Her Alpha’s Choice by Lily Pen

Chapter 21

Chapter 21


“Are you sure you want to do this? I mean-” I heard the doctor’s voice just outside my door. He was interrupted by Matthew’s firmer voice.

“I’m sure, doctor. The child is mine, and I’m claiming it”. It looks like the doctor needs. convincing before he can accept our ruse.

“You and I know that’s not true” The doctor countered.

“Then, make it true. I know you can do this. Make sure people think that it’s mine. I don’t want a single doubt on anyone’s mind. For the safety of the pack. Please, Doctor” I listened as Matthew pleaded with him. I know he’s not a strong man to convince. What I wonder is why they’ve chosen outside my ward door to discuss this kind of sensitive issue.

“Ok. I’ll only agree to it because I don’t want to put the pack in jeopardy if she leaves”. He finally agreed.

“Thanks, doc. I owe you a lot”. Matthew said, and it sounded like they shook hands.

The door to my ward opens, and I closed my eyes, pretending to be asleep.

“I know you’re awake, Gab. Your lids are fluttering”. Matthew said as he took a seat again. beside me. I didn’t know if I should keep up with the ruse of being asleep or just open my eyes. I decided to go with the latter.

“I heard what the doctor said” I didn’t want to beat around the bush do I told him up front. I don’t even know if he would have told me about it if I hadn’t said anything, and I’m dying to talk to him about it, so it can’t wait.

He gave me a curt nod, paused before talking. “Yes. He has agreed to go with our story”

“But not without reservations. I understand him” I said and sighed. I’m sure the man didn’t want to go against his doctrine, since this is an outright break of the law.

“That doesn’t matter. I didn’t intend to let you hear that. I bumped into him just as I was leaving here and decided to speak with him about it right there before it gets too late, and he talks to someone about the oddity of the Luna having a child who’s not the Alpha’s” That explains why they’re talking by the door.

“I’m sorry it has to come to this. I didn’t plan on this happening”. I said, I can feel another headache, and I know this one is from the stress of thinking too much. I rubbed two fingers against one side of my head.



Chapter 21

“It’s fine. It has happened already. There’s nothing we can do to change what has happened. What we need is a solution and a way forward and that’s what we’re working towards” he was watching me as he talked. “do you want me to do that for you?”.

“What-?” And then it clicked, “oh, no. It’s fine. Just trying to get rid of the headache that seems to want to plague me today. I’m fine, honestly”.

He nodded and leaned back in his seat. I continued rubbing my temples, using both hands, and he sat, lost in thoughts.

The doctor came in, saving us from the silence.

“I’m here to take your vitals now”. He said as he laid down his tools. He looked at me as if to ask if he can proceed, and I nodded my head.

He took some notes down while taking my temperature and the rest. When he was done, he said he’d be right back to tell me if I’ll be staying or be discharged.

About an hour later, I was on my way back to the pack house, where I was asked not to involve in any tasking work and to have a lot of rest.

There’s no way I am about to become useless just because I’m pregnant. I won’t be sitting от

laying down about, even though I know that’s what the council would have loved to hear, so they can use it as an excuse.

Once Matthew was out of sight, which was hard since he didn’t want to let me out of his sight, but he’s also sick and needed to be in the infirmary for his checkup and medication, I summoned a guard and told him to go and inform the council members that the meeting will be taking place very early in the morning. I also asked him to make sure that they receive my apologies for the medical mishap. I let him go with the final orders that neither the doctor nor Matthew must know about the meeting.

After he left, I laid down and thought about the events of the day. A lot of things have. happened today that I didn’t expect at all, but moving forward, I know I had to do something apart from what Matthew had proposed that we do. What to do, I don’t know yet, but I’m sure the solution will present itself.

I used the medication I was given and after a brief time of thinking about other things, 1 managed to fall into a dreamless sleep.

The sound of a bell or something similar woke me up. I looked outside the window and saw that it was still a bit dark outside, which meant that it was still the earlier hours of the morning. It’s good that way, though, since I have a very early morning meeting that I want to prepare for before Matthew wakes up and knows about it.

10.24 Wed, 21 Feb

Chapter 21



I got out of bed gingerly, remembering the condition I was in. After preparing, I asked the guards to make sure that the council members were all seated before coming to call me for the meeting. I didn’t want to be there when they were just arriving, since I wanted to avoid having a conversation prior with any of them.

As I sat down; waiting for when I’ll be called to the meeting, I thought about what the outcome of the meeting will be. It’s a win or get out situation and the very last thing I would want is to have to leave when I finally have something to stay for, and I’m not talking about the position of being the Luna.

It didn’t take long before I was called and by the time I was, I already gave a plan. A game plan to win the meeting without any issues.

I know the issues to be brought up, and I wondered why I didn’t think of this solution. earlier. It would have saved me the stress of thinking so much about the meeting and actually planning.

It wasn’t too late, however, as I left for the meeting, the plan still forming in my mind.

“It isn’t proper to allow someone of ill health to rule us”. A council member said. He must have been appointed their spokesperson because he has been trying everything in his power to make sure he counters every single point I bring up, and it was really getting me frustrated. If this was their game plan, it is working.

“And who is of ill health? Matthew or I?” I asked, frustration seeping into my words even though I’m trying hard to curb it.

“You of course. Just yesterday, you fell ill and had to postpone an important meeting. What if it had been one that was very important to the affairs of the pack. I mean this. one is, but what if it was a matter of lives or death, would we have to wait for you to come back from the hospital? We need someone who is healthy enough to be available any time, and you or Matthew aren’t it”. He said, and got nods and sc at tered claps from his fellow councilmen.

“You have made a truly excellent point. I must admit that yesterday’s incident was very unusual, and it was unplanned for. But there’s nothing wrong with me, health wise. In fact, yesterday brought news I’m sure will make the entire pack happy once it breaks out. And you will also be happy too once you hear about it and I still will talk about it here”. I can see them glancing at each other, probably wondering what sort of news was important enough to make them happy apart from that I and Matthew have left the position for them to put someone unqualified that they can control.

“That has to be a lic. You’re just making up things, so we can leave you alone to mishandle the affairs of the pack. We won’t allow you to do that. You have to relinquish the position for someone who cares more about the pack, not you, stranger”. The same


16:24 Wed, 21 Feb GGG..

Chapter 21

councilman said.

I sighed. It looks like it’s time to bring out my last resort.

“Tell me, councilman, who would you rather take over the ruling of the pack? Someone whom you want to force to be the alpha for your benefits or 1, the Luna of this pack who carries the heir?”




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