Hiding His Baby: The Alpha's Rejected Mate

Chapter 10

Ace’s superhero Ace ran upstairs without knowing any way of course. He wasn’t even seeing where he was running as his eyes
were filled with tears.
He ran to the third floor of the building and kept running through the hallway with his small legs. He didn’t have the intention to
stop as he wanted to hide far away from his mommy. He was really angry at mommy this time. He wasn’t going to forgive her
easily this time.
His chains of thoughts were cut short when his small leg got stuck with the carpet and he was going to face plant the floor.
“Mommy!” He let out a cry in fear as he waited for the pain to hit him. But that didn’t come. He had his eyes still closed when he
realised that he wasn’t on the ground anymore. He was held up on the air.
“Mommy, don’t think I am going to forgive you just because you saved me. I am very angry.” He blabbered out, trying to sound
angry. His eyes were still closed.
“Why are you angry with your mommy?”
Ace quickly opened his eyes hearing a new voice which didn’t belong to his mom. The moment she opened his eyes, his eyes
met with a pair of grey eyes which he is never going to forget ever.
“You are the superhero!” Ace exclaimed in astonishment as soon as he recognised the person who was holding him.
Dominic looked at the toddler in his hands with a frown. He was holding Ace like he was a wasted diaper. The third floor of the
pack house belonged to him. No one has the permission t o come in here without his permission.
He was annoyed to find his little boy running around in his corridor. He was going to scold him when he saw him falling. He ran
toward him in full speed to save him from falling and before he could say something, the boy opened his mouth. His adorable
words took away all his heart from scolding him.
“Superhero?” Dominic asked in confusion while pulling him in his arms. Till now he was holding him away. He started to walk
toward his room with him.
“Yes, you are my superhero! I want to be like you! So strong! So brave!” Ace exclaimed in excitement while looking at Dominic
with sparkling eyes.

This situation was quite awkward for Dominic. He has been called a lot of things before. Heartless, rude, cruel, cold-hearted but
a superhero? That’s something completely new and caught him off guard.
“H...how? How am I a superhero?” This little boy got him stammering.
What the hell?!
“You saved my mommy so bravely from that big mean wolf. You were so brave and so big than that mean wolf. So strong, I want
to be strong and brave as well to protect my mommy just like that always.” Ace said with a toothy grin. Dominic felt a pinch in his
heart hearing the boy talking, He hated to think that this boy was Athena’s son from someone else, But it was the truth, The boy
looked exactly like Athena
There is no doubt that he was her son. He didn’t know what his attitude toward this little boy should be.
“Your mom needs protection?” He asked, coming out of the thoughts. Ace’s face fell after he heard the question.
“Yes, the bad guy is always after mommy. Even though my mommy is the bravest of all, I still want to protect her. Because she is
the loveliest and best mommy in the world.” Ace said with a lot of determination in his little eyes.
Dominic got inside his room with Ace in his arms. He closed the door behind him and walked toward the bed. He set Ace on the
bed and kneeled down in front of him.
“Okay, if your mommy is the loveliest and best, why are you angry with her?” Dominic asked with a raised eyebrow.
He surprised himself at that moment. He didn’t know he could be so patient and handle a baby so well. Even though he was still
awkward around him, he at the same time felt so comfortable around him.
‘He is not your baby!’ His wolf growled in his mind, pulling him back from his thoughts. Dominic’s mind went blank as soon as the
realisation hit him.
“Because mommy is going to take me back home. I don’t want to go home. I want to stay here. But mommy doesn’t like it here.
That’s why I am angry with mommy.” Ace said with a cute pout.
“Why don’t you want to go home?” Dominic asked with a frown as he noticed the displeasure and sadness in his eyes when he
talked about ‘home’.
“The home is not good. I hate it there. I am sure mommy doesn’t like it there as well.” Ace said in a sad tone.

