Her Mythical Warriors (Book Two)

Chapter Chapter Five: More Than Hugs & Kisses

Akira looked at her warriors. Jules had been right. She owes them more than hugs and kisses. They went through hell when she died.

Akira looked at Jules, and the fairy almost burst into laughter when she saw the look in Akira’s eyes.

“Let’s go for a walk,” Julianne said to Leviasen, pulling him to his feet from the floor against the far wall.


Jules didn’t let Levi finish as she pulled him through the door.

Akira held back a chuckle as she watched Jules drag Levi from the cabin. She looked over at the two trolls. Stella rolled her eyes, then pulled her brother out the door.

“Uh. What was that about?” Darius asked, watching the trolls close the door behind them.

“Ask our little Psychi,” Wolfric smirked as he watched Akira.

Akira smiled at her wolf as she turned and straddled his lap.

“Jules told me I owe my warriors more than hugs and kisses, and I agree with her,” Akira said, looking into her Wolfie’s brown and blue eyes.

Wolfric grinned. “You do, do you?”

Akira nodded.

“And what will you give us?” Malique asked, moving up behind her.

Akira sighed when she felt her vampire’s hard cock against her back.

“Whatever you want,” she whispered.

“Oh, that is a tall order,” Darius snorted.

Akira looked up at her Pegasus, afraid she would see anger in his beautiful eyes. But what she saw made her want to weep. And not from sorrow—but joy. In his eyes was pure love and adoration for her—and only her.

“I know I’m new here, but do I get….”

Zelious didn’t get to finish; Darius dragged him closer to their Havent and pushed his face into Akira’s chest.

Akira chuckled, making the others laugh with her.

“If that doesn’t answer your question, I don’t know what else would,” Malique laughed.

Akira pulled Zelious’s head up and kissed him hard. Zelious moaned as he placed his hand on the back of her head, holding her as he ravished her mouth.

“I wish you were still in that sheet,” Wolfric grumbled, fumbling with the buttons of her pants.

Akira chuckled against her merman’s mouth as she reached down and yanked her pants open.

Malique helped Wolfric with her clothes while Zelious and Darius kissed her face and neck. When her breasts were exposed, they each took a nipple into their mouth and sucked.

Akira cried out with pleasure and almost screamed when Wolfric entered her.

“I love you all so much,” Akira whimpered.

All four men looked at her with love in their eyes.

“I get her next,” Darius said, yanking his clothes off.

Akira looked at Darius and almost laughed. He has come so far from not wanting to share her—just a few short weeks ago.

“Akira,” Malique whispered into her ear.

“Yes?” she asked, turning her head to look at him.

“You said—anything,” he said, holding up a familiar tube.

“Oh, Gods,” Akira breathed heavily.

“Be gentle,” Wolfric warned, watching his best friend strip his clothes away, his eyes on Akira’s ass.

Malique grinned. “Don’t worry,” he assured Wolfric.

Wolfric pulled Akira’s head to his shoulder and held her. He slid his cock from her sheath and watched Malique over her head.

Malique read the look in his friend’s eyes and nodded. He opened the tube, squeezed some onto his finger, and gently pressed it against her ass.

Akira sucked in a shocked breath.

Malique chuckled, “I haven’t even started yet.”

Akira grumbled against Wolfric’s shoulder.

“What was that?” Malique asked, pausing his finger just outside her sweet hole.

“I said—it’s cold,” she mumbled.

Malique chuckled and pushed a finger into her ass.

Akira moaned and closed her eyes. That’s not so bad. When he pushed another finger in, she wanted to crawl away from them. A third finger had her whimpering and tears rolling down her cheeks.

Wolfric noticed her tears and kissed one away. “Do you trust us?” he whispered.

Akira nodded. Wolfric grinned and nodded to Malique. Malique pulled his fingers out, squeezed more jelly into his hand, and stroked it over his cock. Darius and Zelious watched as Malique lined his cock against their Havent’s entrance.

“Relax,” Wolfric whispered into her ear.

