Her Mythical Warriors (Book Two)

Chapter Chapter Fourteen: Yet Another Portal

“Trees,” Darius grumbled.

Akira snickered as she watched her warrior. It has been three days since she almost died from the fever. And they were traveling through the forest once again. Her warriors were seriously tired of trees. At least it’s not the desert.


Akira turned to her best friend and smiled. “Jules.”

“Have you thought of a third wish?”

Akira shrugged, “not really. Wish I could have used it when I was sick.”

Jules nodded, agreeing with her. “Me too.”

Akira smiled as she wrapped her arm around the fairy.

“There’s a portal up ahead!” Levi announced from the sky.

The group looked up at him and waved.

“Lead the way!” Wolfric shouted up to him.

Levi nodded and turned his dragonfly toward the portal.

A squeak had Akira and Jules looking down. They chuckled when they saw Nibbles and Aarush chasing each other again.

“I’m glad Nibbles and Aarush get along.” Julianne smiled as she watched the two mythical creatures play around as they followed their mistresses.

Akira smiled, “me too.”

“Do you sense anything of your warrior in this realm?” Wolfric asked, looking at Akira.

Akira looked up at her Wolf Warrior and shook her head. “Still nothing.”

Wolfric nodded and turned back around, following the fairy and dragonfly to the next portal.

“How long does it take for a phoenix to grow to adulthood?” Akira asked Jules.

Julianne shrugged. “Last time, it took three months.”

Akira nodded and lamented, “I’m still sorry about what happened to him.”

Jules smiled and chirped, “don’t be. He was the distraction; I knew what could happen. Doesn’t mean it didn’t hurt to see him die, but I knew I would get him back.”

Akira leaned her head against Jules’ head.

“Look!” Stella shouted, pointing at the mountain.

Akira and Jules looked up and smiled. The next portal was up the mountain—they could see it. It was pink with white sparks.

“Why are all the portals different colors?” Akira wondered.

“It’s like a map of the dimensions,” Malique said, coming up beside Akira on her left side.

She looked up at her Vampire Warrior. “A map?”

He nodded, “yeah. Each realm has its own color portal.”

“Do you know where that one leads?” Akira asked, pointing to the pink portal.

Malique smiled. “I don’t believe I’ve ever gone through a pink portal.”

Akira grunted. “Has any of you?”

“Not that I remember,” Wolfric said without looking back at them.

“I guess it’s another unexplored realm,” Akira said.

“Which means no going through the portal alone,” Wolfric said with a smirk as he turned to wink at Akira.

Akira scoffed, “try it,” she squealed as he lifted her off her feet and tossed her over his shoulder.

Jules and Stella chuckled as Wolfric took off with their friend.

“Put me down,” Akira said, pounding on Wolfric’s back.


Akira grunted, “Wolfric….”

Wolfric set her on her feet and looked into her eyes.

“You’re such an ass,” she said, smirking up at him.

He chuckled, “if being protective of my Havent makes me an ass, then I guess I’m an ass.”

Akira chuckled.

“You two done playing around?” Darius asked, joining them.

Wolfric looked at his fellow warrior. “Your turn.” He winked at Akira and continued up the mountain.

Darius grinned at Akira.

Akira felt a shiver run through her body. What were her warriors planning to do now?

“Want a lift?” Darius stepped back and shifted.

Akira grinned at her Pegasus. A noise on the ground had Akira looking down. She smiled and lifted Nibbles into her arms. She pulled herself onto Darius’ back and held onto her Al-Mi’Raj as her Pegasus took flight.

“Hey, not fair!” Jules hollered from the ground.

Akira turned and watched Levi and his dragonfly swoop down and land in front of Julianne. She smiled as she watched the two fairies talk. Julianne picked up her phoenix, set him in front of Levi, then shifted into her fairy form and climbed onto the dragonfly behind Levi.

Levi looked up at Akira, and she could swear she saw something in his eyes. Something that had nothing to do with anyone else around them; it was purely meant for her. But it wasn’t sexual. It was as if his soul recognized hers, but neither of them knew how or from where.

Akira shook her head and turned to face forward on her Pegasus.

“Are you going to drag me through the portal again?” Akira asked her warrior.

