His to Own (Mafia Kingpins Book 1)

Chapter 21

Once we reach Rocco’s bedroom, he turns to me, eyeing me unhappily.

“Before we spend the night together, you’re going to need to shower. I don’t want any of Miceli’s filth still on you when I’m fucking you.”

There’s no way I’m letting Rocco touch me, but I know it’s important to choose my battles wisely. And annoying him right now would be stupid. Instead, I nod meekly and pretend like his slap broke me. Far from it, though. If anything, it made me more determined than ever to break out of this prison.

“You have fifteen minutes. When I return, I expect you to be in my bed, naked and with those sweet thighs spread. Understand?”

God, he makes me sick. Swallowing back a retort, I nod then slowly turn toward the bathroom while mentally cursing him to the deepest, most fiery part of hell.

“Oh, and Alessia?”

I freeze and reluctantly glance over my shoulder.

“Be a good girl,” he warns me. “I’m trusting you to behave yourself, but if you do anything stupid, I will hurt you. And believe me when I say I will make you suffer in ways you’ve never even imagined.”

His words chill me to my very core and a shiver skates down my spine. I have no doubt that Rocco is cruel enough to punish me in a variety of creative and degrading ways. Hating him with a passion, but not daring to utter a word, I hurry into the bathroom and shut the door behind me. My hand automatically drops to lock it, but there’s no freaking lock. With a sigh of frustration, I realize I have exactly fifteen minutes to figure a way out of here before Rocco returns.

What am I going to do?

Pulse racing madly, I flip the shower on and hope Rocco believes I don’t plan on causing any trouble. Then, I slowly pull the bathroom door back open and step into the bedroom. It’s ridiculously large and over the top. Everything is trimmed with gold and when my gaze lands on the king-size bed, I feel sick. If Rocco thinks he’s going to ever get me in that bed, he has another thing coming. No fucking way.

On silent feet, I hurry over to the nearest window and look out. I’m three stories up and there’s nothing but a neatly-manicured lawn below me. Leaning forward, pressing my forehead to the glass, I check to the left and right, hoping to see a trellis or something I can use as a handhold so I can climb down. But, there’s nothing.

Think, Alessia. There has to be a way out of here. Something else that doesn’t involve me potentially plummeting to my death.

But then it hits me—maybe it’s not so much a direct way out that I’m looking for. Maybe, I can take advantage of this house’s sheer size. A place this big has to have a lot of hiding spots. If I can find one, a really good one, and hunker down for a bit then that will give me more time to figure out the best way to get out. Also, it gives Miceli time to find me.

Miceli. God, I hope he’s alright. Rocco said he has men after Miceli and I hope they haven’t been able to find him. For all I know, he’s still at the hospital with his brother. Unless…

Unless that entire thing had been a diversion. Rocco is such a conniving sneak, I wouldn’t put it past him to lure Miceli away from me so his men could then grab me. But then that also means Miceli probably walked straight into a trap. I squeeze my eyes shut and pray he’s okay. If anything happens to the man I love, I will lose it.

“Everything will be okay,” I softly tell the baby. “It has to be because your dad is the most amazing man I’ve ever met. And he’s going to love you so very much.”

Pulling in a deep, resolute breath, I know what I have to do. After walking over to the door, I pull it open and look out into the empty hallway. Thank God—no one is in sight and it’s quiet. Yanking it all the way open, I hurry out. I have no idea where I’m going, but when I reach the stairs, I start to go down then immediately hear voices. Shit. Spinning around, I silently race up instead.

My step is light and when I reach the fourth floor, I pause. Now what? Keep going up or hide somewhere on this floor? I’m grateful that this place is so big because it’s going to take them a while to find me. Hopefully, they don’t, but I have to be prepared that I might not find a way out.

If Rocco or his men catch me, I’m in big trouble. His earlier threat rings loud and clear in my ears, and I know he wasn’t exaggerating. He will make me pay and he’ll enjoy using pain and humiliation to do it. I can’t believe my father ever planned for me to marry such a monster. What the hell was he thinking? And then to offer Gia over to him like some kind of second-hand sacrifice? My blood boils at the thought.

After wandering down the hall and peering into several rooms, I turn a corner and randomly look into a room. It’s a gym and there really isn’t anywhere to hide…except for a tall cabinet in the corner. I think I’m small enough to fit inside and it’s not somewhere that screams hiding place.

Scurrying in, I jog over and open it. There is some equipment, but I can definitely squeeze inside. Pushing a jump rope aside, I step into the cabinet and pull the doors almost all the way shut. I leave just a crack so I can look out and see if anyone comes inside the room.

Do I feel secure? Not at all. But it’s pretty good for a temporary hiding spot.

