High Moon High School

Chapter 3

Clingy Guy

We finish up our food and the bell sounds. The group all say their goodbyes and head off to their respective classes.

Apparently we will meet back at the same place for our evening meal, Rach excitedly invited everyone to my room, it’s a good job I don’t mind. She didn’t tell anyone where it was for the time being though. Rach spent the afternoon dragging me around the school going through my timetable and showing where my classes would be, she showed me the library, gardens, gyms, swimming pool one for leisure one for physical education which Rach says is mandatory. I am not the sporty type at all, people are always surprised when I tell them this because my body looks as though I do alot of working out but no, I’m just naturally gifted, phew! I am dreading breaking a sweat on purpose.

Rach helps me unpack my suitcase with the little trinkets I did have at home. I place a framed picture of me and my grandparents around 2 years ago on one of my bedside tables, some accessories I brought along for in my wardrobe, some of my favourite shoes, not that I’ll be needing them now nanna had more bought for me but I still love them. Once I was all unpacked Rach and I lay down on my bed and I let out a sigh. At least starting this school has been easier than the others.

“Wow Cici I have a double, this bed is huge! You could fit like 5 people in here minimum.” I giggled at her enthusiasm. She’s so animated and I’m quite enjoying having a nickname noone has ever given me a nickname before even if it does sound more of a stripper name.

After an hour of just gossiping and learning about the dynamics of the school we get up and head back to the canteen, it’s not very busy as classes haven’t been out long so people will still be winding down before they head over to eat.

I head to the serving station with Rach and fill my plate with some Chicken, fries and salad. Rach just opts for the chicken and fries, no salad, we grab a couple waters and a can of coke each and sit to eat as the rest of the group come pouring in so loud and rowdy. They seem to be roughing up Tasha in a joking light hearted kind of way.

They’re soon coming to join us with plates of food for themselves. Looks like the guys and Manda all chose pizza and fries while the other girls just had chicken and salad or lasagne.

Titan took the seat next to me again, this time Rach didn’t pout and had a mini tantrum because she was sat to my other side. I felt a hand on my knee just as I took a mouthful of chicken and it of course went down the wrong hole. I damn nearly choked.

Of course everyone was flapping checking if I was okay, all eyes on me while Titan smirked and acted as though nothing had happened. Clearly proud of himself for getting any kind of reaction, he still didn’t take his hand off my leg. I don’t want to make a scene so I just pretend it isn’t there once I finish my coughing fit.

As everyone settles down and starts to eat and chat in their own groups involving me in conversation here and there, Titan turns to me and leans close to my ear. “You’re not doing a very good job of ignoring my hand on you, I can feel you squeezing your thighs together.” He says in a panty melting deep voice. I look at him, my mouth suddenly dry as he runs his free hand through his short dirty blonde hair messing it slightly.

He smirks at me a small dimple appearing on his left cheek, winks and looks away continuing to eat his food moving his hand now from my sock covered knee higher up to my bare thigh. I stiffen again but decided to continue to act like it didn’t bother me. Though it absolutely did, I hadn’t even had a conversation with the guy and he’s feeling my leg. How can I be turned on and infuriated at the same time by a touch?

" So, Cierra. What dorm floor are you on? Do you like it here so far? It’s not often we get new comers here.” Manda asks

“Um I’m not sure I didn’t pay attention to what Rach pressed in the lift. I’m number 316B,” I start in reply. “I really think I’m going to enjoy finishing high school here to be honest. You guys seem great, my room is amazing, there’s not much to complain about.” I smile as I finish.

Titans grip gets tighter on my leg, I look at him questioningly, he looks back at me as though he wants to ask something then looks away and loosens his grip as if it never happened.

He still hasn’t removed his hand from resting on my leg, he just slides it a little higher up my thigh, his hand just brushing the hem of my skirt causing me to suck in a breath.

I try to shrug him off a little by moving my leg but that doesn’t work. He just gives me a little squeeze and a hint of a smile touches his plump lips at my movement before his face goes back to its brooding look.

“What! You’re in the boys wing? And on the top floor Oh Em Gee.” Nat says

“Shit Titan leave her alone.” Rach says grinning at Titan as she notices the blush spread across my face getting everyone’s attention.

She must have noticed what he was doing when I tried to half assed shrug him off, he just looks at her and shakes his head with a look of warning in his deep chocolatey brown eyes and looks away. The others all start to giggle at them clearly now knowing where Titans hand is now, noone bothering to save me from the rediculously attractive, mysterious guys torture.

“Oh loop hole! We should have a sleepover in your room tonight! We’re in a girls room but you’re in the boys dorm so we can all stay in there.” Manda says back to my answer about the room.

Rach starts to bounce up and down like a giddy child, her beautiful copper curls bouncing with her.

" Oh yes Cici can we please?” She pulls her best pouty face at me,

“urgh okay, okay but guys I’ve not even been here a full day I’m tired I’m taking the bed.” I reply.