The Pegasus whinnied, and Darius laughed in her head. “I just might,” he told her.

Akira snorted, “not if I get through it before either of you can grab me.”

Darius laughed as he flew them up the mountain. When they reached the portal, he landed ten feet from it; there wasn’t much room before a big drop down the mountain. Akira jumped off his back and set Nibbles on the ground. Darius shifted and watched her.

Akira needed to get through the portal before Darius or Wolfric could grab her. She smiled at her warrior as she slowly backed toward the portal.

“Not this time.”

Akira squealed as she was grabbed from behind. Her warriors laughed as Zelious jumped through the portal with her tight in his arms.

When they landed on the other side, Akira smacked her Merman Warrior on the shoulder.

“Jerkoff. I can’t believe they got you to do that.”

Zelious smirked as he pulled her away from the portal. “We knew we had to get you by surprise.”

Akira shook her head. It has become some kind of game for her warriors—to see which one of them could yank her through a portal.

“Nice realm,” Jules said as she landed on their side of the portal.

Akira looked around and smiled. They were in another forest, but the trees were different. The leaves were white and pink. Snow covered the surrounding ground, but it didn’t feel like winter. The temperature was pleasant, and the scenery made Akira wish she had a camera.

“Nice,” Wolfric said as he landed on the ground in front of Akira.

Akira glared at her Wolf Warrior. He grinned at her and pulled her into his arms. She almost forgot everything as he kissed her. When he lifted his head, he smirked down at her. She scrunched up her nose and punched him in the arm.

“Ouch,” he chuckled, holding his hand to the spot she’d hit.


He gave her a quick kiss and then jumped back when she went to punch him again.

“I think I like this realm,” Stella said, looking around them.

“At least the trees look different,” Darius grumbled.

“Let’s get going.” Wolfric motioned for the group to start their next adventure.

Akira walked over to Julianne and took her arm, pulling her away from the men.

Jules chuckled as Akira dragged her down the path.

Akira heard Stella catch up to them, and they walked through the new forest, oohing and awing at the frosty leaves that sparkled in the sunlight.

Nibbles ran past Akira, making her jump. She watched the horned rabbit run into the bushes and stopped when she heard a squeal.

“Nibbles!” Akira shouted as she pulled away from Jules and Stella to run after her pet.

“Akira!” Wolfric hollered when they saw her run into the bushes.

Akira stopped when she saw what her Al-Mi’Raj was up against. It almost looked like a yeti. But it was uglier and harrier—if that was possible.

“Nibbles,” Akira whispered, trying to get his attention.

The Al-Mi’Raj didn’t look at her. His attention was entirely on the creature before him.

The creature was growling but didn’t move toward the horned rabbit.

“What the fuck is that?” Malique said as their party came through the bushes and stopped to stare at the creature standing off with the Al-Mi’Raj.

“Nibbles,” Akira whispered again. “We don’t want to hurt him if he doesn’t plan to hurt us. Do we?”

Nibbles stepped back from the creature. Akira knew it wasn’t from fear. He apparently agreed with her. If the beast meant them no harm, they meant him no harm…


Akira looked at Jules, then in the direction the fairy was pointing.

Shit, it’s not a he—it’s a she. A mama protecting her young. Akira smiled at the two young yeti-like creatures.

Nibbled moved over to Akira, and she picked him up. Still watching the mama yeti and her young.

“You don’t have to worry about us hurting you or your young,” Akira assured the mama.

The yeti creature looked at Akira, then at the group behind her. She nodded her head and turned to her young. She motioned for them to go the opposite way. The family was on their way, away from Akira and her group.

“That was interesting,” Darius said, stepping next to Akira.

Akira smiled up at her Pegasus. “She was just protecting her young.”

Darius nodded and smiled down at her.

“Don’t do that again,” Wolfric growled as he joined them.

Akira looked at her Wolfie apologetically, “sorry. I heard Nibbles squeal and had to make sure he was okay.”

“He’s a smart one, he is,” Darius said, scratching behind the horned rabbit’s ear. “He understood you and knew the mama only wanted to protect her little ones.”

