Highfield Academy - Revenge of The Crows

Chapter 19.

As Thalaba viewed the collated information before him it surprised him that he had not been more aware of Guayangarea, and to learn of the incident in the realm of the magical creatures, had concerned him, as this gave her a means of breeding her own beasts, and the additional knowledge that the Behemoths taken, were from a breed Merlin had grafted with shape shifting abilities.

Only while within the protective barrier of the magical realm the Behemoths were restricted from shifting until they had been trained. Now away from the controls set in place, and upon reaching a certain age, the shape shifting ability would engage and make the beast a formidable adversary, and now Guayangarea the Witch, had some of these very creatures in her care, and this concerned Thalaba.

He realised this Witch, was no ordinary adversary and that from the documents before him, he learnt that she had been created by the Demoni, who were themselves forbidden by the Angels from directly harming humanity.

There were surprisingly also several books created to record the history of Shellnack, and now the abomination of a Witch had acquired a further apprentice. Thalaba wondered what was recorded about him and of his exploits, as the details were considerable and such knowledge as he knew came from the Outsiders, a race created by the Angels to record all history.

Knowledge was such a valuable commodity, and in the correct hands could be used in acquiring great wisdom and benefit both humanity as well as the race of Fay.

Thalaba asked himself who were the outsiders as he knew so little about them, other than what he had read in Holy Scriptures concerning the Angels and of their kind, created by the maker of Light, the first ones, as they were called, and from which all others proceeded thereafter.

Scripture records the Outsiders as Angels, whose only purpose is to observe and record, as to what they looked like Thalaba had no real idea, they could be clouds of swirling mist or entities taking the form of any mass or body to suit their environment, it was simply impossible to say.

His thoughts were broken by learning Merlin had made a request to talk with him regarding the safety of the school and the situation with the humans. Thalaba granted the audience and Merlin appeared before him.

“Thalaba it is good to see you again, sadly however I bring terrible news and you need to be aware of what has been happening.”

Thalaba had guessed it was in some way connected with the Witch Guayangarea, as the circumstances had already led Thalaba to this conclusion from the collated reading material which he had obtained.

“My friend,” said Thalaba, “I call you that, as I have come to regard you as such and respect your standing for all that is good and truthful. Is your concerns regarding the Witch Guayangarea?” he asked Merlin.

Merlin nodded gently as he observed the great pile of documentation and books at Thalaba’s disposal.

“I see the Observers have granted your insight into some of their knowledge, that in itself is a great honour and an indication of trust from such creatures of such High Standing,” exclaimed Merlin.

An Elemental, is that correct,” enquired Thalaba. Merlin smiled,

“I see the Observers are living up to their reputation, yes, but the child is not aware of his heritage or of who his family truly were, and before you asked, No, he has shown no traits of deceit, only truth, integrity, empathy, justice, compassion, hope and love” answered Merlin truthfully.

Thalaba’s eyes widened, “That is a rarity for his kind, you have done well my old friend I congratulate you, yet even he will not be ready to face the likes of this abomination of a Witch, she is more powerful than you could imagine and can only be killed by her creators, also she has trained an apprentice and acquired another, my Nephew,” replied Thalaba.

Merlin lower his head acknowledging this truth.

“Yes, this is in part why I am here, but did you know my sources also have informed me your nephews father Purbeck brought on this action of the death of your sister and the taking of your nephew?”

Thalaba had not yet reached that information from the documents before him, and this enraged him to think that Purbeck had deceived him, and been involved in human slavery. He had loved his sister and could only believe she had not been aware from which suffering her husband had brought on human children and families, believing his income to be genuinely honest.

Unknown to Purbeck, Thalaba had cast a spell around him so he could be rescued in an instant should the Witch try to take him again. At a click of his fingers Purbeck found himself standing before Thalaba and Merlin, and from the look on his face he was utterly surprised.

Composing himself quickly, he responded

“I can help you, in my office I have prepared details of all involvement, names, address and even the dimensional location of Guayangarea, but I warn you she is no ordinary Witch and has her land guarded heavily.”

Both Merlin and Thalaba looked at the wretch of a life form before them, and Merlin held Purbeck while Thalaba returned to Purbeck’s office and retrieved the documentation. “Thank you, Merlin you are, welcome to have this piece of filth if not I would be tempted to kill him slowly, very slowly and you may yet acquire further intelligence, as for this documentation we can share it, and yes, count me in I will work by your side to bring this Witch down.”

