Heartless Angels

Chapter 7

Chapter 7 – Oakley

Chapter 7 – Oakley

Cassie left me alone to shower, dress, and think. She had left me with an interesting proposition.

“So…how good of a fighter are you?” Cassie asked me after I told her the whole story.

I looked at her curiously. “I can defend myself against two or three other opponents and get out without being disabled. My dad is a general and my brothers have been working their ways up the ranks. Why?”

Cassie dug into her pocket, pulling out a creased, crumpled, and well worn piece of paper. “Ok, just hear me out. I came here so that I can try out to be part of the Elite Ten, the royal fighting force. If you’re a decent fighter and you’re looking for a way to get away from your ex-mate and family, that’s a good way to disappear. You’re given a completely different name and your past is basically erased. You have no ties to any land or pack and all of the records of you going there are completely erased.” She stared at me expectantly, hoping that I’ll take her up on it. I haven’t known Ca ssle for long, but I could tell that she is a fixer, She wants to solve all the world’s problems and make everyone’s lives all puppy dogs and rainbows.

I looked at the flier that she handed me, noting that there is a website with information on it. I grabbed a pen from the little

stationery set on the desk and write it down on my arm. There’s a computer that can be used by guests at the front desk

“What are you doing?” Cassie asked me, her entire face wrinkling in her curiosity. It’s actually really cute.

“I wanna look it up,” I said, like it’s the most obvious thing in the world.

“Why don’t you look it up on your phone?”

I looked at her for a second before she smacked her forehead,

d, her cheeks reddening “My bad, don’t answer that.”

I giggled at the expression on her face, passing back the flier. “I’m gonna look it up on the computer at the front desk.”

“What’s holding you back?” Cassie asked.

“Well, this thing is for life if I take it. I left my entire life behind me 24 hours ago. I don’t know if I’m ready to pick a new life

mission already and on a whim at that. This is a lot to ask someone, especially with me not having a wolf, though I hadn’t told

Cassie that. She probably just thinks that my wolf is dormant from the rejection. I doubt that I’ll make it through the first

qualifying round of 50 wolves, let alone become one of the Elite Ten.

“Is it really just giving up your life dream? Based on what you said, you were being forced into becoming this alpha-hole’s

breeder from the second that you met him three months ago. So00….

Sh it. She’s right. My dreams of being an IT specialist, of going to college, or proving to my pack and my family that just because I’m wolfless doesn’t mean that I’m useless…they all died months ago. I’d just forgotten it,

Had I really thought that I would be able to go to LSU? I think I had. I think I had kept that idea that I just needed to get away

from my pack and my family and I could still just pick up the life I had hoped for when college classes started in the fall.

What me? Or am I still in shock that my family would allow me to be a breeder for Levi? I guess I am.

the f uck is wrong w

That thought brought tears to my eyes and I wasn’t sure how to deal with it. I stood up and started sifting through my bag to

find clothes and toiletries. “So, I’ve told you my whole sordid tale. What’s going on with you? Why are you trying out for the Elite


“Ah, well, that. My mate died in a rogue attack about a month ago and instead of being foisted to the side in my pack, I


decidedleave. I grew up in the Cold Mountain Pack and they relegate she-wolves who’s mates have died to omega

regardless of their age or previous standing in the pack. We once had an old luna who had it happen to her. As much as I loved my mate and my family, I refuse to be left to that fate. I was going through warrior training when Patrick died, so I figured I’d try out. If not, I figure something else out.”

I stared at her, my mouth opened in astonishment. Her mate died a month ago! And she’s still this happy and fun loving? She’s able to plan for herself beyond her grief? This she-wolf is amazingly strong. I can’t believe it

Forgetting my own grief, I hurried to her and wrapped her up in my arms. I know that we barely know each other, but she’s going through an extremely hard time and she deserves a hug.

Cas sle gave me a watery giggle, letting me know that the gesture is appreciated. She hugged me back tightly taking the comfort that I’m giving her. “So you see, Oakley, the two of us were meant to meet each other and go through this together”

She left me shortly after. We decided to meet up again in a few hours, giving me time to freshen up and check out the competition on the computer.

It’s in the shower that I feel the tugging in my stomach. I’d only felt it only twice before, but this time it was stronger, the tug more insistent. My wolf. She’s still alive? The pain isn’t as crippling as it was before and the shift is quick. Like, I had time to get out of the shower and into the main room, quick. But when I look in the mirror and see my wolf is when I get the biggest shock.

My wolf used to be scrawny and small, barely bigger than a dog. But now…she’s gorgeous. Her fur is a thick, luxurious golden blonde, very similar to my hair. Her eyes are a clear sky blue. And she’s filled out with lean, but strong muscle and f ucking big! Like, I can very easily set my head on the dresser in the room, tall,

What in the name of Adele’s magical transformation is this?

How in the hell do I still have a woll?

How did she change so dramatically?

Why do I feel so much stronger and more powerful than before?

All great questions, none of which I have answers to

And I won’t be able to get any answers to it until I can figure out how to change back into my human form, since I’m not a part of a pack anymore and can’t mindlink with anyone.

The second that I think about transforming into my human form, I feel the change start to happen. In a few seconds, I’m standing in my room, completely n*ked and in shock.

“What the sh it was that?!” I scream. So many questions! Did I just think about turning into a human and I was able to shift? Wou ld it work the same if I thought about shifting into my wolf form? I give it a try.

Instantly, I’m turned into my wolf form again. Just as big and beautiful as before.

Well, that’s cool, Weird, but cool.

Changing back into my human form, I head back into the bathroom to finish my shower. And I think. If I can shift at will now, then my wolf must be f ucking powerful Like, alpha level powerful. I wonder what caused the change? Betcha Levi wouldn’t

have kept me as a breeder if he had seen me like this.

I shake my head, attempting to rid myself of this thought. Levi doesn’t deserve to be a part of my thoughts or my life. I hate

that it still hurts to think about him though.

is is too much to think about right now, so I move to what Cassie talked to me about. Now that I have an extremely

Chapter 7 – Oakley

powerful wolf, there’s going to be very little that I can do to hide from Levi and my family. They’ll catch my scent way easier than before. My best bet is going to be to hide in plain sight, but in a place where they can’t get me. The Elite Ten seems like an excellent place to do that: Or at least it’s a readily available option.

So that’s it. I guess that Cassie and I are going to go together to these tryouts.


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