Akira nodded as she rubbed her face against Nibbles’ head. “He thought she would harm me until he realized she wasn’t here for us but traveling with her young. Probably looking for a place to sleep for winter.”

Darius smiled and nodded.

“Let’s go,” Wolfric said, taking Akira by the arm and leading her toward the path again.

Akira smiled up at her wolf, “sorry.”

He smiled down at her. “I should have known you would go after Nibbles. We need to put a leash on him.”

Akira shook her head, “nope. He’s a wild beast, no leash for him.”

Wolfric shook his head. After almost losing Akira again, he didn’t like her out of his sight. But he can’t chain her to his side. She’s an adventurer, a warrior. She’s going to do things that will scare him—that will scare them all. And there’s nothing they can do but be there for her.


“Look, a cabin,” Akira said when she saw the building ahead of them. The beautiful trees surrounding it made it look like something from a Thomas Kinkade painting.

“Stay here,” Wolfric said, pulling on her arm to stop her from approaching the cabin.

Akira turned to her Wolfie. He was watching the cabin. Akira sighed; she knew her warriors were still afraid to leave her alone, but she was okay. They won’t ever have to worry about the fever again. The Caladrius made sure of that.

“Wolfie,” she whispered.

Wolfric turned to his Psychi. He knew that look on her face. She’s a warrior, she can take care of herself, blah blah blah. He shook his head and pointed to her.

“Stay,” he told her.

She shook her head. Wolfric grunted and looked at the fairies who were standing beside her. He pointed at Levi.

“Protect them,” he told the smaller man, then looked at his fellow warriors and motioned for them to follow.

Akira scrunched up her face. When are her warriors going to trust her? She snickered. Probably never. They hadn’t before she died or before she got sick, and they aren’t going to now.

“Please don’t cause me any trouble,” Levi said, looking at Akira.

Akira smiled the sweetest smile she could muster. “Me? Cause trouble?”

The fairies and trolls laughed.

Akira chuckled and turned to watch her warriors approach the cabin.


“Everything seems clear,” Malique said as he stepped out of the cabin.

Wolfric nodded, “go tell Akira and the others they can….” Wolfric stopped when he heard a scream coming from behind the cabin.

“Zelious!” Akira cried out.

Wolfric turned and watched the fairies and trolls hold back their Havent. She must have sensed something wrong.

Wolfric looked at his best friend and nodded toward the back of the cabin. They walked around the cabin and stopped when they saw Zelious fighting the Abominable Snowman.

“Seriously?” Malique grunted. “First a yeti, now the Abominable Snowman? What kind of realm did we come to?”

“Help Zelious,” Wolfric said, pointing to the merman and the snow yeti.

Malique shook his head and joined Zelious in fighting the snow creature.

“What is that?” Jules asked as she and the others came around the corner of the cabin.

“Oh my Gods,” Akira whispered.

Wolfric moved to Akira’s side and wrapped his arm around her. This is why he’d sent Malique to help the merman. He knew one of them needed to be here to keep Akira from joining.

Wolfric looked down when he heard Nibbles hiss.

“Now he means us harm,” Akira said, looking down at the Al-Mi’Raj.

“Zelious and Malique will take care of him,” Wolfric said, kissing the side of her head.

Akira nodded as she looked back up to watch the two warriors fight off the beast.

“Are we sure this cabin isn’t his, and he’s protecting it?” Jules asked.

Akira looked at Jules and shook her head.

Wolfric chuckled, “trust me, that beast isn’t here to protect the cabin.”

“He’s here to eat you,” Darius said, coming up behind them.

Wolfric turned to the Pegasus and shook his head. “Where did you go off to?”

Darius pointed to a stack of wood. “Firewood.”

A deafening scream had everyone looking at the warriors and snow yeti. Malique was on the ground, the beast hovering over him, ready to attack. A puff of snow flew into the creature’s face, blinding him. The beast bellowed and stumbled back.

Zelious helped Malique to his feet and turned just in time to avoid the large snow monster’s claw. A squeal had everyone pausing. The beast screamed and stumbled back again. They watched as the creature tried to pull the horned rabbit from his stomach.

Everyone watched—yet again—as the Al-Mi’Raj devoured the Abominable Snowman.

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