Joshua and Kelton continued in their training, only now it had been raised a level and it was not only becoming more difficult, but the level of danger had also risen, and in turn, time was set aside for the two students to train those in their dormitories to enable them to grow in experience and maintain a higher level of alertness.

It was during one of these lessons that Joshua became aware he could sense the elements of nature around him, and it was almost as if he could read them like a book, only it was an audio book, and with surprise Joshua realised that with concentration he could start to understand that which they were saying.

Immediately he wanted to share this knowledge with his friend Kelton, but his wand Ethpadon stopped him, and Joshua found he was unable to share the knowledge.

The next day Joshua reported to Merlin for a weekly update and used the opportunity to talk with Merlin. It was then Ethpadon released her hold on the student.

“Sir I need to talk it is important and concerns my wand.”

Merlin already was aware of his concerns as Ethpadon had already relayed this information to Merlin via the new connection which now existed between the wands.

However, Merlin allowed Joshua time to express his concerns in his own way.

“Sir please do not think me going mad, but I am starting to become aware of the Elements around me, only they talk to me, and Ethpadon prevented me sharing this knowledge with my friends.”

Merlin smiled, “Am I not one of your friends also,” he enquired. Joshua blushed, “yes sir only I meant my student friends sir.” Merlin grinned at the student, “And now you have had to think it over, why do you believe Ethpadon took this action?” he asked.

Joshua had not thought it over and the question kind of surprised him. “Sir, I can only assume Ethpadon thought that you needed to learn of this first.” He replied. Merlin smiled and looked at Joshua.

“In part that is true as you are not aware of the gift you have inherited and as to how dangerous it could be if it reached the wrong hands, that is why Ethpadon took such action as to possibly protect you, and give you time to learn of your inheritance as well as talk it over with me first,” exclaimed Merlin.

Joshua thought over Merlin’s words, “Inherited Sir, what have I inherited?” he asked Merlin, who waved a hand and before them was Roger Hogeboom the Fay teacher arrived.

“Roger, you have already met young master Joshua here.” He said. Roger smiled,

“I have indeed sir and a fine student he is I might say,” responded Roger.

Merlin laughed, “Only might say, why, what would you normally say?” he enquired. Roger grinned and looked at Joshua,

“Well at the risk of giving the student an even bigger head of pride, I would say he is among the finest I have ever trained, alongside that of Miss Catherine Sir.”

Merlin’s eyes lifted, “That good, excellent, only now the thing we talked about has materialised some years earlier than expected,” Merlin exclaimed.

Roger Hogeboom eyes also widened in surprise,

“Oh my, that does present us with a problem, I suppose I could, but only with your blessings extend his lessons,” he responded. But Joshua just looked totally bewildered by everything happening around him.

“Excuse me please Sir’s, but what are you talking about, as you both lost me and I am confused,” stated Joshua.

It was Roger Hogeboom who replied.

“If I may sir, and with your permission that is.”

Merlin nodded. Roger faced Joshua,

“I apologise Joshua, this news has just caught me momentarily unprepared, however, you say that you are starting to become conscious of the natural elements around you, is that correct,” he asked.

Joshua breathed in deeply and could hear addition voices talking to him, it took considerable concentration to push them aside.

“Yes sir, but it is like been forced to listen to multiple radio stations all talking at once and trying to get my attention.”

Roger bit into his lower lip, “Incredibly I understand as this happened to me but I was several years older than you and my training had helped me adjust, I can only imagine it must be at times sheer hell, am I right?” he asked Joshua.

Joshua breathed in again and then exhaled,

“Yes Sir, please what is happening to me?” he enquired, but it was Merlin who answered his question.

“Son I need to explain to you what is happening and in just who you are as it will help you understand and ease your concerns.”

Merlin paused giving Joshua time to take everything in. Then before Joshua realised, he was encased in a time bubble along with Merlin and Roger Hogeboom, and taken through a pre-arranged streaming of his past family life, showing who his family were and of the gift he had inherited.

He was amazed to learn that his father was a full Natural Elemental warrior, and like Joshua he could talk with stone, fire, ice, water, and so many other natural elements which in turn had meant he could utilise these in his natural magic, and turn his body to been harder that stone, or even become like a diamond.

He could create fire or ice, or control the wind and the earth responded to his will, this was all too vast of information to take in in one go. Yet within him he could feel his father reaching out as he started developing these skills.

Yet Merlin assisted him in bringing it all under control and sealed it within him until such a time as he was emotionally, as well as mentally, ready and able to utilise these skills better.

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