Her Mythical Warriors (Book Two)

Chapter Chapter Twenty: Ocean Below

Akira looked around her at the rocks and ocean. The portal was at the top of a cliff, looking out over the water. Finally, something other than trees.

“Darius is going to be happy we’re not in a forest,” Malique chuckled as he came up behind her.

Akira smiled. Her Vampire Warrior was correct; her Pegasus Warrior was going to be very happy.

“Hey, no forest,” Darius said as he landed on their side of the portal.

Akira didn’t turn to her warrior. She was too awed by the ocean before her. The colors were more greens and yellows rather than greens and blues like in her realm.


Akira turned her head to look at her Merman Warrior. His eyes were sparkling as he looked at the ocean below them.

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” she asked him.

He looked at her and grinned, “not as beautiful as you, little one.”

She gave him a gentle shove, and he chuckled, pulling her against his chest. She sighed as they looked out into the ocean together.

“Well, at least we won’t run out of water for fish-boy,” Julianne said as she stood to Akira’s left.

Akira shook her head and giggled when she heard and felt her merman growl.

“How do we get down there?” Stella asked, looking down the cliff’s long drop.

“Jump,” Zelious said.

“Are you crazy? The fall would kill you,” Stella complained.

“There’s a path over there. You and Fin can roll down. It’s too narrow for the rest of us,” Wolfric said, pointing to a path they hadn’t noticed.

“What about the rest of you?” Stella asked, looking at them.

“We’ll fly down,” Levi said.

“My wolf would survive the jump into the water,” Wolfric said.

Darius smiled and said, “I can fly down, no problem. Just need room to shift.”

Malique held up his hand. “I’m a vampire. I’ll survive the jump.”

“We know fish-boy will survive, but what about Akira?” Julianne asked.

Zelious grumbled against Akira, making her giggle again.

“She’ll come with me. I can protect her,” Zelious informed them.

“Won’t she drown?” Levi asked, worry on his face.

Zelious grinned and reminded them, “air bubble.” He clapped his hands together, pulled them apart, and placed the air bubble over Akira’s head.

Akira smiled at her merman as he lifted her into his arms.

He looked into her eyes and nodded. “You may want to close your eyes, little one.”

Akira took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She squealed when she felt her merman jump off the cliff.

“He’s crazy,” Malique said, leaning over the cliff. He watched the merman fall to the waters with their Havent.

“He’ll keep her safe,” Wolfric said, stepping back from the edge. “You go first, Malique. Darius and I will need room to shift.”

Malique nodded and jumped off the cliff.

Wolfric looked at the fairies. “Go,” he told them.

Both fairies nodded, shifted into fairy form, and headed down to the rocks below.

Wolfric looked at the trolls. “You two head down that path. You should be safe if you stay away from the edge.”

“Alright, alright,” Stella grumbled.

Wolfric watched the two trolls curl into balls and roll down the path. He made sure they were all right before he turned to Darius.

Darius shook his head. “When I said I wanted more than trees, I didn’t mean this.”

Wolfric chuckled, “You shift first, and I’ll follow.”

Darius nodded and stepped closer to the portal. Before he shifted, he looked at Wolfric. “Why don’t you ride me down?”

Wolfric closed his eyes and shook his head. “Do you know how that sounded?”

Wolfric opened his eyes and watched his fellow warrior’s confusion. When Darius caught on, his face wrinkled, and he shook his head.

“You have a horrible brain,” he said.

Wolfric grinned as he watched the Pegasus shift.

“Take those with you,” Wolfric said, pointing to two of the four bags.

Darius nodded his large head and picked up the two bags.

Wolfric motioned for him to take to the sky. Once he was gone, Wolfric shifted into his wolf. He picked up the last two bags with his mouth and turned to the cliff.

‘Here goes nothing.’

Wolfric jumped off the edge and waited for the water to swallow him whole.


Akira squealed as she and Zelious landed in the ocean with a loud splash.

Zelious chuckled as he held her closer. “Open your eyes, little one.”

Akira opened her eyes and smiled up at her warrior. He motioned with his head for her to look past them.

Akira turned her head and sucked in a breath. “Beautiful,” she breathed.

Rainbow fish were swimming around pink and purple coral. Akira laughed when the fish changed color and held on tighter to her merman. She looked down and noticed he had shifted. She grinned at him as she wrapped her legs around his hips.

He smirked as he held onto her, “too many friends around, little one.”

She nodded, “I know. But I love it when you’re in your true form.”

He pulled her closer, his head entering her air bubble.

“I am pleased you like my true form.”

She smiled as she leaned forward and kissed him.

A hand on Akira’s shoulder had her jumping out of her skin. She pulled away from the kiss and turned to find her vampire behind her. She grinned as she leaned toward him enough his head joined her in the air bubble.

“Trying to have fun without us?” Malique asked with a smirky grin.

She shook her head. “It was just a kiss.” Akira squealed as she was pulled away from her merman and wrapped around her vampire.

“You didn’t give us a kiss before you jumped off the cliff,” Malique said before he claimed her lips.

Akira sighed as she kissed her Vampire Warrior.

A loud splash had the three of them turning. A large white wolf with two bags in his mouth glared at them.

Akira pulled away from Malique and headed toward her Wolfie.

Malique looked at Zelious, who was already creating an air bubble for him. Once it was over his face, he spoke his mind.

“She will always run to him.” He turned to where Akira was swimming toward the large wolf and grinned. “Or swim to him.”

“I figured that out a long time ago,” Zelious responded.

Akira made it to Wolfric and wrapped her arms around him. “Wolfie,” she whispered.