“Me too.” I hear coming from Titan before I can even finish my sentence, ” Me three, me four follow Rach and Cain. Damn I hope you got enough room in that place for all of us hahaha. Nat says her laughter fills the room.

“She has one of the superior rooms. It’s beautiful.” Rach says

I stand and excuse myself telling everyone I’m going to get ready before they all take over my room. As I turn to walk away I feel a hand at my mid back I look around expecting Rachel and see Titan.

“Told them I’m coming with you, my room is on the same floor you don’t know where you’re going.” He offers an explanation.

I can hear the group snickering, why me, why is he clinging to me, the girls around that table are so good looking, in saying that I haven’t seen anyone at all bad looking in this school yet.

I make my way to my room actually glad that Titan decided to come with me because I would definitely have gotten lost on my own.

As we walk along I hear him clear his throat. “You are really small.” He states. I turn to look up at him. My little slim but curvy 5ft frame must really look tiny, he stands at around 6ft 3in and you can tell he’s solid muscle even through his shirt.

“Umm yeah I know, thanks for pointing it out.” I retort rolling my eyes.

“I didn’t mean it bad, here this is your room.” He says and takes the card from my hand and presses it to the reader, he pushes the door open on the click and guides me in with his hand on the small of my back.

He looks around then looks at me, ” I’m going to change, get ready for tonight I’ll be back in five minutes the others won’t be long.” With that he leaves my room. I notice he took my key card so he could let himself back in, he’s really strangely protective and clingy for a guy I just met. I’m not sure I’m really into that no matter how hot he is.

I walk to my bathroom ensuring the doors are locked and decide to take a quick shower. I tie my long blonde locks into a bun on the top of my head and step under the steaming flow of water, the water feels good and I relax and let it soothe me.

Today has been one long ass day. I’m glad the guys are coming over. I’m happy to have made so many friends on day one but I’d love to just crawl into bed right now too.

I finish washing up, brush my teeth, throw a towel around me and walk out of the bathroom heading to the closet.

I enter my closet admiring it’s contents again and go over to pull out some underwear from the drawers. I think I’ll go sports bra and black thong with white band. I’ll find some dark lounge wear then and I can sleep In that, I say in my head.

As I’m rummaging around and pulling on the underwear, I nearly trip on my towel and decide I’ll put it in the bathroom. I pick it up and walk out of the closet and head to the bathroom when I feel like I’m being watched. I look towards my bed and see Titan sitting there, eyes on me desire dancing round in those chocolate button eyes, dressed in grey shorts and a white tee.

Seeing him makes me jump.

“How long have you been sitting there?” I ask him

“I told you I’d be 5 minutes, I was gone for 5 minutes” he replies face straight.

I realise I’m standing in front of him in just my underwear I drop the towel on the floor forgetting about hanging it up and scurry back in to my closet, I’m pretty sure my face is beet red, I feel so embarrassed he was here while I was in the shower I walked through in my towel still wet and then he saw me in my underwear I’m just glad I wasn’t fully nude at any point.

I’m rummaging through my drawers for some loungewear and pull out a dark grey cropped thin jumper and shorts.

I brush my hair out with my fingers letting it flow down my back and around my face.

I pull myself together and walk out of the closet smack right into Titans chest, before I can think he’s grabbed my face and crashed his lips into mine. I melt into the kiss instinctively, it’s rough and needy but I honestly enjoy it. Titan pulls away and walks to my door, as he opens it I hear the others in the hallway, ‘Oh shit she is in the next room to the twins.’ One of the girls says, they all pile in and Rach stops and looks at me with an excited smile on her face, she studies my face a frown coming on to hers as she spins me around and pushes me into the closet, “in now” she says and follows me inside. “Girl, what the hell?” She asks, eyeing me suspiciously as I shake my head and go to speak.

“No, don’t even try to play silly with me, you’ve kissed him at least.” She snaps.

I look at Rach mouth open eyes wide lost for words I can’t reply.

I finally find my tongue and say

“He kissed me I didn’t even think I just leaned into it, oh shit it’s my first day and he’s clingy and grumpy, ohhhh shit what have I done?” I say panicking now.

“Girl calm down, its harmless fun he likes the way you look but we don’t really fuck with people in our own group so he shouldn’t be too serious I mean he clearly likes you I’ve never seen him give anyone so much attention, but don’t read too far in to it you’ll be fine. Just go with the flow. Were possessive territorial kinda’ people” Rach assures me and then leads me out of the closet.

Everyone is spread out around the room talking, I walk over to the sofa with Rach and find myself being pulled by my waist by two big hands.

I’m lowered into someone’s lap, I hear a growl and look up to see Tritan staring at me, who’s lap am I sitting in then? And, huh.... did he just growl at me? I turn around and see that I’m sitting in Cains lap, he smirks at me Titan comes to stand in front of me, leans down, picks me up from Cains lap and takes me to the other chair and sits me in his lap the others laugh at the guys not even trying to help. I try to wiggle out of his grasp but he just simply says “No.” And wraps his arms around my middle. That’s it then huh? looks like I’m stuck.

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