. “Come here.”

I take a few hesitant steps closer, until I’m standing directly in front of him.

“I’m going to take my time and make this so damn good for you.”

“I’d appreciate that,” I tell him honestly and his mouth lifts in a smile. He shrugs his suit jacket off, tossing it aside, and I watch, half mesmerized, as he begins unbuttoning his black dress shirt.

I’m wearing a light, flowy summer dress and not exactly ready to get naked yet in front of this man and his magnificent body. Especially in the bright light of day. All of a sudden, I’m wishing I liked to work out as much as I like to eat sweets.

Miceli slides his shirt off and I take a moment to soak in his firm chest and abs. Sheer perfection. My fingers itch to touch him. As if reading my thoughts, he steps closer, reaches for my hand and lays it on one of his spectacular pecs.

“Touch me, Alessia,” he says, encouraging me. “Touch me wherever you want. I love your hands on my body.”

My pulse skyrockets at the feel of his warm skin against my palm. He feels so hard, yet also smooth. I let my hand glide through the light dusting of hair on his chest and over to his other pec. He’s so masculine and interesting. My hand drifts downward, fingers moving along the ridges of his tight abs, gliding through the grooves.

“How often do you work out?” I ask, and he chuckles.

“Monday through Friday. Do you approve?”

I nod, unable to find the words. My fingers brush over the trail of dark hair leading down into his pants and I freeze, not sure what to do.

“Don’t be afraid to touch me,” he rasps, hand covering mine. Then he guides it down past his belt buckle and over his hard cock surging against his zipper.

“Oh,” I breathe, cupping his hardness. When I lightly squeeze, his nostrils flare and he drags my hand away.


“I thought you like me touching you.”

“I do, but I can only handle so much. I promised you I’d take my time and that won’t happen if you’re doing that.”

Before I can comment, Miceli reaches for the hem of my dress and lifts it straight up and over my head. Standing in front of him in only my bra and panties is nerve racking, especially when he’s staring so intently at me.

“You’re so beautiful,” he murmurs, then pulls me into his arms. His mouth covers mine and I part my lips, welcoming him inside. His kisses are drugging and I melt against his chest, our tongues stroking and exploring. He tastes like the strawberry parfait we ate and I drink deeply, getting used to the feel of him pressed against me, kissing me so thoroughly.

There’s denying the fact that I like it. A lot.

When Miceli finally breaks his mouth free, I’m panting. He lowers his face and begins kissing my neck while walking me backwards. The backs of my knees hit the bed and it takes me a moment to realize he’s unsnapped my bra. It slides down my arms and he whips it off and aside. Taking a step back, Miceli soaks me in and then cups my breasts in his hands.

“So perfect,” he whispers, kneading the flesh until I’m whimpering. “I’m going to kiss and lick and suck every inch of your body, princess. Starting with these tight little nipples.”

The moment his mouth circles a nipple, I arch back, offering myself to him. He sucks, grazing his teeth over the sensitive bud, and I cry out. At the same time, he lowers me onto the bed and my back hits the mattress. My fingers twine through his hair as he continues kissing down to my stomach, swirling his tongue around my belly button and dipping it inside. When his fingers slide into the edges of my panties and he starts tugging them down, I tense slightly.

He’s staring at my body again and this time I’m completely naked and exposed. And I’m not sure how I feel about it.

“Fuck, you’re gorgeous, Alessia.” With a growl, he unbuckles his belt, unzips his pants and they fall to the floor. Then he lowers himself down to his knees and drags his hands up my thighs, pushing my legs apart. “Show me that pretty pussy. Let me taste you.”

My mouth drops open in shock at his dirty words—dirty words that have my pussy throbbing and wet. I can feel the wetness dripping from me and the moment Miceli’s mouth touches my sensitive flesh, I cry out, arching up again. His tongue laps up my center then spears inside me, followed a moment later by his finger. It’s the oddest sensation, but, oh my God, it feels good.

“Miceli,” I rasp, twisting as he slides another finger into my soaked core. He pins my hips with one hand, thrusting two fingers inside me with the other and licking until I’m on the verge of screaming. And just when I think it can’t get any more intense, his tongue circles my clit, teasing it unmercifully. After a torturous moment, he pulls it between his lips and sucks hard.

And everything inside of me explodes in a dazzling way that it never has before. Waves of pleasure ripple throughout my lower body and my hips buck up off the bed. I can’t catch my breath and I feel my inner walls pulsing around his fingers.

“That’s right. Don’t fight it. Come for me.” He starts kissing his way back up my body. “I love how wet you are for me. That soaking wet pussy is all mine and I’m going to fuck it so good, princess.”

I’m a panting, whimpering mess and when he finally reaches my lips, he pauses. Instead of kissing them, he slides his fingers into my mouth and, for a shocked moment, I realize they’re the same fingers that were just inside me. They’re coated with my wetness and it tastes surprisingly sweet.

“See how good you taste,” he murmurs wickedly.

Miceli removes his fingers then slides them into his mouth and licks my juices clean. I’m way too turned on by the dirtiness of it all to be disgusted and I reach out and brush my hand down the front of his fitted black boxer briefs. I want to see him in all his naked glory.

“You want my cock? Good because you’re going to get it, sweet girl.”

Biting down on my lip, needing more, needing his cock, I watch as he shoves his briefs off. My heart thunders as his huge erection bobs straight up. It’s smooth and thick and long. There’s moisture at the tip and I watch as he strokes himself several times. And somehow he seems to grow even bigger. To the point where I’m a little worried he might not fit.

Miceli pushes me back further onto the bed then settles himself between my legs. “Wrap your legs around my waist,” he orders, voice harsh with need. I do as he says and the head of his swollen cock presses against my entrance. He must feel me tense because he kisses me slowly, dragging himself up and down my slit, and I relax slightly. Until he begins to enter me and it feels like he’s tearing my body in two.

“Relax,” he murmurs. “Drop your legs open and take my cock. It’s your cock now, Alessia, and you’re going to be a good girl and take every…last…inch.”

Without warning, he thrusts hard and deep. I scream, burying my face against his chest, and my nails dig into the skin on his back. Miceli reaches down between our bodies, finds my clit and begins a rhythmic rubbing that has my thighs trembling and my pussy clenching. The pain fades and only a mild sting remains as he begins thrusting. Eventually, that goes away, too, and all I can feel is the way our bodies are moving together, one with each other. I’m stretched around him and he’s moving hard and fast…so very deep…

My body starts shaking, muscles tightening, and the orgasm slams into me so hard, it knocks the breath from my lungs. My entire body trembles, pulsing deliciously, and I cry out Miceli’s name as he continues to power into me.

If this is what married life to Miceli Rossi is going to be like, I’m absolutely fine with it. In fact, I welcome it.

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