She giggled when she felt him shift. Arms wrapped around her, and she felt his head join her in her air bubble.

“Couldn’t wait for me?” he asked.

She looked up at him and smiled, “it was just kisses.”

He smirked. “Where’s mine?”

She leaned up and kissed him. He grunted as he pulled her closer and deepened the kiss.

“Can the others see us down here?” Malique asked as he joined Wolfric and Akira.

“I don’t think so,” Zelious answered as he moved up behind Akira.

“Should we?” Malique asked, grinning at the merman.

Zelious grinned. “Why not?”

Akira squealed when she felt hands on her pants. “What are you two doing?”

“Taking advantage of the ocean,” Malique said as he helped Zelious with her pants.

Akira groaned as her warriors stripped her of her pants and panties.

“Hold her to you,” Zelious told Wolfric.

Wolfric grinned as he held Akira close. Akira looked up into her wolf’s eyes and sucked in a breath when hands clamped onto her bare ass. Warm water flowed between her legs, and she moaned.

Wolfric moved his hands between their bodies, and Akira felt him unfasten his pants. She sucked in a breath when he wrapped her legs around him, entering her in one thrust.

“Fuck,” Wolfric growled.

Akira whimpered and laid her head on Wolfric’s shoulder.

“I’m first,” Zelious said as he moved behind Akira.

Akira moved to lift her head. Wolfric placed his hand to the back of her head, keeping her still.

Zelious took hold of Akira’s hips and slowly entered her back door.

Akira moaned as her merman entered her ass slowly, filling her to overflowing.

“This is the strangest thing to watch,” Malique said.

Akira wanted to look at her vampire, but her wolf wouldn’t let her move.

“Ready?” Zelious asked, looking at Wolfric.

Wolfric nodded. Akira cried out as her two warriors started moving inside her at the same time.

“I knew underwater sex with your other warriors would be amazing,” Zelious whispered in Akira’s ear.

Akira whimpered. It was amazing. Only one problem—they were missing one of her warriors.

Zelious slammed into her ass, forcing her further onto Wolfric’s cock.

“Fucking hell,” Wolfric growled.

“Gods and Goddesses!” Zelious bellowed as he came deep in Akira’s ass.

Akira moaned as she felt her merman spill his seed inside her.

“My turn,” Malique said, pulling Zelious back from their Havent.

Akira chuckled, then moaned when Malique entered her.

Malique and Wolfric moved inside her in a perfect rhythm. Wolf and vampire came at the same time—bellowing their pleasure as Akira felt her own orgasm rip through her body.

“We should probably get to the surface soon,” Zelious said with a grin. “I have seen the fairies above the water twice now.”

Akira sighed as she laid her head on Wolfric’s shoulder.

“There’s no way we’re getting her pants back on her in here,” Malique said, looking around for Akira’s clothes.

“Uh, I think her pants floated to the surface,” Zelious said, pointing upward.

Akira moaned, “now everyone is going to know what we were doing down here.”

“I think they already knew, little one,” Wolfric whispered in her ear.

Akira sighed. Yeah, more than likely. How angry is Darius going to be?


Darius paced the shore while he waited for the others to finish fucking their Psychi. He’s going to get his turn if he has to kidnap her and take her away from them…

“I wouldn’t have guessed what they were doing if I hadn’t seen her pants pop up to the surface,” Jules complained.

Levi laughed, “her warriors have a hard time keeping their hands off her.”

Jules snorted.

“There they are!” Stella shouted, pointing to where the three warriors surfaced, Akira in Wolfric’s arms.

“I have her pants!” Julianne called out, holding the wet jeans up.

She watched Akira’s cheeks turn pink and smirked. Good, let her be embarrassed. Maybe she’ll think twice next time.

Akira buried her face in Wolfric’s neck. Wolfric chuckled.

“They know you’re not a virgin,” he said as they headed for the shore.

She shook her head and admitted, “it’s still embarrassing that my best friend found my pants.”

Wolfric stopped once they were on shore and looked at the Pegasus. Darius hadn’t shifted.

“Darius,” Wolfric said, nodding to the Pegasus.

Akira looked at her Pegasus when she heard Wolfric call his name. He hadn’t shifted. Was he angry with them?

“Set me down,” she whispered to Wolfric.

“Your pants,” Wolfric said.

Akira shook her head, “not like I haven’t come out of the ocean naked before.”

Wolfric set her on her feet, and Levi and Fin turned away. Jules held her pants out to her. Akira walked over to her friend and took her pants from her.

“Don’t even think about it.”

Akira looked up as Darius rushed at her. She squealed as the Pegasus tilted his head down and flipped her onto his back. She laughed as she sat on her Pegasus backward and waved to the others as Darius took off into the woods with her.

Yeah, more trees. But at least they weren’t thick like a forest.

Darius stopped in a small clearing and sat. Akira squealed as she slid off his back and tumbled to the ground.

Darius turned to her and nickered. “You guys couldn’t wait for me?”

Akira smiled and said, “it’s not like you all have to be there every time.”

He shook his head. “I know.”

She smiled and started to stand. He pushed her down with his nose.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

“I was going to stand….”

“Turn around and put your ass in the air.”

Akira blinked and did as he said.

She swallowed when she felt his hooves move on either side of her. “Aren’t you going to shift?”

He snickered, “nope. If fish-boy can fuck you as a merman, I want to fuck you as a Pegasus.”

Akira squealed when he entered her. This wasn’t something she had ever thought about. Malique has sucked her blood during sex. She has fucked Zelious as a merman—twice. And now her Pegasus was having his way with her.

Is Wolfric’s wolf next?

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