Or, at least, that’s what I think until the light switches on, flooding the gym with bright, fluorescent lighting. Oh, shit.

“Oh, Alessia…” There’s a sing-song tone to his voice and I cringe when I see Rocco.

“What do you think you’re doing, my sweet?” He practically spits the endearment out and I cower back against the metal wall. I am so screwed. How did he know I was in here so quickly? What did I do wrong?

“Do you think I was stupid enough to trust you?” He chuckles, moving closer, and I glance around, looking for something, anything, to use as a weapon. “This house is filled with cameras, my sweet.”

Ugh. I wish he’d stop calling me that. It makes my skin crawl every single time. My hand reaches for the jump rope, pulling it off its hook. I’m not sure what good it’s going to do me, but I wrap it around my hand and wait.

The moment Rocco opens the cabinet, I thrust my hand forward, using the end of the jump rope to stab him in the chest. With an oomph, he takes an unsteady step back, stumbling in surprise. I don’t wait around to see what happens. Instead, I take off, running around exercise equipment and heading straight for the exit, needing to put as much space between me and Rocco as possible.

Unfortunately, I run straight into one of his enforcers. He grabs me and no matter how hard I fight, I can’t break free. Rocco moves up behind me and I try not to flinch when I see the hateful gleam in his eyes.

“Bring her back down to my room,” Rocco orders, voice harsh and dripping with venom.

I’ve done it now, I think, briefly squeezing my eyes shut.

Five minutes later, I force back tears as two of Rocco’s men tie me down to his enormous bed. They stretch my arms and legs wide, securing them tightly to the bed posts, and I try not to succumb to the humiliation of being spread eagle for all to see. At least my clothes are still on and I take comfort in that small fact. Plus, I’m wearing leggings, not a dress, so I take a small comfort in that fact.

“Leave us,” Rocco snaps to the enforcers. Then he turns his full wrath on me. “Well, congratulations, Alessia. You’ve managed to break trust with me in less than five minutes. After I explicitly told you what would happen. Why didn’t you heed my warning?”

I’m not sorry and I don’t even bother pretending that I am. My anger at the situation bursts forth and I glare at him. “You can do whatever you want to me, but it won’t change a thing. I love Miceli, not you!”

Rocco stalks over and stares down at me. “You’ll learn to obey me, Alessia. Or, you’ll be punished. And, trust me, I’ll take great joy in hurting you.”

Telling myself to be strong and not cower, I refuse to break his stare. Until he reaches down and runs a hand over my stomach. My reaction is instantaneous, fierce and completely gives my secret away. Trying to twist away from him, I scream, “Don’t touch me!”

Rocco straightens back up. “I’m bringing my own doctor in to examine you. And let’s hope you’re not pregnant.”

My heart falls and an icy chill sweeps through my veins, instantly freezing my blood. Oh, God, no. I can’t let that happen, can’t let them hurt my baby. Because I know, without a doubt, that Rocco will take great pleasure in destroying the child Miceli and I created. A child made from love. A love that Rocco will never have or receive.

“Rocco, please,” I murmur. “Please, just let me go. I don’t know why you think we should be together, but⁠—”

“Because you’re mine! And because Miceli Rossi is going to be dead soon. Maybe he already is, and there’s nothing you can do about it,” he adds nastily.

“Damn you,” I hiss, my fingernails biting into my palms.

Rocco hovers over me. “Last warning—behave yourself. The doctor will be here shortly and we’ll rid you of Miceli’s child, if need be. Then, you’re going to lay back and take your punishment. I have so many things planned, my sweet. Just you wait…” I try not to recoil as his hand trails along my jaw then downward. He cups my breast then squeezes so hard, I yelp.

“Please…” I murmur.

“Get used to pain. You’re going to be in a lot of it soon.” He pinches my nipple then laughs.

I don’t think I’ve ever hated anyone as much as I hate Rocco Bianche at this moment. When he finally leaves, I sag further into the mattress and tell myself not to cry. I refuse to give up and I’m going to hold it together and figure a way out of here. I have to—for my baby’s sake.

Figuring I have one last chance, I tug at my bindings, but they’re extremely tight. Looking around for something I can use to help me escape, I begin to panic. There’s nothing. My breathing turns into hard, fast pants and I know that if I can’t figure out a way to escape then Rocco’s threats are going to come true.

And that’s not something I can live with.

There has to be a way…

I refuse to accept any other possibility other than escape. But, it’s like the one sliver of a chance I had to get out of here is now gone and there’s nothing left I can do.

Nothing except lie here and wait for confirmation of the most horrible fate I can imagine. A fate that takes my husband and baby away from me forever.

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