“Why don’t you like it there?” Dominic asked patiently.
“Because all the people there are bad. They bully me and mommy. They make mommy do a lot of work and keep me away from
her for the whole day. Here I slept on such a soft bed but there I had to sleep on the top of mommy while mommy had to sleep
on the cold floor. They hurt mommy as well. Mommy often used to wear bandages. I don’t want to go there, superhero.”
Ace’s voice quivered as his eyes filled with tears once again. Dominic felt his blood boiling hearing Ace.Cold floor? Bandages?
Lots of work? What kind of life was she living there? He couldn’t understand why he was feeling so much anger.
“Do you like it here, Ch...champ?” Dominic asked with a small hesitation. He remembers his name but for some reason he
wanted to call him something special. Ace clapped happily after getting a nickname from him.
“Yes, I like it very much here. But mommy doesn’t. She wants to leave. That’s why I am angry with mommy,” Ace said sadly as at
the end he won’t be able to stay without his mommy.
“So, it’s final! If you want to stay here, you are going to stay here. No one can take you away from here.” Dominic said in a final
tone, making Ace really happy.
“Yayy! Not even mommy?” He asked to be sure and Dominic’s eyes darkened thinking that about his mommy. That woman is so
stubborn! She is definitely going to give him a hard time and try to leave. But he is not going to let her leave, not until he figures
everything out and knows what she is
trying to hide. He knew she was trying to hide something. Her face and eyes said it all but he didn’t know what. And until he
knows that, he is going to keep her there. Even if that means threatening her or fulfilling his threats.
“Not even mommy, I promise.” Dominic said with determination as he looked down at the toddler who was the most carefree
person in this whole world. If only he could be like him.
“Thank you, superhero! You are the best!” Ace exclaimed in sheer happiness before throwing his tiny hands around Dominic’s
neck. He hugged him.
Dominic froze on the spot. He couldn’t move or think properly. He was stuck. His breath was stuck and he didn’t know what to
do. His heart felt complete as the little boy hugged him tightly. He raised his hands, slowly to hug him back. His hands were
shaking. He closed his eyes and just when he was going to touch him, the door slammed open. They both jumped away from
each other.

“Don’t you dare to touch him!!’
“So, is it possible to arrange a place somewhere else for her to stay?” Suzanne asked in a sad tone while looking at Nathan,
Justin and Patricia hopefully.
“What’s wrong in staying in the pack house, Athena? If you don’t mind me asking. I mean, we keep our guests here only. Upon
that you are still in danger from the alpha of your previous pack. It’s dangerous for you to stay outside of the pack house.” Justin
“I understand. But the pack house belongs to the pack members only. I am not a pack member nor a guest. I am just a mere
burden of this place. For you guys. I don’t want to trouble you guys more. Also, I won’t be comfortable thinking how much I am
troubling you guys. So, can you guys please arrange for a different place for me?” Athena requested in a polite tone as she kept
tracking Ace. He seemed to find something which is making him really happy. Must be some toy. She could feel his excitement
and happiness. She felt happy as well thinking about him.
Her little bundle of joy!
“We understand what you are trying to say, Athena. We really do. But you are forgetting something. We are not the decision
makers. And the decision regarding you hasn’t been made yet. It’s in Dominic’s hands. Only he has the right to decide where you
are going to stay and all. If he decides that you stay here, we won’t have anything to say. But if he decides otherwise. You can
easily come and stay in my and Suzanne’s house. It’s a big house with only both of us. ” Nathan replied in his usual serious tone.
“You can stay with us too. It’s the same for us. Only me and Justin. We will love to have you and Ace with us. On top of that our
house is a little farther away from here than theirs. But in the end it’s all in Dominic’s hands.” Patricia said in a friendly tone.
Athena let out a sigh after hearing that, she felt so annoyed hearing that Dominic is going to b e the decision maker. Whatever it
is, she is never going to accept staying here. Never! “Tha-... Ahh!” Athena was going to thank them when she suddenly felt a
strong wave of anxiety hit her, making her winch. Everyone looked at her in alarm.
“What’s wrong, Athy?” Suzanne asked in a worried tone.
“Ace... Ace... he is... scared. I need to find him.” She exclaimed before standing up and running off somewhere to find her son.
Everyone else followed her quickly.
Was Ace in danger?

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