Akira nodded and let her body completely relax. When the head of Malique’s cock pushed in, she sucked in a breath. Wolfric held her to him.

Malique held Akira’s hips, forcing himself to go slow as he slid his large cock into her back end.

“Holy fuck,” Malique breathed once his cock slid into her ass.

“Malique!” Akira cried out when he shoved the rest of the way inside her.

“You feel so good,” Malique panted.

“Oh, my Gods.” Akira breathed against Wolfric’s shoulder.

“Are you okay?” Wolfric asked, watching her relax even more against him.

Akira nodded. With a grin, Wolfric reached between their bodies and positioned his cock against her entrance.

Akira’s eyes opened wide. ‘Seriously?’ she thought.

She was getting used to Malique being in her ass when Wolfric entered her. She cried out as pleasure and pain spread through her body.

“Now, this is worth waiting my turn to watch,” Darius said with a grin.

Wolfric and Malique slowly moved inside Akira, and she felt like she was being split in two. Not by pain—no, that left a while ago. By pure pleasure. Why hadn’t they done this sooner?

“Fuck!” Malique shouted, slamming his cock into her ass.

“I can feel you both,” she moaned.

“Gods,” Wolfric groaned.

“I’m going to cum!” Malique cried out as he slammed into her harder and faster.

“Cum together,” Akira ordered in her Havent voice—without meaning to.

Malique and Wolfric looked at each other with wide grins and did as their Psychi demanded.

Akira felt her body shiver as an orgasm hit her hard when her warriors released their sperm deep inside her.

“Wow,” Zelious said, watching as the vampire slumped against their Psychi—breathless.

“Okay, my turn.” Darius pulled Malique from Akira.

Akira and Malique grunted as his cock popped out of her ass, making a loud popping sound.

“Darius,” Akira mumbled, turning from Wolfric to look at her Pegasus.

“I said I get you next,” Darius smirked.

They turned Akira on Wolfric’s lap to face Darius. Wolfric wrapped his arms around her middle and held her against him as Darius positioned his cock at her pussy.

“You promised I would be your first,” Wolfric whispered into her ear.

Akira closed her eyes and moaned as Darius pushed himself into her. “I’m sorry,” she whispered to Wolfric—without opening her eyes.

Wolfric chuckled. “I’ll take seconds,” he said, pushing up, entering her back hole.

Akira cried out. These men are going to kill her before they ever find her fifth warrior.


Akira sighed as she lay in bed between her warriors. How they all fit on this bed—she will never know. She lay in the middle, Wolfric on her left, Malique on her right, Darius behind Malique, and Zelious behind Wolfric. During dinner, Akira noticed a bond already forming between her dire wolf and merman.

It’s probably what happened in the ocean that created such a strong bond so soon…

“Akira, I can hear the gears in your head grinding,” Wolfric whispered.

Akira giggled and almost squealed when Wolfric pulled her onto her side to face him. She sighed and wrapped her arm around his chest.

“What’s going on in your pretty little mind—when you are supposed to be sleeping?” Wolfric asked, his lips pressed against the top of her head.

She sighed and looked up at him. “I was just thinking about how quickly you and Zel are already bonding.”

Wolfric smiled, “we have bonded over the best thing in the world.”

“Sending a demon back to hell,” she mumbled with a small smile.

Wolfric chuckled and pulled her even closer. “It’s you, my little Havent,” he said against her hair.

Akira sighed. She loved her warriors so much and was afraid of finding her last warrior. Because once she has found him, she will find her chosen mate—and lose four of the most incredible men in all the dimensions of their universe.

Well, she won’t completely lose them. They will become her bodyguards, but that is not the same.

Not even close.

“Are you angry with me?” Akira asked, looking up at her Wolfie.

Wolfric looked down at Akira, confused. “Why would I be angry with you?” he asked, studying her face.

She sighed, her hand raising to lightly touch his cheek. Wolfric leaned his cheek into her hand, his eyes never leaving hers.

“Because before we left Darius’s home, I told you I wanted you to be the first to have me from behind… and… and….”

