Her Mythical Warriors (Book Two)

Chapter Chapter Sixteen: Walk With Me

Akira looked around the new realm. Once again, they were in a forest. She chuckled when her warriors grunted.

“Which way should we go?” Levi asked.

Akira looked where Levi was looking and noticed two paths going opposite directions. Good question. Which way do they go?

“I say to the left,” Fin said, stepping forward.

“No,” Stella said, pushing past her brother. “To the right.”

The twins started arguing, and Akira chuckled. She looked at Wolfric. He had a grin he only got when the trolls were acting up. She looked at her other warriors and noticed they were also watching the trolls. She looked at the fairies and chuckled. Everyone found the trolls as special as she did.

“Left!” Fin shouted.

“Right!” Stella hollered back.

“How about we go straight?” Zelious said, interrupting the twins.

Everyone looked at the merman.

“There’s no straight path,” Stella said, looking at Zelious as if he grew a head on each shoulder.

Zelious grinned at the troll. “Yes, but are we not warriors? Can we not make our own path?”

“He’s right!” Fin shouted. He turned and charged into the forest.

“Are you sure that’s safe?” Akira asked her warrior.

He grinned at her, “it will keep us covered….”

The sound of bushes, limbs, and rocks being thrown around in the forest had them looking at the new path the male troll was making.

“Uh, I don’t think we’ll be hiding from anything,” Akira chuckled.

“You’re new,” Wolfric said, placing his arm over Zelious’ shoulders. “The trolls like chaos, and you just invited them to it.”

Everyone laughed and shook their heads. The trolls know how to be quiet and discreet, but when you tell them to be a warrior, you get this.

“Fin! You’re making too much noise!” Stella hollered as she chased after her brother.

Akira shook her head. “Maybe we should have taken one of the paths?” she asked, looking at her warriors.

The men laughed and shook their heads.

Wolfric wrapped his arm around her shoulders, and they followed the trolls. They found the end of the troll-made path and looked around for Fin and Stella.

“They said we should be warriors!” Fin yelled.

Akira looked behind a bush and found Stella pinning her brother to the ground. Akira chuckled as she watched the twins push at each other.

“That doesn’t mean be a total moron,” Stella growled in her brother’s face.

“Stella. It’s okay,” Akira assured her young friend.

Stella looked up at her and puffed out her chest. Fin found the opportunity to escape his sister. He shoved her off and jumped to his feet.

“Fin,” Wolfric said, moving to stand beside Akira. “We appreciate the path, but Zelious meant it would be best to go straight to hide, not to show everyone where we went.”

Fin frowned, “I messed up.”

“It’s okay,” Akira assured the troll. “We all mess up. Even they mess up.” Akira gave Wolfric a shove. The large man chuckled as he pulled Akira into his arms.

“I’m sorry.” Fin lowered his head. “I’ve made so many trails at home, I thought I could show my worth….”

“You show your worth every time you protect our Havent,” Malique said, placing his hand on the young troll’s shoulder.

Fin smiled up at the vampire.

“Now let’s get going,” Wolfric said, pulling Akira away from the bushes and into the thicker part of the forest.

“Trees, trees, trees, and more trees!” Darius shrieked.

Akira chuckled. “Tired of trees?”

Darius glared at Akira, then pulled her away from Wolfric and wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

“Stay by my side, little one. I need something to look at other than leaves.”

Akira giggled as she wrapped her arms around his waist.


“Have you had Akira check the realm for her warrior yet?” Malique asked Wolfric as they followed behind Akira and Darius.

Wolfric shook his head, “not yet. I had Levi scout the area for a portal; he hasn’t found one. We may as well continue on our travels until we find one. Then we can have Akira check the realm. If she doesn’t sense him here, we will move on through the next portal. And if she does, then maybe our travels have brought us closer to him.”

“How is she able to all of a sudden sense him out? She had to make a wish to find Fish-Boy,” Julianne asked.

Wolfric looked at the fairy and smiled. “She was always able to find her warriors in a realm, but she has four warriors now. That enhances her ability to feel us out even stronger. We knew her fourth warrior wasn’t in the realm you found us in; she needed help figuring out where he could be. And even now, she could use help like that—if he’s not in this realm.”

Jules nodded, “makes sense.”

“How do you know so much about all this?” Levi asked, joining in the conversation.

Wolfric grinned, “I have two older brothers who have both found their Havents and already been on their adventures.”

Julianne nodded. “Oh, right, Akira said something about that.”

Wolfric looked up when he saw Akira crawl onto Darius’s back. She must be getting tired.

“We should find a place to rest. We don’t want Akira to over-exert herself,” Wolfric informed the others.

“Good idea. I could use a dip in a pond,” Zelious said.

“Darius!” Wolfric called out.

Darius stopped and turned to them.

“Zelious is going to sniff out a pond for us to rest beside. He needs water, and Akira needs rest.”

Darius nodded and waited for the others to catch up to them.

“Come here, little one,” Wolfric said, pulling Akira off Darius’ back.

Akira sighed as Wolfric took her into his arms. The moment her head touched his chest, she was out.

“Is she okay?” Julianne asked, eyeing Akira in Wolfric’s arms.

Malique felt Akira’s forehead and smiled. “She’s just tired.”

“Let’s get to finding that pond,” Wolfric said, moving forward again.

