HANS: Alliance Series Book Four

HANS: Chapter 119

Karmine’s shout for backup pulls my attention away from the man Nero just shot through the heart.

She’s supposed to be getting Cassandra to safety.

There’s another burst of gunfire from the direction of her shout, then it quiets.

A man sprawled on the floor stretches his arm out to the side, reaching for the pistol that lies just out of his grip.

Walking past, I twirl the sword in my hand and slice through his upper arm, severing tendons and his brachial artery.

I haven’t seen Gabriel yet. But I know he’s close. I can fucking taste it.

When I turn the corner into the main hall, I see Karmine and three of her fighters, the backup she needed.

“Where is she?” I bark while I slide my katana back into its sheath.

Karmine points down the stairs to the basement.

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