Wolfric chuckled and pulled her even closer—if that was possible—she was already almost on top of him.

“No, my beautiful little Psychi. I am not angry that I didn’t get to be your first as you promised….”

“I’m sorry, it was just so….”

“Stop,” Wolfric placed a finger over her lips. “I was not angry with you earlier, and I’m not angry with you now. Malique and I talked it over a while ago before you promised me I would be first. You know how much Malique wanted it….”

Akira giggled, remembering the episode in the large tub in Darius’s palace.

Wolfric smiled, remembering the same scene and the many talks he and his best friend have had about their beautiful Psychi.

“We agreed that if the chance ever came up, and he could be your first, he would take it. He was pretty sad that you’d offered it to me.”

Akira sighed. She hadn’t thought her Vampire Warrior would mind if she gave it to Wolfric. Guess she was wrong. Akira felt an arm sneak around her from behind, Malique’s chest pressed against her back. She sucked in a breath when he whispered into her ear.

“We’re more than okay with it, Akira.”

Akira shivered and placed her hand over his, which rested over her breast.

Wolfric smiled at them and leaned forward to give Akira a kiss.

“Go to sleep,” he whispered. “We have a big day tomorrow.”

Akira nodded and closed her eyes.

Wolfric looked into his best friend’s eyes over their Havent’s head.

“You too,” he ordered the vampire.

Malique grinned, “yes, sir,” he whispered as he laid his head on the pillow behind Akira and breathed in her scent.

Wolfric smiled and closed his eyes.

Soon sleep took them over, and morning shined brightly.


“How long have we been walking?” Akira asked, stumbling over yet another vine.

She could swear the forest was out to get her.

“I thought we were done with forests and jungles,” Jules complained.

“So did I,” Darius said, slinging his arm over Julianne’s shoulders.

“Watch it, Pegasus,” Levi grumbled.

Darius grinned at Levi, then leaned forward and kissed Jules on the cheek.

Leviasen growled, and Darius chuckled.

“Stop stirring the pot,” Wolfric grumbled to his fellow warrior.

Darius shrugged his shoulders as he removed his arm from Jules’s shoulders. He moved closer to Akira and wrapped his arms around her waist, holding her to him.

“Want a ride?” he whispered into her ear.

Akira looked up at him, a twinkle in her eyes. She knows what her Pegasus Warrior was trying to do. If only her friend would catch on.

“Do you seriously have to ask?” Akira said with a smile bright enough to light the darkest of nights.

Darius chuckled and backed away from her. Everyone moved out of the Pegasus’s way as he shifted.

Akira stared at the Pegasus with awe. “I will never stop being awestruck when I see you,” she whispered as she climbed onto his back.

Darius’s head moved up and down as he whinnied and chuckled in her head.

“Let’s take to the skies,” he said in her head, flapping his wings and lifting off into the sky.

“Wait for us!” Jules shouted out to them.

Levi whistled, then popped into his fairy form, Jules behind him. They jumped onto the back of his mount and took off into the skies to follow Darius and Akira.

“At least some of us get to have fun,” Zelious said, watching the Pegasus Warrior fly away with their Havent.

“We usually take turns carrying her when she gets exhausted.” Malique grinned. “Don’t worry, fish-boy… you’ll get your turn.”

Zelious looked at Malique, his eyebrow raised. “Fish-boy?”

Malique laughed and slapped the merman on the back. “I overheard Julianne calling you that the other day. Kind of stuck….”

Zelious snorted, picked up Akira’s abandoned bag, and headed down the path again. He’s never been out of water for this long, and it was draining him. He needed to find water, and soon.

Wolfric looked from their new warrior brother to his best friend and shook his head.

“What?” Malique asked innocently.

They knew Malique was many things, but rarely innocent.

Wolfric shook his head.

Malique chuckled as he lifted Darius’s bag and followed their new brother down the path.

Wolfric sighed. Being the leader of Akira’s pack of mongrels was a heavy job. He grinned as he caught up to the two warriors.

But somebody had to do it.

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