The group walked for several miles before the merman finally found a body of water. He jumped into the pond and sunk to the bottom while the others prepared camp.


“How are you feeling?” Julianne asked as she sat on the ground next to Akira, who had woken a moment ago.

Akira smiled at her new friend. Well, not so new anymore. They’ve been through so much together in such a short time.

Akira nodded, “good.”

Jules smiled, “that’s good. Me and Stella were going to go for a walk. You want to join us?”

Akira sat up and looked around the camp her warriors and their friends put together while she slept.

“Did you ask my warriors?”

Jules chuckled, “yeah. It took a lot to convince them you’re well enough to travel without them up your ass.”

Akira’s cheeks turned bright pink, and Julianne laughed.

Jules shook her head. “Oh Gods, I don’t want to know.”

Akira grinned and laughed, “good. Because I don’t want you to know either.”

Both women chuckled as Jules helped Akira to her feet.

“Are we going?” Stella asked excitedly as she joined them.

Akira looked at the troll and smiled. “Yep.”

Stella bounced on the balls of her feet as she waited for Akira to gather whatever she needed to go on their walk.

Akira grabbed her sword and strapped it to her back, then looked at her two friends and nodded. “Let’s go.”

“Wait just a minute there.”

Akira turned to her Wolf Warrior. “What’s up?”

Wolfric grumbled as he pulled her into his arms. “I want a kiss before you go on your walk.”

Akira smiled and stated, “anything for my warriors.”

Wolfric grunted and kissed her.

Akira melted into her wolf. Gods, he always felt good in her arms.

“Did I hear her say anything for her warriors?” Malique asked as he stepped up behind Wolfric.

Wolfric stepped back and let the vampire have at their Psychi.

Akira chuckled as her Vampire Warrior claimed her lips. Each of her warriors kissed her before letting her leave with her friends.

“Watch out for anything off with her,” Wolfric said, pointing at Julianne.

Julianne nodded. “Of course.”

“Let’s go before they take her in the opposite direction. To do something I don’t want to think about,” Stella grumbled as she headed toward a path she and Jules had found before they woke the princess.

Akira giggled as she let her friends drag her away from her warriors.

Nibbles and Aarush squealed as they followed the women.

“This is going to be fun,” Akira said as they headed down the path.

Her friends grinned as they walked the path to who knew where. Maybe they’ll come across something and have their own secret adventure.


“How long have they been gone?” Darius asked for the hundredth time.

Wolfric shook his head, “an hour.”

“Should we make sure they’re okay?” Zelious asked.

Wolfric looked at the merman. “She needs to know we trust her.”

“Have you gone off your rocker? I’ve never seen you so calm about our Havent being so far away from us,” Darius said, eying Wolfric.

Wolfric shrugged, “we need to trust her.”

“You sent Levi to follow them, didn’t you?” Malique said with a wide grin.

Wolfric looked at his longtime friend and grinned. “Did you honestly think I’d let the women leave without backup?”

The warriors chuckled.

“Did you send Fin too?” Zelious asked, looking around for the troll.

Wolfric shook his head. “The troll went on his own. He’s very protective of his sister. Even though they banter a lot, those two are very close. I’m going to feel bad for the guy when his sister finds her mate.”

The other warriors nodded.

“He’ll stick to the bushes. They won’t know he’s there,” Darius said.

Wolfric chuckled, “except for Stella. She could scent out her brother if he was covered in bear shit.”


Akira looked around the small pond they’d come across on the trail they’d been following for the past hour.

“It’s beautiful,” Jules breathed.

Akira nodded. It was indeed beautiful.

“Can we go for a swim?” Stella asked.

Akira smiled. “I don’t see why not. It’s hot in this realm. We should be dry before we return to the men.”

Stella pulled off her boots, shrugged out of her armor, and approached the pond. She stopped and sniffed the air.

“Smell danger?” Akira asked.

Stella shook her head, “no. My stinky brother.”

Akira chuckled. “I figured Wolfric would send one of them to keep an eye on us.”

“Wolfric didn’t send him,” Jules said.

Akira looked at her friend. “He didn’t?”

Jules shook her head, “nope. The one in the sky is who Wolfric sent. I’m sure Fin came on his own to watch over his twin.”

Akira looked into the sky but didn’t see anything. She looked at Jules and chuckled.

“He sent Levi to watch over us,” Akira said.

Jules nodded, “yep. My prince has been following us the whole way.”

Akira chuckled. “I knew Wolfric wouldn’t let us leave without backup.”

“At least he stayed far enough away; we still had a girls’ day out,” Stella pouted.

“Let’s go for a swim,” Akira said, kicking off her shoes and placing her sword on top of them.

The three women walked into the pond and dunked their heads. Then started splashing each other.

Akira made sure Stella stayed close to the bank, so she didn’t drown. Akira and Jules weren’t much taller than the troll, so they too, stayed close to the bank.

“You have found my favorite pond.”

Akira and her friends turned to the soft female voice.

Akira stared at the beautiful woman; she stood on the bank—watching them. Akira swallowed. Shit, they’ve intruded on a water nymph’s waters.

“We’re sorry,” Akira whispered. She didn’t want to piss the woman off. “We didn’t know a nymph had claimed this pond.”

The water nymph moved into the water up to her calves.

Akira and her friends moved back away from the nymph.

The woman smiled. “What shall I do with you? Princess.”

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